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1、2011 年最新高一英语人教版必修1 unit 3 travel journal同步练习(带答案)(答题时间:60 分钟)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空*1. it is the third time _ late this month.a. that you arrivedb. when you arrivedc. that youve arrivedd. when you ve arrived*2.the guide is tired_ hisjob,and is thinkingabouttakinga new one.a. byb. ofc. fromd. with3. at

2、first, she wanted to _ hope, but the teacher encouraged her notto.a. give upb. give inc. give outd. give away*4. it s really time i went home but i m enjoying myself so i _ herea bit longer.a. stayb. have stayedc. stayedd. am staying*5.itwas the training_he had as a young man _ made him a good edito

3、r.a. that; thatb. what; thatc. which; thatd. who; that*6. he insisted that he _ a lot for the company and he _made head ofthe company.a. did, beb. had done , bec. has done , wasd. has done , is7. since alice trusts you, only you can _her to change her mind.a. suggestb. attractc. advised. persuade*8.

4、 have you ever _in front of thousands of people at a concert , witheveryone _while you were singing?a. dreamed of to be ; clappedb. dreamed to be ; to clapc. dreamed of being ; clappedd. dreamed of being ; to be clapping9.you can takeanythingfrom the shelfand read,but please_the books whenyou have f

5、inished with them.a. put offb. put downc. put backd. put on*10. weak as the small country is , it dares to say _to the huge country.a. hellob. yesc. nod. sorry*11. he loves the old songs, which _ everyone of his age.a. are similar withb. are familiar withc. are familiar tod. are similar to12. i m le

6、aving for shanghai tomorrow. _.a. see you laterb. have a pleasant tripc. let s go out for a drinkd. bring me a presentwhen you are back*13. he looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of apassenger.a. putb. to be puttingc. to putd. putting14. i don t think peter is too young to take

7、 care of the pet dog _ .1a. correctlyb. properlyc. exactlyd. actively*15. please say hello to jack _ me when you meet him.a. forb. fromc. insteadd. instead of* 第二节:完形填空dear dad,i was veryupsetwhen ireceivedyour letter.i knew you _16_ not likemy results,but ididn trealizeyou and mumwere so_17_with me

8、. thishas made me _18_ verycarefully about myself, and now i _19_ how silly i have been.my poor _20_ have come from my own _21_. of course, i want to do my best.i want you and mum to be proud _22_ me, but somehow when i get to school i justcant keep my_23_on thesubjectand i stop _24_theteacher.so ma

9、ny other thingsseem so much more _25_, but i know that i must not _26_the chance you and mumhave given me. if i dont work very hard_27_ the next few months, i am goingto get _28_results. so i am going to study hard this summer. and i will show mumanything _29_i can t understand so that she can give

10、me help.i_30_you willallowme toplaysome basketball.ithinkineed some exercise,_31_ i will control the time i_32_on it properly.if you want me to stop meeting cindy, i will but there is _33_ serious.we are just good friends, and she often helps me _34_ my schoolwork.dad, iam reallysorryi have made you

11、 angry.i m going totrymy bestto _35_mystudy. i promise that i will make you proud of me soon.yours,jimmy16.a. willb. wouldc. needd. should17.a. angryb. upsetc. strictd. happy18.a. talkb. speakc. thinkd. hear19.a. receiveb. believec. insistd. realize20.a. resultsb. memoriesc. parentsd. friends21.a. s

12、tubbornnessb. carelessnessc. lazinessd. illness22.a. ofb. withc. ind. for23.a. headb. mindc. eyesd. heart24.a. listening to b. to listen toc. hearingd. to hear25.a. boringb. dullc. beautifuld. interesting26.a. findb. sharec. wasted. afford27.a. duringb. atc. throughd. until28.a. betterb. bestc. poor

13、erd. poorest29.a. whichb. thatc. whomd. what30.a. wishb. advisec. hoped. decide31.a. andb. butc. sod. because32.a. spendb. takec. costd. pay33.a. everythingb. somethingc. anythingd. nothing34.a. inb. onc. withd. by35.a. developb. improvec. interestd. finish2第二部分:阅读理解*( 一 )many young people want to b

14、ecome pop stars. it is their great ambitions (抱负 ) in life. they think pop stars earn a lot of money, they lead interesting andexciting lives, thousands of fans adore (崇拜 ) them, they become famousyes, but firstthey must become stars.most performances( 演出 )startwitha group.this is the pattern nowada

15、ys. but there are many groups and competition (竞争 ) istough. groups appear and disappear almost overnight. only a small number survive.almost without exception they have to work very hard before they reach the top.and very few reach the top and stay there. in england there are perhaps thirtyor so gr

16、oups at the top. most of these do not earn so much money, perhaps 400 pounds each time they perform. what is more, they have quite a lot of expenses. they haveto pay a manager,who is a key personin their lives and takes about twentypercentof their income-perhaps more. then there are their clothes, t

17、heir instruments (装备 ) and their car.36. most pop groups _.a. lead an interesting lifeb. disappear during the nighc. fail to reach the topd. become famous overnight37. the group s manager is wellpaid because he _ .a. buys clothes for themb. is important for themc. looks after the moneyd. has a lot o

18、f money38. pop groups use much of the money they earn to _ .a. travelb. stay in a hotelc. enjoy themselvesd. buy the things they need39. the underlined word“expense” is closest in meaning to _.a. 花销b.经历c. 装备d. 助手40. it seems that pop stars _.a. spend a lot of money on clothesb. have a quite hard lif

19、ec. are rather poord. are rather rich* ( 二 )one day a teacher was giving her young students a lesson on how the governmentworks. she was trying to explain the principle of income tax (收入税 ).“you see , ” she began , speakingslowlyand carefully, “each person who worksmust pay part of his or her salary

20、 (薪水 ) to the government . if you make a highsalar y , your taxesare high. ifyou dontmake much money , your taxesare low . ”“is that clear? ” she asked. “does everyone understand the meaning of income tax? ” the students nodded.are there any questions? ” she asked. the students shook their heads.“ve

21、ry good! ” she said. ” “now, i would likeyou to takea pieceofpaper andwrite a short paragraph on the subject of income tax.”little joey was a slow learner. he had lots of problems with spelling and grammar, but this time he at least seemed to understand the task. he took his pen and after3a few minu

22、tes, he handed the teacher the following composition:once i had a dog. his name was tax.i opened the door and in come tax.41. the teacher was trying to explain _one day.a. the basic principles of the income taxb. how the government worksc. everyone should pay income taxd. how much tax one should pay

23、 for his income42. after the teachers explanation,_.a. all the students shook their headsb. many of the students were still puzzledc. not all the students understood the meaning of income taxd. few students disagreed with their teacher43. the students were asked_.a. to say something about income tax

24、b. to answer some questions on income taxc. to write a composition on“income tax ”d. to explain the principle of income tax44. little joey _.a. was clear about the subjectb. grasped what income tax meantc. wrote a paragraph about his dogd. did as what he was told to do45. from the passage we know_.a

25、. his composition had something to do with“income tax ”b. “income tax ” and “in come tax ” sound alikec. little joey was very cleverd. “income tax ” shares the same meaning with“in come tax ”第三部分:写作第一节根据所给首字母或中文提示,用所缺单词的适当形式填空。1. if we hold a good _(态度 ) towards our work, we will succeed easily.2. m

26、y uncle is so s_ that none of us can persuade him to give up smoking.3. her _( 坚定的 ) look showed that she had never changed her mind.4. the lack of public transport is a great d_.5. he is a man with many _(缺点 ).6. what kind of t_do you prefer to use, bus or train?7. she has just g_ from high school.

27、8. after a long delay the performance _(终于 ) started.9. she _( 组织 ) the class into four groups.10. the sun disappeared from v_behind a cloud.第二节4书面表达要求:尽可能多地利用本单元所学内容。张家界是我们的国家森林公园。 国庆节期间我和父母到那里去旅行。 起初我们打算乘飞机,但后来改变了主意, 决定坐火车去。 我们必须爬山, 我想放弃但父亲决心已定并说服我,我下决心并尽力爬上山顶。 第二天, 我们听说有美丽的山谷, 所以我们决定去享受山谷的美景,在那里到处都有急流和瀑布。然后,我们来到一片大森林,看见一些特别的植物并从中了解到很多。5【试题答案】第一部分第一节cbadabdccc cbdbd第二节bacdacabadcacbcbadcb第二部分cbdab acccb第三部分第一节1.attitude2.stubborn3.determined4.disadvantage5.shortcomings6.


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