已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、汇龙中学2009届高考英语科考前讲话各题型时间分配:(仅供参考)题型 分 值 时 间 听力 20 20 单项选择 15 10 完形填空 20 15 阅读理解 30 35 任务阅读 10 10 书面表达 25 25每位考生应根据自己的具体情况匀出五分钟填涂答题卡和五分钟检查答题情况的时间。第一部分听力:要抓住要素(即关键信息)听力考试部分的特点:1语速特点:听力部分的朗读速度约为每分钟4245个单词,低于或相当于高中英语教学大纲中规定的语速。 2语音特点:在高考英语的考试说明中,并没有对听力部分的语音做出任何规定。这两年高考英语听力试题一般都是美音。但是语言学习一定要体现出其真实性、交际性和实用

2、性。所以,以后的听力部分肯定也会出现英音,澳大利亚式英语发音,甚至还会有背景音。3内容特点:来源于生活,体现生活,和我们日常生活有密切联系。具体涉及到的话题有:问路,购物,助人,询问时间,问候,新闻,约会,打电话等等。话题的内容基本上都是在教大纲规定的高中生英语知识与能力要求的范围内。 答题前,一定要有足够的时间去阅读试题。(在进行听力测试前,最好不要做其它题目) 审好试题是听力测试成功的一半。在听的过程中,要抓住与问题相关的关键词(如but,however, so, nevertheless等),要特别注意情景、说话者的角色和简单的数量关系等,其余主要是细节问题了。答题时,相当一些试题与同义

3、词或反义词的转换有关,如录音中是dear,选择项中可能是expensive或not cheap了。做题思路:快读-预测-精听-巧记-细选。在播放试音部分时,不要力求完全听懂,只要求迅速适应播音者的语音语速即可。 在进入考试后,可以说开始的5分钟是最重要的。根据历年经验,考生在前五个听力小题上失分过多。真正的原因在于,这些题只读一遍,考生心神不定,第1个听不清,稍作迟疑,第2个又过去了。因此,最好的办法是,听清一个做一个,不在听不清处纠缠,要学会及时放弃;不求全部拿下,但求能拿下的全部拿下。这样,你就会尽可能多得分。15不紧张,68不放松,9一lO紧跟上,1120要顾后。 总之,考听力要充分利用

4、听录音前的时间和听各段对话之间的停顿时间速读一遍题目和全部选项,然后边听,边理解,边记录(关键词或数据)、边推测,边选择。在听语篇时要抓住要素即人物,事件,时间,地点, 以便较好地理解和回忆全“篇”故事,保持良好的心态,切忌因急躁而影响听后面的内容。第二部分单项选择:要注意微型语境 该题型将进一步贯彻“语法问题是具体语境中的问题”的命题原则。近两年的试题在考查语法,词汇和习语时,注意到了知识的覆盖面,综合考查了同学们在一定语境中运用知识的能力。题目绝大部分都有明确的语境设置,几乎没有单纯靠记忆语法规则或词汇知识就能做出选择的试题,而且绝大部分题干都设置有微型语境。同学们除了复习词汇和语法知识之

5、外,还要注意归纳英汉两种文化的差异,熟悉所学的习惯用法,做题时要注意语言的灵活性和得体性。 在做选择题时,一定要注意“第一印象”, 不要轻易改动.遇到不太确定的情况时,要用 好“排除法”,“逆向法”,特别是当生词太多或语法不清楚时。(在整篇试题中A、B、C、D 答案的出现频率几乎均等) 单项填空考查知识的运用。复习时,首先要明确高考要点,动词的时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词、情态动词、连词、代词、比较级、交际用语、同义词、近义词辨析、复合句、强调句等。还有一些语言点,如:倒装句、省略、反义疑问句等虽然不是高考热点,但对于其中使用性强的一定要掌握;二是,针对高考知识的考查增加口语情境化因素的特点,

6、复习时,要注意“词不离句,句不离文”,注意在特定的语境中,词语和语法的灵活运用。第三部分完型填空:要注重情节发展的内在联系及词语运用能力 从近几年的高考题型来看,该题型趋向于淡化语法知识,侧重于语境、篇章,讲究整体理解和体现语言运用的考查,而且所选文章特别关注内容情节发展的内在联系及词语运用能力,进一步加强对语义的理解和领悟考核。同学们在答题时务必通读全文,通常情况下一篇完型填空必有几处答案难以确定。在推敲疑点时要紧扣文意情景,从上下文中寻找线索,根据事实进行排队。 完形填空的四个选项一般都学过,没有学过的字很少,但是近年来有这样一种情形,就是把短语也算作实意动词出现在选项当中,短语就有可能出

7、现过,学过,但是搭配是有新的含义。如果遇到了这种短语不认识的情景,别的选项又明显是错误的时候,我们就选以短语为主要特点的选项。 最后要通读一遍,使答案填入后的句子在结构和意思上都能上下连贯。 完形填空的训练要科学,注意掌握解题方法。首先要通读全文,了解大意,然后边读边选,要“上下求索寻信息,左顾右盼找联系,前呼后应谐主题”最后带着选项再复读校正,看全文是否前后一致。完形填空不从语法的角度去测试,而强调文段的整体理解和把握。每个空的四个选项词性一样,单从语法看,每个选项都可入选,但从语篇要求看,只有一个符合语意的选项或最佳选项。总之,做好完形填空题首先要完其意,才能完其形。第四部分阅读理解:重在

8、阅读速度、长句理解、词语推测 阅读理解题的特点是材料的选择强调真实性和体裁的多样化,如旅游、世界杯足球赛、WTO,国际化等话题,记叙、说明、议论、应用等文体。测试题有考查细节内容的理解,也有一些考查同学们能否把握作者的整体思路、推断作者的写作意图,或者是依据上下文推断单词或词组在一定语境中的含义等题目,甚至还会有要求推断语篇开始之前或者结束之后可能发生的事。通常你必须明白你所选择的答案是依据文中的那个词或句子而来。阅读时,要充分注意查找关键词和关键句. 如果遇到大量生词,只要不影响对整篇文章的理解就跳过去,如要求猜测词义就通过上下文来猜,一定要保持良好的心态。1. 细节理解题解题技巧: 这类试

9、题考查考生对文中某一细节或重要事实的辨认、理解。因此,考生应该首先阅读短文(特别是广告、说明文等)后面的问题,找出 “key words”,确定所需查找的细节及事实的范围,然后利用略读手法快速确定文中的出处,并对其进行转换、加工,直至确定最佳答案。 2主旨判断题解题技巧: 主旨判断题的范围一般包括:短文标题、主题、大意或段落大意等。做这类题目时,要迅速地剔除文中的细节事实、作者所使用的论据,找到各段的主题句,然后进行归纳、总结和概括。但要注意:概括出来的中心意思一定要能够覆盖全文或整个段落,绝对不可离题太远、太笼统,或者只概括一段或几句话的意思。3推理判断题解题技巧: 推理判断题属于主观性极强

10、的高层次阅读理解题。做这类题目时,要严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措辞,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词语,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。应注意:当问及作者的看法, 意图与态度时, 不是在问你作为中国学生的想法,而是作者本人在字里行间所表述的观点。 应试要点: 先将文章大概扫读一遍, 再行阅读 如有标题,应仔细看它与全文中心的关系 如有生词又猜不出意思,跳过去继续看 每段的首句尾句常与本段中心有关 概括全文中心意思要包括个段内容 猜词要依据原文原句或上下文来确定 infer 是指原文没有明说但可猜出之意 推理判断要以作者态度为准 有的题目(很

11、少)可根据常识理解 找具体信息时用跳读的技术 概括中心时用掠读的技术 答题时要看清题目要求,四个选项都要看 各类文章有不同特点,议论文要注意论点论据,记叙文要注意几个wh- 问题 不改变以往做题目习惯,先看题还是先看文章各有利弊。众所周知,“从易到难”是我们每个同学应遵循的原则。所以在做阅读理解时,不必拘泥于试卷所呈现的语篇顺序。 可以先做广告或新闻报道类的应用文篇目。因为应用文阅读属于信息性阅读,主要目的在于获取某方面的信息,其试题大多数是客观性较强的表层理解题,比较容易直接在文章中找到答案。先做这类试题,能给自己增添信心,为顺利完成后面的试题打下良好的基础。同时,也可以省出时间来回答其他更

12、复杂的问题。接着做人物、故事等类的记叙文。这类篇目中既有客观性较强的表层理解题,也有主观性较强的深层理解题,需要花费较多的时间进行推理、判断。 最后,再做科普类的说明文。因为这类篇目中的生词量相对较大,句式也较复杂,需要用更多的时间去完成相关题目。(仅作参考) 考生的猜词技巧是高考英语“阅读理解题”考查的一个重要方面,教学大纲和考试说明明确要求考生能读懂生词率不超过3的阅读材料。考生常用的猜词技巧有: 1根据合成、转化、派生等构词法知识猜测词义: 2 根据上下文中的同义词、反义词猜测词义; 3利用上下文中的定语、同位语等猜测词义: 4利用作者的解释、注释等猜测词义;5. 利用上下文中表示对比关

13、系的词语,如:while,but,rather than,far from等判断词义。第五部分任务型阅读: 任务型阅读是拉分的题目, 所以必须引起高度重视.(1) 关注标题,抓住文章的主题思想: 应首先浏览全文, 然后结合文章后面表格的信息, 注意文章的大标题,即表格上的标题.(2) 读懂正文, 理清短文的主体结构: 短文的结构往往是命题重要的线索, 同时分析理顺表格线索, 理清表格的设计思路.(3) 细节阅读: 根据已给表格栏目, 从文章中相应段落中找出信息点. 细读文章,边读边做题, 圈出关键词, 留心是否需要进行词形的变化.(4) 书写答案: 要书写工整, 语言形式规范, 注意同一栏目下

14、的词语形式的一致性.第六部分书面表达:审题、列提纲很重要 高考英语作文主要是以文章内容、语言、逻辑、字数等作为评分依据。从阅卷的情况来看,教师们更多地从整体上把握整篇文章,比较侧重语言文字的运用,但这并不意味着同学们要刻意写一些花哨的东西。只要把住课本上出现的、老师讲过的、加上自己课外获得的知识真实地反映出来就可以了。那么,英语写作应注意什么问题呢? 首先,要注意审题。即“四审”:审体裁,审人称,审时态,审要点。 其次, 考生要对写什么(作文内容或要点),怎么写(行文和语言)在头脑里面必须有一个清晰的思路。从阅卷的情况来看,很多考生动笔就写,发现错误后,不得不进行修改。由于不准使用涂改液和胶带

15、,致使卷面多处涂改,严重影响卷面整洁,也影响了考生的实际成绩。 再次,考生应该在遣词造句上多下工夫。词语上,尽可能运用已经学过的而且比较熟悉的词组、短语或成语;句式上,力求变换各种句式,如强调句、倒装句、各种从句和固定句型等,长句和短句交错使用;英语和汉语中都有一词多义的现象,写作时同样的意思,考生应该尽可能用多种方法翻译,然后找出一个最佳表达。必须注意的是,考生一定不要片面追求花哨文字,拼凑一些错误百出的英语词句,使自己的成绩大打折扣。只要在确保没有错误的前提下作一些适当发挥即可。最后,行文连贯是阅卷教师比较看重的一个方面。为了使文章结构严密,增强说服力和感染力,考生应该在句与句之间,恰当地

16、使用一些过渡性词语。(参看所发作文讲义) 最后,考生应该把写完的作文阅读两遍,认真检查是否遗漏要点是否有拼写方面的错误,是否有时态、语态方面的错误,是否存在中式英语等等。(由于不准使用涂改液或胶带,所以在下笔之前,最好打草稿,特别是重点句子) 要提醒大家,一定要注意书写清楚、规范。2009年考试说明中的写作评分标准规定,“如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次(5分)”。写在最后的话: 答题应遵循先易后难的原则。一份高质量的试卷,在难度的设置上应该有一定的坡度,“入手容易深入难”是高考命题工作的一个原则。同学们拿到试卷以后,应该迅速浏览试卷,看试卷是否有分发和印刷错误,是否有漏印或缺页的

17、问题,并初步了解考试内容和难度。高考命题难易比例是:5(容易题):3(中档题):2(难题),80的试题属于中等难度以下的题目或者说是基础题,英语命题难易原则也不例外。 关于先易后难的原则,同学们应该自己掌握,因为每个人的擅长之处是不一样的。但有一点要注意,不要在某一道题或者分值较小的题目上花过多的时间,既准又快是先易后难原则的具体体现。 要十分重视第一印象(first impression)。心理学表明,考生在接触试题时人脑皮层处于高度兴奋状态,对新事物的反应灵敏,容易迅速做出决定。经验表明,第一感觉的正确率在80%以上,因此,不要轻易改动第一次做出的选择。在检查的时候,同学们不要按照第一次答

18、题的角度去考虑,应该从另外一个角度去思考,没有充分足够的理由不要推翻第一次的选择。针对英语科目填涂答案多的特点,建议同学们在答题的过程边做边涂(前提是不影响自己的答题速度)不管怎样,同学们一定不要忘记在考试结束前10分钟左右涂完自己的机读卷,可以说此时已经是胜券在握,然后再利用剩余的时间检查没有把握的试题,对于有把握的答案就不要再浪费时间了。建议同学们第一次答题时,对于没有把握的试题答案应该用铅笔做一个符号,以区别。 合理分配时间。2009年考试说明关于英语考试的时间已经做了明确建议,但是我们建议同学们应该在阅读理解上适当地多投入一点时间,因为阅读理解和完形填空两部分为50分,分值较高。以往,

19、很多同学在第二卷花时间比较少,有的作文写不完,有的只用不足10分钟时间随意写就,这都是应该注意的。 注意书写规范。2009年考试说明中“评分”规定:如书写较差,影响交际,将分数降低一个档次(5分)。从老师参加高考英语阅卷的经验来看,不少同学由于疏于审题,随意写就,仔细检查后,发现有诸多不妥之处,于是对原文修修补补,或在试卷上涂黑,或使用胶带,或使用涂改液,或随意连线画“地图”等等,都在不同程度上影响了自己的成绩。 汇龙中学高三英语组全体教师 2009年5月19日 星期四 考前模拟试题2009.5.19一、单项选择1. The driver was at _ loss when _ word c

20、ame that he was forbidden to driver for speeding. A. a; the B. /; / C. the; the D. a; /2. -Which of the these e-bikes do you like most?-_. They are both expensive and of little use.A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All3. Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from t

21、he burning house.A. failed B. left C. discouraged D. disappointed4. Traditionally, Chinese people _ the Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls and doors for weddings.A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut down5. _ his spoken English, he takes the advantage of his foreign frien

22、ds and communicates with them as often as possible.A. To improve B. Improve C. Improving D. To be improved6. At times the balance in nature _, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.A. is disturbing B. is disturbed C. has disturbed D. will disturb7. The research on the new bird virus v

23、accine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?-_ my students have a try?A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. May8.What s your favorite in your spare time, Jane?-Collecting newspapers and clocks _ what I enjoy most.A. is B. was C. were D. are9. Experts warn that global warming will caus

24、e dramatic climate changes including more _ floods, heat waves and droughts.A. frequent B. usual C. ordinary D. common10. The Chinese government has made the Mid-autumn festival a legal holiday, _ people will have a day off. A. when B. which C. where D. what 11. _, the football game has been decided

25、 not to be put off.A. Heavily as did it rain B. As it rained heavilyC. Heavily as it rained D. As heavily as it could12. High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour, which is about _ normal trains.A. four times the speed as B. the speed four times of C. four times as the speed of D. four time

26、s the speed of 13. . I dont think the president will come, but in case he _, let him sit in the front row.A. will B. does C. would D. did 14. Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm _ few residents had ever experienced before. A. as B. which C. where D. that 15. Jenny, Id like some coffee

27、for a change. -_. Its in the cupboard.A. Help yourselfB. Never mind C. With pleasure D. Change it, please.16. There will be 21,880 persons for _ relay of _ 2009 Olympic Games, making it _ biggest in the Games history.A. the; the; the B. a; the; the C. the; /; /D. /; the; the17.-Havent seen you all f

28、or ages! _ all right? -Not good. Weve got problems with sales.A. Something B. Everything C. AnythingD. Nothing18. The government work report by Premier Wen _ a variety of issues, and the prices of agricultural products in particular.A. covers B. talks C. includes D. contains19. In Beijing, volunteer

29、s are making use of every minute to _ their foreign language because language volunteers must pass a written test and an interview.A. polish up B. take up C. put up D. catch up20. Michael is said _ a new computer programme recently, but I dont know when he will finish it.A. to design B. to be design

30、ing C. to have been designing D. to have designed21. Mrs Jones? This is Mr. Black, assistant principal at the high school. -Hello, Mr Black. I _ your call.A. am expecting B. had expected C. was expecting D. have expected22. Didnt they come to the party last week? -Yes. They didnt want to come with u

31、s at first, but then we _ persuade them.A. would B. could C. were able to D. had to23. In this country it is required that anyone who _ recently come here _ to pass this kind of test. A. has; has B. has; had C. have; have D. has; have24 The old road is less direct and a bit longer. We wont take the

32、new one, _, because we dont feel comfortable on it.A. somehow B. though C. thereforeD. otherwise25. The news came, as expected, _ my cousin was chosen to be a foreign aid doctor to go to Africa where people are suffering a lot from AIDS.A. when B. that C. what D. which26. In some western countries,

33、the rich are becoming richer, and _.A. poor poor B. the poor the poorC. the poor poorer D. poor the poorer27. Youd better not call the manager between 7 and 8 this evening, for he _ an important meeting then. A. will have B. would have C. will be having D. will have had28. _ the best in a science co

34、mpetition, the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $ 21,000. A. To be judged B. Judged C. Having judged D. Judging29. John is determined to get a ticket for the sleeping car, _ it means _ in a queue all night.A. whatever, standing B. even if, standing C. if, to stand D. provided, to st

35、and30. Im terribly sorry to have put you to so much trouble. -_. You didnt mean to, did you?A. Forget it B. No trouble C. All right D. Youre welcome31. Without _ thorough understanding of Chinas specific conditions, you cant have _ say over the only-child policy.A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; t

36、he32. _ ugly, these chocolate cookies dont sell well even though they taste good.A. Looked B. Looking C. Being looked D. To look33. Only ticket-holders were _ to the stadium for the concert given by Jay Chou, so many his fans were turned away.A. allowed B. permitted C. agreed D. admitted34. He wante

37、d to join the medical team to help the victims in the earthquake but he was _ for his poor health.A. turned up B. turned on C. turned over D. turned down35. _ to the celebration can be a great honor for an ordinary person like him.A. Invited B. Inviting C. Being invited D. Having been invited36. Ple

38、asant as they made it _, we felt tired after the long journey. A. to travel B. travel C. traveled D. traveling37. I met Tom last month. -Really? -Yes. We _ each other since we graduated from college.A. havent met B. hadnt met C. wouldnt meet D. didnt meet38. What a pity! I _ in Hainan two more days,

39、 but something urgent needed to be dealt with back home. A. must have stayed B. neednt have stayed C. may have stayed D. could have stayed39. If I hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _ now.A. wouldnt be smiling B. couldnt have smiled C. wont smile D. didnt smile40. Despite t

40、he great success of Change-1, experts say, it will be at least ten years _ our astronauts can land on the moon.A. while B. before C. since D. until 41. It is only by practising English for several hours every day _ be able to use it freely.A. will you B. may you C. that you will D. when you must42.

41、You look so upset, Jane. _? -I have been told my father has got skin cancer.A. What for B. Whats up C. So what D. Hows up43. When he was a student, he would get up early and work late into the night, believing “_” A. Never too late to learn B. Never count your chicken until they are hatchedC. The ea

42、rly bird catches the worm. D. Everyone has his feet of clay.44. Do you expect _ to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need? A. there B. that C. one D. it45 The little girl _ out after dark.A. didnt dare to go B. dared not to go C. dares not to go D. dares no

43、t go46. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother.A. closelyB. closeC. closedD. closing47. -Youre going to have a rise this month, arent you?-Yes, only $100.- Well, _. A. the more , the better B. easier said than doneC. better laterthan never D. better than nothing

44、48. Jack is a student and studies at the No.1 Middle School. _.A. It was the same with MikeB. So it is with MikeC. So is MikeD. So does Mike49. Whats troubling them is _ enough experienced workers.A. that they have noB. they have notC. their not havingD. not their having50. - Tom, would you like to

45、come to our dinner party? - _.A. Yes, I would B. Yes, with pleasureC. No, I cant come D. Sure. Its my pleasure二、完形填空 (1)You and I have principles. And we also have opinions. I have _36_ about what I think is right or wrong or good or 37 But they re only opinions-I COULD be wrong! I 38 try to build m

46、y life around my opinions, but I WILL try to 39 my principles. A 15-year-old boy learned a(n) 40 lesson about life principles. On his way home he found a woman s 41 that contained $ 127 as well as her identification. 42 hesitation , he hopped (快速跳) onto his bicycle and went over to her 43 - about a

47、mile away. He told her he 44 her wallet and she gave him a big hug and twenty dollars.That evening the boy told his parents about the event and his father said, I don t think you should have 45 $ 20 for doing what you should have done. A person shouldnt be 46 for being honest. He thought about his f

48、athers 47 and decided he would return the money. He biked to the lady s home and 48 her back the twenty dollars. She didnt want to take it, but he told her she 49 to - that his father pointed out 50 to him that he had never 51 before. When principles 52 our every action and decision, we actually cha

49、nge. These great principles 53 our lives and make us into persons of character. That boy is 54 to be raised by a wise father who had the 55 to say, Those are my principles.36. A. opinionsB. wishesC. decisionsD. suggestions37. A. wellB. mistakenC. right D. bad38. A. shant B. wontC. cant D. dont39. A.

50、 change B. adviseC. follow D. make40. A. valuable B. easyC. difficult D. funny41. A. bag B. walletC. suitcase D. box42. A. About B. ForC. Without D. In43. A. factoryB. schoolC. office D. house44. A. checked B. searchedC. threw D. found45. A. accepted B. suppliedC. received D. borrowed46. A. rewarded

51、 B. praisedC. forgotten D. blamed47. A. actions B. worriesC. words D. excuses48. A. took B. gaveC. put D. set49. A. attempted B. preferredC. planned D. had50. A. anythingB. everythingC. something D. nothing51. A. guessed B. taughtC. met D. realized52. A. guide B. doC. interrupt D. allow53. A. limit

52、B. shapeC. prevent D. keep54. A. unlucky B. carefulC. brave D. lucky55. A. right B. courageC. wisdom D. chance (2) I knew a woman who always found an excuse to love. I met her working at the most 36 job of my life - as a helper in an after-school daycare center, l was completely 37 for the work; I had no 38 and my character seemed not to be particularly _ 39 for the position, I reminded myself that I was 40_ to watch the children, play with them and lead , arts and crafts - not 41 all of their problems. And my only 42 was Mrs Tucker, a 7


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