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1、下学期深圳初中英语初一语法填空专项练习根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下 文填入适当的词。AThere are many festivals in China. We CeIebrateB庆祝different festivals(1) different ways.Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for (2) (family) to get together. On that evening, (3) Moon is round and bright. Family members get home atthis festival (4

2、) they eat moonCakes in the open air. They also enjoy (5)(stay) and talking with eaCh other.Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar 农( 历 month. Ther e (6)(be) boat races竞赛in rivers and lakes in many PIaCeS of China.Every boat just (7) (look) like a dragon on the water.Qing Ming Festi

3、val is a day for people (8) (remember) their dead reIatiVes. It is ofte n a (9)(ra in) day. People ofte n go to the graves坟墓and put food and flowers there.Chong Yang FestivaI is a festivaI for oId peopIe. At this festivaI, peopIe go home for the oId. They give oId peopIe presents and best wishes.Its

4、 aIso a tim e for (10) ( c I i m b) .BYour junior high schooI years are coming to (1) end. After the big exam, most of you wiII go to a senior high schooI soon. (2) are you expecting (期待 from senior high schooI? Every student (3) (have) differentideas. Lets see the pIans some students are going (4)

5、(take) for the future.Zhou Jie, 15, from Shanghai: I have heard that although尽尽管StUdent in senior high schooI are busy with their Iessons, I hope there wiII be time (5) _ (enjoy) sports, especially (尤其 tennis. There (6) (be) a chess matchin Shanghai and Im going to help out and I m sure Ill (7) (rea

6、l) enjoy it.Jin Li, 16, from Harbin: 1 really enjoy science. Im crazy about (8) _ (make) model planes, although Tm not good (9) it. I ll learn more science in senior high school.Wang Ya, 15, from Xiamen: Becoming a tall man is always one of my (10) (dream), so I hope I can be taller in senior high s

7、chool.CClothes are important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. N ow let s listen to some (1) (people) ideas.My name is Tina. I (2) (start) working this year, so Tm able to get new clothes more often than before. (3) there are different people in my working place every day, I want

8、 to wear (4) (beauty) clothes. I like to wear bright colors and always dress up (5) I go to parties.I am David. Shopping for clothes isn t (6) (real) the way of lifeI m interested in. I don t have much to say about clothes. Because I (7) _ (be) still at college, I don t really mind what I wear. I ha

9、ve two jackets (8) _ I often wear them.My name is Maria. I d like (9) (say) that my clothes have to be comfortable and should make me feel easy as soon as I put them on. Sometimes I b uy clothes in some small (10) (market) because they are very cheap there.DNowadays people use the phone (1) (talk) w

10、ith others almost anywhere in the world, (2) you can t see the person you are talking with when you use the phone. This may change (3) the near future. Now some people (4) (use) a kind of telephone called the picture phone or video-phone (可视电话 ).With it, two people who are talking can see each other

11、. Picture ph ones are useful (5) you want to show something to the person youre calling. They may have other useful (6) (way) in the future. Some day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to read (7) book. You ll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to do

12、 so me (8) (shop) through your picture phone. If you would like (9) (buy) something, you can call the shop, and people at the shop (10) (show) you the things right over the phone. Youll be able to shop all over the worl d without leaving your room.EMost children like watching TV very much, and they

13、prefer (1) (watch) cartoons (卡通 .Watching TV too much is bad for them, especially for (2) eyes. But WatCh ing TV also has adva ntage优点).(3)do ChiIdre n like watching TV? Because they think it is (4) (interested) and easy toWatCh TV. They Can hear the voiCes and WatCh the moving piCtures at (5) _ sam

14、e time. They Can see and learn a lot about their Countries. They also learn n eWer and better Ways of (6) (do) something. They may find that the World is smaller and smaller. Many Children WatCh TV only (7) Saturday andSunday evening, beCause they are busy With (8) (lesson) on Weekdays.Some Children

15、 are used to staying up to WatCh TV every night, so they often go t o bed too late (9) (get) up early next morning. It s also bad for their health. Just like every Coin (10) (have) tWo sides, What We should do is making good USe of (很好地利用TV.语法填空专项训练 (二 ) 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下 文填入适当的词。AThe s

16、ummer vaCation (1) (be) the best part of the year for most AmeriCan Children. Before the summer vaCation Comes, they make a plan to make s ure they have (2) good trip.Tom, an American boy, enjoys (3) (travel) very much. This summer, he came along with his parents to Beijing (4) (spend) their vacatio

17、n. They made room reservations 房( 间预订 before they (5) (arrive). Afterarriv ing, they SPe nt half a day in the hotel gett ing USed to the time differe nce 时 差). Tom was too (6) (exciting) to fall asleep that night. The next day, they began their five-day triP. They viSited many PlaceS (7) intereSt Su

18、ch aS the Ming TombS and the Great Wall. During the triP, he PoSted a lot of (8) _ _ (PoStcard) to hiS American friendS. In the PoStcardS he told (9) thathe waS SatiSfied with the triP. He iS looking forward to coming to China again. (10) an exciting triP!BLi Ming iS 14 yearS old. He iS a Student of

19、 Grade Eight. At School, he (1) _ (work) hard and iS very good at hiS leSSonS. He iS a good boy and he (2) _ (have) many friendS. But he feelS very lonely (3) he comeS back h ome from School. SometimeS he crieS (4) (quiet). When Li Ming waS three, hiS ParentS began to work in Guangzhou. They come ba

20、ck (5) (two)a year. They tell Li Ming that now they (6) (do) their beSt to make moremoney for him.LaSt year, Li MingS ParentS didnt come back becauSe of the bad weath er. Li Ming (7) (miSS) them very much. Before New Year S Day, he Sent hiS ParentS (8) l ette r. He wrote, HaPPy New Year, Mom and Dad

21、. My (9) (grandParent) are very well and 1 m doing well at School. Dontworry about uS. Mom, I want to See you every day. I will try to Save money, and then you can come back (10)never go away.CThree foreign (外国的 men came to a buS StoP in London. About five (1) ( m i n u te) later, the buS came. They

22、 (2)(be) ready to get on t he buS. Suddenly, PeoPle ruShed onto the buS and tried (3) (PuSh) them out of the way. Learning the language of (4) country iS not enough. Men Should also know the manners 外( 礼貌 and customs of the country. You will be (5) (surprise) when you see how different they can be f

23、rom your own. For example, in India, people think it is not polite (6) (use) the left hand for passing food at table. It will make them (7) (angrily). In many placesyou may See a PerS On Shak ing摇his head at ano ther to ShoW he is not agree in g (8) him or her, but in Bulgaria (保加利亚 it means yes and

24、 a nod (点头 meanSno. In EuroPe it iS quite uSual to croSS your legS (9) _ Sitting and talking to Someone, (10) in Thailand, it iS not Polite. KnoWing the cuStomS of different countrieS iS uSeful and imPortant to everyone.DA Well-dreSSed man Went into a reStaurant one day. A Waiter (1) (come) uP to hi

25、m and Said, Can I helP you, Sir? The man Said,Can I See the menu? Sure. The man Wanted a good meal, So he ordered a lot of nice (2) (diSh). When the man WaS having hiS meal, a boy came in (3) Sat doWn beSide the man. He aSked the man (4) (give) him an ice cre.am. Then (5) man Said,I go out for a neW

26、SPaPer, Then he Went out. After the boy finiShed (6) (eat) hiS ice cream, he Stood uP and Went to the door.ExcuSe me, your father haSnt given the money for the meal and (7) ice cream, the Waiter StoPPed him and Said.Father? You (8) (be) Wrong. He iSnt my father. I met him in the Street. He Said he W

27、ould give me an i ce cream (9) I came here at tWelveo clock, anSWered the boy. (10) _ (final) he left haPPily.EDo you like to viSit the zoo in our city? The zoo iS a good Place (1) (have) fun. There iS a zoo betWeen a river and a Small mountain. It (2) (look) very big and beautiful and there (3) (be

28、) a lot of tall treeS in it. Wecan See a lot of golden fiSh in the river. They have all (4) (kind) of colorS. Some are red, Some are yelloW, Some are White and Some are black. They are S Wimming (5) the Water, and they are very beautiful.We can see the hill. About twenty monkeys (6) (play) on it. So

29、me are asking people for food. The little monkeys are in their mothers arms. They are very (7) (interest) and children like them very much. We can also seethe elephants. (8) are very strong. The pandas house is next to the monkey hill. There are two pandas one is sitting in a tree (9) the other issleeping on the grass. They look very shy and cute. (10) other animals doyou like?A 1


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