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1、各位备考2018年国家公务员考试的童鞋们,图图这里有很多备考资料哟,各种模拟题、真题、知识点串讲、行测、申论等,很多童鞋们都想要,那图图就免费共享下吧,现将2018年国考面试备考:国税篇详情公布如下,以下信息仅为参考,希望可以助备考 2018国考的考生一臂之力。各大部门的面试情况全在这里(国税篇)华图教育杨浩打仗要知道打哪里、写字要知道写哪里、报班要知道报哪里、笔试要知道考哪里,面试就要知道面什么,国考这么多部门,各大系统、各大部门面试到底怎 么考?考什么?你还停留于五大模块,人际沟通、组织管理、应急应变综合分析观点、综合分析现象吗?呦呦呦,这么而我想说的是孩子,没什么是一成不变的你想!多!

2、了!那么司机老杨来带你看看国税考情,让你知己知彼没时间解釋了快上车国税篇一、 国家税务总局:无领导小组讨论,全天一套题,70分钟左右。二、其他省份国税局:面试形式:结构化面试面试题量:一天一套题,每套 4道题(江苏国税为5道题目)。面试时间:结构化面试总共25分钟,时间包干制。剩余5分钟时有提醒。一般 无题本(有漫画题和材料题的会单独有题本,不过题本只有漫画和材料题的题目, 其余题目没有),考大部分考场内提供草稿纸和笔。(各省会有不一样,具体以公告为主)三、真题展示:(2017年3月1日,国税)1有人说成功才会快乐,但美国心理学家肖恩说快乐才能成功,快乐是第一生产力。你怎么看?2.(材料题,有

3、题签)小李是毕业生,现在是周一上午,这一周有六个事情要办。(1)周一上午需要拍毕业照,晚上毕业聚餐,老师说每个人都必须参加;(2)周四之前要去参加一个工作面试,来回需要两天,过期不候。(3) 周三女朋友要去面试,希望小李陪同,需要半天时间;(4)周四要参加毕业论文答辩;(5) 周五参加省公务员面试,路上需要半天;(6)父亲打电话说大伯腿断了,在住院,而且小李上大学的费用都是由大伯资助的,看望大伯需要一天半时间。请问如果你是小李,如何安排?3小王从原办公室调到了业务科,由于原部门同事工作忙让他回去帮忙,他就去了。但是没有跟他现任新的部门领导报备,导致现任部门领导很不高兴,并批评了他,他情绪非常的

4、低落,你是他的朋友,你要怎么安慰他?现场模拟。4.九月九日重阳节举办离退休老干部茶话会,离退休老干部说活动太少,报销太 麻烦,平时对他们的生活关心不够,如果你是离退休工作处的工作人员,你怎么处理?四、国税面试试题特点分析一般有两道题目需要从专业的角度去分析,主要测查计划组织协调能力、应变能力,总体难度不大。会考漫画类、排序类、创意活动、小材料等题,注重于 考生情景模拟的考察。考生需要了解基本税收知识、了解税务部门职能。When you are old and grey and fullof sleep,And no ddi ng by the fire, take down this book

5、,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your mome nts of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face;And bending dow n beside the glow

6、ing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not betwee n life and deathBut whe n I sta nd in front of youYet you dont know thatI love you.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not whe

7、n I sta nd in front of youYet you cant see my loveBut whe n un doubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut whe n I pla inly cannot resist the year ningYet prete nding you have n ever bee n in my heart.The fur

8、thest dista nee in the worldIs not struggli ng aga inst the tidesBut using on es in differe nt heartTo dig an un crossable riverFor the one who loves you.Whe n you are old and grey and full of sleep,And no ddi ng by the fire, take dow n this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes

9、had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your mome nts of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face;And bending dow n beside the glow ing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd pace

10、d upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not betwee n life and deathBut whe n I sta nd in front of youYet you dont know thatI love you.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not whe n I sta nd in front of youYet you cant see my loveBut whe n un doubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut whe n I pla inly cannot resist the year ningYet prete nding you have n ever bee n in


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