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1、非谓语动词练习1. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to seethe next year. (22, 00全国)A. carry outB. carrying outC. carried out D. to carry out2. such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. (35, 00全国)A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered3. T

2、he pictureon the wall is painted by my nephew. (15, 00 春)A. having hung B. hangingC. hangsD. being hung4. the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from theoperation. (17, 00 春)A. GivenB. To giveC. GivingD. Having given5some of this juice - perhaps youll like it. (23, 00 春)

3、A. TryingB. TryC. To tryD. Have tried6. He let me repeat his instruct!onsure that I understood what wasafter hewent away. (10, 00 春)A. to make; to be done B. making: doing C. to make; to do D. making; to do7. While building a tunnel through the mountain,.(10, 00 春)A. an underground lake was discover

4、edB. there was an underground lake discoveredC. a lake was discovered undergroundD. the workers discovered an underground lake8. at the door before entering please (8,01、卷春)A. Knocked B. To knock C. KnockingD. Knock9. late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. (21? 01、卷春)A. To sleep B. Sleeping

5、C. SleepD. Having slept10. One I ear ns a language by maki ng mistakes andthem. (24, 01、卷春)A. correct B. correcting C. correctsD. to correct11. Sandy could do nothing butto his teacher that he was wrong. (28, 01 春)24. in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet a

6、thome. (29,04)A. To waitB. Have waited C. Having waitedD. To have waited25. You were silly not your car. (33, 04)A. to lockB. to have locked C. lockingD. having locked26. The old man,abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland. (31, 04)A. to workB. workingC. to have worked D. havin

7、g worked27. When first to the market, these products enjoyed great success. (22, 04 全国卷-)A. introducingB. introducedC. introduce D. being introduced28. nWe can t go out in this weather;* said Bob, out of the window. (28, 04 全国卷-)A. lookingB. to lookC. lookedD. having looked29. According to a recent

8、U.S. survey, children spent up to 25 hours a weekTV. (27,04)A. to watchB. to watchingC. watchingD. watch30. The flu is believedby viruses that like to reproduce in the cells in side the humannose and throat. (27, 04)A. causingB. being causedC. to be causedD. be have caused31. The flowerssweet in the

9、 botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. (34,04)A. to smell B. smelling C. smeltD. to be smelt32. The disc, digitallyin the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. (35, 04)A. recordedB. recordingC. to be recorded C. having recorded33. English has large vocabulary, has

10、rf t it?Yes,more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read andcommunicate. (44,04)A. KnowB. KnowingC. To knowD. Known45.Is Bob still performing?m afraid not. He is saidthe stage already as he has become an official (25, 05)A. to have leftB. to leave C. to have been leftD. to be left4

11、6. in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the localpolice. (27, 05)A. Having lostB. LostC. Being lostD. Losing47. All these gifts must be mailed immediatelyin time for Christmas. (22, 05)A. in order to have received B. in order to receiveC. so as to be receivedD. so as t

12、o be receiving48. The storm left,a lot of damage to this area . (32, 05 全国)A. caused B. to have causedC. to causeD. having caused49.1 really cant understandher like 岀at. (34, 05)A. you treatB. you to treat C. why treatD. you treating50. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldrft ris

13、kthe goodopportunity.(32, 05)A. to lose B. losingC. to be lostD. being lost51. into use in April 2000: the hotline was meant for residents reporting waterand heating supply breakdowns. (33, 05)A. PutB. Putting C. Having put D. Being put52. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for

14、 three hours justa lookat the sports stars. (35, 05)A. hadB. havingC. to have D. have53. More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, advantageof the health and relaxation benefits. (36, 05)A. takingB. taken C. having taken D. having been taken54. At last, we found ourselves in a p

15、leasant park with trees providing shade anddown to eat out picnic lunch. (37, 05)A. sitting B. having satC. to sitD. sat55 You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had itoften enough.(7, 05天津)56.1 don*t wantlike Im speaking ill of anybody: but the managers plan is unfair. (12, 05天津)A. to

16、 soundB. to be sounded C. sounding D. to have sounded57. Can the project be finished as planned?Sure,it completed in time, we 11 work two more hours a day.(29, 05)A. having gotB. to get C. gettingD. get58 Whenhelp, one often says Thank you. Or “Its kind of you. (33, 05)A. offeringB. to offerC. to be

17、 offeredD. offered59. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour withouthis notes.(3,05)A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking for D. trying on60. more about university courses, call (920)746-3789. (8, 05)A. To find out B. Finding outC. Find outD. Having found out61. Oil prices

18、have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, a record US$ 57.65 a barrel on April 4. (27, 05)A. have reached B. reaching C. to reachD. to be reaching61.and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, thepatient sought her doctors help to end her life. (29, 05)A. Having given up hope of cureB. With no hope for cureC. There bwing


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