



1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.教学设计 Section B (1a-1e) 牛城第一初级中学陈静霞 I. Teachi ng material analysis This unit is aiming at talking about what the people used to be like with the pattern of used to be, used to have, used to like. All the activities are carried out around the topic of how to desc

2、ribe the people s appearanee and personality. II Teaching aims 1. Kno wledge objects (1) Master the key words and phrases: an t, i nset, be on the soccer team, be n ervous about (2) Target Ian guage: I used to be n ervous about tests all the time. We used to walk to school, but now 2. Ability object

3、s (1) Enable Ss to describe people appearanee and personality by using certain adjectives and the structure of“ used to (2) Be able to talk about what some one used to be like and what he used to do. 3. Moral objects En able the stude nts to deal with cha nges correctly. III. Teaching important poin

4、ts Lear n to talk about what some on eused to be like and what he used to do by using “ used to ”. IV. Teaching difficult point To grasp the structureused to,i ncludi ng stateme nts, yes/ no questi ons and short an swers. V Teaching aids The photos of one s childhothb pictures about appearanee and s

5、th ; PPT. VI Teaching Procedures Step 1. Warmi ng- up and revisio n 1. Daily greet ing. 2. Let some Ss talk about some changesabout the pictures in the screen by using used to Step2. Lead in 1. Enjoy a song Days of My Past 2. T: Show some pictures of the activities in our childhood, and talk about t

6、hem by asking the following questions. Do you miss your childhood? How was your childhood? What will you think of when talking childhood? What activities did you use to like when you were a child? 3. Talk about the activities you used to like or dislike very much e.g. S1.丨 used to like P.E. class wh

7、e n I was a child. I used to hate music class whe n I was a child S2: I used to like ice-cream when I was a child. I used to hate milk and eggs whe n I was a child. Step 3 Talking Work on 1a 1. Ss look at the pictures in 1a. Try to un dersta nd the activities in the pictures. P.E. classpain ti ng pi

8、ctures music classants and other in sects 2、Let some Ss check the things they used to like when they were child. Work on 1 b. 1. Let Ss try to write some sen ten ces. Then discuss with their part ners. e.g. I used to like painting pictures whe n I was a child. 2. Let some Ss write their senten ces o

9、n the Bb. Step 4 Listening Work on 1c: 1. Tell Ss to read the sentences in 1c and try to understand the meaning of them. 1) Ididn t uskedests. 2) We used to walk to school. 3) I usedto hate P.E. class. 4) I usedto be on the soccer team. 2. Play the recording for the Ss. Ss just listen for the first

10、time. Play the recording aga in and check the senten ces Ss hear. 3. Check the an swers: Keys: 1 3 Work on 1d: 1. Let Ss read the senten ces in 1 d first. Tell Ss to liste n aga in and fill in the bla nks with the right words. Girl n the past I didn rt use to like We used to wear to school. Now I do

11、n rbwy about We can wear to school. Keys: tests school uniform tests whatever we like Boy n the past We used to every day after school. I used to hate Now We all the time. IP. E. class. Keys: play P. E. class study love 2. Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and write the words. 3. Ss list

12、en to the recording carefully and try to write the right words. 3. Check the an swers with the class. Exercise: Liste n aga in and try to an swer the questi ons accord ing to the record ing. 1) Did the girl use to like test whe n she was six? 2) What does the boy think of the tests in primary school

13、? 3) Did they use to wear school uni forms whe n they were in primary? 4) What did the boy thi nk of the school uniform in primary school? 5) What did the boy use to hate in primary school? Step 5. Comparing 1. Work in pairs. Compare yourself with your partner. e.g. A: I used to be n ervous about te

14、sts all the time. What about you? B: Yes, me too. And I used to be afraid of making a speech in public. 2. Let some pairs make a conv ersati on before the class. Step 6. Summary In this class, we 1 ve mainly learned tatk about something you used to like or dislike by using the structure used to ” Step 7.Homework Write a short passage about the cha nge of you


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