1、imparting waterproof properties to cotton surface abstractmethods are suggested and compositions are selected to endow the surfaces of textile goods made of cotton fabrics with waterproof properties. the wetting angles are measured that water drops form with the coatings, made of fluorosilanes of di
2、fferent structures, on the surfaces of cover glasses and fabric. it is shown that, if the aggregation of fluorosilane molecules takes place in the treated solution, then it is possible to achieve the superhydrophobicity of the cotton surface. 摘要采用的 方 法和选用的成分 都是为了使棉织物 表面具有疏水性能。 润湿角是测量盖玻 片和织物表面涂层 上水珠的
3、形态,该 涂层是由不同结构 的氟化硅烷制成的。 结果表明:若氟化 硅烷的集合体经过 一定的溶液处理, 那么棉织物的表面 就有可能实现超疏 水性。 introduction in recent years, interest in the investigation and production of highly hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces has increased. thus, a survey of the literature using the database of the institute of statistical i
4、nformation (http:/ showed that the number of papers in this field published within two last years is almost twice that of the total number of publications over the entire previous period, 最近几年,调查 和生产高疏水性 和超疏水性表面 的兴趣大大增加。 通过对统计信息 研究所数据库里 的文献调查,结 果表明:最近两 年在这个领域发 表的文献的数量 几乎是以前所有 出版物数量的两 倍, which is mai
5、nly connected with the high demand in the obtained scientific results from most diverse industrial fields 15. one of the applied trends under current development that uses the achievements in the field of production of superhydrophobic surfaces is the creation of waterproof fabrics68. waterproof pro
6、perties are important for materials of different purposes, ranging from fabrics used to prepare tents, protective clothing, coats, and umbrellas to linen used to sew clothing for operation personnel. 这主要是与最多样 化工业领域中对科 学的高需求有关1- 5。在目前发展状 况下的一个应用趋 势是:运用超疏水 表面生产领域中所 取得的成就是织物 疏水方面的创举6- 8。对不同目的的 材料来说,如从帐
7、 篷、保护性布料、 外套、伞用的织物 到手术缝线用的麻 织物,疏水性能都 是非常重要的, an important advantage of imparting waterproof properties to a material by applying coatings is the opportunity to retain the texture, properties, density, and coloring of the basic fabric. at present, there are an insufficient number of methods and a res
8、tricted number of hydrophobic compounds that can be efficiently applied for textile goods. this work is intended to partially fill this gap. 赋予涂层材料疏水 性的一个重大的好 处是有机会保留原 织物的组织、性能、 密度和色泽。目前, 可以有效的应用于 纺织品疏水性的试 验方法和疏水成分 是有限的。该文献 在一定程度上填补 了这空缺。 materials the experiments were conducted with samples of cott
9、on fabric with a twill weave and a weight of130g/m2 and dimensions of 10 10 cm. the pretreatment of the specimens involved mercerization in a solution of sodium hydroxide, neutralization in acetic acid, and rinsing with distilled water. depending on the method of further processing, we used either w
10、et samples or samples dried for 24 h in a room with 5575% humidity. samples :cotton fabric pretreatment: mercerization (丝光处理) neutralization (中合作用) rinsing (水洗) used samples to estimate the role of the roughness conditioned by the structure of a fabric weave and the effect of different hydrophobic a
11、gents on the wetting angles, as reference samples, we used cover glasses of russian production ( klin glass manufacturing plant) with a roughness that did not exceed 0.1 m (gost state standard 6672-75). the pretreatment of these glasses included washing in a chromic mixture, rinsing with distilled w
12、ater, and drying in a vacuum oven at 150. wetting angles pretreatment of glasses distilled water (蒸馏水) fabric processing two different methods were used to process the fabric. in the first procedure, to treat wet fabric and impart waterproof properties to its surface, the commercial sole of fluorofu
13、nctionalized siloxane of degussa production (germany) (hydrophobic agent no. 1) was used. the fabric sample was placed into a sole for 20 min and dried at 120 for an hour. then, the coating was cured for 1 min at 150. process the first procedure hydrophobic agent no. 1(憎 水剂1号) in the second procedur
14、e, the preliminary dried samples were immersed for different periods of time into 1% solution of cf3(cf2)5(c=o)nh(ch2)3si(c2 h5oh) in toluene (hydrophobic agent no. 2). fluorosilane was granted by prof. s. lee (skl, china). after solvent evaporation, the samples were dried in a vacuum oven at 110. b
15、oth of the mentioned compositions were applied to glass plates by the pouring method. the second procedure toluene(甲苯) hydrophobic agent no. 2(憎水剂2号) solvent evaporation(蒸发溶 剂) measurement of contact angles one of the main characteristics of the waterproof properties of a fabric is its wetting. wett
16、ing of both the glass samples and fabric surface after the application of the coatings was studied by measuring the contact angles of a sessile drop. on a special unit constructed at the frumkin institute of physical chemistry and electrochemistry, russian academy of sciences 9. an image of the sess
17、ile drop, 2009, vol. 45, no. 6, p. 713.whose volume was, as a rule, 4060 l, was obtained using a pl-b621mu monochrome digital video camera. a sessile drop(静滴) monochrome(单色的) to analyze the data, three samples of each type were used; the average value of the angle for each sample was determined by f
18、ive different points. wetting of separate fabric fibers with solutions bearing a hydrophobizing substance was studied on the same unit using the method of a drop on a fiber 10. this method enables the simultaneous determination from a single experiment of both the outflow and inflow angles as the an
19、gles formed with the fiber surface by the receding and advancing angles of the drop hanging on a fiber. this method is described in detail in 10. this method enables the simultaneous determination from a single experiment of both the outflow and inflow angles as the angles formed with the fiber surf
20、ace by the receding and advancing angles of the drop hanging on a fiber. 通过对纤维的悬滴的后退和前进的角度,从一个单 一的实验方法就能够同时测定流出和流入的角度和 纤维表面形成的角度。 results and discussion to date, it has been theoretically shown and experimentally proven (for reviews on this problem, see 15, 11, 12) that an efficient contact angle on
21、 a rough surface is determined by the chemical composition of the surface and peculiarities of its relief. in order for the fabric to possess considerable waterproof properties that are stable over time, the fiber surface must be hydrophobic. at the same time, most natural fabrics used in textile in
22、dustry are hydrophilic and rapidly absorb water drops falling on their surfaces (see fig. 1). (a) complete wetting of an untreated fabric, fig. 1. wetting of the fabric samples in the present work, to impart hydrophobic properties, we used the two different hydrophobic agents described above. to est
23、imate their hydrophobizing ability, we first studied the wetting angles of the smooth cover glasses processed via the abovementioned procedures of applying a hydrophobic coating. table 1 lists the values of wetting angles measured on the glasses after the coating was applied. the presented data indi
24、cate that both of the chosen hydrophobic agents have good hydrophobizing ability. the fact that, after treatment with fluorofunctionalized siloxane of the degussa corporation, the contact angle on the smooth cover glass exceeds 120 implies that the coating does not represent a smooth film. based on
25、the analysis performed in 2, one may suppose that the coating formed on the glass represents a layer with an expressed relief. this is confirmed by the data of atomic- force microscopy of the surface of the glass with a coating. the relief visible in the asm image (fig. 2) is mainly associated with
26、the formation of nanosized aggregates of hydrophobic agent molecules. the considerable dispersion in the wetting angles substantiates this conclusion. atomic-force microscopy(微粒子能) dispersion(分散作用) substantiates(证实、证明) the coating applied by pouring a toluene solution of the second hydrophobic agent
27、 also yields a relatively high contact angle, which indicates good hydrophobizing ability. the small scatter of the measured angles along the sample surface allows one to consider an applied coating as rather uniform. the data on the contact angles that water drops form on the surface of a cotton fa
28、bric after treatment with both solutions are presented in table 1. water drops on fabric treated with both solutions are depicted in figs. 1b, 1c. the measured wetting angles and small roll-off angles, which do not exceed 15。,unambiguously indicate the achievement of a superhydrophobic state of the
29、fabric treated with the hydrophobizing agent no. 1. at the same time, although fabric treated with the agent no. 2 is characterized by good water -resistance, it cannot be considered to be a fabric that possesses superhydrophobic properties. first of all, this is explained by a large wetting hystere
30、sis, which can be judged by the roll-off angles that, in some fragments of the fabric sample, reach 80. in addition, the fact that the contact angle for hydrophobizing agent no. 2 at small times of storage in solution depends on time and achieves a constant value at long times indicates the importan
31、ce of achieving adsorption equilibrium between hydrophobizing agent molecules on the fiber surface for the hydrophobization process. wetting hysteresis (润湿滞后) adsorption equilibrium(平衡吸收作用) a comparison of the results on the hydrophobizing treatment of both the reference samples, which are smooth gl
32、asses, and the fabric samples allows one to connect the difference in the observed contact angles with the roughness of a hydrophobic covering. thus, there are several literature references 15, 1113 that indicate that, to reach a superhydrophobic state, the roughness with a number of typical sizes o
33、f the relief elements, e.g., bimodal texture, is required . in our case, the typical relief parameters are the fiber diameter and interfiber space, which is determined by the weave density. bimodal texture(双峰组织) these parameters are the same for the samples that were treated with different hydrophob
34、ic agents. at the same time, in the case of the treatment with an aqueous solution of fluorofunctionalized siloxane of degussa production, a third typical parameter emerges in connection with the aggregation of the molecules in the sole and yields an angle of greater than 120, even on smooth cover g
35、lass. apparently, as a result of a combination of these three characteristic sizes of roughness, one can aqueous solution(水溶液) achieve a hydrophobic state on fabric treated with hydrophobizing agent no. 1. because the quality of the resulting covering can be determined to a great extent by the wetta
36、bility of the fabric fibers by the hydrophibizing solution, in the present work, using the method of a drop on a fiber, we measured the angles that are formed on the fiber surface by drops of the corresponding solutions. the data obtained is presented in table 2 and allows one to conclude that the d
37、ifference in the results of the hydrophobic treatment of the fabric cannot relate the to the different conditions of the contact of the cotton fabric and treating solution. conclusions in the present study, we suggested simple methods for treating a cotton- based fabric using both commercial and eas
38、ily synthesized hydrophobic agents that provide a stable water- resistant effect. the analysis of the wetting of the treated fabrics showed that the greatest effect that leads to a superhydrophobic state of the surface is achieved in the case when the surface relief of the fabric with a coating is d
39、etermined, not only by the structure and weave of the material itself, but also by additional 在目前的研究中,我 们利用简单的试验方 法对以棉为主的面料 采用了商业和容易合 成的憎水剂基团进行 处理,结果使棉面料 具有了稳定的抗水性 能。通过对处理的棉 织物的润湿性分析, 结果表明:在表面涂 层面料确定的情况下, 面料的表面获得了超 疏水性状态的显著效 果,不仅取决于材料 本身的结构和组织, 还取决于形成疏水性 化合物的集合体的粗 糙度方面。 reference 1. blossey, r., nat
40、ure mater, 2003, vol. 2, p. 301. 2. boinovich, l.b. and emelyanenko, a.m., usp. khim.,2008, vol. 77, no. 7, p. 619. 3. ma, m.l. and hill, r.m., curr. opin. colloid interfacesci., 2006, vol. 11, p. 193. elements of the roughness that are formed by the aggregates of hydrophobic compounds. the compleme
41、nt of the surface microroughness conditioned by the fiber weave with the nanosized roughness of the aggregates allows one to achieve the level of roughness required to obtain small roll-off angles and wetting angles above 150. 聚合的纳米纤 维组织粗糙度 表面微粗糙度 的补充,可以 实现要求的小 卷曲角和润湿 角在150。以上 粗糙度的水平。 4. extrand, c.
42、, encyclopedia of surface, colloid science,somasundaran, p., ed., new york: taylor and francis, 2006, p. 5854. 5. nakajima, a., hashimoto, k., and watanabe, t.,monatsh. chem., 2001, vol. 132, p. 31. 6. wang, t., hu, x., and dong, sh., chem. commun.,2007, p. 1849. 7. tomsic, b., simoncic, b., orel, b., et al., j. sol-gel.sci. technol., 2008, vol. 47, p. 44. 8. lee, h.
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