材料力学试卷:201312 final exercise 2_第1页
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材料力学试卷:201312 final exercise 2_第4页




1、姓名 学号 学院 专业 座位号 ( 密 封 线 内 不 答 题 )密封线线_ _ 诚信应考,考试作弊将带来严重后果! 华南理工大学期中考试Mechanics of Materials注意事项:1. 考前请将密封线内填写清楚; 2. 所有答案请直接答在试卷上(或答题纸上); 3考试形式:闭卷; 4. 本试卷共六大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。ProblemIIIIIIIVVVITotal scorescoreGrading personI. Simple calculation problems( total score 44)01. A material is tested in te

2、nsion. The stress-strain curve for material and the stresses and strains at point A,B. (a) Determine the modulus of elasticity E. (b) Find the elastic and residual strains when point B is reached.(score 5)02. Determine the moment of inertia with respect to centroid axis zc.(Note: The diameter of the

3、 half circle is d and C is the centroid.) (score 5)03. A and B shown in the figure have the same diameter d. Determine the maximum shear stress. (score 5) 04.A cantilever beam having rectangular cross sectional dimensions 200mm60mm is made of the wood. A load F=2kN acts on the free end. The wood fib

4、er at point A is at angle 45 to the horizontal. Determine the normal and shear stresses acting on inclined section pass through the fiber at point A. (score 5)二、Draw loading and bending-moment M diagrams for the beam based upon the shear-force diagram (see figure).(No concentrated couples applied on

5、 the beam)(score 15) 3、 The rigid frame ABCD supports a couple forces F. Assume that the flexural rigidity EI is constant throughout the frame. Determine the deflection between A and B using the energy method.(score 15)4、 A solid circular shaft AB of steel(G=80GPa) having diameter d=60mm and length

6、l=2m is fixed at left end A. The wheel is rigidly attached to the end B of diameter D=400mm(see figure). The weight W=1kN hangs on the wheel by the steel cable. The cable has length l1=10m, section area A=100mm2 and the modulus of elasticity E=200GPa. Determine the maximum shear stress in the shaft

7、and dropping distance of the weight.(score 15)5. A cantilever beam AB with length a=1m shown in the figure supports a uniform load of intensity q=10kN/m and concentrated load F=2qa(acting in xy plane, =30). The section modulus S and cross-sectional area A are 23710-6m3 and 35.510-4m2, respectively.D

8、etermine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses on the critical section of the beam. (score 15)6. The cantilever beam AC has circular cross section with diameter d=20mm. AB is pinned-pinned column. An object of weight G=600N is dropped onto the end of beam A from a height H=5mm. Check the stability with respect to column AB usin


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