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1、v1.0可编辑可修改中考英语专项练习:形容词和副词一、形容词v1.0可编辑可修改13形容词的作用与位置 形容词:用来说明或修饰名词、代词的词称为形容词。1、形容词的句法作用:作句子中名词的定语、句子的表语以及宾语补足语。2、形容词在句子中的 位置:(2)修饰复合不定代词时放在代词之后。女口: Something serious has happened to him .(他发生了严重的事故 )二、课堂练习1. Miss Li is( 严格的)with us, but she is the most popular teacher in ourschool.2. 2. It is not saf

2、e for such a small child to swim(单独)in the river.3. Learning Chinese is very popular amongforeigners now. Im sure it will be used(wide) in the world.4. Eati ng too much fast food is not(health).5. (lucky), the sick boy had a successful operati on at last.6. In some ways, the space shuttles travel fa

3、st, but the journey to Mars may be very(comfortable).7. -The radio says it will be(rain) tomorrow, so we cant have a picnic inthe park.-What a pity!8. Congratulations! You ve answered all the questions ( 正确地).9. ohn got back the notebook that he had lost at the cafe.10. Eat some vegetables and fruit

4、 every day because they are(health)food.形容词常用句型1. “it s +adj.+of+sb.+ 不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。注意:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,如good(好的),kind(友善的),nice(友好的),polite(有礼貌的),clever(聪明的),foolish(愚蠢的),lazy(懒惰的), careful(细心的),careless(粗心的),right(正确的),wrong(错误的)等。2. “it s+adj.+fo叶sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。注意:这一句型中常用的形容词有

5、important(重要的),necessary(必要的),difficult( 困 难的),easy(容易的),hard(艰难的),dangerous(危险的),safe(安全的),useful(有益的), pleasant(舒适的),interesting( 有趣的),impossible(不可能的)等。四、形容词的比较级 形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级1、分类:形容词和副词有原级、比较级和最高级三级2、规则变化:(1)单音节和部分双音节形容词和副词,在原级的后面加上er,est构成比较级和最高级。a)直接加er,est : b)以重读闭音节结尾的,要双写最后一个辅音字母,后加er,e

6、stc)以辅音字母+y结尾的,先把y改为i再加上er,est : 两个音节或两个以上的音节的,在原级前加more / most.3、不规则变化:原级good好的well好;(身体)好的, bad, badly比较级better更好的糟糕的,糟糕地worse更糟糕的,更糟糕ill (身体)不舒服的ma ny许多的(可数)much许多的(不可数);非 常little 少的far远的;远地地;(身体)更不舒服的more更多的;更less更少的farther 更远的;更远地further 进一步的(地)最咼级best最好的worst最糟糕的,最糟糕 地;(身体)最不舒服的most最多的;最least最

7、少的farthest 最远的;最远地furthest 最深刻的(地)4、形容词和副词的原级、比较级和最高级的用法:级 别比较程度表达方式和意义例句备注原级同 等 程 度肯 疋 形 式As+原级+as(像一样)Art is as in terest ing as music.Play as well as you can.否 疋 形 式not + so (as) + 原级+as(不如那样)En glish is not so difficult as scie nee.She does not think swimming is as in teresti ngas hik ing.注意1do

8、n tthink否定前移句型比较级不同程度(用于两者比较)比较级+tha n(比)Jim is older tha n Luky.I like pork better tha n beef.比较级前 面可以加 much, far,eve n, still, a lot, a little, abit等程度加深比较级+an d+比较级 (越来越 )The +比较级,the +比较级(越,越)He is grow ing taller and taller.He studies better and better.The more books she reads, the better she u

9、n dersta nd.最 高 级最高程度 (用于三者 或二者以上)The + 最高级 +of (in)(最)Spring is the best seas on of the year.Lin Tao jumped (the) farthest of all.副词最咼 级前面的 the往往 省略5、形容词比较级与最高级的特殊用法举例: His bike is newerthan hers.( 见到 than 必须用比较级) Jim is the tallest in our class.( 在班集等集体内用介词in来表示比较的范围) Jim is the tallest of all (th

10、e studens).(见到 of all 要用最高级)=Of all thestude nts, Jim is the tallest. Jim is the tallestof the three.(见到 of the three 要用最高级) Which is bigger, a tiger or a mon key (两者比用比较级) Which is the biggest, a tiger, a dog or a mon key(三者或三者以上比用最高级) This ruler is short , Please give mea Ion ger one . I d like th

11、e bigger (one) of the two cakes.(两者中“较”用“ the+ 比较级”)Tom is two years olderthan I. 汤姆比我大两岁。Tom istwice as old asI.汤姆的年龄是我的两倍。(11) The number of the students in our school isbigger/larger/smaller than yours.我们学校的学生数目比你们学校大/小。(两个数量/目只级比较大小,不能比较多少(价格price只能比较高低,用“high ”或“low ”,不能比较贵或便宜)7、比较级前常用的修饰语:比较级前

12、常用 a bit/a little (点),much/a lot (非常),even/far( 更叮,still 等词语表示程度。而表示数量的 more之前还可以加 some/ any/ no/ one/ two/ many/ several/ a lot等词。例如:She is a little taller than I (me).Rose is muchmore carefultha n Tom.Would you like some more coffee He did not eat any more. 他没有再吃)&使用形容词和副词比较级和最高级应注意事项:1. tha n必须放在

13、形容词比较级的后面。2. 形容词的最高级前必须有the,而副词的最高级前the可以省略。3. 在进行比较时,必须是同类事物相比较。 His ruler is Ionger tha n I.( 错) His ruler is Ion ger tha n min e.(对)The weather here is hotter thanthat in Beijing.(that不能少)课堂练习1. It wasweather that they decided to go out for a pic nic无锡市A. such fine B. such a fine C. so fine D. so

14、 fine a2. My pare nts will go there by taxi because it is raining.A. badly B. hardly C. probably D. heavily3. Daniel is a careful driver, but he drivesof my frie nds.苏州市A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefully D. the least carefully4. Mrs Ki ng kept weighi ng herself to see how much

15、she was gett ing.A. heavyB. heavierC. the heavierD. the heaviest5. Did you watch the basketball match last weeke ndYes, I did. It was covered, and I thi nk it was won derful.A. live B. alive C livi ngD. lively6. The girls voice sounds. Maybe she can become a good sin ger whe n she growsup.A. sweet B

16、. sweetly C. beautifully7. Howare you today, Bob rm evennow. I dont think the medicine is good forme.A. better B. worse C. happier D. uni uckier8. Billy has all kinds of differe nt ideas. He isto be a famous writer.宿迁市A. eno ugh creativeB. creative eno ughC. en ergetic eno ugh D. eno ugh en ergetic9

17、. Hele n lear ns to dance three times a week. Now she dancesAn ita does.A. so good as B. as well asB. C. as good as D. so well as10. Whe n the fire broke out, many people were sothat they ran.A. frightening; wild B. frightened; wildC. frighte ned; wildly D. frighte ning; wildly副词一、考查重点中考试题对副词的考查涉及常用

18、副词的用法、副词等级的各种句型、易混淆的副词用法辨析等。其中,频度畐词 always,often , usually ,sometimes,never,时间副词 already ,yet, still , just ,疑问畐寸词 how why when where,程度畐寸词 eno ugh quite 以及 too, also , either 等的用法区别,副词比较等级句型是考查的热点。二、副词的基本用法:副词是用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词以及全句话的词类,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。课堂练习1. The sunrises in the east.A. n everB. some

19、times C. always D. ofte n2. I always liste n to the teacherin class.It s very clever of you to do that.A. freeB. freely C. careful D. carefully3. They could do the work better withmoney andpeople.A. little, fewerB. fewer, lessC. less, fewerD. less, few4. Mon day is myday.A. the busiest B. busy C. bu

20、sier D. busiest5. Mr. Taylor, the bank manager often dresses moreto get relaxed at the weekends.A . carefully B. no rmallyC. casually D. particularly6. Jenny, a man n amed Tom pho ned you. He asked you to call him back.A. now and the nB. just nowC. right nowD. from now on7. Tom isof the two. A. the

21、youn ger B. the youn gest C. youn ger D. theyoung8. Whatnews it was!Yes, all of the childre n were.A. excited; excit ingB. exciting; excitedC. exciting; excitingD. excited ; excited9. The pia nos in this shop are asas the ones in that shop.A. cheapB. cheapest C. cheaperD. the cheapest10.lt s win ter

22、 no w. It iA. very cold and coldC. more cold and colds gett ing.B. colder and colderD. coldest and coldest课后作业一、单项选择()1. Im muchtha n my two frie nds, but I jumpof us three.;higherB. shorter; higherC. taller; highestD. shorter; highest()2. I like the pop starthat I n ever miss his con cert.A. very m

23、uchB. too muchC. quite muchD so much()3.Lily ishard-work ing tha n any other stude nt in her class.A. muchB. moreC. mostD. the most()4.Grandma, you must feelaftercleaning the house. Lets take a restA. tiredB. wellC.goodD. angry()5. Curing sick people isimporta ntdoctors must be careful.A. too, toB.

24、so, thatC. eno ugh, toD. such, that()6. John sings so well. Has he ever been trainedNo. He lear ns all by himself. Hegoes to any trai ning class.A. usuallyB. oftenC. n everD. eve n()7. Mark speaks English well, but youhim. Thank you.A. speak as badly asB. speak worse tha nC. don t speak so badly asD

25、. speak much better than()8. Love willlast if we love the whole fine things around us.A. seldom B. alwaysC. n everD. sometimes()9. Im his best frie nd. I know him well probablytha n anyone else.A. lessB. widerC. betterD. deeper()10. That lady is a vegetarian(素食主义者).Sheeats meat.A. ofte n B. sometime

26、s C. seldomD. usually二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. My purse was stole n on the bus yesterday.(luck), there was no moneyin it.2. Mobile phones are(wide) used in most of the cities in Chi na.3. He put on his coat and went out(quick).4. She is(good) tha n Li Ping at swimmi ng.5. A lot Chin ese people are(pride) of

27、Yao Ming, a famous basketball starin NBA.6. -One more satellite was sent up into space in Chi na in May.-Right. The gover nment spokeof that.(high)7. Allie asked me(polite) to put the things away.8. It s snowing hard. You must drive(careful).9. -This digital camera is really cheap!-The , th e better

28、.(cheap) I m shortof mon ey, you see.10. Hainan is a very large island. It s the second(large) island in China.形容词、副词综合练习一、单项选择:1. Jane isof the three. D. the youngest2. She speaks Englishthan any other students in her class.B. best3. Shanghai is one ofcities in our country.B. large largest4. Of all the students in our class,Betty writes.carefully B. the most carefully carefully most careful5. Which is, the sun,the moon or the earthbiggest D. biggest6. Which subject do you like, English or mathsmuch7. My cousin is very busy with his work, he hastime to read newspapers.B. few little few8


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