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1、广西柳州高中 11-12 学年高一英语上学期段考试题 (扫描版, 无答案)用心爱心专心12高一上学期英语段考试题2题人:越晓暖莪海云周璃影龙小芳 市题人:赵晓鼓_ _第一部分:听力(共两节,满分加分)壬一工(共小扈.每小题l5分,满分7s分)产听下面5段对话.选出蠡佳选项.l *h制 is the womaji uomcd about?a, her healthb,the ciasses she missed.c-加 coming examination.2. vjis the xejaiionihip betw een the spcakrs?言生仃b. 5h有 andswde. c cla

2、ssman1. when did the “man % home yesterday eng?恭 6oclock b, at 8 olockc. at 9。馨2k,wiun did the man do for three veeks?a* he took a vacation.8. he stutbed iu a difierenr class.匚 h? slaycd home and5. wtiai did the mana.atucrpat b-a better position 仁的口助金 共限每小题匕5分.满分翌分:打听下回5段对话或独白,送出最it选项, 堵明第6段材料,回答6、7

3、 .感6. ho long does the man ask tbe woman to *加t?a at feast one month.e- at m0$t one wcelc, ar jeasr one fak.7. 耳231 u-ih the wornan do next?a- go to another shop.喝ht for the man cdlu try- an anotherof boon.濡讦第了段材料,向答第8至101e 山飞此网飞 michael have good fnends in his class?,it diftah to get along with his

4、 classmates, 工 h话 classmates don have much spare time.t. they have dififercni interests.我 what does be 肽*?a musia a spons. c. reading.。how did % get to know ihe boys from the other classy?a. h诵 neighbors are in those cl*es.区死 .md the same club,c j 忆 has lbs same teachers with them.i;听荀g段材札回答第u至口题a.

5、r 心 feft.氏 next to 山广 bank.c. across from (he post 霜飙2 ho* wil the man pay for the 眄?a bycrtmitd, b. by,:? does 峰惭小曲 suggest the man bucc. a mnprc. american food.4 some postcards. b. some 50sgi门 均祈第9段材料,回答第14至i7题,,14. whai are the speakers going to do 1023j、葭骨 kind of food 必5 che woman prefbr?a chi

6、food. b. m血can *.16 are the speakers going there?c by bike.、a. by bus. h. by subwayvtiai do wq know about tina?a. she lives 皿 the city.b. sbc? is a humorous and nice girl.c. she and use woman went to the same school 点所第10段材料,回答第m到20除 s /2?如 ppie in england often talk about 故 w团her?a. the weather cha

7、nges a ior.b. the) often have very good weatherc. england has the orst weather in the world.1 兔 j? do b出i密 people sometimes go dimming in winter? a rh love swimming i口 the cojd.b. the weatber 而 become i er hot in winterc. it$ a custom in england.a . a hat. b gloves.c, axj umbrella30死流 do british peo

8、ple often take with them?第二部分上英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节,单项填空(共15小题,每小题分,满分is分)从a, b、cl d四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的殿佳选项.2 l excuse me, 1 wortdet if you can help e? sufe. _ _?m what help b. what is this c. what is it d. what do you 皿 22. - why do you 鼎an* to work fbr our company?-this is the job that j _ _ fbna. loc

9、iked b.如 r look c. h&d looked d. have been looking tor 23 je丘加 cast away, toe hanks pla)smen namw chuck nolanda. a: the b. the: a c. &; the d.国 a24 you can listen to english songs _ the radio or us english io communicatewith people around the laorlda. by; over25. the storm dieda 一 bealb on; thmugh_

10、the iniema, 1 c. across; withaw百y al ist with the yofdcn wvesb. to beat26. could you please uu me more suny, 1 m a iiewcorncr here ia. except forb. cxccpi whatc. beatingabout the city?know nothing elsed. over; across he shore tn peacetd. beaten27.1 11 go out for something important; plc. except that

11、you know now.dp excepteasea. watch outb. turn outfor the milk on the sto cp二& owen wouldnt eat anythinga.untilb. since29. yestcr孙 she sold her 皿a. whenb. wherec give outhe cooked it himself.c. unless$h匕 boughi a month ago.c* thatd. send outd. whited. which30. c踊 cause us some health problems 一. in f

12、eet tar more serious _ than mole phudes do.,c+ thatd. thosebe very naughty;c. cand. willa、onesb. o加31. the monkeys look sweel but theya. mustb. may32. it wont take lor we complete this project, i suppose.a wirab, beforec. untild. since33. she had tofrom school fbr a few days to take can; of her sick

13、 mother inhospiula. put away b. leave away c. take away d. stay away 34. he decided to move to australia, ro make mon; money there.a. hoped b. to have hoped c. having hoped d. hoping 35. the thing _ mr. johnson was not sure was the young mants honesty.a. of which b, with which c. to which d. on whic

14、h 第二节:完形填空(共20题:每小题15分.满分加分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a b. c和d)中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项*he was just 12 yeare old when he died, but he brought courage and hope 用 people around the worlnkosi johnson, _36_ died in june, i$ remembered loday as an aids _37 this young boy chalkoged his governments adis po反沁5 (政策)and

15、3s_ millions of sou 由 africans in the fifihl against e _39_ .johnson 讯as the longest _40 _ person bora hiv-positive. ?k survived with this deadly disease for 12 years _41_ it ended his life.johnson anracied f吸引)the worlds _42_ and sldjc the hearts of tboiisan出 of p00ple _43_ ihe world al the 13d1 in

16、teniationil aids conference in durban in july 2000. he 44 in front of a large audienct: including south a&ican prtfsidcat thabo mbeki, he 45 them that he wanted azt, a drug _46_ io treat aids patients, lo 加 given to hiv-positive prcgnam (怀孕)women id -47_ the disease being pasz on in their unborn 弗一

17、he received a loud cheer at the end of his spcckarc 瓦 human beings; w亡 can walk and ulk you cant get aids berubnicing, kissing and 50 卜 j *, c 曲评)岫强:疝比叱*l01d昵皿53 his message with aids md inv.b wor,d proportion (比例) of 网0p/govemmem wert 不 丁ril黑m i:而;藜机制 mbeki and his 吗之它.m;岛沈温瓯刎达由 加2 soon iu an 2 小m

18、昵 fighl aaids 同.c. whomj 6. a. that37. a. fighter38. a. made39. a. disease40. a. dying41. a. after42. a, eye43. a. for44. a stood45. a. $poke46. a. addd47. a. prevent48. a. babies49. a. conum50. a. holding51. a* smallest52. a. message53. a. mostly54. a. but55. a pjctureb. which r. student bt unitedb

19、- policiesb. pjomisingb. whenb. noticeb. onb. sath. askedb. usedb. protectb, menbt usualb. keepingb. lowestb. wordsb. seriously 0 . sob. dru举c. teacherc. beatc, worldc. surviving c. while c. attention c.of c. seated c. told c. wowed c, pretend c, enemies c. ordinaryc. raising c greatest c. listening

20、 c. possibly c. thenc. srgnd. whod. winner d. defeated d. courage d. missing d . befored. watchd. acrossd. saidd. answered d. admitted d prolong d. audience d_ nomaj 0.putting dt leastd. speech d. probably d. however d. view第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a, b, c和d)中,选出最佳选项.li加 tommy w

21、艇 do睡 very badly tn math. his parents had tried everything- tutors (家庭教师),cards, special leanimg cm小一话此旧, everything they could think o finany they took tommy to a catholic (天主粒的) school.after the first day, jiltic loiruny uajdc home with 3 vciy serious look on his 西k he didnt kiss his mother hdlu i

22、gd. he went straight rn his room and 口河 spying- books and papers werv 即rea出铺开 joutal! over the room and link tommy *曲人. at work. his mother was smpristd. she caijed him down to dinner and as soon as he finishtd catiflg. he went back to his room, without a word. in 口。t沁y be wu backqmi熊曲books as hard

23、as before. this wcni on for some time, day after &y whje th。mother tried to undirrsiand whai wai happeningfinal!yt little lummy bruughl home his report card. ue quieify put if on the tabicand 仅mt up to his room and hit the tw履 h诵 mom looked at it and t。her surprise 1 粒 丁即叫酬丽 a 山 maik she could no lo

24、nger hold her curiosity (好奇心)工 wienk to his room and asked. whm was it? wag it the nuns (修女)度link tommy looked at her and shook his headl noj“well then/ she asked again, *what was it?*1uttie tummy looked at her and said,on rhe firet day qf school when 酬供 chai man nailed(钉加 the plus 4a加号),i knew they

25、 werent joking ;56. ax?jy did toxnmys parents send him to a catholic school?a because he could eat well there.区 because he could leam more about the nuns.c. because his parents wanted him io do better in his mathd- bec皿 his parents didnt want him to leam maih any more.二, fcniit s mother ielf surpris

26、ed that 位$ 的打a. was still the same as usualb. ate so much at dinnerc. kissed her hello after schoold一 worked hard but said link55, hitting the books* means ,击 chinese.a.用功b.捶书一曰云槌d.振作the last sentence iji the passage shows thata、tommy fell seny for the mlb, tommy wbs afraid cf being nailedc, tamm di

27、dw t like the plus signd tommy liked playing jokes on othersbfor many years, people in american cities have dtpetkled oq farmers in rural areas to gro* fruits and vegetables. but nov. a new geueraxion of farmers is planting crops in urban areas.sean conroe is a coijege student. amber banks is a ieac

28、her. the botij grew up inning 阳d gardening. sean conroe and amber emk5 u anted to stan a farm in the middle of seank. washington. there ar5 a 尿 of mighbortioods that dont have access机会)to healthy, fresh produce. and if they do, it can be very expensive. so we see unused space as a great place to gro

29、w food thul wii! make it moir fbr people/ says amber batiks.conroe creaud a website to get volunteers and donations, within a iveek, “ere offered a piece of land benvee g心 houses. he says twenr. vclunuere 3 priced for six weekends to the unused land into fium, they call their proiici ajisycai acres.

30、the alleycat have harvested about nineh kilograms of produce $o far. th have donated most of ii to local food banks that feed hungry people in seattle.one of the roah of the urban farm is to show jiy people the of growing food. the ajleycats invite school groups tc he tann 10 hdp out and amber bank$

31、 says they want the sanw people who get food donfltions io learn how to work the soil.sear conroe says alleycat avres is expanding (扩大)i。other empnr areas of型 went up to his room and hit the boo3. % mom looked 耻 it 瓜一若;那和皿3 she could no小her i黑湍浮器 mi。盘产 oske 0m whm 啊 it? ws it the 泅潞(修% ”他l j 址 tommy

32、 looked 凯 her and shook his humnolweh then, she osktrf 咫aj口jwha2as i犷 *lhik tommy looked at her and saidjw&l 0fl m 科e 3 r l 156, u7i did lommy s paivnts send him to a catholic school?事a. because he could cm well there.b. because he could i earn njore about the nuns:because 血 parmts wanted him to do

33、better w his mahd. bec到 his parents didn,t wam him to learn math anv more.5 7, 丁mother ielt surprised that 施 son”a. was still tbe same as usualb. ate so much at dinnerc. kissed her hello after schoold. worked hard but said li或58hitting the books, means w jn chinesea用功 b.捶书发泄 振作59. the last sentence

34、in the passage shows thata. tommy felt sorry for the nail-3. tommy was 而aid of being naijedc. tommy didntt like the plus signd. tommy liked playing jok?s on olhersbfor many years, people in american cities havu deperxied on fanners in rural areai 幻即仅 1nts .d vegetables. but now a new genemion of far

35、mers is planriiig crops in 卬ban areas.sean conroe is a college nudent. amber banks is a icacher. thej both grew 叩 fanning and garde口ing. sean conroe and amber bank5 wanted to start a fenn in the middle oi seattle, washjjiglont ttiere ar: a lot of neighborhoods that don飞 have access.机会)to healthy; fr

36、esh produce. and if they it cac be very expensive. so we see unused space as a great place to enow fbod that will make it more scceible icr people, says amber bank.sean conroe created a website lo get volunteers and jonarior. within a week. 由.“ were offered a piece of land bemgrt two h0115a he says

37、gfnty,hunters u ryrked for six weekends to turn tbe unused land into a farm. they ml their projl aucycai acres.the ai ley cat have harvested about ninctj kijogranis of produce so far. fhcy hive donaxed most of it la local food banks that fetid hungry people in seattle.one of the goals of the urban f

38、orm is to show city people the joys of growing food. the aileycmm invixe school groups to the farm 3 help out. and amber banks says they want the s6mc people who get food donations to learn how to wort the soilscan conroe ys alleycat acrei is expandhig i/.大)io other empty arvm ofand went up to his r

39、oom and hit the books. his mom looked at it and to her 对加北、 1而能 tomriy got an a in truth. she coujd no longer hold her curiosity (好奇心).g加 weni re his room and asked. son, what was it? was it the niin (修女)?、link tommy looked at her and shook his head, no“well then/* she asked ngai口、“what wa* it?”linl

40、e tommy looked at her and said, “wull, on the first day of school when sasv that man nailed(钉)to the plus sign(加号),i kne w they werent joking 56. why did tommys parent send him to a catholic school?4. because he could eat well there.b. because he could icam more about e nuns.c. because his parents w

41、anted him to do berter in his math.d. because his parents didnt warn him to learn math any mon57, tommys mother felt surprised that his sona. was still the same as usualb. ate so much 31 dinnerc. kissed her hello after schoold. worked hard but said little55. hitting the books- means 餐 in chinese.a.用

42、功b.撵书et发遗d.振作59. the last senterjee in the passage shows 山盟_a. tommy felt sorry fbr the nailb- ibimriy was afnud ofbeing nailedc. 丁0mmy didnt like the plus sjgnd. tommy liked placing jokes on othersbfor many jeais. people in -american cities have depended on farmers ji rural areas to grow fruits and

43、 vegetables. but now a new genemion of fanners is planting crop$ in urban areas.sean conroe is a college srtud5t ajmbcr banks is aieacher the) beth grew up fanjijjj; and gardening. sean conroe and .vnber b 灯山 wanted to sun a frtn in the middle of seattle washington* * there ar* 9 lot of neighbortroo

44、ds that don have access1号l会)to healthy, fresh produw. .vid ifihey do, it can be verypc海x匕幺 ue see unused space 明 a great place o grow fsod that wih mike h more accessible; icr people. * says amber banks.scan conroe created a vebsite g get volunleers donbticns. alrhin a,8k ih仃offered a piece of land

45、brnveen ng houses. h。匣片ety 。153箍口 qrked for six meek6ds to turn the unused land into a nru the) their prqjt ,虹cat acres.the alleycat have harvested about nineft kijograroi of produce so far. they have donated most of it to local food banks that feed hungjy people in 加加!匕one of the goals of the urban

46、aim is to show city people the joys of growing food. the alieycais invite school groups to the farm to help out and ainbr bankf says they want the same people who get food donations io eam how to work 由e soil*sean conroe says alky cat acres is expanding (扩大)i。other crmpiy 命士流oiseattb sg :, a lot ot

47、other urban fanuing groups. but the growth of these farms is limited. thai is because seanlc. like a lot of other cities, has teswicdonsf$fj) on urban farais. the city council is now considering changing those 值功有 60. the project of alleycai acres is started mainly ga. let city people enjoy the plea

48、sure of growing cropsb. make city people realize the importance of grmifigc. provide ciiy people with fresh fruits anj vegetablesd.tcach college students the skills of fanning and gardening61. which of the fbhowing is the most important for the project?a. teachers and young studentsc. mcnsy and expe

49、rienceb. money and 皿used spaced. unused land and volunteers62. which of the fbuovking words can best describe the project 闻ley由 acres right now?a. hopeless b successfulc, difficult d. unexpecicd63. ft can be inferred from the last paragraph thata. the progress of the pnoject will meet with difficult

50、iesb. the projects will get little support from the govemmentc. agriculture plays an important role in seattledt new la on agriculture will not be passed by the govtnunentcthere are exercises to help yog waxrn up before you play a sport, and it* the same with studying english. here some tips for jou

51、,your vocubukryactivate your oc4bulajy by thinking or speaking about the subjci yoi ane going to work. on. for example, if you are going to study english on a topic thai focuses on c 关于)vacations, take a moment to think about your last vacation what y0u 由出 what)ou eiajoyed, etc. this simple exercise

52、 will hrip your brain warm up ths vocabulary that you probably need io use oo this particular subjectacth tting your grammarsingurg,songactivate your gramniar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study. for 羡ample,评 you are going to swdy english grammar 淤血阴 0rl the past ten

53、se, stop to thick about ww you did last weekend, wbcre you weny before die class begins, or before you sh do丽 to study english, sing a song in engl make sure to use a song 由鼠 you understand and know very well,呼 short and fim exercise will help your brain focus on the engtisb language m a rdmng ,hl 加

54、grrning be relaxed when you study english,sou are g血g uy mtdy嗯at your靛&r附的5噜a 呻上 pgxaph in english. you can w about your day,吗曾eg your fh学弋helps improve icanunj though physical activity*黑吃::ss a pici .曲 a thousand words. help activate the creative side of your brain by trying to describe a picture.

55、you can also u5c this to activate your vocabulnn by choosing a picture that haa something to do with the subteci you arc going to study in enghsk64. the la-riter wrote this passage to tell us a, how to english grammar billerb, how to warm up before we study englishc, some tips to leam more english w

56、ordsd, iniercseing vays to learn english well65. according to fare吁即h 35r if you are going io study english grammar focusing on the mturc ten*, you can think about_a_ *hat you will do next weekend b. what you are interested in doing c. wbat you have done recenuyd. what you have learnt about grammar6

57、6. according to the w7iterf singing an english song can help usa. leam more english wordsb. became more interested in englishc. learn english well in an easier and firn wayd. become relaxed when were lemming english67. what would be the best tide of paragraph 5?a. activaxing your listeningb. studying english al your deskc. typing a short pa/阻尊aph in


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