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1、 nhce-biv-unit 5 ii: preview menu choose to be alone on purpose 由_提供下载 nhce-biv-unit 5 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 i: objectives menu background information nhce-biv-unit 5 ii: preview menu henry david thoreau (1817-1862) nhce-biv-unit 5 ii: preview menu nhce-biv-unit 5 ii: preview menu nhce-biv-unit 5 ii:

2、 preview menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iii: leading-in menu 1.choose one of the following topics, and have a discussion with your partner. * do you remember the first roommate you met in your room? have you become good friends? * as for college students, how to get on well with your roommates/classmates? nhc

3、e-biv-unit 5 iii: leading-in menu * thin, short and dark signs of long journey smiling shyly be quick in action ready to help me to carry the luggage a smart freshman * show each other a mutual sense of respect and politeness find out their likes and dislikes show some extra consideration address th

4、e conflict with a responsible and efficient manner nhce-biv-unit 5 iii: leading-in menu words call the girls to come back; write the poetry down while he dictates 3) how did milton create poetry? (para.6) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text reference words: thoreau; the more capable the person i

5、s of thinking on his own, the less his need for staying with others 4) who is considered as the american high priest of solitude? what can be learnt from his choice of solitary way of life? (para.8-10) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text reference words: a persons sense of his own value and impo

6、rtance; other persons 5) in line 38, “the larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around”, what do the two “ego” refer to respectively? (paras.10) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text reference words: it depends. if he lives with them, their temporary leaving will be considered as a welc

7、ome change; if he lives alone, it will leave him nothing but the feeling of emptiness 6) how will the temporary absence of friends and acquaintances affect a person? (paras.10) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text reference words: call friends to tell them important things; talk to himself, his p

8、ets, the television, or even to strangers in the supermarket 7) to whom may the person living alone talk at length? (paras.13) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text reference words: stay rational; settle himself in a comfortable and pleasant way; wait for anything happy that may happen 8) how is a

9、 solitary man advised to enjoy his life? (paras.14-15) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 3. key words menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 1) tame vt: make sb. or sth. easy to control制服 train an animal or bird not to be afraid of humans and to be obedient驯化,驯服 a group of policemen was calle

10、d out to tame the crowds. 一队警察被叫来制服人群。 its hard to tame a tiger. 驯服老虎很难。 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text tamer n. 驯兽员 timid a. 胆小的,羞怯的 intimate a. 亲密的 1) tame a.: (esp. of animals) not wild or fierce, either naturally or because of training驯化的 a tame tiger 经过驯养的老虎 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: se

11、ction a-text 2) dictate v: say words aloud for sb. else to write down听写 tell sb. what to do, esp. in an annoying way 指令,规定 though he did not dictate, he went at a pace slow enough for the listeners to take down a lot of what he said. 尽管他不是口授,可是讲话的速度慢得 足以让听众记下他讲的话。 conscience dictates truthfulness. 良

12、心促使人吐真言。 dictation n. 听写,口述 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 3) humble a.: not proud 谦逊的,谦虚的 not great or important 地位低下的,不显要的 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 4) slippery a.: 一直下着雨,路上很滑。 it had been raining and the road was slippery. difficult to hold or stand on 滑的 (infml.) not to be

13、 trusted 狡猾的,不可靠的 slip (away) v. 滑倒;跌落,降低 slipper n. 拖鞋 (of a person) as slippery as an eel 像狐狸一样狡猾 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 5) choke v.: anger choked his words. become unable to speak说不出话来 stop or partly stop breathing窒息 他气得说不出话来。 he grabbed her by the throat and almost choked the li

14、fe out of her. 他抓住她的脖子,差点使她窒息而死。 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text choke (up) with: block or fill a passage, space, etc. so that movement is difficult during the rush hour, the road are usually choked up with traffic. 在交通高峰时刻,道路通常被堵塞。 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 6) supreme a.: 以前中国

15、的皇帝是国家的最高统治者。 the former emperor of china was the supreme ruler of his country. for me, dieting requires a supreme effort of will. 对我来说,节食需要极大的毅力。 highest in rank or position最高的,至上的 highest in degree (程度上)最大的 superior a. 较高的,较好的 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 7) seal v: he sealed up a drawe

16、r so that it cannot be opened. 他封住抽屉使它不能被打开。 make sure the parcel of examination scripts is properly sealed up. 请确保试卷袋密封好了。 close an entrance or a container with sth.密闭 close an envelope, pack, etc.封,密封 seal menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text examples of the key words 1. tom broke the glass on

17、purpose. 2. he was cast out of his home by his stepmother. 3. a poor and solitary life 4. tame a horse/ the shrew 5. speak highly of the teacher/ the movie 6. they set forth on their hike after breakfast. 7. a humble man/ position/ job/ house 8. they stayed up late to watch the football match. 9. ea

18、t the pie at one sitting 10. the supreme court 11. explain the plan at length 12. the movie is boring. we might as well go home. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text key words and phrases from sakey words and phrases from sa 1. on purpose 2. cast out 3. solitary 4. speak highly/ill of 5. set fort

19、h 6. stay up late 7. at one setting 8. supreme 9. at length 10. might as well do menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 1. choose to do sth. (the title) she chose to study at huaqiao university. if you choose to be in my way, i will do sth. in return. life is what you choose to make it. menu nhce-b

20、iv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 2. on purpose (l5) translation key menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 2. on purpose (l5) translation e.g. i came here on purpose to see you. more on special purpose. on good/ill purpose. on no purpose. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 3. cast out (l6) , to ex

21、pel. 驱逐;抛弃驱逐;抛弃 example be cast out of ones office. 被迫下台(下野)被迫下台(下野) cast sb. out of the frontier. 驱逐出境。驱逐出境。 to cast out ones wife. 休妻休妻 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 4. solitary (l6) collocation menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 6. speak highly of (l11) 赞扬;高度评价 examples menu nhce-b

22、iv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 7. to seek out (l11) 找出;挑出 to seek out easy work and shirk hard ones. 拈轻怕重。拈轻怕重。 to single out. to single out one from among a hundred. to single out for praise/criticism. to single out the truth and desert the false. to single out the cream and get rid of the dross. 吸取精

23、华,剔除糟粕。吸取精华,剔除糟粕。 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 8. set forth (l14) other usage example he set forth on a three-month trip around the world. clarify, expound, illustrate.阐述阐述 to set forth facts and reason things out.摆事实,讲道摆事实,讲道 理。理。 to set forth ones idea/ground/viewpoint. menu nhce-biv-un

24、it 5 iv: section a-text 10. at one sitting (l45) with one single effort /in one breath (move) (l. 45) 一口气地一口气地 usage no one can grow fat at one sitting. 人不可能一口吃成胖子。人不可能一口吃成胖子。 no success can be attained with one single effort. 成功不可能一蹴而就。成功不可能一蹴而就。 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 11. back up

25、(l53) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 12. at length (l56) examples typical menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text cast out: menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text menu nh

26、ce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 根据最近的统计 故意 赶出,驱逐 是的特点 赞扬,给予高度评价 找出 动身,启程 蹑手蹑脚,偷偷离开 4. useful expressions by recent count on purpose cast out be characteristic of speak highly of seek out set forth/off/out creep away menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 拉长,

27、伸长 熬夜 一口气 盛衰,起落 一连串的 唠叨,喋喋不休 眼下,暂时 不妨,最好做某事 stretch out stay up late at one setting rise and fall a succession of talk at length for the time being might as well menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 1.here we are, all by ourselves, all 22 million of us by recent count, alone in our rooms, some of

28、 us liking it that way and some of us not. (l1) according to the recent statistics, up to 22 million of us are living alone in our rooms; some like the solitary way of life and some dont like it. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 2. some of us divorced, some widowed, some never yet committed.

29、(l2) some of us live alone because of divorce, or because of the death of husband or wife, or because of being not yet married. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 5. key and difficult sentences 1) on the other hand, to be alone on purpose, having rejected company rather than been cast out by it

30、, is one characteristic of an american hero. (l5) 而另外一方面,故意选择独处,拒绝别人的陪伴而并非 为同伴所抛弃,这正是美国式英雄的一个特点。 being excluded by menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 3. thoreau, alone in his cabin on the pond, his back deliberately turned to the town. now, thats character for you. (l8) thoreau stayed alone in

31、his cabin on the pond, being intentionally away from people in the town. now this has become the lifestyle of ordinary people. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 4. inspiration in solitude is a major commodity for poets and philosophers. theyre all for it. (l10) inspiration in solitude is the m

32、ost useful thing for poets and philosophers. they are all in favor of it. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 2) the larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around. the more modest and humble we feel, the more we suffer from solitude, feeling ourselves inadequate company. (l38) 自我意识越强,就

33、越不需要其他的人在周围。 我们越是 感觉谦卑,就越受孤独的折磨,感到仅与自己相处是远 远不够。 adverbial clause menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text the more the more menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 6. but when you live alone, the temporary absence of your friends and acquaintances leaves a vacuum; they may never come back. (l47) but

34、if you live alone and your friends and acquaintances leave for the time being, you will have the feeling of emptiness, and they may never come back. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text its the daily series of our complaints and observations and views on various issues that and makes us feel unea

35、sy, filling us with the desire to talk to others. 但是日常生活中一系列的不满所看到和想到的琐事,却 积压在那儿,塞满了我们的心。 3) its the daily succession of small complaints and observations and opinions that backs up and chokes us. (l52) menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text back up: menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 4) its i

36、mportant to stop waiting and settle down and make ourselves comfortable, at least temporarily, and find some grace and pleasure in our condition, not like a self-centered british poet but like a patient princess sealed up in a tower, waiting for the happy ending to our fairy tale. (l65) the real sub

37、ject: to stop waiting and settle down and make ourselves comfortable; to find some grace and pleasure “it” is a formal subject. attributive modifying princess attributive modifying princess menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 重要的是不再等待,而是安顿下来,使自己过得舒服, 至少暂时应该是这样。要在我们自身的条件中发现一些 优雅和乐趣,不要做一个以自我为中心的英国

38、诗人,而 要像一个被关在塔楼里的公主,耐心地等待着我们的童 话故事有快乐的结局。 at least for the time being, the important thing for us solitary people to do is to stop meaningless waiting to get into a comfortable position and find some pleasant things in the solitude. we shouldnt live like a british poet who tends to think only about h

39、imself and turns a blind eye to the needs or feelings of other people; instead, we should behave like a princess of the fairy story who, in spite of the state of in a tower alone, still patiently waits for the arrival of a satisfactory ending. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text seal up: menu nh

40、ce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text sentence patternssentence patterns used in the text for: used in the text for: 1.typical patterns for preference for doing sth. 2. typical patterns for explanation for doing sth. menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section a-text 原句原句: : then, rather than trouble to put it in h

41、is own handwriting, he calls the girls to come back and write it down while he dictates. (l. 21) 然而他并不自己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回 女儿们,向她们口述,由她们写下来。 1. typical patterns for preference for doing sth.: rather than do sth., sb. does (would do) sth. else. 某人不愿意某人不愿意, 而愿意而愿意 句型提炼句型提炼 menu nhce-biv-unit 5 iv: section

42、a-text 应用应用:a. 与其与其天天游手好闲,你还天天游手好闲,你还不如不如为社为社 会做点儿力所能及的事。会做点儿力所能及的事。 rather than idle along every day, you may as well do something within your ability for the society. expressions lack of companions, safety problem, high expenses, etc.) questionnaire nhce-biv-unit 5 vi: extensive tasks menu dear my

43、 students, nowadays living off campus enjoys great popularity among college students. why do students do so when they are provided with very modern apartments and good services on campus? according to my survey among 60 students on campus, the reasons can be listed as follows. first, living off-camp

44、us can relieve the student from time consuming and energy consuming trivialities. since roommates from different places have different personalities, habits, and interests, etc, some students think that it is difficult for them to get along with their pals. secondly, living off-campus can offer them

45、 a lot of freedom. freed from the regulations of the university, they can do whatever they want in whatever time they like. lastly, living off campus can give them more privacy. if they live in a dormitory, they have no human rights so far as privacy is concerned. nhce-biv-unit 5 vi: extensive tasks

46、 menu in a notice issued on july 6, 2007, the ministry states that all university students should live in school dormitories, and forbids students renting private accommodation off-campus in principle. as a college student yourself, what is your opinion on it? should off-campus accommodation be bann

47、ed? in-class oral presentation nhce-biv-unit 5 ii: preview menu choose to be alone on purpose nhce-biv-unit 5 vi: extensive tasks menu 2. recommendation of articles the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonous snakes h

48、issed and crawled. nhce-biv-unit 5 vi: extensive tasks menu 除夕之夜,一位老人伫立窗前。他满眼哀伤,仰望 着深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星如清澈平静的湖面上的朵朵 白莲在漂移着;后来,他将目光投向地面,几个比他更加 绝望的人正在走向人生的终点坟墓。在通往人生终点 的道路上,他已走过了60多个驿站,除了过失和悔恨,他 一无所获。现在,他健康欠佳,精神空虚,心情忧郁,缺 少晚年应有的舒适和安逸。 青春的岁月如梦幻般浮现在他眼前,他回想起父亲 将他放在人生岔路口上的关键时刻,当时,他面前有两条 路:一条通向和平宁静、阳光灿烂的地方,那里到处是花

49、果,到处回荡着柔和甜美的歌声;另一条则通向黑暗无底 的深渊,那里流淌着毒液而不是清水,恶魔肆虐,毒蛇嘶 嘶爬动。 参考译文:参考译文: nhce-biv-unit 5 ii: preview menu choose to be alone on purpose menu nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself translate the following into english. 1) 冒险 2) 艺术家类型的人 3) 感到仅与自己相处远远不够 4) 小别,暂时离开 5) 充满 6) 大泡浴缸 7) 按自己的节奏 8) 日常生活中一系列的不满 soak

50、in the bath 1. expressions venture out artistic types fell oneselves inadequate company temporary absence fill up at ones own pace the daily succession of small complaints menu nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself 9) 使倒退;支持;积压 10) 保持理智 11) 密封住 12) 很喜欢,很喜爱 13) 定居;平静下来 14) 伸展,延伸 15) 创造,开始 16) 因打仗,为而争

51、吵 17) 在一定范围内变化或扩展 18) 对表示绝望 19) 突然出现,出身于 stretch out back up stay rational seal up be fond of settle down strike out war over range from to give up on spring from menu nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself 20) 使分裂,拆散 21) 诉诸,求助于 22) 免得,以防 23) 阻止,拦住 24) 总结,概括 25) 出乎意料地,尽管有极大的困难 26) 皱眉 27) 某人对热忱 28) 下决

52、心做某事 29) 属于 30) 安逸,舒适 against all odds tear apart resort to in case head off sum up frown at ones enthusiasm for be determined to do sth. belong to at ease menu nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself 1) _ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers. a. cultiva

53、ted b. regulated c. civil d. tame 2) when filing _ a form, we will usually write down our name, address, occupation, etc. a. up b. in c. on d. at 3) his old dream of sailing round the world was realized _. a. on purpose b. in line c. at best d. at length 2. choose the best one: d. tame b. in d. at l

54、ength menu nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself 4) he has been absent class for quite some time. a. of b. for c. from d. in 5) some old people dont like pop songs because they cant so much noise. a. resist b. sustain c. tolerate d. undergo 6) the newcomers found it impossible to adapt themselves th

55、e climate sufficiently here. a. into b. upon c. to d. down c. from c. tolerate c. to menu nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself 7) what time are you planning to _ tomorrow? a. set to b. set in c. set up d. set forth 8) i would never have a court of law if i hadnt been so desperate. a. turned up b. s

56、ought for c. resorted to d. accounted for 9) a flower is beautiful, but beauty is something . a. stale b. concrete c. disorder d. abstract 10) during the rush hour the roads are usually up with traffic. a. choked b. crowded c. blocked d. checked d. set forth c. resorted to d. abstract a. choked menu

57、 nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself i first met billie when i came to new york at 19. i didnt know what i was going to be. i wanted to be black, so i out in harlem. and when i was around harlem, i met billie. she was a singer. she was thenabout 15. cute, nice, little girl. she changed a lot later

58、. but anyway, i like how she sang. there are very few singers i want to hear, at all. anyway, i heard her when she was 15, singing the . and i her. i said, “one day im going to have a band, and youre going to sing in it.” and she said, “yeah, thatll be the day.” when i was in boston around 1935, i c

59、ame down to new york and i her. she couldnt believe it. a slim hired kidded wandering blues hang 3. compound dictation menu nhce-biv-unit 5 vii: testing yourself girl in a white band? i said, “come on, were gonna try it.” we went down south, and on the way she was afraid. she said, “we re gonna try

60、it. im scared, too.” so we played in some little dance hall and some park, and after her first couple of songs, they accepted her immediately. . he didnt mean it badly. that was his designation for a black woman. . i put my hand on her and said, “calm down.” so that was the end of that. had to push


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