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1、四川省成都市2013届九年级英语10月月考试题卷(共100分)第一部分 听力部分 (共25小题,计25分)用心爱心专心12一、听句子,根据听到的内容选择正确答语。每题念两遍。()1. a. yes, she is.(共b. no, she isn t.b. it s wednesday.b. impossible.b. very tired.b. no, thanks.b. two days ago.()2.a.it s cloudy.()3.a.thank you.()4.a.very well.()5.a.yes, i would.()6.a.two days later.6小题,每小题1

2、分;计6分)c. she s good at soccer.c. i t s june 6th.c. i don t think so.c. by doing exercise.c. i am thirsty.c. in two days.、听句子,选择与你所听到的句子意思相符合的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在相应位置。每题念两遍。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)()11.)12.a. he s cleaning his rooma. the one in a white shirt.()13.a. december 13th()14.a. by bus.()15.a. to a book st

3、ore.()16.a. simon.()17.a. fifty-two.()18.a. yes, she does.()19.a. coffee.()20.a. he s singing.b. he s sleeping.b. the one in a white t-shirt.b. december 14thb. by bike.b. to a supermarket.b. wendy.b. twenty-three.b. no, sh e doesn t.b. tea.b. he s doing homework.c. he s reading a book.c. the one in

4、a bluet-shirt.c. december 15thc. by subway.c. to a post office.c.judy.c. fifty-four.c. we have no idea.c. bread.c. he s dancing.abcd0.(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择选择正确答案。每题念两遍。四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念三遍。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)()21. where was barack obama born?a. in hawaii.b. in new york.c. in af

5、rica.()22. at which university did obama get a law degree?a. at columbia university.b. at harvard university.c. at the university of chicago.()23. what does obama s wife do?a. she is a worker.b. she is a doctor.c. she is a lawyer.()24. who took care of obama when he was young?a. his parents.b. his u

6、ncle.c. his grandparents.()25. how old was obama when he became the president of america?a. he was 37 years old.b. he was 47 years old.c. he was 57 years o第二部分基础知识运用(共45小题,计45分)五、选择填空(共25小题,每小题1分;计25分)a.从以下4个小题中,选出与各句中画线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换画线部分的选项。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)a. can t afford b. influence c. decided d.

7、 nowadays()26. finally, the manager made a decision to give him another chance.()27. at present thousands of people get information by surfing the internet.()28. that car costs too much. i don t have enough money to pay foe.()29. worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school.b.从以下各题的 a、

8、b c三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每小题1分;计17分)()30. most chinese students improve their spoken english to their partners in class.a. by speakingb. to speakc. through listening()31. i find very difficult to remember the grammar rules and i really need your help.a. thatb. whichc. it()32. at the end of the party, a

9、ll the students ended up a moving song together.a. to singb. singingc. sang()33. if you want to improve your handwriting, you must practice every day.a. to writeb. writtenc. writing()34. -are you satisfied with the result of the exam? -notat all. i can t havea. a worse oneb. a better onec. the best

10、one()35. a smile costs nothing, but gives so.a. littleb. fewc. much()36. in our school, students to do sports after school.a. are allowedb. are allowingc. be allowed()37. -sally s got good grades this semester. -and.a. so she is; so am ib. so she has; so have ic. so has she; so i have()38. in the pa

11、st, there an old bridge here, and it communication.a. used to be; was used tob. used to being; used forc. used to be; was used for()39. my bicycle needs, i can t do it myself, i need your help.a. reparingb. reparedc. be repared()40. -this movie is so boring. -oh, i amagreement you.a. in; withb. with

12、; toc. at; of()41. -maria, i can t understand these new words.-try to guess first and thena. look it up()42. i really enjoyed youra. unless()43. -could you tell mea. who your father is()44. -the t-shirt looksfor it.b. look up themc.speech, there were someb. though? -he s a bank clerk.b. what your fa

13、ther doeslice on you! howmuch does it look them upparts i didn t quite understand.c. soc. where your father works? -i just ten dollarsa. take; affordedb. cost; paidc. cost; spent()45. -would you like some juice or coffee? -. i really don t mind.a. eitherb. neitherc. both()46. -where is jack? -oh, i

14、saw him magazines in the reading room just now.a. readb. to readc. readingc.补全对话 根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)a.what s wrong with you?b.it s my pleasure.c.you have a fever.d.of course, but just a little.a: you don t look well. 47.b: sometimes i feel cold and sometimes i feel hot.a: nothin

15、g serious. 48 .it doesn t matter.b: what should i do?a: you should drink lots of water and have a good sleep.b: do i need to take my medicine?a: 49. take this medicine three times a day. you will be better in two days.b: thank you, doctor.a:50.六、完形填空分别通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从a、日c三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(共20小题,

16、每小题1分;计20分)awhen i was in grade 8, my teacher asked us to learn something about green food by ourselves.we didn t have any idea 51 . then our five-member group had a 52 and decided to do somerearch in a supermarket. two of us 53 the names of the green foods on the shelves. 54 threeinterviewed 55 wit

17、h questions like“ do you know 56 are green food? , 57 do youbuy green food?and so on. we interviewed more than 20 shoppers! later we wrote a 58 on theand my parentshad 68 lostresearch and handed it in. our teacher 59 the best report and posted them on the wall of ourclassroom. 60 was among them. we

18、learned a lot from this interesting way.()51. a. at lastb. at firstc. in the end()52. a. restb. mealc.discussion()53. a. wrote downb. put upc. put on()54. a. othersb. the othersc. the other()55. a. shoppersb. teachersc.students()56. a. howb. whichc. why()57. a. how muchb. how longc.how often()58. a.

19、 storyb. letterc. report()59. a. gaveb. sentc.chose()60. a. oursb. theirsc. yoursbmy interest in space travel began when i was a teenager. it may have seemed stupid for me to61 of going into space. but i just knew space flight was something i had to 62 . had been encouraging me to 63 my dream. on ap

20、ril 28, 2001,40 years after the first manned space flight, a boy from queens 64 in space. it is a pity 65 my parents did not live long enough to see my dream come true. i was 66 to take part in the us space program. i began my job 67 an aerospace engineer(航天工程师)at the age of 23. over the years, i my

21、 interest in space or given up my dream of going there myself. i was so excited to 69 that the russian government was letting people fly into space for a fee. after much 70 , i signed a contract( 合同)in january to do so. my dream would finally come true.()61. a. planb. dreamc. drive()62. a. experienc

22、eb. createc. discover()63. a. imagineb.inventc. realize()64. a. cameb. livedc. flew()65. a. whetherb.thatc. which()66. a. askedb. doubted( 怀疑)c. chosen()67. a. likeb. asc. for()68. a. neverb. evenc. always()69. a. hearb. forgetc. consider()70. a. chanceb. considerationc. advice第三部分阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)七、

23、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“a”,错误的涂“b”。(共5小题,每小题2分;计10分)people travel a lot with bel air because they know they will get what they want.they want to go quickly and safely across the land, acrossthe sea or right across the world,and th ey know bel air take them where they want to go, when they want to

24、go. bel air flies all the newest and fastest planes to more towns and cities of the world than any other airline.do you want to go to paris, washington or tokyo? bel air will take you there, at all times of the day or night. right through the week. but bel air flies not only to the biggest cities, i

25、t also flies two or three times a week to towns and cities in the center of asia, africa and southamerica.people fly with bel air because they know they will leave on time and arrive on time. they know that they will receive the best food and watch the best films. bel air is second to none.()71. bel

26、 air is the name of a plane.()72. bel air s planes fly fast and safely.()73. the airline flies planes to cities like london two or three times a week.()74. bel air will take you to the best restaurants and the best cinemas.()75.“ bel air is second to none means “it is the best airline.”八、阅t下面 a、b两篇短

27、文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题2分;计20分)aevery child has a dream of what they want to be, right? when renee butts was little, her dream was to become a volunteer firefighter because her father was one. sadly when she was 14, her father died and she was never albe to volunteer with him. renee s story doesn

28、t end there, however,which is why i think of her as a true hero. she was stong-minded and never gave up, which makes her a good firefighter.some days she must be ready to deal with any emergency(紧急事务),like fighting a fire, dealingwith a car accident or helping someone who s sick. other days she is i

29、n the driver s seat .sometimes renee works nine to eleven days a month on 24-hourshifts( 值班).she also has a familyto take care of. her husband is a firefighter, too.renee remembers the first time she fought a fire. she was awoken early in the morning by the alarm. she said she was very nervous but d

30、id what she had to do.when i asked renee what the best part of her job is, she replied,“ helping people and savingtheir lives. i think that shows signs of being a true hero. she s always glad to do anythingfor anyone in need. with 140 people in her station, renee is one of the only three women.i thi

31、nk she s great. we could never live without people like her who is glad to help others.renee s deed() helps me believe that i can do anything. i hope someday to be justlike her: towake up and help people every day.()76. when her father died renee butts.a. decided to do as her father didb. gave up he

32、r dreamc. became a childwithout family ()77. what is renee s husband? .a. a driverb. a doctorc. a firefighter()78. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. renee works 9-11 hours every day.b. there are 143 members in the station.c. the writer learns a lot from renee.()79. what does

33、 the writer think of renee butts?a. cleverb. helpfulc. careful()80. what s the best title for the passage?a. a true hero.b. a famous woman.c. a sweet dream.bif you have failed in the past to try to make big changes in life, try again now, one small step at a time.every year it s the same. as decembe

34、r comes to an end, you think about the new year and allthe ways you want to improve your life. but as you start to write down your hopes for the new year, you think about the last year. you excitedly write down all the changes you are going to make, but by the end of january those ideas get lost in

35、your busy life.here s a suggestion: forget the too big, hard-to-achieve goals and just think about the smallones. we often think that we have to do everything in big steps, even though it s so hard forus to reach it, said robert maurer, who recently wrote the bookone small step can change youlife. w

36、hat we try to do is to begin with such a small step that we can t find any excuse notto do it. ”k kaizen, a japanese word, is used to mean to change behavior and attitude. during world warii, american factory managers were able to increase productivit by trying small, continuousimprovements instead

37、of sudden changes. after the war, the idea was brought to a rebuilding japan.it made japan develop fast. the japanese called it“ kaizen ” , which means a improvement.”maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it.kaizen could possibly help peoplesucceed in doing everything.()81. at the en

38、d of december, people usually.a. don t make big changesb. plan for the last yearc. think about the new year()82. rober maurer wrote a book to tell us.a. we should do everything in big stepsb. how to change one s life with one smallstepc. how to find a small step without any excuse.()83. the writer o

39、f the passage suggests we should.a. make changes at the end of the yearb. do things with hard-to-achieve goalsc. take a small step to achieve big goals()84. which of the following is true from the text?a. you can achieve your goals if you are not busyb. maurer studied “ kaizen andfound it helpfulc.

40、” kaizen was brought to japan in world war ii()85. what do you think is the best title of this article?a. one small stepb. kaizen -a good way to help you succeedc. which is better, a small goal or a big goal?b卷(共50分)一、完成对话在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)a: what happened to your au

41、nt, mrs. green? what made her unhappy?b: she went 1 yesterday. after she had bought something, she went to a part of the shopto have a 2.a: then, what s up?c: before she got back to her 3 , a man with a bag had sat down at the same table.a: a man?b: my aunt is not 4 enough. before she went to bring

42、her drink, she put her handbag on the chair.a: i can 5what happened to her next. she must 6 something.b: and she7 in everyone. before she 8the man, he had picked up hisbag and left. when she was ready to pay for her drink, she found her purse was lost. the manhad taken away her purse.a: what a pity!

43、b: 9, a waiter found her purse in a dustbin. he telephoned her yesterday evening.a: it must be all out.b: no, everything was in 10 money...9.10.短文填空 从下面方框中选出10个单词并使用其正确形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次。共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)researchcommontheyfunbeforecomparesuddensocialsamefindaffectexactworried

44、that people are laughing at you?imagine this situation. you pass a group of people. the people are talking to each other. youcannot hear what they are saying. but 1 they start laughing. what would you think? wouldyou think they were laughing at something 2 that one of them said? or to be honest with

45、 yourself, would you think they were laughing at you? yes, you.being laughed at is a 3 fear. but a major study published in 2009 found that this fear is not the 4 around the world. it differs from culture to culture.some people in the study said they felt unsure of 5 in social situations and hid the

46、irfeelings of insecurity(不安全).others said they avoided (回避)social situations where they hadbeen laughed at 6 .shy people often avoid situations that would make them get into close contact (接触)with otherpeople. they worry that something they say or do will make other people laugh at them. it can be t

47、ruly sad for those who live with the fear of laughter. it can 7 how they lead their lives.in the study, a team from the university of zurich led more than ninety 8 from around the world. they wanted to understand the difference between normal shyness and true fear of being laughed at. another purpos

48、e of the study was9 the levels of fear of being laughed atin different cultures.the scientiests surveyed more than twenty-two thousand people in forty-twodifferent languages. the 10 would appear inscientific humor ...9.10.三、阅读表达(共20小题;计15分)a.阅读排序。阅读下列各句,根据其内容重新排列所有句子的顺序,使其构成意义完整正确、逻辑顺序

49、合 理的语篇,并将代表句子的字母填写在答题卡上相应的位置。(共10小题,每小题0.5分;计5分)a little girl though t she was not as beautiful as other girls and nobody liked her, so she was always unhappy and didn t like to talk to others.a. it s not important what we wear or how we look.b. all her classmates wanted to know what happened to her

50、, but she didn t want to tell them about her beautiful hair clip.c. however, one day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip.d. the most important thing is how we think about ourselves.e. on her way to school, she found that everyone who saw her smiled at her and most of her classmates said hello

51、 to her, but this never happened before.f. when she went back to her home after school, her mother asked her,“ did you hnow you droppedyour hair clip? g. whenshe wore it, she looked much more beautiful than before, so she decided to wear it to school.h. she understood that she didn t wear the hair c

52、lip to school at all.i. she thought that the beautiful hair clip brought her happiness, so she was so happy about allof the wonderful things.j. i found it by the door this morning...9.10.b.补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的 af选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项的编号依次填入下面的表格内,其中有一项是多余的。(共 5小题,每小题1分;计5分)volunteering in t

53、he uka: i want to be a volunteer. what should i do?b: think about what you would like to do. 11 a: how much time do i need to volunteer for?b: this is really up to you. 12 but remember this: the less time you have, the harder it can be to find something that s right for you.a: can i leave if i don t

54、 like it?b: yes, of course. but you should talk to somebody about this before leaving. 13 a: i m working full-time. will i still be able to be volunteer?b: yes, there are many opportunities to be a volunteer. some people aren t free during the day,but they can do volunteer work in the evening. 14 a:

55、 what do volunteers do?b: 15 you can volunteer to rescue people from mountains. and you can help buildhouses or fix computers.a. you can discuss with him or her why you feel unhappy.b. almost anything you want to do or you can think of.c. at the same time, consider how much time you are able to afford.d. some organizations need such volunteers.e. how much money do you have?f. for example, you can find volunteer work that only take an hour a month.4.15.c.完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。(共 5小题,每小题1分;计5分) hundreds of years ago, news was carried from place to place by people on f


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