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2、riptions are only valid with this addendum page; signed by authorized Management only and according to authorization levels below. JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: VERSION NUMBER: AUTHOR NAMEDATE POSITION SIGNATURE PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE The content of this job description will be reviewed on

3、 a regular basis to incorporate any new responsibilities which reflect the hotel business requirements. CHECK NAMEDATE POSITION SIGNATURE REVISED EFFECTIVE DATE APPROVAL NAMEDATE POSITION SIGNATURE EFFECTIVE DATE Author: Name:Position: Date:Signature: Check: Name:Position: Date :Signature: Proposed

4、effective date (dd/mm/yyyy) : Approval: Name:Position: Date:Signature: Effective date (dd/mm/yyyy) : Verdana 10 RECRUITMENT REQUEST/AUTHORITY FORM Department: _ Vacancy: _ Reason for Vacancy: _ Name of Person to be replaced: _ Reason for Replacement: _ Date to be replaced: _ Method of Recruitment: _

5、 HOD Signature:_Date:_ G.M. Signature:_Date:_ N.B. Please pass completed form to People Management For People Management usage Eventual Financial Impact: _ CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE CHECK Applicant_ Date_ Company_Phone_ Referee: _ How are they known to candidate? _ 1.What position did the applicant hol

6、d in your company? _ 2.Can you confirm the applicants dates of employment with your company? _ 3.Can you describe the major duties/responsibilities involved in this position? _ _ 4.If the applicant was involved in customer service duties, how would you describe their performance? _ _ 5.Did he/she re

7、quire close supervision? _ Could you please comment on: 6.The applicants ability to acquire skills and knowledge required in the position. _ _ 7.The applicants overall performance in the position. _ _ 8The applicants relationship with supervisors and co-workers. _ _ 9The applicants attendance and pu

8、nctuality _ _ 10.If employment was casual, how was the applicants availability? _ 11.If the applicant is no longer employed, could you indicate the reason for leaving? _ 12.Overall strengths _ _ 13.Overall weaknesses or areas requiring further development. (If sales, check sales record, If Porter, c

9、heck accident record etc) _ _ 14.If the situation arose, would your company re-employ the applicant? If no, please give details. _ _ Completed by: _ Date: _ ONLINE VISA APPLICATION FORM Name: Starting date: Reason:Department: Charge to: Before processing the visa make sure the following documents ar

10、e in place: CV Employee Hire Form Signed copy of Employment Offer (both parties) 24 Passport size photographs Clear Passport copy (valid for 6 month) Personal Details Form Uniform Size Chart If transfer from Labour: Checked By: VISIT EMPLOYMENT TRANSFER single FAMILY In COUNTRY Outside the country A

11、pproved by: Amount to be Paid:Signature: Processed by Date: Visa received Date: COMMENTS: ONLINE VISA APPLICATION FORM / RESERVATIONS Name:Mr. Name Company / Department:Kempinski Hotel Name 4 VERY GOOD; 4 GOOD; 2 FAIR; 1 POOR) HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT CONCERNED APPEARANCE PERSONALITY RE


13、1._ _ 2._ _ 2._ _ 3._ _ 3._ _ EMPLOYMENT Department: _Level: _ Position: _Salary: _ Employment No._Approved by: _ (Department Head) Commencement Date: _Date: _ Approved by People Management Manager: _ Date: _ INTERVIEW EVALUATION FORM Applicants Name: _ Interviewed by: _ Position applied for: _ Date

14、: _ Position offered: _ ABCAppearance we will notify you accordingly. We confirm that his terminal benefits, after recovering our dues, will be forwarded to you in the event that the employee fails to repay the Loan/Overdraft/Credit Card dues. Please note that this letter does not constitute a guara

15、ntee on our part towards repayment of Loan/Overdraft/Credit Card. Yours faithfully, People Management Director Bank NameDate Address Country Dear Sir, Subject: Loan Application Letter Employee Name Job Title Date of Joining Gross Salary per month Accrued Gratuity/Terminal Benefits This is to certify

16、 that above named person is employed with us. We are under instruction from him/her to credit his/her salary to the Bank Account number _ with you every month starting from _. We also undertake not to transfer the salary to any other Bank until we receive a clearance certificate issued by you. We ar

17、e aware that you will be extending a Loan/Overdraft/Credit Card to him/her on the strength of this letter. Should the employment cease while the Loan/Overdraft/Credit Card is outstanding; we will notify you accordingly. We confirm that his/her terminal benefits, after recovering our dues, will be fo

18、rwarded to you in the event that the employee fails to repay the Loan/Overdraft/ Credit Card dues. Please note that this letter does not constitute a guarantee on our part towards repayment of Loan/Overdraft/ Credit Card. Yours faithfully, _ General Manager TRAVEL CERTIFICATE Date Consulate of Count

19、ry . Dear Sirs, This is to certify that Mr. Name, holder of Nationality passport with the passport number . is employed by Hotel Name since ., 200. He is leaving on a vacation for a period of # week to . starting . and he is coming back to work on the , furthermore he is holding a valid country resi

20、dency with the number . This letter is issued upon the employees request and it does not constitute a financial guarantee and/or liability on our part. Assistant People Management Manager Date: Chaired by: Attendance: The points discussed shortly as headlines for future reference: Headline Action ME

21、MORANDUM Please be informed that Name, Position will complete his/her probation period on date. Please provide the People Management team with an appraisal (format available on the shared drive) of Name along with this notification: Name:Position:Date of Employment Please complete this form and retu

22、rn it latest by date. Confirm successful completion of probation period. Discontinue employment due to the following reasons to be specified below: To: From:Director of People Management Date: Subject:Notice of Probation Period Thank you very much for your cooperation, People Management CONGRATULATI

23、ON Name PositionDate Dear, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you to your successful completed probation period within our Department and to thank you for your effort and commitment to our project so far. We are very happy to have you on board as a team member of the Hotel Name, P

24、lace team and we look forward to a continuously fruitful relationship with you. I wish you success and happiness during your future assignment with us, at the Hotel Name, Place. With best regards, Director of People Management PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT For the period of _ Name: _ Starting Date: _

25、 Position: _ Since: _ Department: _ ASSESSMENT 1. Technical Skills (consider extent of theoretical and practical know-how as related to present job, and the willingness to accept new ideas) 5 Skills exceed job requirement, always willing to try out new ideas 4 Skillful in all aspects of the job 3 Sk

26、ills match almost all job requirements 2 Insufficient skills in some aspects 1 Insufficient skills in most aspects Other Comments: _ 2. Business Effectiveness (consider ability to meet/exceed targets, achieve results, manage and control resources people, financial, operational, equipment; adherence

27、to legal obligations and sound business ethics) 5 Always meets and often exceeds targets set, even under unfavorable conditions. Maximizes use of resources. 4 Achieves targets set and has a good control over the utilization of resources. 3 Generally meets targets set and manages resources effectivel

28、y. 2 Has difficulty in meeting some targets and managing resources effectively. 1 Often unable to meet targets or manage resources. Some business ethics are questionable. Other Comments: _ 3. Decision Making (consider resourcefulness, ability to obtain/analyze data, apply sound judgement/ recommenda

29、tion including introduction of changes/new ideas) 5 Exceptionally sound judgements, resourceful, innovative, and has long-term view. 4 Good judgements 3 Generally correct in decision making related to own department 2 Sometimes makes bad decisions 1 Poor in decision making Other Comments: _ 4. Inter

30、-personal exhibits tact and diplomacy; able to influence peers and superiors, and command respect from subordinates. Easily approachable. 4 Generally good human relations skills and can influence others 3 Sufficient human relations skills which sometimes falters when under pressure. 2 Needs improvem

31、ent in dealings with some people; not always able to command respect from people. 1 Impersonal, lacks insight, and unskillful in dealings with people Other Comments: _ 1. Training subordinates are knowledgeable, self- confident, and reliable even during incumbents absence) 5 Subordinates developed t

32、o achieve their full potential. Training carried out regularly in the department. Team member performance monitored and feedback given to team members regularly and in a positive manner. 4 Well-committed to training and staff development. Team member performance monitored and feedback given. 3 Suffi

33、cient training is carried out in the department to meet minimum SOPs. 2 On-job training is irregular. Operational standards and team member motivation are inconsistent. 1 No interest in training and staff development; on-job training in the department is minimal. Other Comments: _ 6. Leadership by E

34、xample (consider personal appearance, attitude, motivation of self and others, ability to inspire team work, behaviour under pressure, visible management) 5 Excellent self-discipline; gains respect from all, and inspires good team work. 4 Sets good example for staff and peers 3 Meets standards requi

35、red for the function 2 Occasionally fails to meet standards required for the function 1 Sets bad example Other Comments: _ 7. Planning use of freed time for future projects) 5 Has high trust in subordinates capability; always delegates as much as possible with good follow-up; acknowledges subordinat

36、es success. 4 Delegates most work which can be handled by subordinates 3 Delegates sufficiently; sometimes puts self under pressure by work quantity/quality. 2 Occasionally prefers to do work which could be delegated to subordinates; sometimes deadlines or high priorities are not achieved. 1 Has low

37、 trust in subordinates; handles all details himself/herself Other Comments: _ 9. Other Assessment Criteria Specific to Individuals Job ACHIEVEMENT OF OBJECTIVES FOR THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW ObjectiveTarget date Measure of achievement Comment on how well the objective was achieved OBJECTIVES SET FOR T

38、HE NEXT PERIOD ObjectiveTarget dateMeasure of achievement MAJOR STRENGTHS AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT OVERALL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 5 OutstandingTruly exceptional performance above & beyond expectations No supervision required Has made a major contribution to the success of the hotel Exceeds standards req

39、uired in all areas of the job Rating suggests a career move into a more challenging role 4 ExcellentMaintains high standards and often performs above expectations Minimum supervision required 3 GoodMeets expectations in job responsibility areas There is scope for improved performance Needs occasiona

40、l follow-up and coaching 2 SatisfactoryPerforms to required standards only under close supervision Definite scope for improvement/development needs Rating usually given to a borderline performer or a newly promoted team member still requiring guidance 1 UnsatisfactoryPerforms below expectations even

41、 under close supervision Rating suggests a move into a less challenging role TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT List below training and development needs which would assist the team member to grow personally and/or professionally: Identified Training & Development Need Suggested Method of Training Proposed Ment

42、orDuration & Dates CAREER AND SUCCESSION PLANNING In the following year, what would be of most benefit to the team member, the hotel, and the company? No change To be considered for a different position in own department Comment: _ To be considered for transfer to another department Comment: _ To be

43、 considered for transfer to another Kempinski Hotel Comment: _ Is there a suitable candidate within the department/hotel to replace this team member? Yes No If yes, name of proposed replacement: _ Current position: _ Current Dept.: _ Required Training: _ Time Frame: _ If no, suggested method of repl

44、acement: In-company transfer External recruitment Performance Appraisal Prepared by: Signature: _ Date: _ Further Comments: _ _ Reviewed by Next Higher Level Superior: Signature: _Date: _ Comments: _ _ Discussed with Team member: Signature: _Date: _ Team members Comments: _ _ PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL R

45、EPORT For the period of _ Name: _ Starting Date: _ Position: _ Since: _ Department: _ Rating Code:E excellent (maintains high standard and often performs above expectations) G good (meets standard and occasionally exceeds it) S satisfactory (normally meets standard, but needs close supervision) P poor (does not meet standard) Assessment CriteriaEGSP 1. General Attitude 2. Enthusiasm towards Job 3. Ability to Learn/Response to Training 4. Courtesy & Friendliness 5. Cooperation with Colleagues 6. Guest Relations/Customer Care 7. Adaptabili


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