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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟293专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟293专业八级分类模拟293LANGUAGE USAGE Almost universally, women have failed to reach leading positions in major corporations and private sector organizations, respective of their abilities, said author Linda Wirth. The higher 1 the position, the glaring the gender gap.

2、The ILO said men 2 traditionally rely in old boy networks to climb up the ladder. 3 Women are more invisible in the corporate world but they are less 4 keen on informal gatherings. They are also fighting a losing battle for 5 against sexual harassment. A British study found that women in one company

3、 subjecting to 6 continuing sexual harassment and bullying failed to achieve promotion whatever strategy they used. Protesting and complaining earned them a label of feminist and whining, while trying to 7 be one of the men invited further harassment, the ILO report said. A survey of 300 companies i

4、n Britain last year found that just 3 percent of board members are women. In the FTSE top 100 8 companies listed in Britain, women held just 4 percent of directors posts, while female managers earned just 71 percent of the salary of their male counterpart, the ILO report said. 9 British female manag

5、ers as a whole earned 83 percent of the salaries of their male counterpartsputting them ahead of their counterparts in most other countries. The situation in Germany was no better. A survey of 70,000 largest companies found that women there held just 1 to 3 percent of the top executive and boardroom

6、 positions. The ILO also reported that the comparative high proportion of women executives in large 10 French companies13 percentwas now falling again from the 1980s levels. 1.答案:respectiveirrespective解析 语义错误。结合下文可以看出,此句要表达的意思是“不管她们的能力如何,在大多数公司或私营组织中,女性都很难取得领导地位,这种情况几乎是普遍的。”respective意为“各自的,分别的”,而ir

7、respective才表示“不管的,不顾的”,且通常与of连用。2.答案:glaringmore解析 形容词比较级错误。这句话要表达的意思是“职位越高,性别差距就越明显”,由前面的the higher可知后句也应该使用比较级,故在glaring前面加more。3.答案:inon解析 固定搭配中的介词误用。rely on“依靠,依赖”,为固定搭配,故将in改为on。4.答案:butbecause解析 连词误用。上半句说“女性在公司中比较隐形化”,下半句说“女性不太热衷于同事间的私下聚会”,可见下半句是对上半句的解释,逻辑上是因果关系,而不是转折关系。5.答案:forfor解析 介词冗余。figh

8、t against sth. 意为“为反对而战”是固定搭配,这句话的意思是“她们在反对性骚扰的斗争中也处于劣势。”6.答案:subjectingsubjected解析 非谓语动词误用。subject to是固定搭配,意为“使经受,使遭受”,常使用被动语态。该句的谓语部分是failed to,而subjected to.作后置定语修饰women。7.答案:athe解析 冠词误用。label在这里由后面的of feministandwhining修饰,表特指,应该使用定冠词the限定。8.答案:arewere解析 时态错误。文章通篇采用的都是一般过去时,且主句时态也为一般过去时,所以从句谓语应使用

9、过去式were。9.答案:counterpartcounterparts解析 名词单复数错误。counterpart表示“与之相对应的人或物”,等同于前面的managers,所以应使用复数形式。10.答案:comparativecomparatively解析 词性混用。结合上下文看,这句话要表达的意思是“在法国的大公司里,女主管的比例相对来说要高一些”,应使用副词comparatively来修饰形容词high。 The first mention of slavery in the statutes of the English colonies of North America does n

10、ot occur until after 1660some forty years after the importation of the first Black people. Lest we think that slavery existed in the fact before it did in law, Oscar and 11 Mary Handlin assure us that the status of Black people down to the 1660s was that of servants. A critique of the Handlins inter

11、pretation for why legal slavery did not appear until the 1660s suggests that 12 assumptions about the relation between slavery and racial prejudice could be reexamined, and that explanations for the different 13 treatment of Black slaves in North and South America should be expanded. The Handlins ex

12、plains the appearance of legal slavery by 14 arguing that, during the 1660s, the position of White servants was improving relative to that Black servants. Thus, the Handlins 15 contend, Black and White servants, heretofore treated alike, each attained a different status. There are, however, importan

13、t objections for this argument. First, the Handlins cannot adequately 16 demonstrate that the White servants position was improving during and after the 1660s; some act of the Maryland and Virginia 17 legislatures indicate otherwise. Another flaw in the Handlins interpretation is his assumption that

14、 prior to the establishment of 18 legal slavery there was no discrimination against Black people. It is true before the 1660s Black people were rarely called slaves. But 19 this should not overshadow evidence from the 1630s on the points to racial discrimination without using the term slavery. Such

15、discrimination sometimes stopped short of lifetime servitude or inherited statusthe two attributes of true slaveryyet in other cases it included both. The Handlins argument includes the real 20 possibility that Black people in the English colonies were never treated as the equals of White people. 11

16、.答案:thethe解析 冠词冗余。in fact表示“事实上,实际上”,此处的the是多余的。12.答案:forof解析 介词误用。for表示原因、目的、对象等关系,而of表示从属、描述关系,这句话中why引导的定语从句说明的是interpretation,所以应该使用of表示“对的解释”。13.答案:couldshould或者could解析 虚拟语气错误。该句中suggests表示“建议”,引导的宾语从句应使用虚拟语气,谓语动词为“should+动词原形”,should可省略,因此把could改成should或者去掉。14.答案:explainsexplain解析 主谓不一致。由上文可知,

17、The Handlins是指Oscar和Mary Handlin夫妻两人,故谓语动词应为复数。15.答案:thatof解析 介词缺失。that指代的是position,文章要表达的意思是“相对于黑人佣人,白人佣人的地位不断上升”,因此后面是物主属格形式。此处从句谓语动词用过去进行时,表示当时的一种状态;relative to表示“相对于”。16.答案:forto解析 介词误用。该句的含义是“对这种观点有几个重要的反对意见。”objection表示“反对”时,与介词to连用。17.答案:actacts解析 名词单复数错误。act作名词表示“法令,法案”时为可数名词,并且句子谓语动词indicat

18、e没有使用第三人称单数形式,由此可推断act应是复数形式。18.答案:histheir解析 代词误用。根据文章可知,the Handlins表示汉德林夫妇二人,所以这里的物主代词应该使用their。19.答案:truethat解析 从句引导词缺失。It在这里作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句,其中that不可省略。20.答案:includesexcludes解析 语义错误。通篇来看,Handlin夫妇的论点中隐含的意思是:最初黑人和白人都是佣人,地位是同等的,只是后来白人佣人的地位上升,才使得黑人佣人的地位相对下降,变成奴隶,所以他们的观点排除黑人和白人从来都没有被平等对待的可能性,所

19、以应将includes改为excludes。 Second language teaching should focus on encouraging acquisition, and on providing input that stimulates the conscious 21 language acquisition potential all normal human beings have. This does not mean to say, however, that there is not room at all for 22 conscious learning. C

20、onscious learning does have a role, but it is no longer a lead actor in the play. For starters, we mustnt realize that learning does not turn into 23 acquisition. While the idea is that we first learn a grammar rule and 24 then use it so much that it becomes internalized is common and may seem obvio

21、us to many, it is not supported by theory neither by the 25 observation of second language acquirers, who often correctly use rules they have never been taught and dont even remember accurately the rules they have learned. However, there is place for grammar, or the conscious 26 learning of the rule

22、s of a language. Their major role is in the use 27 of the Monitor, which allows Monitor users to produce more correct output when they are given the right conditions to actually use their Monitor, like in some planned speech and writing. 28 So, for correct Monitor use the users must know the rules t

23、hey are 29 applying, and these would need to be rules that are easy to remember and applya very small subset of all of the grammatical rules of a language. It is not worth for language acquisition to teach 30 difficult rules which are hard to learn, harder to remember, and sometimes almost impossibl

24、e to correctly apply. 21.答案:conscioussubconscious解析 语义错误。后文提到,“这并不意味着有意识的学习没有任何意义”。由此可知,第一句中是说“第二语言教学应该注重鼓励语言习得,并提供语言输入,以激发所有正常人类所拥有的潜意识的语言习得潜能”,故将conscious改为subconscious。22.答案:第二个notno解析 近义词误用。修饰名称room应使用名词或形容词,not只能当副词用,故将not改为no。23.答案:mustntmust解析 语义错误。该句意思是“对于初学者,我们必须意识到学习的东西并不能转化成习得的东西。”根据上下文语境

25、可知,该处表达的意思是肯定的,故将mustnt改为must。24.答案:isis解析 动词冗余。While the idea.is common and may seem obvious to many为while引导的让步状语从句,it is not supported.为主句。在让步状语从句中,the idea is common and may seem obvious to many为句子主干,that we first learn a grammar rule and then use it so much that it becomes internalized为同位语从句,解释说

26、明the idea,that前不需要加be动词,故将is去掉。该句意为“尽管许多人都认为我们学习并多加使用某个语法规则以使其内化。”25.答案:neithernor解析 近义词误用。not.nor.表示“既不也不”,故将neither改为nor。26.答案:placea解析 冠词缺失。place为可数名词单数,且此处并非特指某个地方,故加上不定冠词a。27.答案:TheirIts解析 代词误用。此处物主代词指代的是前文中的grammar,为单数名词,the conscious learning of the rules of a language作grammar的同位语,故此处应用Its。28

27、.答案:likeas解析 词义混淆。like和as均表示“如同,像一样”,但是like不可以引导介词短语,而as则可以,故将like改为as。29.答案:SoHowever解析 衔接副词误用。根据上下文语境,上文中强调语法输出的精确性,而下文中则着重论述语法输出简单易懂的必要性。由此推知,两者间的逻辑关系为转折而非因果关系,故将So改为However。30.答案:worthworthwhile解析 词义混淆。worth的意思是“值得的”,常见结构为worth sth. /doing sth. ;worthwhile的意思是“值得的”,常见结构为It is worthwhile to do st

28、h. ,故将worth改为worthwhile。 Communication is far more than speech and writing. Most of us are aware that we are communicating in many different ways even 31 when we are not speaking. The same goes to other social animal 32 species. We are rarely taught about this most non-verbal form of 33 human commun

29、ication in school even though it is very important for effective interaction to others. Grown up in a society, we informally 34 learn how to use gestures, glances, slight changes in tone of voice, and other auxiliary communication devices to alter or emphasize how 35 we say and do. We learn these hi

30、ghly culture bound techniques over years largely by observing others and imitating them. Linguists refer to all of these auxiliary communication methods 36 paralanguage. It is part of the redundancy in communication that helps prevent ineffective communication. It can prevent the wrong message from

31、inadvertently being passed on, as is often as the case 37 in a telephone call and even more so in a letter. The paralanguage messages that can be observed through face-to-face contact also makes it more difficult to lie or to hide emotions. 38 Paralanguage is often less important in communication th

32、an 39 what is actually being said orally. It has been suggested that as much as 70% of what we communicate when talking directly with others are through paralanguage. 40 31.答案:awareunaware解析 语义错误。根据上下文语境,此处句意为“我们中的大多数人并未察觉,即使不说话我们也在用别的方式进行沟通。”因此应将aware改为unaware。32.答案:tofor解析 固定搭配中的介词误用。the same goes for.为固定搭配,意为“对某人或某物也是同样的”。此处意为“(这种现象)在其他社会动物中也同样存在”。33.答案:mostmostly解析 词义混用。这里应该用副词来修饰形容词non-v


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