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1、外研版小六总复习(一)单选题125例()1. Theremany high build ings in this city.A. isB. areC. haveD. has()2. -Ca n you come here n ext Mon day? -Sorry, IA. canB. don C. can D. am not()3. Did youthe video last night?A. see B. watchC. lookD. read()4. This room is ours, and that one is.A. theyB. them C. their D. theirs(

2、)5. Tom istha n Dami ng.A. taller B. tallC. tallest D. the tallest()6. He ofte n does some wash ingSun day.A. atB. inC. onD. by()7. His mother isnu rse.A. aB. anC. D. some()8. Do you wanthome?A. goB. go to C. to go to D. to go()9. -Tha nk you. -.A. No thanksB. You re welcome C. Thank you()10. -Give

3、me a ruler, please. -.A. Here you are B. Here is itC. Here it is( )11.There are threein the office.A. police B. policema n C. policeme n D. police officer()12.people are talki ng about the film.A. A lotB. Lot ofC. Lots of D. Much()13. -What are these?B. They are pen cil-boxD. Oh, yes, there areA. It

4、 buses()14. -How are you?A. How are you?C. They are apples-Fine, tha nk you. And you? -B. I m fine, too. C. Nice to meet you.()15. This isbook.A. an En glish B. En glishC. an en glish D. a En glish()16. -What colour is your ruler? -.A. It a white B. A white ruler C. It white()17.mother is a teacher.

5、A. Betty B. BettyC. Betty is()18. -re these their?-No, they arent. They are.A. watch, ourB. watch, yoursC. watches, ours()19. Letthem, please.A. to seeB. seeC. see ingD. saw()20. The pen cil is in.A. the your bag B. you bag C. your bag D. a your bag()21. The clock is on the desk. Can you see?A. oneB

6、. itC. clockD. them()22. Is thiswatch?A. IB. myC. meD. mine()23. -is it? - Thirty yuan.A. How B. How many C. How much D. How old()24. Happy birthdayyou. This apple isyou.A. to, toB. for, toC. to, forD. for, for()25.-is Jim?-He fine.A. How oldB.HowC. WhatD. Who()26. WeEn glish.A. are speakB.speakC. l

7、iste nD. are listen()27. My shoesblue, How about yours?A. isB.areC. amD. not()28. He will buy a bookmeA. forB.inC. towith()29. Jim andare in the same class.A. meB.IC. myD. mi ne()30. It timehave dinner.A. onB.toC. D. for()31. The car is coming.Don in the street.2A. play football B. play with fire C.

8、 sing songs)32. Is your father a doctora farmer?A. andB. butC. or)33. My fatherto buy a tie (领带)last year.A. wan tsB. wan tedC. wantD. talk loudlyD. forD. wan ti ng)34. You can getat the thirdA. offB. on)35. He likesstamps.A. collectB. collects)36. Your an swer is very good.A. Sta nd upB. Sitstop.C.

9、 inD. ofC. collect ing, please.C. Sta ndD. collectedD. Sit dow n(6D. am going to)37. Hewatch TV this eve ning.A. willB. wouldC. are going to)38. I am.A. firstB. the first oneC. one first)39. Theresome orange juice and someA. have, oranges B. are, orangesC. is, oranges)40. Januarythe first month of a

10、 year.A. will beB. areC. can be)41. I can carryA. theyB. themD. one on the table.D. has, oran gesD. isC. theirD. theirs)42. We arethe supermarket.D. beh indA. atB. onC. un der)43. Theare falli ng dow n the stairs.D.an orangeA. orange B. oran gessC. oran ges)44. We are going toBeiji ng.D. visitA. vis

11、itsB. visit ingC. visited)45. Therea book and two pens on the desk.A. areB. hasC. isD. have)46. He talk ing to her frie nd,the phone is ringing.A. butB. orC. andD. so)47. I wanta map of China.A. is buying)48. Do you likeA. swim B. swimmi ng)49. They ofte n helpA. IB. mineB. buy?)50. Is it a pictureA

12、. atB. in)51. What swrongA. fromB. withC. to buyD. boughtC. are swimmi ng D. swim, tooC. my your school?C. of_ you?C. forhalfD. meD. withD. athour.)52. Well come to your houseA. on, aB. in, aC. on, anD. in, an)53. It 10 oclock. Ben TV in the bedroom.A. is watch ing B. watch)54. -s this T-shirtA. you

13、r, mine B. yours, mine)55. -s your frie nd a boy or a girl?A. Y es, it isB. NoC. watches D. are watch ing? es, itsC. yours, myD. your, myC. A boyD. a boyA. inB. withC. onD. at)57.talk in the library.A. Don B. NotC. NoD.don )58. How many boysthere in the room?A. isB. haveC. areD.has)56. I get home4:4

14、0 in the after noon.)59. -A. Whatis the weather today? - It fine.B. HowC. Who)60. My fathera doctor.A. areB. isC. am)61. He likes watch ing TVthe eve ning.A. onB. inC. at)62. Annlike writi ng letters.A. don B. isn C. wasn)63. Is that your?D. WhereD. sD. ofD. doesn(10A. penB. pen cilsC. booksD. a rul

15、er()64. I go toschool from Mon day to Friday.A. theB. aC.D. an()65. I have gotbad headache.A. aB. theC. anD.()66. Theresome no odles in the bowl.A. areB. haveC. hasD. is()67. The stude ntstheir classroom every day.A. clea nsB. clea nC. clea nedD. are clea ning()68. I mmy pen, but I cantit.Aook for,

16、findB.fi nd, look forC. finding, look forD.looking for, find()69. It very dark. Pleasethe light.A. ope nB. turn offC. turn on D. close()70.youlast ni ght?A. Do, swim B. Did, swim C. Did, swam D. Do, swam()71. Look! There isA. aB. an)72. It mybike.A. brotherB. brothers)73. Go back toseat.A. youB.your

17、)74. please givethA. myB. mi ne”n the word chair”.C.D.theC. brothersD. brothersC. heD. him)ple.C. ID. me()75. Therea pen and two pen cils in the pen cil-box.A. isB. areC. have D. has()76.play football in the classroom.A. NotB. dontC. DonD. No()77. My fatherto Sha nghai last week.A. goB. goesC. going

18、D. went()78.n ice the dog is!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a()79. Jack ofte nwater for the old man.A. carryB. carriedC. carriesD. carry ing()80. She gets upsixthe morning.A. at, inB. at, onC. i n, i nD. i n, on()81.Katemotherlunch at home?A. Do, have B. Does, have C. Does, has D. Do, has()82. Idinner

19、 at 7:00 on Sun days.A. don has B. doesnhaveC. don, haveD. doesn, has()83. -s your father worki ng?-No,.A. she isntB. he isntC. he isD. she is)84. It a prese ntyou. Happy birthdayA. to, toB. for, forC. to, for)85. He from En gla nd. He canEn glish.A. tellB. speakC. say)86. Igoi ng tofishi ng.A. am,

20、going B. am, go C. was, going )87. Ithe room every day.A. clea nB. clea nsC. am clea ning! The teacher is coming.B. LookC. Look at_ you.D. for, toD. talkD. was, goD. clea ned)88. _A. SeeD. Watch)89. His sisterA. isB. havea new bed.C. there isD. has)90. We canA. hasa baseball team.B. isC. haveD. are)

21、91.computer is n ew, butA. We, they B. Our, their C. Our, theirs )92. I don likecakes. I like bread.A. some, any)93. She can _is old.D. Our, theirB. any, some C. a, a from the In ternet.D. an, anA. learnsB. learni ng)94. Hele n motherwork. SheC. lear nedD. lear nhousework at home.A. does, does B. do

22、es n, doesC. does n, doD. don , doesD. thisD. areD. are noD. onD. onD. Mustnow.D. did, play ing much happiest D. inD. hasD. atD. wearsvioli n.D. the, theD. I, she()95. How nicedress is!A. itB. theseC. those()96. My frie nd likesvery much.A. taki ng photos B. take photosC. takes photos D. to take pho

23、tos()97. Tomtwo good hobbies.A. haveB. isC. has()98. Theretea in the cup.A. areB. is noC. has()99. It timeclasses.A. forB. toC. ()100. Please give an appleme.A. forB. toC. ()101.I help you?A. DoB. CanC. What()102. Imy homework yesterday. I amA. do, play ingB. did, plays C. did, play()103. Are you fe

24、eli ng?A. happy B. a happy C. happily D.()104. There is a kitethe tree.A. atB. onC. of()105. Theresome milk in the bottle.A. haveB. areC. is()106. Let go to Nanji ngtrai n.A. inB. byC. on()107. The girlwhite is my sister.A. i nB. onC. wear()108. He likes play ingbasketball and play ingA. the, B. , C. , the()109. Cango with?A. her, me B. you, meC. you, she()110. -T-shirt is this?-It .13A. Whose, my B. Whose, I C. Whose, me)111. My shoes areA. forB. un der)112. My brotherA. areB. will)113. What areA. itB. thisthe bed.C. atbe fiftee n n ext year.C. is)114.


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