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1、暂时的财务报表(1)FRS 34FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDInterim Financial ReportingFRS 34 Interim Financial Reporting was issued by the CCDG in January 2003 and consequential ame ndme nts were made in July and September 2004.This Stan dard is operative for finan cial stateme nts cover ing periods beg inning on

2、or after 1st October 2001.OBJECTIVESCOPEContentsParagraphs 1 - 3DEFINITIONSCONTENT OF AN INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTMinimum Components of an Interim Financial ReportForm and Content of Interim Financial StatementsSelected Expla natory NotesDisclosure of Complia nee with FRSPeriods for which Interim Fin

3、ancial Statements areRequired to be Prese ntedMaterialityDISCLOSURE IN ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTSRECOGNITION AND MEASUREMENTSame Accou nting Policies as Ann ualReve nues Received Seas on ally, Cyclically, or Occasi on allyCosts In curred Un eve nly duri ng the Finan cial YearAppl ying the Recog nit

4、i on and Measureme nt Prin ciplesUse of EstimatesRESTATEMENT OF PREVIOUSLY REPORTEDINTERIM PERIODSEFFECTIVE DATEAPPENDICESA. Illustration of Periods Required to Be PresentedB. Examples of Appl ying the Recog niti on and Measureme nt Pri nciplesC. Examples of the Use of Estimates5-2589 -1415 -1819202

5、32628283741-22-25-27-42-36-383940-4243 -4546Finan cial Report ing Stan dard 34In terim Finan cial Report ing(FRS 34) is set out in paragraphs1-46. All the paragraphs have equal authority.FRS 34 should be read in the con text of itsobjective, the Preface to the FinancialReportingStandardsand the Fram

6、ework for thePreparation and Presentation of Financial Statements. FRS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes inAccounting Estimates and Errors provides a basis for selectingand applyingaccountingpolicies in the abse nee of explicit guida nee.FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARD FRS 34Interim Financial ReportingObj

7、ectiveof an interimfinancialorThe objective of this Standardis to prescribe the minimum contentreport and to prescribe the principlesfor recognitionand measurementin completeconden sed finan cial stateme nts for anin terim period. Timely and reliable in terim finan cialreporting improves the ability

8、 of investors, creditors, and others to understand an enterprises capacity to gen erate ear nings and cash flows and its finan cial con diti on and liquidity.Scope1. This Stan dard does not man date which en terprises should be required to publish in terim financial reports, how frequently, or how s

9、oon after the end of an interim period. gover nmen ts,securities regulators, stock excha nges, and accou ntancyrequire en terprises whose debt or equity securities are publicly traded to publish in terim financial reports.This Standard applies if an enterprise is required or elects to publish aninte

10、rim financial report in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards. Corporate Disclosure and Gover nance en courages publicly traded en terprises to provide interim financial reports that conform to the recognition,measurement,pri nciples set out in this Stan dard. Specifically, publicly traded e

11、n terprises are en couraged:However, bodies oftenThe Cou ncil onand disclosureto provideinterim financial reports at least as of the end of thefinan cial year; andfirst half of their(b)to make their interim financial reports available not later than 60 days after the end of the in terim period.2.Eac

12、h financial report, annual or interim, is evaluated on its own for conformity to FinancialReport ing Stan dards.The fact that an en terprise may not have provided in terim finan cialreports during a particular financial year or may have provided interim financial reports that do not comply with this

13、 Standard does not prevent the enterprisesannualstateme nts from con form ing to Finan cial Report ing Stan dards if they otherwise do so.finan cial3. If an enterprisesinterimfinancialreport is described as complyingwithReportingStandards, it must comply with all of the requirementsof thisParagraph

14、19 requires certa in disclosures in that regard.Finan cial Sta ndard.Defin iti ons4. The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:Interim period is a financial reporting period shorter than a full financial year.Interimfinancial report means a financialreport containing

15、either a complete set offinan cial stateme nts (as described in FRS 1, Prese ntati on of Finan cial Stateme nts) or a set of condensed financial statements (as described in this Standard) for an interim period.Content of an Interim Financial Report5.FRS 1 definesa complete set of financialstatements

16、 as includingthe followingcomp onen ts:a bala nee sheet;6.7.(b)(c)(d)(e)an in come stateme nt;a stateme nt of cha nges in equity show ing either:(i)(ii)all cha nges in equity orchanges in equity other than those arising from transactions holders act ing in their capacity as equity holders;a cash flo

17、w stateme nt; andnotes,comprising a summary of significantaccounting policiesexpla natory no tes.In the interest of timeliness and cost considerations and to avoid repetition of information previously in formati on Sta ndard condensed report is stateme nts.reported, an enterprisemay be required to o

18、r may elect toat interim dates as compared with its annual financial defi nesthe mini mumcontent of an in terimfinan cialfinancialstatements and selected ended to provide an update on the latest completeAccord in gly, it focuses on new activities, eve nts.does not duplicate in fo

19、rmati on previously reported.withandequityprovide stateme nts.report as in cludThe interimset of annualand circumstancestherlessThisngfinan cial finan cial andNoth ing in this Stan dard is inten ded to prohibit or discourage an en terprise from publish ing a complete set of financial statements (as

20、described in FRS 1) in its interim financial report, rather tha n conden sed finan cial stateme nts and selected expla natory no tes.Nor does thStandard prohibit or discourage an enterprisefrom includingin condensed intefinan cial stateme nts more tha n the mini mum line items or selected expla nato

21、ry no tes as set out in this Stan dard.The recog niti on and measureme nt guida nee in this Stan dard appliesalso to complete financialstatementsincludeall of the disclosuresdisclosures in paragraph Sta ndards.isrimfor an interimperiod, and such statementsrequired by this Standard(particularly the s

22、elected16) as well as those required by other FinancialReportiwouldnotengMinimum Components of an Interim Financial Report8. An in terim finan cial report should in clude, at a mini mum, the follow ing comp onents:conden sed bala nee sheet;(b)conden sed in come stateme nt;(c) condensedstatementshowi

23、ng either (i) all changesin equity or (ii) changes inequity other tha n those aris ing from capitaltran sacti onswithown ersanddistributi ons to own ers;(d) conden sed cash flow stateme nt; and(e) selected expla natory no tes.Form and Content of In terim Finan cial Stateme nts2.13.If an ent

24、erprisepublishes a complete set of financialstatementsin its interim financialreport, the formand content of those stateme nts shouldconformto the requireme nts ofFRS 1 for a complete set of finan cial stateme nts.If an enterprise publishes a set of condensed financial statements in its interim fina

25、ncial report, those conden sed stateme nts should in clude, at a mini mum, each of the head ings and subtotals that were included in its most recent annual financialstatementsselected explanatory notes as required by this Standard. Additionalline itemsshould be included if their omission would make

26、the condensedinterimstateme nts mislead ing.Basic and diluted earnings per share should statement, complete or condensed, for an interim period.FRS 1 provides guidanee on the structure of Guida nee for FRS 1 illustrates ways in whichstateme nt of cha nges in equity may be prese nted.andtheor notes f

27、inan cialbe presentedon the faceof an in comefinan cial stateme nts.the balanee sheet,The Implementationin come stateme ntFRS 1 requires a stateme nt of cha nges in equity to be prese nted as a separate comp onent of an entity s financial statements, and permits information about changes in equity a

28、rising from tra nsacti ons with equity holders act ing in their capacity as equity holders (in clud ing distributions to equity holders) to be shown either on the face of the statement or in the notes. An entity follows the same format in its interim statement of changes in equity as it did in its m

29、ost rece nt ann ual stateme nt.and14. An interimfinancialreport is prepared on a consolidatedbasis if the enterprises mostrece nt ann ual finan cial stateme nts were con solidated stateme nts.The pare nts separatefinan cial stateme nts are n ot con siste nt or comparable with the con solidated state

30、me nts in the most rece nt ann ual finan cial report.If an en terprises ann ual finan cial report in cludedthe pare nts separate finan cial stateme nts in additi on to con solidated finan cial stateme nts, thisStan dardn either requires nor prohibits the in clusi onof the pare nts separatestatements

31、 in the enterprises interim financial report.Selected Expla natory Notes15.A user of an enterprises interim financial report will also have access to the most recentann ual finan cial report of that en terprise.It is unn ecessary, therefore, for the no tes to anin terim finan cial report to provide

32、relativelyin sig nifica ntupdates to the in formatio nwas already reported in the no tes in the most rece nt ann ual report.At an in terim date,explanationof events and transactionsthat are significantto an understandingchangesin financialposition and performanee of the enterprisesince the lastrepor

33、t ing date is more useful.thatan of the ann ualstatements, if material and if not disclosed elsewhere in theThe information should normally be reported on a financial year-to-date the enterprise should also disclose any events or transactionsthat arein terim16. An en terprise should in clude the fol

34、low ing in formati on, as a mini mum, in the no tes to its in terim finan cial finan cial report. basis. However, material to an understanding of the current interim period:(a) a statementthat the same accountingpolicies and methods of computationarefollowed in the interimfinancialstatements as comp

35、ared with the most recentannual financial statements or, if those policies or methods have been changed, a description of the nature and effect of the change;(b)(c)(d)(e)expla natory comme nts about the seas on ality or cyclicality of in terim operati ons;the n ature and amou nt of items affect ing

36、assets, liabilities, equity, net in come, or cash flows that are un usual because of their n ature, size, or in cide nce;the nature and amount of changes in estimates of amounts reported in prior interim periods of the current financial year or changes in estimates of amounts reported in prior finan

37、cial years, if those changes have a material effect in the current interim period;(f)divide nds shares;paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other(g)segme ntsegme nts,(disclosureonly if FRS 14 Segment Reporting requires that enterprise to disclose segment dataresult foris

38、theenterprisesof segment data is required in an enterprisesreve nueand segme ntwhicheverbus in esssegme ntsor geographicprimary basis of segmentreportin terimfinan cialalngreportissua nces, repurchases, and repayme nts of debt and equity securities;in its annual financial statements);17.(h)(i)(j)mat

39、erial events subsequent to the end of the interim period reflected in the finan cial stateme nts for the in terim period;that have not bthe interim of subsidiaries lon g-term in vestme nts, restructuri ngs, and disc on ti nued operati on s. In the case of bus in ess comb in ati ons, the en tity shal

40、l disclose the in formati onrequireddisclosed un der paragraphs 66-73 of FRS 103Bus in ess Comb in ati ons ; andthe effect of changes in the compositionof the entity duringin clud ingbus in esscomb in ati ons,acquisiti on or disposalchanges in contingent liabilities or contingent assets since the la

41、st annual balance sheet date.Examples of the kinds of disclosures that are required by paragraph 16 are set out below. In dividual Stan dards and In terpretati ons provide guida nce regard ing disclosures for many of these items:the write-down of inventories to net realisable value and the reversal

42、of write-dow n;een(b)(c)perod,andtobesucrecognitionof a loss from the impairmentof property,plant,and equipmeintan gible assets, or other assets, and the reversal of such an impairme nt loss;the reversal of any provisions for the costs of restructuring;(d) acquisiti ons and disposals of items of pro

43、perty, pla nt, and equipme nt;(e)commitme nts for the purchase of property, pla nt, and equipme nt;(f) litigati on settleme nts;nt,(g) correcti ons of prior period errors;(h) deleted;(i) any loa n default or breach of a loa n agreeme nt that has not bee n remedied on or before the bala nee sheet dat

44、e; and(j) related party tra nsacti ons.18.Other Stan dards specify disclosures that shouldbe made in financial statements. In thatcon text,finan cialstateme ntsmeans complete sets of finan cialstateme nts ofnormally in cluded in an ann ual finan cial report and sometimes in cluded in other reports.

45、Except as required by paragraph 16(i), the disclosures required by those other Stan dards are not required if an entity interim financial report includes only condensed statements and selected explanatorynotesrather than a complete set ofstatemen ts.theialfinan20.(b)(c)(d)current financial year to y

46、ear-to-date period of thedate, with a immediately21.For an en terprise whose bus in ess is highly seas on al, finan cial in formati on for the twelve mon ths ending on the in terim report ing date and comparative in formatio nfortwelve-m onthperiod may be useful. Accord in gly,en terpriseswhose bus

47、in essthe prior is highlyDisclosure of Complia nee with FRS19. If an enterprises interim financial report is in complianee with this FinancialReportingStandard,that fact should be disclosed. An interim financial report should not bedescribed as compllying with Financial Reporting Standards unless it

48、 complies with all of the requirements of each applicableStandardand each applicableInterpretationof theFinan cial Report ing Stan dard.Periods for which In terim Finan cial Stateme nts are Required to be Prese ntedInterimreports should include interimfinancialstatements(condensedor complete) forper

49、iods as follows:balance sheet as of the end of the current interim period and a comparative balance sheet as of the end of the immediately precedi ng finan cial year;in come stateme nts for the curre nt in terim period and cumulatively for the curre ntfinan cial year to date, with comparative in com

50、e stateme nts for the comparable interim periods (current and year-to-date) of the immediately preceding financial year;statement showing changes in equity cumulatively for the current financial year todate, with a comparativestatementfor the comparable year-to-date period of theimmediately preced i

51、ng finan cial year; andcash flow statement cumulatively for the comparative statement for the comparable preceding financial year.seasonal are encouraged to considerreportingsuchinformationin addition to thein formati on called for in the precedi ng paragraph.22. Appendix A illustrates the periods r

52、equired to be presented by an enterprise that reports half-yearly and an en terprise that reports quarterly.Materiality23.In deciding how to recognise, measure, classify,or disclose an item for interimfinancialreporting purposes, materiality should be assessed in relation to the interim period finan

53、 cial data.In making assessme nts of materiality, it should be recog ni sed that in terimmeasurementsmay rely on estimates to a greater extent than measurementsof annual24. FRS 1 Presentation of FinancialAccou nti ng Estimates and Errors couldin flue ncethe econo micrequires separate disclosurefinan

54、 cial data.Statementsand FRS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes indefine an item as material if its omission or misstatementdecisionsof users of the financialstatements. FRS 1of material items,including(for example)discontinuedoperati ons, and FRS 8 requires disclosure of cha nges in accou nting estimat

55、es, errors and cha nges in accou nti ng policies.The two Stan dards do not contain qua ntified guida nce asto materiality.25. While judgement is always required in assessingmateriality, this Standardbases therecognition and disclosure decision on data for the interim period by itself for reasons ofu

56、nderstandabilityof the interim figures. Thus, for example,unusualitems, changes inaccou nti ng policies or estimates, and errors are recog ni sed and disclosed on the basis of materiality in relation to interim period data to avoid misleading inferences that might resultfrom non-disclosure.The overriding goal is to ensurethat an interimfinancial reportin cludes all in formati on that is releva nt to un ders


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