1、远古时代,这个世界曾由神魔所统治in ancient times, the world was ruled by gods and monsters.但却是我的儿子,半神珀尔修斯but it was the half-god perseus, my son.打败了北海巨妖,拯救了人类.who defeated the kraken and saved humanity.为了奖励他的勇敢 我在身边为他安排了一个神位for his courage, i offered him a place to rule at my side.但珀尔修斯.but perseus.固执己见,做出了另外的选择.wa
2、s strong-willed and chose a different path.他发誓以人的身份生活he vowed to live as a man.即使命运夺去了他的妻子even when fate took his wife.他仍不愿向我.he would not pray for help, from me.或其他诸神祈求帮助.or the other gods.如今神的时代已近结束and now the time of the gods is ending.但宙斯之子却不能永远逃避自己的命运but the son of zeus cannot hide from his des
3、tiny forever.现在拉它回来.再做一次now pull it in. do it again.快点把另一个也扔出去 继续,我把这个打个结throw in the other one real quick. go on. ill tie this off.今天收获不错,爸爸good catch today, dad.- 你从哪儿弄的那个东西? - 我自己做的- whered you get that? - i made it myself.你自己做的?you made it yourself? heh.我想做个好神,做些好事 i want to be a good god and do
4、 good things.- 没有什么好神 - 有一些神是好的theres no such thing as good gods. some of them are good.赫利俄斯,生活中不是只有神和泰坦ah. helius, theres more to life than gods and titans.嘿,克莉亚,我要跟你认个错hey, clea. i have a confession to make.我刚才,嗯,需要他帮忙做事 所以他没来学习i, uh, needed him for chores so he skipped studying.现在,去好好学习,让我骄傲一下now
5、, you do a good job, make me proud.我知道你在这儿i know youre here.我时常在他熟睡时来看他i visit him sometimes in his dreams.他就像他的父亲一样.一个意志坚强的孩子hes like his father. a strong-willed boy.你是顺路过来看看?you just passing through?不是no.我需要你的帮助i need your help.珀尔修斯.perseus.你是万物之神宙斯 你不需要我的帮助youre the great god zeus. you dont need
6、my help.大灾变即将降临there is a calamity coming.它会影响到我们所有人,无论是神还是人it will affect us all. gods and men.- 人类将不再向我们祈祷 - 理由不错- the humans may have stopped praying to us. - with good reason.但是会有后果发生.but there are consequences.没有了祈祷者,我们众神将失去力量without prayer, we gods lose our power.当我们失去力量时,所有的努力都将付之一炬 所有的一切when
7、 our power leaves us, all our work comes undone. all of it.地狱深渊的壁垒将崩塌the walls of tartarus are falling.所有地狱中的恶魔将倾巢涌入凡间 第一个恶魔已经出现了it is emptying all its demons onto the earth. the first are already here.如果我们的力量进一步减弱, 我们众神将沦为凡人if our power diminishes much further, we gods will become mortal.我们将会死去,库洛纳
8、斯将会逃脱we will die and kronos himself will escape.到那时会秩序混乱,即是世界的末日it will mean chaos. the end of the world.我能做些什么?what am i meant to do?这是神的事this is business for gods.如今我们需要我们所有的孩子we need all our children now.或许,团结一致perhaps, together.我们就能补救这一切.we can remedy this.但我们需要每一份绵薄之力,珀尔修斯but we need every shre
9、d of power, perseus.我不会丢下我的孩子i will never leave my son.我比你更加了解你自己i know your heart better than you know it yourself.你一直相信 你人性的一面告诉你加入我们是不值得的you believe your human half makes you unworthy to join us.终有一日你会了解you will learn someday that.作为一个半神.being half-human.你比真神更加强大,而不是嬴弱.makes you stronger than a g
10、od, not weaker.我觉得你该走了i think you should go.好梦,珀尔修斯sleep well, perseus.我不会丢下我的孩子i will never leave my son.宙斯zeus.波塞冬poseidon.兄弟brother.好久不见it has been an age.确实,很久了indeed, it has.阿瑞斯ares.我的孩子my son.我的兄弟珀尔修斯在哪儿?wheres my brother perseus?去打鱼了?gone fishing?是的yes.多么勇敢而高尚的决定what a brave and noble decisio
11、n.那么,我们走let us go, then.地狱深渊,冥界最大的监狱tartarus. the great prison of the underworld.哈迪斯兄弟!brother hades!我们依照协定we have come to your domain.来到了你的管辖区.as agreed!现身吧!show yourself to us!这么多年来after so many years.库洛纳斯的孩子们,再一次重聚.the sons of kronos, together once more.手足兄弟brothers in arms.哈迪斯hades.你是冥界最高的统治者.yo
12、u are the great ruler of the underworld.请允许我们进入并帮助你重建allow us to enter and help you rebuild.地狱深渊的壁垒.the walls of tartarus.我亲爱的兄弟 是你将我永远驱逐到这里my beloved brother, who banished me here for eternity.照顾我们的父亲,而如今.to look after our father, now seeks.却要寻求和解.reconciliation.兄弟,我们要忘记过去we must forget the past, b
13、rother.团结一致.and unite.没错yes.但是我说了算but on my terms.波塞冬!poseidon!在你上面!above you!波塞冬poseidon.已经开始了it has begun.赫利俄斯?!helius?!赫利俄斯!helius!离它远点,离它远点!stay away, stay away!赫利俄斯?helius?赫利俄斯helius.怪兽!chimera!赫利俄斯!helius!你有看到赫利俄斯么?!have you seen helius?!赫利俄斯!helius!回来!get back!不要接近!它会喷火!keep away! its venom c
14、atches fire!趴下!stay down!赫利俄斯,跟他们走!helius, go with them!带走他!take him!我会找到你的!走啊!ill find you! go!快走!go!- 爸爸! - 快走!- dad! run!快走!go!赫利俄斯!helius!赫利俄斯!- 爸爸,快! - 我来了,儿子!dad, hurry! im coming, son!赫利俄斯!呆那儿别动!helius! stay there!爸爸!dad!赫利俄斯!helius!在这儿!here!来抓我啊!come and get me!你在等什么?烧死我啊!what are you waitin
15、g for?! burn me!坐下sit.哦ohh.在这个世界上things are happening.已经有事开始发生了 珀尔修斯,你知道的,我能感受得到.in the world, perseus. you know that, you have instincts.神之子the son of a god.儿子需要父亲a son needs a father.我曾对妻子发誓i made a vow to lo.我懂,我懂 你孩子出生时候我在场i know, i know, i was there delivering your son.你曾对你的妻子发誓 你永远不会让赫利俄斯使用武器y
16、ou vowed to your wife youd never let helius wield a sword.你将与他一起作为打渔生活that youd live with him as a simple fisherman.没错,和平时期这么做确实没错well, thats a fine game in normal times.但是如果你有了力量,你也就有了责任but if you have power, you also have a duty.把我的身子治好just fix my body.我的灵魂我自己做主.and leave my soul to me.你们要去哪儿?wher
17、e are we going?我要和我的父亲谈谈i need to speak to my father.没有什么好害怕的theres nothing to be frightened of.这里就是万神殿this is the mount of idols.距离天堂最近的地方the closest place to the heavens.这儿就是人们来拜祭众神的地方its a place where people come to worship the gods.至少他们曾经来过or at least they used to come.宙斯?zeus?父亲father.波塞冬poseid
18、on.发生了什么?what happened?哈迪斯和阿瑞斯已经加入了库洛纳斯hades and ares have joined kronos.共同对付人类.against humanity.所有的神都已经消失不见all the gods have disappeared.- 我最怕出现的情况 - 来,过来- i fear the worst. - here, here.我扶着你i got you, i got you.我父亲在哪儿?wheres my father?被抓了captured.你必须到冥界去解救他you must journey to the underworld and fr
19、ee him.他们抓走了我的父亲they took my father.你是这个世界尚存的唯一希望youre the only hope left in this world.不然就全完了or there will be oblivion.我该怎么做?how do i do it?我只是一个半神im only half a god.那你就要找到另一个半神then you must find another half-god.阿格诺尔agenor.他是我的儿子hes my son.他和安德洛墨达公主在一起hes with queen andromeda.让他带你去找堕落者tell him to
20、take you to the fallen one.波塞冬poseidon.拿着这个,使用它take this. use it.如果我的儿子if my son.能够活下来,就证明我把这个传给他.survives and proves worthy.是值得的.give it to him.我的亲儿子背叛了我my own son betrays me.只有你觉得情况合适时, 你才会记得我就是你的儿子only when it suits you, you remember i am your son.哈迪斯hades.兄弟,你像个人类一样流汗 接下来,就会流泪youre sweating like
21、 a human, brother. next, itll be tears.别跟他废话dont waste words on him.库洛纳斯在等着kronos is waiting.父亲.father.怎么了?what?我们的父亲向我们提出一个交易our father has offered us a deal.你个笨蛋!you fool!如果我们能帮助他逃离地狱深渊if we help him to escape tartarus.他答应允许我们少数几个神保持神性.he will allow we few gods who remain to keep our immortality.-
22、 不! - 让他说话- no! - let him speak.让他说话let him speak.你是不是变弱了?are you becoming weak?你现在在冥界,阿瑞斯 我的地盘,你最好听我的youre in the underworld, ares, where its wise to obey me.我们的父亲曾想杀掉我们,你忘记了?you forget our father once tried to kill us.没有,我什么都记得no, i remember everything.我们的父亲究竟想从我们这里得到什么? 而回报是宝贵的神性and what exactly
23、does our father want from us in return for our precious immortality?我们仅仅是把你仅存的圣神力量提供给他 这样他就能让自己自由we simply offer him the last of your divine powers so that he may free himself.哦,哈迪斯oh, hades.我都对你做了什么?what have i done to you?你笑得好像你还有选择you laugh as if you had a choice.没有选择了there is no choice.我希望你已经受够他
24、们了i hope you have enough of them.拉他起来pull him.你比我更需要它youll need it more than me.天马pegasus.去吧go on.他喜欢你he likes you.而我,在另一方面me, on the other hand.我爱你i love you.我知道i know.走吧come on.嘿,哇 向前直飞,干得不错eh, whoa. keep it straight. have it look good.来吧,伙计come on, boy.更多怪兽!弓箭手!more chimera! archers!快,快,快!go, go,
25、 go!准备!发射!ready! fire!怪兽! 准备!chimera! ready!保持队形,保持队形!hold your lines. hold your lines!让开路!out of the way!停止攻击!hold your fire!我命令你们停止攻击!- i said hold your fire! queen andromeda.啊,保持直线飞,就这样!ah, keep it straight. oy!哇!whoa!你以前可比这厉害多了you used to be a lot better at this.全体向您致敬,珀尔修斯 北海巨妖杀手all hail perseu
26、s, killer of the kraken.向您致敬,珀尔修斯!hail perseus!伟大的珀尔修斯great perseus.如果你追求的是战斗,你有点来晚了if it is action youre after, you are a little late.我只是来参见安德洛墨达公主的im just here to see queen andromeda.这里是战场this is a battlefield.这儿我是指挥官 嗯- i am in command here. - uh-huh.好吧,我想和公主谈谈well, i wish to speak to the queen.正
27、好公主也有话要和你谈谈and the queen wishes to speak to you.女王殿下your majesty.来吧come on.向您致敬,珀尔修斯hail perseus.很明显你身处自己的战争中,珀尔修斯youve obviously been in your own battles, perseus.我也正忙着打我的战争ive been busy with mine.是的,没错yeah, you have.我不会勉强你i wont keep you.都过去很久了its been too long.- 我现在有一个儿子 - 我知道,我想见见他- i have a son
28、 now. - i know. id like to meet him.- 我的妻子,她. - 我知道and my wife, she- - i know.很抱歉im sorry.女王殿下your majesty.为了人类,我们必须在日落前解决我们的分歧for the sake of the men, we must resolve our differences before sunset.我说的很清楚,我会继续战斗i made it clear we continue to fight.抵抗怪兽入侵.the chimera invaders.今天在战场我们失去了人today in the
29、field we lost men.而目前只杀掉了头怪兽,我们.for the death of four chimera. we have.触怒了众神.我们需要祈祷.offended the gods. we need to pray.也许,你要向战神阿瑞斯祈祷?youd pray to ares, perhaps?战士们都会这么做as soldiers always have.如果我告诉你阿瑞斯现在是你们的敌人 你怎么想?what if i was to tell you that ares is your enemy now?我会同他讲和i would make peace with h
30、im.你想同战神讲和?you would make peace with the god of war?珀尔修斯perseus.你有什么战略?whats your strategy?有一种方法我们可以解决这一切 然后平安回家theres a way we can end this, and then i can get home.- 你这是要干什么? - 我要为我的战船刻船舱what is this for? - its to cut the oars for my trireme.我需要间船舱i need oars.目前这三行.for the three rows.每行一个人.one oar
31、 per man.这个看起来像偷的this looks like a pick.- 没错,但它是我船上的方向舵 - 安静!- it is, however, the rudder for my flagship. quiet!早间审讯,女王殿下morning checks, your majesty.总是充满变故always eventful.哦,女王殿下,很高兴见到你oh, your majesty. ah. so good to see you.这就是阿格诺尔,他是个骗子,也是个贼 我知道我们之间不可能- this is agenor. hes a liar and a thief. i
32、know it didnt work out between us.但是,请,试着忘记它吧.but, please, do try and get over it.你有没有一个如此深爱你的女人have you ever had a woman love you so much.她会像宠物兔子一样把你绑起来?.she locks you up like a pet rabbit?他想通过婚姻关系寻求我的帮助he wanted my hand in marriage.当我拒绝时,他设法带着皇冠上的珠宝逃走when i refused, he tried to run away with the c
33、rown jewels.我想这就是因为我非凡的眼睛i think its my extraordinary eyes.实际上,你有你父亲的眼睛actually, you got the eyes of your father.你认识他父亲?do you know his father?是的,这个阿格诺尔yeah, agenor here.他是海神波塞冬的儿子.hes the son of the great god poseidon.你的新男朋友很明显疯掉了your new boyfriend is clearly insane.我是你的兄弟, 阿格诺尔im your cousin, agen
34、or.我是宙斯的儿子im the son of zeus.我是半神,和你一样被遗弃了half-god and abandoned just like you.如果是我的父亲派你来if my father sent you.我不想跟你有任何瓜葛.i want nothing to do with you.你的父亲已经死了your father is dead.神是不会死的gods dont die.如今他们确实会they do now.好啊,能帮我个忙么?good. could you do me a favor?- 任何事 - 下地狱去吧anything. - go to hell.那正是我要
35、做的事thats exactly where im going.我只是需要些信息i just need information.你的父亲告诉我说your father told me.你能帮助我找到堕落者.that you could help me get to the fallen one.你很向往大海,不是么?you long for the ocean, dont you?就像是永远无法解除的饥渴感its like a thirst you cannot quench.在这儿对你来说就是地狱it must be hell for you in here.我要皇家赦免i want a r
36、oyal pardon.同意granted.我要和我体重一样重的金子i want my body weight in gold.同意granted.default,fsc&hff&few gold coins, youre so scrawny. few gold coins, youre so scrawny.r 几乎没有金币,你太瘦了让我想想 当我在监狱里躺着的时候,还梦到了什么?let me see. what else have i dreamt of as i lay here in my cell?别太过分了dont push it.我需要一条船,你这儿最快的船im gonna n
37、eed a boat, your fastest boat.堕落者住在海洋那边很远的地方the fallen one lives far across the ocean.在哪儿?where?当我双脚踏上船板的时候,我会告诉你well, put me on the deck of the boat and ill show you.你的船在等你your ship awaits.把我的幸运斗篷拿来fetch my lucky cape.老家伙,你知道为什么这个叫我的幸运斗篷么?do you know why this is my lucky cape, me old mate?因为我第一次穿它的
38、时候,我开始长胡子 密密麻麻的胡子because the first time i wore it, i sprouted a beard. a full-grown beard.给每个军团的人发消息send word to every regiment.在帝龙关口集合的命令仍然不变.thats still intact to gather here at the tyrene pass.如果两天后我不在这儿if im not there in two days.你就可以祈祷了.then you can pray.女王殿下your majesty.- 要塞重新编队 - 你不能regroup a
39、t the garrison! you cant leave.让希腊没有公主.greece without a queen.你是在对我下命令么?are you giving me orders now?把他解开unchain him.告诉我堕落者在哪儿show me where the fallen one is.谁是堕落者?who is the fallen one?哦,是火神赫淮斯托斯 哦,哦oh, the god hephaestus. heh, heh.谁是赫淮斯托斯?and whos hephaestus?赫淮斯托斯为海神波塞冬做了三叉戟hephaestus was the god
40、that made poseidons trident.为冥王哈迪斯做了草叉.hades pitchfork.还为宙斯做了闪电剑.and zeus thunderbolt.所有这些放在一起put those together.成为胜利之矛 众神用来击败库洛纳斯.they form the spear of trium, the weapon the gods used.的武器.to defeat kronos.但是赫淮斯托斯住在凯尔之岛 哈哈but hephaestus lives on the island of kail. ha-ha-ha.没有人知道岛在哪儿which no one ha
41、s ever found.凯尔岛不存在,是么?阿格诺尔kail doesnt exist, does it, agenor?它确实it does.存在,我能带你去那.exist. i can take you.帮我解开,把三叉戟给我unchain me and give me the trident.如果你帮他解开,他就会跳下船 你永远也不要想见到他if you unchain him, hell jump off this boat, youll never see him again.赫淮斯托斯能帮你救出你的父亲hephaestus can help you save your fathe
42、r.别让我们的家人失望dont let our family down.从没有怀疑过你,阿格诺尔never doubted you for a second, agenor.伟大的库洛纳斯great kronos.父亲father.我们把您的儿子,宙斯带来了we have delivered zeus, your son.按照您的指令.as you ordered.宙斯zeus.凯尔岛island of kail.我不会再碰那个了im not touching that again.那是什么?what is it?我不知道! 不管是谁这么做的,都不想让我们在这里 i dont know. bu
43、t whoever did this doesnt want us here.我们没有退路we have no choice.堕落之神不得不住的尽可能靠近天堂fallen god has to live as close to the heavens as possible.有河流流过streams run through.高地在那边higher grounds that way.- 怎么了? - 快看 what-?! look!别动!dont move!我什么都看不到了i cant see nothing.我们应该向战神祈祷 战士们!we should pray to the god of
44、war. - warriors!我知道这是你们的习惯 但是不管我们要面对的是什么i know it is your custom, but no matter what were about to face.你不要向阿瑞斯祈祷.you do not pray to ares.如果你们这么做了 他会找到我们,把我们杀光if you do, he will find us and kill us all.靠近close in.保持警惕stay alert.绊网trip wire.- 阿格诺尔! - 是的,是的,看到了- agenor! - yeah, yeah. saw it.最重要的事就是什么都
45、不要做the most important thing is to do nothing.没什么,我能做好nothing, i can do well.啊!为了宙斯之爱!aah! for the love of zeus!我告诉你什么都不要做!i told you to do nothing!我什么也没做啊!i didnt do anything!不,不,不!no, no, no!把负重砍掉cut the counterweights.别砍掉负重!dont cut the counterweight!没错,他是对的,高空坠落会要了他的命yeah, hes right, the fall wil
46、l kill him.砍掉负重! 砍掉负重!cut the counterweight! cut the counterweight!阿格诺尔!agenor!砍掉负重! 砍掉负重!cut the counterweight! cut the counterweight!阿格诺尔!agenor!阿格诺尔!agenor!哦,开什么玩笑oh, you gotta be kidding me.趴下stay down!啊!ah!那是什么?what is it?很大big!安德洛墨达,把他打倒!andromeda, slow him down!现在!now!弓箭手!archers!加莱纳斯galenos.
47、- 去帮帮他 - 你,跟着我- .give him support. - you, follow me.不!no!我向您祈祷 伟大战神阿瑞斯,我向您祈祷whispers i pray to you, great god ares. i pray to you-嘘嘘shh.它走了?is it gone?嘿!hey!这不是个好主意!this is gonna be a bad idea.我的兄弟在哪儿?wheres my cousin?很高兴你还活着吊在那儿glad youre hanging in there.是啊,我以为我把他看了一个满眼yeah, i thought id give him
48、an eyeful.那边是在干什么?what was that for?海神波塞冬poseidon.可怜的阿瑞斯,总是poor ares, always.遵循命令.following orders.我自己说了算i am my own master.是啊,当然你是yes, of course you are.也许只是人类perhaps its only humans.才有自由意愿.that have free will.就是这个there.疼痛!作为人类的教训pain! your lesson in being human.你为什么不哭?why dont you weep?为什么你不像你宠爱的儿
49、子珀尔修斯那样哭?why not weep like your favorite son, perseus?如果我哭,那也是为了你,阿瑞斯if i weep, it will be for you, ares.阿瑞斯ares.住手enough.为你的儿子哭泣吧!weep for your son!我说过i said.住手吧!.enough!这事你我都逃不了干系,哈迪斯we are in this together, hades.不要现在就闹分歧do not weaken now.你的弱点就是你对你父亲和兄弟盲目的憎恨your weakness is your blind hatred for
50、your father and your brother.你不知道什么时候该停止战斗you dont know when to stop fighting.你已经赢了youve already won.库洛纳斯在汲取宙斯的力量kronos is draining zeus power.赫淮斯托斯hephaestus.宙斯?zeus?阿瑞斯!ares!哈迪斯!hades!终于!我就知道你们会来at last! i knew youd come.波塞冬,我能看到你的三叉戟在发光poseidon, i can see your trident glinting.哈哈哈哈ha-ha-ha. ah.不是
51、its not.他们.them.我们在找赫淮斯托斯,那个were looking for hephaestus, the maker.- 这样强力武器的制造者 - 好吧,我们要让他们进来么?- .of such mighty weapons. well, should i let them in?他说了不行!he says no!但是他总是说不but then he always says no.他总是说he always says.不.no.啊ahh.没错yes.你是珀尔修斯you are perseus.宙斯的儿子.son of zeus.是我i am.“击败北海巨妖怪”的那位releas
52、e the kraken, all of that.- 是 - 你是谁?yeah. - who are you?我是阿格诺尔,波塞冬之子im agenor, son of poseidon.阿格诺尔agenor.你有没有听说过阿格诺尔?have you ever heard of agenor?从没听说过你never heard of you.好吧,你的朋友也许听说过我的名头well, your friend may also know me by the name.那个领航员.the navigator.领航员?navigator?领航员!navigator!还是不知道still no.别担心,孩子 他说有很多没有用的半神dont worry, son, he says there are many useless demigods.“没有用”?和你独眼朋友们一样无用useless? about as useless as your one-eyed friends.那些独眼巨人们those cyclopes.帮我铸造了神的武器.helped me forge the god-weapons.尊重一下他们have respect.“领航员”navigator.嗯
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