1、上海海事大学shanghai maritime university硕 士 学 位 论 文masters dissertation论文题目:文学翻译中的译者主体性印度之行两个中译本的比较研究学位专业:外国语言学及应用语言学subjectivity in literary translation:a comparative study of two chinese versions of a passage to indiaby lu yanbounder the supervision ofprofessor han zhonghuaa thesis submitted to the coll
2、ege of foreign languagesof shanghai maritime universityin partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for ma degree shanghai maritime universitymay 2009acknowledgements i would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to this paper in many different ways. first of all, i am d
3、eeply indebted to professor han zhonghua, my supervisor, for providing me with valuable support and encouragement. his unfailing enthusiasm emboldened me to write this paper. i have benefited greatly from his constructive comments and insightful suggestions while working on the paper from beginning
4、to end. without his help, i would not have been able to finish this paper. next, my thanks are extended to all my teachers in my postgraduate study. their courses have contributed to the shaping of some of the original ideas that have been included in this paper. i am also grateful to my classmates,
5、 my roommates and my friends who helped me in one way or another. my final gratitude will go to my parents for keeping me confident throughout the writing and rewriting of this paper. their love renders the originally strenuous task enjoyable. they are the people who always back me, and to whom, the
6、refore, this paper is dedicated.毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名: 日 期: 指导教师签名: 日期: 使用授权说明本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文
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12、体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格评定成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)教研室主任(或答辩小组组长): (签名)年 月 日教学系意见:系主任: (签名)年 月 日摘要当今世界,文学翻译作为文学艺术的再度创作成为一个越来越重要的研究领域。国内外的译学研究者对文学翻译进行了众多研究。本文在前人研究的基础上,围绕译者因素进一步探讨了文学翻译,认为译者作为翻译过程中最重要的参与者应该享有主体地位。译者主体性的发挥是揭示文学作品本质、成功再现原作的唯一途径。 本文从译者地位历史探索、译者主体性理论基础、影响译者主体性的因素等方面探讨了译者主体性问题,并以印度之行两个中译本为例多方面
13、地分析了译者主体性在文学翻译中的体现。本文的理论视角为目的论、结构学、解释学和美学。对于译者主体性的探讨纷纭复杂,对于印度之行各方面的讨论也是缤纷多彩,但却鲜有从译者主体性的角度来研究印度之行者,这也正是本文致力的创新点。本文主要从意义、风格、语篇和文化视角来对印度之行两个中译本进行比较研究,分析译者主体性在文学翻译中的具体体现。关键词:译者主体性;理论基础;文学翻译;印度之行abstractin todays world, literary translation, a recreation of literary art, has become a more and more import
14、ant field of study. the researchers of translation studies home and abroad have done many researches in literary translation. based on these researches, the author of this thesis makes a further study of literary translation, which circles on the translator. the author holds that the translator, as
15、the most important participant in the process of translation, enjoys the status of translation subject. the exerting of the translators subjectivity in literary translation is the only way to approach the essence of literary work and thus successfully represent the original. this thesis explodes int
16、o the history of translators status, theoretic foundation of subjectivity and factors influencing subjectivity. then the thesis takes two chinese versions of a passage to india as an example to illustrate how translators subjectivity manifests in literary translation. this thesis probes into subject
17、ivity from the perspective of skopos theory, destruction theory, hermeneutics theory and aesthetics. there are various research on subjectivity and there are all kinds of study on a passage to india, yet few study combines these two as one research subject, and this field is what the author dedicate
18、d herself to. this thesis mainly conduct its study on a passage to india mainly from the perspective of meaning, style, discourse and culture to analyze the translators subjectivity.key words: subjectivity; theoretic foundation; literary translation; a passage to indiacontentschapter one translators
19、 status in the history of translation31.1 the marginal states of the translator in the history of translation31.1.1 in china31.1.2 in the west61.2 the consciousness of the importance of the translator71.3 the change of translators role in translation91.3.1 the conqueror.91.3.2 the painter101.3.3 the
20、 slave101.3.4 the liberator111.3.5 the master11chapter two translators subjectivity and its theory foundation132.1 the subjectivity of the translator132.2 theory foundation of translators subjectivity142.2.1 skopos theory142.2.2 deconstruction theory172.2.3 hermeneutics theory192.2.4 aesthetics222.2
21、.5 a brief summary on translators subjectivity24chapter three factors influencing translators subjectivity263.1 the translators ideology263.2 the translators cultural standpoint273.3 the translators purpose283.4 the translators aesthetic taste, creativity and experience29chapter four an introduction
22、 to a passage to india304.1 an introduction to the author304.2 an introduction to the novel31chapter five a comparative study of the two chinese versions from the perspective of translators subjectivity335.1 meaning335.1.1conceptual meaning345.1.2 collocative meaning365.1.3 connotative meaning385.1.
23、4 affective meaning395.1.5 grammatical meaning405.2 style435.2.1 ideological style455.2.2 style on lexical level465.2.3 style on syntactic level485.3 discourse495.3.1 style of narration505.3.2 style of dialogue515.4 culture53conclusion56bibliography58introductiontranslation, as an act of great compl
24、exity, involves many factors. it demonstrates fully the complexity, diversity and indeterminacy of humanities. among the many factors involved in translation, the most direct and crucial ones that influence the process and the end of translation may probably be the translator, the source text, the t
25、wo languages and cultures concerned in translation and the target readers. in view of traditional translation theory, home and abroad, most of the discussions are mainly around such topics as the roles and characteristics of the translator, the relationship between the source and target text, the ex
26、pectations of the target readers etc. all these discussions with certain degree of similarity and overlapping aspects touch the nature and criterion of translation and therefore concern the methodology of translation. in terms of research levels of translation, we have philological approach, the lin
27、guistic approach, the cultural approach and the philosophical approach with different schools and approaches holding different viewpoints on the nature of translation. philological approach regards translation as a process of recreation. linguistic approach generally defines translation as the repla
28、cement of one linguistic form of another or the transference of one linguistic form into another. cultural approach of early stage holds that translation is a decision-making activity and later, people advocating this approach argue that translation is rewriting and manipulation. also, there are exp
29、ressions of the nature of translation in post-colonial theory and deconstruction theory. here, this thesis does not mean to put forward an ultimate answer, but rather, it attempts to approach the general issues of translators subjectivity.this thesis aims at conducting a more systematic and comprehe
30、nsive study of the translator through his translating, his different roles played in different stages of translation activity and his strategies adopted in translating, his personalities, his cultural orientation and aesthetic consciousness etc. its purpose is to reveal the significance of the trans
31、lator in translation. the present thesis consists of 5 chapters. in chapter one, it introduces the translators status in the history of translation. in chapter two, it tells about the definition of subjectivity and its theory foundation. in chapter three, it probes into the factors influencing subje
32、ctivity. in chapter four, it introduces the author and the novel. in chapter five, it illustrates the manifestation of subjectivity in two chinese versions of a passage to india. in china, a systematic research on the translators subjectivity has been conducted in recent years, which contributes muc
33、h to translation studies. however, studies in this direction are still on a preliminary level and remains to be furthered and expanded. the objective of this thesis is to draw peoples attention to this subject and to help carry on a mufti-dimensional and comprehensive study of the translator.chapter
34、 one translators status in the history of translation1.1 the marginal states of the translator in the history of translationfor a long history in the human civilization, translation has functioned, contributing greatly to the development of culture. for a long time, the research studies about transl
35、ation have mainly carried out from the perspective of the source text and language transformation. however, the translators special cultural status is rarely put in systematic and in-depth discussions. in both china and the west, the translator was ignored and depreciated.1.1.1 in chinathe self-cent
36、ered consciousness in chinese culture is the first reason why the translator was in a marginal status. during the long history of china, the chinese culture always saw itself as the center of the world and was not inclined to communicate with other cultures. the prevailing status of chinese culture
37、helped form the intense self-centered consciousness.it is well-known that there were three major waves of translation in chinese translation history: the translation of buddhist scripture from the han dynasty to the north song dynasty, the scientific translation in the ming and qing dynasties and th
38、e social science and the literary translation around the may 4th movement of 1919.although the three climaxes of translation have had great impacts on the development of chinese culture, most of the foreign culture is only used as a tool of “cultural filtering and appropriation”. the ruling class in
39、 china with the emperor at the core of power once attached some importance to translation, which was then regarded as a supportive means of fulfilling certain political purposes.the first wave of translation, namely the translation of buddhist sutras started in china in the eastern han dynasty (25-2
40、20 ad). it lasted for more than one thousand years till about 1111 ad in the north song dynasty with a far-reaching influence on chinese society and culture.however, the studies on the translator seemed to be rather meager in both weight and impact compared with the abundance of buddhist sutras tran
41、slations. few people paid any attention to the translators in the period. one exception was the renowned monk yan qiong who viewed various aspects of the translator in his work on dialectics. he argued that a qualified translator should have eight merits. although he was referring to the translation
42、 of buddhist sutras when he discussed those points, he covered a wide range of issues from the inner subjectivity of the translator to his command of translation skills, literary styles, as well as the source and target languages.the second wave of translation occurred six hundred years after the fi
43、rst wave, which lasted from the early seventeenth century to the middle of the eighteenth century. it was characterized by the booming of science translation for the purpose of invigorating the country. therefore, translation was practiced for its social functions.particularly from the early ninetee
44、nth century, translation was practiced with a view to saving the country from the dark domestic politics and external oppression.in the long period of the second wave of translation, translation was seen as a supplementary means to make up for the inadequacies of the chinese cultural and social syst
45、ems rather than an independent intellectual activity. since the primary commission of translation was the fulfillment of social and practical purposes, seldom translation theorist paid attention to the discussions of the translator in this period.in contemporary china, around the may 4th movement of
46、 1919, translation practice became diversified, covering a wide range of texts from natural and social sciences to literature, and translation theories advanced from impressionistic comments to serious and in-depth reflections. translation theory was gradually separated from translation practice and
47、 became an independent discipline.nevertheless, studies on the translator still remain scanty in china except for a few random remarks by a few scholars like lu xun, fu lei and qian zhongshu.lu xun advocated that the translation should be easy to understand, but when “faithfulness” and “smoothness”
48、became a contradiction, the translator should “rather to be faithful (in thought) than smooth (in language)” in order to preserve the spirit of the original work (chen fukang, 2000: 299).fu lei was a famous contemporary literary translator; he put forward “similarity in spirit” as a criterion. his v
49、iews on translation are well illustrated through the following words by him, “as the effect is concerned, theoretically speaking, translating is just like painting from life which pursues similarity in spirit instead of similarity in form, but practically speaking, translating is much more difficult
50、 than painting from life”. this theory of “similarity in spirit” is considered a breakthrough in translation studies in china.a similar theory was proposed by qian zhongshu who expressed his views on translation in his article “on lin shus translation” in 1954. he wrote that the highest standard in
51、literary translation is “transfiguration”. in traditional chinese literary system, values and concepts, the original author enjoys a higher status, and thus the translator was unwilling to present him/herself as a translator. that is the second cause of the marginalization of the translator. it is f
52、ound that most of those famous chinese translators in history have more than one professional identity, such as writer, politician as well as translator. in most cases, they were much better known by their other identities. for instance, liang qichaos is remembered as a great thinker and influential
53、 statesman in modern chinese history; lu xun and qu qiubai are worshiped as great revolutionaries and writers, and zhu guangqian as an aesthetician and philosopher. in general, their achievements in translation were overshadowed by their other achievements.looking back at the long history of transla
54、tion in china before the modern period, we can see that translation was taken as an instrument to help meet the social and political demands of the time. almost no translators did translation for their own sake, nor could they earn their living by translating alone. so it was practiced in a rather f
55、ree way and the translator even did not have to be a bilingual practitioner. a good command of foreign languages was only a desirable virtue for a translator rather than a prerequisite for his/her profession.throughout the history of china, we find that except in the period of buddhist translation, there were hardly any full-time translators. it can be summarized that the
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