1、同学们好:同学们好: 衷心感谢你的选择,从衷心感谢你的选择,从 今天开始我们将为了一个共今天开始我们将为了一个共 同的目标而努力:怎样过关同的目标而努力:怎样过关 斩将,冲破斩将,冲破2010年的职称英年的职称英 语大关!语大关! 一个共同的题:一个共同的题: 词汇量少词汇量少 基础差基础差 进课堂听到最多的是 v问题多 v基础差 v必须过 怎么办? 我来帮你过 职称英语是: 过关试考! 对于大多数考生来说, 职称英语考试得60分与 100分是一个样! 我 保你过60分,多一分都 是你赚的 为什么 能帮你过? 第一第一 职称英语考试不是考托福,你不会读不会翻译没职称英语考试不是考托福,你不会读
2、不会翻译没 关系,那怕你把张三念成李四也没关系,我只要你:关系,那怕你把张三念成李四也没关系,我只要你: 张三李四站在一起,你分得清就行,别把张三看成李张三李四站在一起,你分得清就行,别把张三看成李 四。四。 我教给你的是职称英语考试技巧和方法,对你提我教给你的是职称英语考试技巧和方法,对你提 高英语水平是没有多大帮助的。如你想在这里提高英高英语水平是没有多大帮助的。如你想在这里提高英 语水平,我可以告诉语水平,我可以告诉 你那是不可能的,你学了几十你那是不可能的,你学了几十 年英语都没有学好,在这短短几十天时间里想提高那年英语都没有学好,在这短短几十天时间里想提高那 不天方夜谈就是痴人说梦。
3、不天方夜谈就是痴人说梦。 职称英语考的是中国式的英语(与地道英语是有职称英语考的是中国式的英语(与地道英语是有 本质上的区别是,拿我国中学的英语试卷让英语人去本质上的区别是,拿我国中学的英语试卷让英语人去 考试,他一定考不过中国的学生),中国人聪明,头考试,他一定考不过中国的学生),中国人聪明,头 脑中的弯弯曲曲多,喜欢玩文字游戏,职称英语考试脑中的弯弯曲曲多,喜欢玩文字游戏,职称英语考试 就是一种文字游戏,玩游戏的朋友们都知道游戏规则,就是一种文字游戏,玩游戏的朋友们都知道游戏规则, 有了规则就好说了,只要我们掌握了规则就能玩好!有了规则就好说了,只要我们掌握了规则就能玩好! 我要教大家的也
4、就是这种规则,只要你掌握了,就能我要教大家的也就是这种规则,只要你掌握了,就能 过今年的职称英语。过今年的职称英语。 第二第二 有人说你凭什么邦我过,你就吹吧, 吹牛不犯法! 吹不吹,等你听完我这堂课,我就有这样的 本事 帮你过!你也会恍然太悟:职称英语原 来可以这样过 ! 等你听完我的所有课程, 你就会充满信心,今年 一定会过 ! 去年有个朋友在考试前一个礼 拜对我说:我一点基础都没有, 我不想参加考试了,我花了三天 时间给她辅导,並给她做了四套 模拟试卷,考试完后她第一个打 电话向我报喜。她三天就过了, 你们经过二三个星期的系统学习 能不能过?有信心了吧,只有你 有信心,我就保证你能过!
5、保过条件 我的课程分为三部分 相信别人不如相信自己!你是最棒的!成功就在你脚下!相信别人不如相信自己!你是最棒的!成功就在你脚下! 一、基础课(主要是讲技巧之源,万丈高 楼平地起,离开它你就不知道为什么要这 样做,这样做的道理何在) 二、技巧应用课(各种专业都是一样的, 具体讲解各种考试要用到的方法技巧及 做一些题,书上原题,分六大点,语汇、 阅读判断、概括大意与完成句子、阅读 理解、补全短文、完型填空) 三、模拟考试及分析(分三个专 业综合、理工、卫生,每个专业 分三个级别A、B、C,详细讲解 怎样考试和考试中遇到的问题怎 样解决以及今年押题内容) 有人说,如像你上面的说法,与玩 游戏一样容
6、易,说来容易做来难! 接下来就用我的方法, 与大家一起把2009年卫 生类A试卷做一遍,然后 大家帮忙算算分,看看 到底有多少分拿不到。 (60分过关,有40分可 丢)怎么样?好不好? 最有说服力的莫过于做 一道完整的试卷,我就 以2009年卫生类A试卷, 在职称英语考试中此是 最难的了,难的能拿下, 容易就不用说了 大话人人都会说,说一千道一 万,你怎么证明你的方法有效, 是缧子是马拉出来溜溜 拿到试卷先别忙着做,先快 速把整个试卷浏览一遍,马上 你就能发现,有二篇是书上原 题,再一看答题,基本上与书 上没有区别。心中有底了,这 30分不会溜了。好了可以做题 了。 我去年就写过一篇文章 20
7、09年职称英语考试猜 题押题、保过解题技巧和 应试方法上面就提到 , 怎样合理分配考试时间和 做题顺序 先做阅读判断,去年我写过一篇文章2009年职 称英语考试猜题押题、保过解题技巧和应试方法 感兴趣的朋友可以到网上去下载看看,上面就提到: 这题不要做,我把近几年的都总结了一下,你可以 自己去看看对不对,每年的答案都是A B C A B B C 或者是B A C A B B C 或者是A B C A B B C或者是B A C B B A C四个答案,第五和B和三、七的 C永远 不变,你怎么猜不需要我说你都能得5分,如你把 一和四做一下你就能得7分,怎么样? 2008年度全国职称外语年度全国职
8、称外语 等级考试试卷卫生类等级考试试卷卫生类A 级第二部分级第二部分 阅读判断阅读判断 AACABBC 2007年职称英语考试 卫生类(A级)试卷及答 案第二部分第二部分 阅读判断阅读判断 ABCABBC 2006年职称英语考试 卫生类(A级)试题及答 案第二部分第二部分 阅读判断阅读判断 ABCABBC v 第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) v下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如 果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B; 如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 vCancer Drug Trials Often
9、Halted Early v An increasing number of clinical trials for new cancer treatments are being halted before the risks and benefits have been fully evaluated, say Italian researchers, who warn that this growing trend could put patients at risk of harm from new therapies rushed into use. vThe researchers
10、 looked at 25 randomized, controlled clinical trials that were stopped early because the treatments had started to show benefit to patients. vWhen we analyzed 25 trials over a 10-year period between 1997 and 2007, we found a consistent increase in prematurely stopped trials - more than 50 percent we
11、re stopped within the last three years, study co-author Giovanni Apolone said at a news conference Tuesday.Of 14 trials halted early and published between 2005 and 2007, the researchers found that 11 (79 percent) of them were used to support drug approval applications submitted to the European Medic
12、ines Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. vThis suggests a strong commercial component in stopping trials prematurely. In fact, this strategy could guarantee quicker access to the market for companies. On the other hand, a quicker clinical drug development may lead to an immature benefi
13、t/risk balance of new drugs, Apolone said. vHe and his colleagues are aware that trials stopped early because they are showing benefit may result in identification of promising new treatments for patients. However, findings obtained following this strategy should be considered to be preliminary resu
14、lts that require subsequent confirmation. vIt can take several years for the long-term benefits or harmful side effects of a new treatment to become apparent, Apolone noted, but the average duration (持续时间) of the 25 studies he and his colleagues analyzed was 30 months, with a range from 12 to 64 mon
15、ths. vThey also found that at the time five of the studies were stopped, theyd enrolled less than 40 percent of the total number of patients planned for final analysis. vClinical trials need to stop early for superior benefit whenever theres proof beyond reasonable doubt that the new treatment reall
16、y is superior. That would be an ethical obligation, Stuart Pocock, a professor of medical statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom, said at the news conference. However, too many trials are stopped early claiming efficacy (功效) without strong evidence bei
17、ng available. 16The number of prematurely stopped clinical trials has increased recently A Right BWrong C Not mentioned 17The trials were stopped early because the treatments proved to be of no value A Right BWrong C Not mentioned 18The 25 trials involved roughly the same number of participants A Ri
18、ght BWrong C Not mentioned 19Some of the trials were probably stopped early for commercial reasons. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned 20Participants in the trials were happy when they were stopped early A Right BWrong C Not mentioned 21Some of the trials were too short to show their long- term effects
19、A Right BWrong C Not mentioned 22Stuart Pocock believed that in no case should clinical trials stop early A Right BWrong C Not mentioned v2009年虽然有点莫测高深些,变的多些,我说出题者 与考生就像在猜拳,锤子、剪刀、布,你猜我这样出, 我偏要这样出,想方计法让你摸不着头脑,孙悟空怎 么变也只有72变,最后还是翻不出如来佛的手掌心。 v怎么样?我说的没错吧,今年是ABCACAB,按我的方 法去做,至少能得4分。 v我们只要把握好心态就行,这题是职称英语中最
20、难的 题。(因为有了C Not mentioned,没提到,你必须把 整篇文章读完读透,还不能粗心丢掉任何一点没注意, 你说有多难?)这题不花时间我总能得到三到五分, 运气好能得7分,何必为了多得一二分而去花掉我们宝 贵的时间,说不定还得不到。学会取舍,只蒙 ABCABBB、ABBBBBB,AAAAAAA,ABCAAAA, 涮涮几下就搞定,就能得3到5分,再不济,充期量最 多也只能丢4分。计下4分 v第一道题就丢了4分,一下就去了1/10大家有点心痛了 是不是,但你是拾了西瓜丢了芝麻,占了大便宜。你 看一下,如果我们按正常的做题方法做此题,你没有 四十分钟做不了,还不一定能拿满分,说不定4分都
21、得 不到 v 第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) v下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如 果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B; 如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 vCancer Drug Trials Often Halted Early v An increasing number of clinical trials for new cancer treatments are being halted before the risks and benefits have been fully evalu
22、ated, say Italian researchers, who warn that this growing trend could put patients at risk of harm from new therapies rushed into use. vThe researchers looked at 25 randomized, controlled clinical trials that were stopped early because the treatments had started to show benefit to patients. vWhen we
23、 analyzed 25 trials over a 10-year period between 1997 and 2007, we found a consistent increase in prematurely stopped trials - more than 50 percent were stopped within the last three years, study co-author Giovanni Apolone said at a news conference Tuesday.Of 14 trials halted early and published be
24、tween 2005 and 2007, the researchers found that 11 (79 percent) of them were used to support drug approval applications submitted to the European Medicines Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. vThis suggests a strong commercial component in stopping trials prematurely. In fact, this str
25、ategy could guarantee quicker access to the market for companies. On the other hand, a quicker clinical drug development may lead to an immature benefit/risk balance of new drugs, Apolone said. vHe and his colleagues are aware that trials stopped early because they are showing benefit may result in
26、identification of promising new treatments for patients. However, findings obtained following this strategy should be considered to be preliminary results that require subsequent confirmation. vIt can take several years for the long-term benefits or harmful side effects of a new treatment to become
27、apparent, Apolone noted, but the average duration (持续时间) of the 25 studies he and his colleagues analyzed was 30 months, with a range from 12 to 64 months. vThey also found that at the time five of the studies were stopped, theyd enrolled less than 40 percent of the total number of patients planned
28、for final analysis. vClinical trials need to stop early for superior benefit whenever theres proof beyond reasonable doubt that the new treatment really is superior. That would be an ethical obligation, Stuart Pocock, a professor of medical statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Med
29、icine in the United Kingdom, said at the news conference. However, too many trials are stopped early claiming efficacy (功效) without strong evidence being available. v2009年虽然有点莫测高深些,变的多些,我说出题者 与考生就像在猜拳,锤子、剪刀、布,你猜我这样出, 我偏要这样出,想方计法让你摸不着头脑,孙悟空怎 么变也只有72变,最后还是翻不出如来佛的手掌心。 v怎么样?我说的没错吧,今年是ABCACAB,按我的方 法去做,至少
30、能得4分。 v我们只要把握好心态就行,这题是职称英语中最难的 题。(因为有了C Not mentioned,没提到,你必须把 整篇文章读完读透,还不能粗心丢掉任何一点没注意, 你说有多难?)这题不花时间我总能得到三到五分, 运气好能得7分,何必为了多得一二分而去花掉我们宝 贵的时间,说不定还得不到。学会取舍,只蒙 ABCABBB、ABBBBBB,AAAAAAA,ABCAAAA, 涮涮几下就搞定,就能得3到5分,再不济,充期量最 多也只能丢4分。计下4分 v第一道题就丢了4分,一下就去了1/10大家有点心痛了 是不是,但你是拾了西瓜丢了芝麻,占了大便宜。你 看一下,如果我们按正常的做题方法做此题
31、,你没有 四十分钟做不了,还不一定能拿满分,说不定4分都得 不到 第二篇 v Surprised by a Miracle vI had been working in the trauma unit at a local hospital for about a year. You get used to families thinking that a coma (昏迷) patient is moving their hand or doing something that they were asked to do. Following commands is what we call
32、 it often its wishful thinking on the families part. Nurses can easily become callous (麻木不仁的) to it. vOn this particular night during visiting hours, my patients wife came n. I had taken care of him for several nights I was very familiar with his care and what he was able to do. Actually, he didnt d
33、o anything. He barely moved at all, even when something would obviously hurt him, such as suctioning (抽吸) vHis wife was very short, about 5 feet tall. She had to stand on a stool to lean over him, so that she could see his face and talk to him. She climbed up on the stool I spoke to her for a few mi
34、nutes, and then stepped out to tend to my other patient. A few minutes later, she came running out of the room. In an excited voice, she said, Donna, hes moving his hand! vI immediately thought that it was probably her imagination, and that he had not actually done it on purpose. He had been there a
35、bout a month at the time and had never made any movements on purpose. I asked her what had happened and she said, 1 asked him to squeeze my hand and he did! vThis led me to another train of questioning. But, did he let go when you asked him to? She said yes, that he had done exactly what she asked v
36、I went into the room with her, not really believing that I would see anything different than I had always seen. But I decided that it would be better to pacify (抚 慰) her than to make her think that I didnt believe her or that she was somehow mistaken. vShe asked him to squeeze her hand, which he did
37、. vI said, Well, ask him to let go. He continued to squeeze for a moment, so that when he finally did let go, I really still didnt believe that he had done it on purpose. vSo, I said, Ask him to hold up one finger. He did as asked. vWell, hmm, this was starting to get my attention. I looked at him,
38、his face still somewhat swollen (肿胀的) and his eyes still closed. Stick out your tongue! I said. He did it. I almost fell on the floor. It was the first time I had ever seen anyone wake up. 阅读理解 36The first paragraph indicates that more often than not a coma patient Ais found to be following commands
39、. Bis callous to nurses commands. C is used to following commands. D is thought to be following commands.(书上答案 B is thought to be following commands.) 37What condition had the patient been in before that particular night? AHe had talked only with his wife. BHe had moved only when hurt. C He had bare
40、ly moved at all(书上答案B He barely moved at all.) D He had been too lazy to do anything. 38How did the author feel upon first hearing what the excited wife said? A She was doubtful.(书上答案B She was doubtful.) B She was amused. CShe was scared. DShe was shocked 39What did the patient do on that particular
41、 night? AHe squeezed and let go his wifes hand. BHe held up one of his fingers. CHe stuck out his tongue. DAll of the above.(书上答案D All of the above.) 40Why did the author almost fall on the floor; ABecause she had been working too hard. BBecause she had been deceived. C Because she had been tripped
42、D Because she could hardly believe her eyes(书上答案A she could hardly believe her eyes.) 与 书 上 几 乎 一 模 一 样, 不 到 一 分 钟 搞 定, 没 有 一 分 可 丢, 1 5 分 到 手, 心 里 美 呀 乐 呀, 不 知 道 今 日 是 何 时。 后 面 附 的 是 我 去 年 在 2 0 0 9 年 职 称 英 语 考 试 猜 题 押 题、 保 过 解 题 技 巧 和 应 试 方 法 中 的 讲 解。 因为是书上的原题,答案也没有变,所 以我没多讲,相信大家不会出错,这是送分 题,不会丢分,大
43、家 心里高兴了吧。接下 来开始做完形填空,这也是书的的原题: v 第6部分:完形填空(第5155题,每题1分,共15分) v下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定一个最佳选项。 v Middle Age: A Low Point for Most vPeople around the globe hit the height of their misery and depression in middle (51), a new international study suggests. The finding by British and American researcher
44、s was based on an analysis of well-being among approximately 2 million people in 80 nations. With few exceptions, the observation appears to apply across the board, regardless (52) gender (性别), culture, geography, wealth, job history, education, and marriage or parental status. vThe scientific fact
45、seems to be that happiness and positive mental health follow a giant U(53)through life, said study author Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of economics at Warwick University in Warwickshire, England. For the average person, its high when youre 20, and then it slowly(54)and bottoms out in your 40s. But
46、the good news is that your(55)health picks up again, and eventually gets back to the high levels of your youth. vThe finding was(56)on the pooling of several different sources of happiness data, including: two multi-decade happiness/satisfaction surveys (first launched in the 1970s), involving about
47、 500,000 American and Western European men vand women; four rounds of the 80-nation World Values Survey(57)between 1981 and 2004 in North America, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Central and South America; and a 2004-2007 survey(58)nearly 1 million Britons. vThe bottom-line:
48、 For most people throughout the world, the highest probability for(59) striking is around 44 years of age. vIn the United States, however, some as-yet unexplained(60)differences were observed, with happiness among men dipping the most in their early 50s, whereas women hit their nadir (最低点) around th
49、e age of 40. vThe researchers cautioned that cheerful people tend to live longer than unhappy v(61)- a fact that might have skewed (使偏斜) the overall finding. But they also suggested that evidence of a happiness(62)might simply reflect a midlife choice to give up long-held but no longer tenable (守得住的
50、) aspirations (志向), followed by a seniors sense of gratitude for having successfully endured(63)others did not. vThat said, some might find it helpful simply to understand the general(64)of mental health as they go through their own life, said Oswald. It might vbe useful for people to realize that i
51、f they are(65)in their 40s this is normal. It is not exceptional. And just knowing this might help. v51A place B age(大标题就有Middle Age) v C height D degree v52A for B of C to D by v53A color B size C letter D shape v54A improves B moves v C falls (前有high后有bottoms) D rises v55A personal B mental C gene
52、ral D physical v56A focused B concluded C based D decided v57A conducted B measured C checked D inspected v58A calling B counting C passing D involving v59A depression (查字典或看文章的第一句) B cancer v C accident D njury v60A gender B race C education D income v61A people B men C women D couples v62A line B
53、curve C axis D table v63A unless B because C if D while v64A moods B figures C trends D views v65A low B weird C old D weak v 第6部分:完形填空(第5155题,每题1分,共15分) v下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定一个最佳选项。 v Middle Age: A Low Point for Most vPeople around the globe hit the height of their misery and depression in mi
54、ddle (51), a new international study suggests. The finding by British and American researchers was based on an analysis of well-being among approximately 2 million people in 80 nations. With few exceptions, the observation appears to apply across the board, regardless (52) gender (性别), culture, geog
55、raphy, wealth, job history, education, and marriage or parental status. vThe scientific fact seems to be that happiness and positive mental health follow a giant U(53)through life, said study author Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of economics at Warwick University in Warwickshire, England. For the av
56、erage person, its high when youre 20, and then it slowly(54)and bottoms out in your 40s. But the good news is that your(55)health picks up again, and eventually gets back to the high levels of your youth. vThe finding was(56)on the pooling of several different sources of happiness data, including: t
57、wo multi-decade happiness/satisfaction surveys (first launched in the 1970s), involving about 500,000 American and Western European men vand women; four rounds of the 80-nation World Values Survey(57)between 1981 and 2004 in North America, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Cen
58、tral and South America; and a 2004-2007 survey(58)nearly 1 million Britons. vThe bottom-line: For most people throughout the world, the highest probability for(59) striking is around 44 years of age. vIn the United States, however, some as-yet unexplained(60)differences were observed, with happiness
59、 among men dipping the most in their early 50s, whereas women hit their nadir (最低点) around the age of 40. vThe researchers cautioned that cheerful people tend to live longer than unhappy v(61)- a fact that might have skewed (使偏斜) the overall finding. But they also suggested that evidence of a happin
60、ess(62)might simply reflect a midlife choice to give up long-held but no longer tenable (守得住的) aspirations (志向), followed by a seniors sense of gratitude for having successfully endured(63)others did not. vThat said, some might find it helpful simply to understand the general(64)of mental health as
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