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1、毕业论文外文翻译题 目 msk调制解调系统的设计 学生姓名 赵 琪 学号 0813024034 所在院(系) 物理与电信工程学院 专业班级 通信工程通信081 指导教师 魏 瑞 2012 年 3 月 15 日一:中文译文调频宽频传输mx589 gmsk调制移键控(msk)0.3 gmsk 1200作者fred kostedt, engineer for mx-com.james c. kemerling, engineer for mx-com.引言随着计算机的普及,数据传输在当今社会的需求也在不断的增加,进而出现了传输数据的无线链路。二进制数据组成的“一零”和“零一”的过渡,产生了丰富的谐波



4、能也应该是线性的独立的功率放大设备从而允许使用c类功率放大器。为了满足上述标准,学术领域提出的“数据传输”就是是满载的调制策略。大部分的关于数据位或特殊阶段的相位,频率或振幅的术语。一些较显着的技术列于表1。调制技术 缩写频移键控 fsk多层次的频移键控 mfsk连续相位频移键控 cpfsk最小频移键控 msk高斯最小频移键控 gmsk驯服调频 tfm相移键控 psk正交相移键控 qpsk差分正交相移键控 dqpsk差分正交相移键控 dqpsk正交调幅 qam表1 :调制格式表1中所列出来的每个调制格式适合特定的应用。一般情况下,计划依赖于两个级别(如qam调制,qpsk调制),需要有更好的信


6、率的不同之处就是总是相当于一半的数据传输速率。换言之,调制指数为0.5的msk,并定义为m = _f x twhere,f = |flogic 1 flogic 0|t = 1/bit rate例如,1200比特每秒的msk数据基带信号可以由1200赫兹的逻辑频率1和1800赫兹逻辑频率0组成(见图1)。图1 :1200波特率的msk数据信号;a)nrz数据,b)的msk信号基级的msk,如图1所示,在无线数据传输系统的数据传输速率与relatvely相比有低带宽的频道,这是一个强有力的手段。mx-com加载装置如mx429和mx469是单芯片解决方案的基带msk系统,将调制解调电路在一个芯片

7、上。另一种方法实现的msk调制,可实现直接输入nrz数据为一个频率调制器且其调制指数为0.5(见图2)。这种做法实质上是相当于基级的msk。但是,直接的办法是压控振荡器的射频/中频部分,即在基带的msk的电压频率转换发生在基级。图2 :直接的msk调制msk最根本的问题的是,其频谱并非紧凑的,即不足以实现数据传输速率接近射频频道的带宽。一种频谱的策略的msk扩展揭示旁瓣远远高于数据速率(见图4)。无线数据传输系统,需要更有效地利用射频频道带宽,这是必要的,以减少msk上旁瓣的能量。早些时候,我们提出一个简单的手段来减少这一能量,即数据流提交给调制器之前,先经过一低通滤波器(前调制过滤)。预调制

8、低通滤波器必须有一个狭窄的带宽即急剧截止频率和很少的超脉冲响应。这就是高斯滤波器的特点,它有一个个脉冲响应的特点是古典高斯分布(钟形曲线),如图3所示,注意没有通过的或响铃的。图3 :高斯滤波器脉冲响应bt=0.3和bt=0.5图3描述了脉冲响应的高斯滤波器为bt=0.3和bt=0.5与滤波器的-3db带宽及数据传输速率有关即:因此,对数据传输速率为9.6kbps和bt为0.3的高斯过滤器-3db的截止频率是2880hz。从图3中,注意图中,分散在bt=03的3位期和bt=0.5的2位期上的现象。引起的这种现象称为码间干扰(isi)。bt=0.3的邻近符号或比特率间的相互干扰比bt=0.5的邻

9、近符号或比特率间的相互干扰更加厉害。当gmsk的参数bt为1时就相当于的msk。换言之,msk并不是有意引起码间干扰的。更大的码间干扰使频谱更加紧凑,让解调更加困难。因此,从msk发展到高斯调制滤波的msk即考虑到频谱密度的紧凑特点。图4显示了正常化的谱密度的msk和gmsk。请注意gmsk上减少的旁瓣能源。所以,这意味着gmsk与msk相比通道间隔在邻近频道干扰处应当更加严格。图4:msk和gmsk的功率谱密度性能测量gmsk调制器的性能通常是量化的测量信号的信噪比(snr)和误码率(ber)。与信噪比的有关的eb/n0,其公式为: wheres=signal powerr=data rat

10、e in bits per second=noise power spectral density(watts/hz)=energy per bit最新标准gmsk已经通过了许多的无线数据通信协议。其中具体的两个gmsk调制系统分别是蜂窝数字分组数据(cdpd)和mobitex。cdpd使用闲置蜂窝传输语音频道数据传输的封闭空气时间蜂窝系统,发送数据速率在19.2kbps且使用参数bt为0.5。由于这种高数据速率,因而促进了30khz信道间隔的蜂窝网络形成和gmsk的频谱保全。语音优先于数据而且可以将数据传输中断,迫使cdpd系统寻求新的闲置蜂窝通道。这可能被证明是对一个以19.2kbps的数




14、6 :两点调制的无线电框图i和q的调制正交(i和q)调制还可以有效地消除合成器的缺点。在i和q调制中,高斯过滤数据信号分离成同相(i)和正交相位(q)的组成部分。已调射频信号是由混合的i和q元件的频率最多的射频载波组成。合成器的作用现在已经减少到仅仅改变载波频率的选择信道上了。达到正交调制的最佳性能的关键在于准确建立i和q的组件。图7:i和q电台框图基带i和q信号可以被用来创建全通相移网络。为了所有频率波段的利益这个网络必须保持i和q信号间90度的关系。解调解调gmsk信号需要多注意维护一个纯正波形一样调制的信号。选择高斯预调制滤波器主要有三个原因:1) 窄带和急剧截止。2) 较低的超脉冲响应

15、。3) 保存的过滤器输出脉冲地区。第一个条件使gmsk调制的频谱有效率,它也提高了其在解调时的抗噪声性能时。第二个条件使gmsk低相位失真。这是一个重大的关切点,在接收器的信号解调到基带时候,必须注意设计中的if过滤,以保护这一特点。第三个条件,确保协调一致的信号。当然这是一个相当严格的而且不是物理高斯滤波器容易实现的,一个的相位响应可以保持线形,因此能充分的被的相干解调。在大多数系统上的上述目标的限制还包括:(1) 数据速率(2) 发送滤波器的带宽(bt)的(3) 频道间隔(4) 允许相邻信道的干扰(5) 尖峰载波偏差(6) tx和rx载波频率精确度(7) 调制器和解调器的线性度(8) 接收





20、器具有较不敏感的特性。mx589的误码率(ber)性能如图8。此图显示不同设备的highpass在误码率上的特性描绘。figure 8: ber performance of the mx589这个数字数据从一个以8kbps和带宽参数为0.3以及噪声带宽等于1比特率的静态系统中得到。随着噪声带宽等于比特率,并假设噪声频谱在基带时候是平坦的,x轴在本质是eb/n0。作为一种替代办法,以完整的dsp实现,这两种设备都提供符合成本效益的解决方案和空间保守的调制解调要求的cdpd和mobitexgmsk系统。总结gmsk提供了一种简单、高效的频谱调制方法的无线数据传输系统(如cdpd和mobitex)

21、。mx-com的mx589和mx909的基于gmsk调制解调器提供了单片机解决方案,并协助执行了以gmsk系统为使用标准的调频收音机拓扑。虽然的mx-com组件集成的基带调制解调器满足了大多数的调制信号处理的需要,但一些关键的系统设计方面确不容忽视。例如,调制器的配置必须有一个平坦光谱响应下降到直流。此外,该接收器的相位响应,必须是线形的横贯那些应当在注意的if滤波器的数据所占的带宽。按照这些建议再加上单芯片基带调制解调器所保证性能优良的误码率,将会是低能耗和成本低的系统。二:外文资料原文transmission wideband fm modulator msk 1200 mx589 gms

22、k 0.3 gmskintroductionthe proliferation of computers in todays society has increased the demand for transmission of data over wireless links. binary data, composed of sharp one to zero and zero to one transitions, results in a spectrum rich in harmonic content that is not well suited to rf transmiss

23、ion. hence, the field of digital modulation has been flourishing. recent standards such as cellular digital packet data (cdpd) and mobitex*specify gaussian filtered minimum shift keying (gmsk) for their modulation method.gmsk is a simple yet effective approach to digital modulation for wireless data

24、 transmission. to provide a good understanding of gmsk, we will review the basics of msk and gmsk, as well as how gmsk is implemented in cdpd and mobitex systems.gmsk modems reduce system complexity, and in turn lower system cost. there are, however, some important implementation details to be consi

25、dered. this paper will cover some of these details, focusing on interfacing a single chip baseband modem to the if/rf section of a typical fm radio topology.backgroundif we look at a fourier series expansion of a data signal we see harmonics extending to infinity. when these harmonics are summed, th

26、ey give the data signal its sharp transitions. hence, an unfiltered nrz data stream used to modulate an rf carrier will produce an rf spectrum of considerable bandwidth. of course, the fcc has strict regulations about spectrum usage and such a system is generally considered impractical. but if we st

27、art to remove the high frequency harmonics from the fourier series (i.e. pass the data signal through a lowpass filter), the transitions in the data will become progressively less sharp. this suggests that premodulation filtering is an effective method for reducing the occupied spectrum for wireless

28、 data transmission. in addition to a compact spectrum, a wireless data modulation scheme must have good bit error rate (ber) performance under noisy conditions. its performance should also be independent of power amplifier linearity to allow the use of class c power amplifiers.the academic field of

29、“data transmission” is loaded with modulation strategies that attempt to meet the above criteria. most involve translation of data bits or patterns into a particular combination of phase,frequency or amplitude. some of the more notable techniques are listed in table 1. modulation technique common ac

30、ronymfrequency shift keying fskmulti-level frequency shift keying mfskcontinuous phase frequency shift keying cpfskminimum shift keying mskgaussian minimum shift keying gmsktamed frequency modulation tfmphase shift keying pskquadrature phase shift keying qpskdifferential quadrature phase shift keyin

31、g dqpskpi/4 differential quadrature phase shift keying pi/4 dqpskquadrature amplitude modulation qamtable 1: modulation formatseach of the modulation formats listed in table 1 is suited to specific applications. in general, schemes that rely on more than two levels (e.g. qam, qpsk) require better si

32、gnal to noise ratios (snr) than two-level schemes for similar ber performance. additionally, in a wireless environment, multi-level schemes generally require greater power amplifier linearity than two-level schemes. the fact that gmsk uses a two-level continuous phase modulation (cpm) format has con

33、tributed to its popularity. another point in its favor is that it allows the use of class c power amplifiers (relatively non-linear) and data rates approaching the channel bw (dependent on filter bandwidth and channel spacing).gmsk basicsprior to discussing gmsk in detail we need to review msk, from

34、 which gmsk is derived. msk is a continuous phase modulation scheme where the modulated carrier contains no phase discontinuities and frequency changes occur at the carrier zero crossings. msk is unique due to the relationship between the frequency of a logical zero and one: the difference between t

35、he frequency of a logical zero and a logical one is always equal to half the data rate. in other words, the modulation index is 0.5 for msk, and is defined asm = _f x twhere, f = |flogic 1 flogic 0|t = 1/bit ratefor example, a 1200 bit per second baseband msk data signal could be composed of 1200 hz

36、 and 1800 hz frequencies for a logical one and zero respectively (see figure 1).figure 1: 1200 baud msk data signal; a) nrz data, b) msk signal.baseband msk, as shown in figure 1, is a robust means of transmitting data in wireless systems where the data rate is relatvely low compared to the channel

37、bw. mx-com devices such as the mx429 and mx469 are single chip solutions for baseband msk systems, incorporating modulation and demodulation circuitry on a single alternative method for generating msk modulation can be realized by directly injecting nrz data into a frequency modulator with i

38、ts modulation index set for 0.5 (see figure 2). this approach is essentially equivalent to baseband msk. however, in the direct approach the vco is part of the rf/if section, whereas in baseband msk the voltage to frequency conversion takes place at baseband.figure 2: direct msk modulationthe fundam

39、ental problem with msk is that the spectrum is not compact enough to realize data rates approaching the rf channel bw. a plot of the spectrum for msk reveals sidelobes extending well above the data rate (see figure 4). for wireless data transmission systems which require more efficient use of the rf

40、 channel bw, it is necessary to reduce the energy of the msk upper sidelobes. earlier we stated that a straightforward means of reducing this energy is lowpass filtering the data stream prior to presenting it to the modulator (pre-modulation filtering). the pre-modulation lowpass filter must have a

41、narrow bw with a sharp cutoff frequency and very little overshoot in its impulse response. this is where the gaussian filter characteristic comes in. it has an impulse response characterized by a classical gaussian distribution (bell shaped curve), as shown in figure 3. notice the absence of oversho

42、ot or ringing.figure 3: gausssian filter impluse response for bt = 0.3 and bt = 0.5figure 3 depicts the impulse response of a gaussian filter for bt = 0.3 and 0.5. bt is related to the filters -3db bw and data rate byhence, for a data rate of 9.6 kbps and a bt of 0.3, the filters -3db cutoff frequen

43、cy is 2880hz.still referring to figure 3, notice that a bit is spread over approximately 3 bit periods for bt=0.3 and two bit periods for bt=0.5. this gives rise to a phenomena called inter-symbol interference (isi). for bt=0.3 adjacent symbols or bits will interfere with each other more than for bt

44、=0.5. gmsk with bt=_ is equivalent to msk. in other words, msk does not intentionally introduce isi. greater isi allows the spectrum to be more compact, making demodulation more difficult. hence, spectral compactness is the primary trade-off in going from msk to gaussian pre-modulation filtered msk.

45、 figure 4 displays the normalized spectral densities for msk and gmsk. notice the reduced sidelobe energy for gmsk. utlimately, this means channel spacing can be tighter for gmsk when compared to msk for the same adjacent channel interference.figure 4: spectral density for msk and gmskperformance me

46、asurementsthe performance of a gmsk modem is generally quantified by measurement of the signal-to-noise ratio (snr) versus ber. snr is related to eb/n0 bywheres=signal powerr=data rate in bits per second=noise power spectral density(watts/hz)=energy per bitrecent standardsgmsk has been adopted by ma

47、ny wireless data communication protocols. two of the systems specifying gmsk modulation are cellular digital packet data (cdpd) and mobitex.cdpd uses the dead air time on cellular systems by sending data packets on idle cellular voice is transmitted at 19.2kbps using a bt of 0.5. this

48、high data rate is facilitated by the 30khz channel spacing of the cellular network and the spectral conservation of gmsk. voice has priority over data and will interrupt data transmission, forcing the cdpd system to seek a new idle cellular channel. this could prove to be an obstacle to the throughp

49、ut promised by its 19.2kbps data rate when implemented in a highly congested area where dead time is limited.cdpd is being added to the existing cellular infrastructure and therefore promises to offer widespread coverage. the coverage and ease of adaptation appear to be the greatest strengths of the

50、 cdpd system. the slower-than-expected deployment of cdpd has many people anxious and perhaps a bit nervous about its potential.competition from dedicated data systems such as mobitex is not insignificant. while mobitex has a lower data rate than cdpd (8kbps), it is not sharing its channels with cel

51、lular voice transmissions. several subtleties such as this will make it more difficult for end users to select the system best suited to their needs by obscuring the actual throughput potential of the systems. mobitexs choice of 8kbps and a bt of 0.3 afford it a much tighter channel spacing (12.5khz

52、) than cdpd, but the greater inter-symbol interference for bt=0.3 limits the systems tolerance to noise and distortion. the narrower channel also limits mobitexs tolerance to frequency offsets between units.both cdpd and mobitex employ forward error correction in their packetting of data. figure 5 s

53、hows the typical packet structures of these two systems for comparison. forward error correction (fec) helps improve the systems throughput when less than ideal channel conditions exist.figure 5: typical packet structures for cdpd and mobiteximplementation considerationsthe design of a gmsk modulato

54、r/demodulator appears to be a straightforward task. most textbooks present the modulator as a “simple” gaussian filter cascaded with a vco. however, in practice it is generally not that simple. many of the sections in a typical radio such as the synthesizer, if filter, power amplfier, etc. have far

55、from ideal behavior. in particular, the synthesizer presents a unique problem for gmsk modulation. data patterns consisting of several consectutive ones or zeros have a spectral response extending down to near dc. most frequency synthesizers will not respond to this low frequency signal (a typical s

56、ynthesizer effectively has a highpass filter characteristic).two of the most common modulation methods, which help considerably where the non-ideal behavior of the synthesizer is concerned, are two-point modulation and quadrature modulation.two point modulationtwo point modulation (see figure 5) circumvents this synthesizer problem by splitting the gaussian filtered signal; one portion is directed to the vco modulation input, the other portion is used to mod


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