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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级模拟107剑桥商务英语中级模拟107READINGPART ONE Look at the statements below and the article about the workplace stress management on the opposite page. Which section of the article (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to? For each statement (1-7), m

2、ark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Workplace Stress Management A One of the important ways of minimizing stress in the workplace is by learning how to provide inspiration for the staff. An inspired staff of employees are mor

3、e productive, efficient as well as happier than one thats not. An inspired employee usually finds work more of a joy than just a means to pay the bills. Inspired employees feel more fulfilled and empowered for what they do for the company. An inspired personnel usually also translates into fewer emp

4、loyee problems, less knowledge worker shortage as well as less overall workplace stress. B In order for inspiration to find its way to the company front lines, it should start from the company leaders themselves. It would be hard to convince or to inspire people below if the people at the top do not

5、 feel inspired. A business owner for example should find inspiration for himself in order to try and convince others, This might require a thorough review of the reasons of what drives the company to be successful and strive in the first place. A business owner finding inspiration and be motivated e

6、nough to stay successful may have an easier time in trying to convince and inspire others. C It takes different things to inspire employees. In order for you to know what they are, you may need to ask questions. Try to inquire what motivates and inspires your employees. Try to know what is important

7、 to them. If the business owner is sincere enough in this task, employees would feel privileged enough that an employer would like to know what makes them happy. By doing such a gesture, employees may feel that an employer tries to look after their best welfare, enough to inquire what interests them

8、 and makes them happy. And happy employees are more inspired to work and may feel less stress while doing it. D Making work enjoyable can be enough to inspire employees. It also does well for effective workplace stress management. One of the ways to do it is by trying to recognise their achievements

9、, no matter how small. Commending employees fordoing tasks as simple as clearing the pantry of trash or by helping show a visitor around at the office without being told so can be enough to keep employee spirits up. Rewarding employees for small but beneficial tasks also works very welt on the same

10、aspect, A lunch treat for an employee who has prepared an excellent report would mean a lot to inspire and motivate one to do even better. 1. Entrepreneurs must show great sincerity in their inquiries to get a positive feedback from the employees.答案:C解析 题干意为“企业家必须在他们对员工的询问中体现出极大的诚意以获得员工积极的反馈。”C段中提到了

11、“If the business owner is sincere enough in this taskemployees would feel privileged enough that an employer would like to know what makes them happy。”即:如果企业家在询问中表现出足够的诚意,雇员们看到雇主很想知道什么能令员工开心,这让他们也感到很荣幸。关键词sincere和题干中的sincerity相一致。 sincerity sincere,inspired to work,feel less stress 2. An unmotivated

12、 employee tends to regard working as a way to make a living.答案:A解析 题干意为“一个没有动力的雇员往往只将工作当作一种谋生手段。”A段中提到了“An inspired employee usually finds working more of a joy than just a means to pay the bills,”即:一个受到鼓舞的员工通常将工作看成是一种快乐而不仅仅是为了有钱付账。两句话在含义上吻合,其中文中的a means to pay the bills相当于题干的a way to make a living。

13、 unmotivated,make a living inspired,a means to pay the bills 3. The progress employees have made should be noticed and praised no matter how much progress they have made.答案:D解析 题干意为“不管员工们取得的进步有多大,都应该被注意到并加以表扬。”D段中提到“One of the ways to do it is by trying to recognise their achievements,no matter how

14、small”即:其中一个有效的工作场所压力管理的方法就是努力去认可员工的成绩,不管成绩有多小。两句话在含义上相通。 progress,noticed and praised achievements,recognise 4. Bosses are less persuasive in motivating their people if they themselves are not driven to lead the companies to move forward.答案:B解析 题干意为“如果公司老板没有足够的动力驱使他们带领公司前进,老板在激励员工时就缺乏说服力。”B段中提到:“A

15、business owner finding inspiration and be motivated enough to stay successful may have an easier time in trying to convince and inspire others”即:一个找到灵感且能够激励自己保持成功的企业家也许更容易说服和鼓舞别人。两句话在含义上基本吻合。 persuasive,move forward convince,stay successful 5. An inspired staff normally are more disciplined, fond of

16、 learning, and know better how to deal with their pressure.答案:A解析 题干意为“深受鼓舞的员工通常更遵守纪律,喜欢学习,并且更加懂得如何应对压力。”A段中提到了“An inspired personnel usually also translates into fewer employee problems,less knowledge worker shortage as well as less overall workplace stress”即:一般说来,受到鼓舞的员工们较少出现员工问题,公司也不会缺少知识型员工,而且整个

17、工作场所的压力也没那么大了。两句话在含义上相符。 more disciplined,fond of learning,know how to deal with their pressure fewer employee problems,less knowledge work shortage I less overall stress 6. Employees would be more committed to their jobs and less stressful if their bosses are concerned with their work and life.答案:C

18、解析 题干意为“如果老板关心员工们的工作和生活,他们将更有干劲并感到压力减轻。”C段中提到了“And happy employees are more inspired to work and may feel less stress while doing it”即:快乐的员工工作起来更有热情而且感觉压力减轻。这句话和题干在含义上相通,而且本段的前半部分都在讲老板应如何鼓励员工。 more committed to their jobs,less stressful more inspired to work,feel less stress 7. Employees would be mu

19、ch inspired even if they get small prizes for their work performance.答案:D解析 题干意为“即使员工因其工作表现而得到很小的奖励,他们也会备受鼓舞。”D段中提到了“Rewarding employees for small but beneficial tasks also works very well on the same aspectA lunch treat for an employee who has prepared an excellent report would mean a lot to inspir

20、e and motivate one to do even better”即:对员工完成的虽小但有益的工作进行奖励在激发他们的士气方面是很有效的。请一位出色完成一份报告的员工吃顿午餐对激励这名员工很重要,能鼓舞他把工作完成得更好。这两句话在含义上相通。 get small prizes rewarding employees for small tasks PART TWO Read the article below about project management. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each o

21、f the gaps. For each gap (8-12), mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. Can Your Marketing Be Effective Without Project Management? Are your projects flowing smoothly? Are you assigning responsibilities, deadlines and tasks, but it is just a headache to kee

22、p up? A likely problem is that tasks are not getting handed off well or at the right time to others. Another problem may be that everyones priorities seem all mixed up, and one or two people or departments seem to be an enormous bottleneck. A project management system is not a cure all, but it certa

23、inly is a start. In marketing, Im always amazed at the lack of formalised project management systems. 1 They assume that the purpose of a detailed plan is the same as it would be for other repetitive activities like manufacturing. The purpose of a project plan in marketing is to coordinate many of t

24、he uncertain activities that happen. And possibly more importantly, a good project plan will coordinate the activities of your resource requirements. Not everything will be predictable, but if we can make even some of the unpredictable predictable, we will increase the likelihood of success. Within

25、a project plan, we can establish overall and individual process metrics. 2 The value of these types of metrics is that they will allow you to take action during a project where and when you can still influence its success. Measur-ability is perhaps the most important feature of the project plan. Pro

26、ject management covers all aspects of planning: coordinating activities and resources and forming a baseline from which to manage the project. 3 Once a schedule is completed, it should be posted or made available to all stakeholders of the project. Constant updating should appear and be visible to a

27、ll parties. A project plan is an active document, and should be used to manage the process. A schedule is the translation of the project plan into individual tasks, identifying durations, responsibilities, start and finish dates, resources, flow and milestones. Everyone knows we cannot do enough pla

28、nning, but its the time factor that prevents us, right? How much time does it really take to plan? From my experience you should use a baseline of around 5% of your projects time in planning. Now, what happens if planning takes longer? You need to treat your planning process like any other process.

29、Using a standard methodology, such as Lean Six Sigma and the toolset that it employs, will allow you the opportunity to get the most out of your planning cycle. 4 I have found most companies actually enjoy planning, the collaboration and decision-making that take place during it. What everyone doesn

30、t like is the waste in planning, so get rid of it! The first thing you can do is plan the planning process. Take 5% of your planning time to improve your planning. Set objectives, milestones, create key performance indicators and, most of all, create a standard work plan. 5 Consider that if you sign

31、ificantly improve your planning process, you will stop fighting such an uphill battle and create considerable down-flow opportunities of greater savings. Try it! A. This gives everyone involved the same reference point. B. We will need metrics to produce information quickly. C. It will improve your

32、planning process, removing the waste that you have accumulated in it. D. After doing this a few times, planning will become very easy, intuitive and more productive. E. There is more to project planning than this. F. Most marketers resist the idea, misunderstanding the role of detailed planning for

33、marketing projects. G. Another problem may be that everyones priorities seem all mixed up, and one or two people or departments seem to be an enormous bottleneck. 1.答案:F解析 所缺句子是进一步解释人们如何忽视营销中的项目管理,对应选项F中所提到的:大多数营销人员排斥这个想法,误解了详细的项目管理计划在营销项目中所起的作用。而且后一句的they也能在F句中找到很好的指代:marketers。2.答案:B解析 所缺句子是进一步说明指

34、标作用的,对应选项B中所提到的“我们需要从指标中快速获得信息”。3.答案:A解析 所缺句子应说明“基线”的作用,与选项A提到的“这给了每个参与人相同的参照点。”相呼应,而且选项A中的everyone involved与后一句中的all stakeholders相呼应。4.答案:C解析 所缺句子解释何以获得计划阶段的最大产出。对应选项C,即:它将改进规划流程,去除其中累积起来的不必要的浪费。5.答案:D解析 所缺句子与后一句是因果关系,对应选项D,即:多做几次,规划将变得很容易、很直观,且更富有成效。PART THREE Read the article below about being fi

35、rst to market, and the questions on the opposite page. For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Think Twice About Being First to Market New research offers fresh insight on when to launch a product or service, and shows that being first to market isnt always a

36、competitive advantage. In 2004, David Cohen had an idea for a social network for mobile phones that would connect users in the real world. His Boulder (Colo.)-based company, called iContact, raised $600,000 from investors and the founders contributions, launched a beta version, and seemed poised to

37、tap the much hyped mobile software market. Cohen, then 36, had already founded a successful software company. But after 18 months, he was unable to get phone carriers to distribute his software, and he shuttered the company, returning 80% of his investors money. Everybody was saying mobile was comin

38、g, it was going to be open; GPS was coming, it was going to be great, says Cohen. That didnt really happen for another four years. Bets on mobile applications didnt begin to pay off until Apples (AAPL) iPhone app store opened the market in 2008. Conventional wisdom says being first to market creates

39、 a competitive advantage. Reality is more complicated. Market opportunities are constantly opening and closing, and a hit idea at one point could be a dud a year earlier or a yawning me too business a year later. Its toughlikely impossibleto pinpoint the best moment to enter a market, but common sen

40、se dictates new entrepreneurs can improve their odds if they weigh how much they stand to gain or lose by waiting. New academic research suggests one way entrepreneurs can evaluate whether they should enter a market first or wait on the sidelines. The decision depends on how hostile the learning env

41、ironment is; that is, how much entrepreneurs can learn by observing other players before they launch compared to what they learn from participating after they enter, according to Moren Levesque, an entrepreneurship researcher at the University of Waterloo. The core findings on timing is this: in a h

42、ostile learning environment, entrepreneurs gain relatively little benefit by watching others. For example, if the relevant knowledge is protected intellectual property, studying the market before entering wouldnt yield much advantage. In these situations, the trade-off favours entering early. But in

43、 less hostile learning environments, where entrepreneurs gain valuable information likely to increase their success just by watching other companies, companies benefit from waiting and learning lessons from earlier players. IContacts successors, for example, may have learned from watching the compan

44、ys trouble getting mobile networks to distribute their software, a barrier that was removed by the iPhones app store. However, deciding when to enter a market solely on the advantages of learning is not enough. Entrepreneurs also need to launch before an opportunity closes. In the summer of 2007, Su

45、nny Gupta, a serial entrepreneur in Seattle, began exploring an idea for on-demand software to help large companies track their IT spending and reduce costs, after a contact at Wall Street firm casually mentioned the issue. He spent that summer and early fall talking to chief information officers at

46、 Fortune 500 companies about the type of software they needed. Gupta originally planned to spend about a year building the product. But on a trip to New York in October 2007 to meet with CIOs at financial companies, he saw they were under intense pressure to cut costs and justify their IT spendingpr

47、ecisely what his product would do. Gupta realized he needed to speed up his launch to take advantage of the market opportunity before other companies got there. He and his co-founders started working around the clock and by November, Apptio (as they dubbed the firm) raised $7 million in venture capi

48、tal. By March 2008, Apptio had four paying customers using a beta version of the product. A full launch followed in June, and Gupta had already demonstrated Apptios ability to reduce costs by the time the financial crisis erupted in September. Apptio now has nearly three dozen clients and 30 employe

49、es. I believe the window of opportunity was within those six months: from March to September 2008, Gupta says now. There is, of course, some element of luck. Cohen believed he was positioning iContact at a similar sweet spot in the market. But entrepreneurs who ignore timing, or assume that being fi

50、rst is always better, do so at their peril. Deciding when to enter a market is an irreversible and important decision. 1. Why did Cohen shutter the company after just 18 months?A.His investors asked him to return the money.B.The software market did not get enough attention.C.He couldnt get mobile ne

51、tworks to use their software.D.His company had competitive rivals.答案:C考点 Cohen的公司为何18个月后就关张了? 解析 文中第一段提到“But after 18 months,he was unable to get phone carriers to distribute his software,and he shuttered the company.”即:但18个月后,Cohen找不到电话运营商来使用他们的软件,于是他关掉了公司。所以选项C为正确答案。 2. What does the author sugges

52、t by saying a hit idea at one point could be a dud a year earlier or a yawning me too business a year later?A.Being first to market creates a competitive advantage.B.Reality is more complicated.C.New entrepreneurs should wait for the best moment to enter a market.D.Market opportunities open and clos

53、e constantly.答案:D考点 作者通过例子“某一时刻风行一时的想法可能一年前还被认为是没有的,而一年后又可能发展成为大家争着做的生意”想说明什么7 解析 文中第二段提到“Market opportunities are constantly opening and closing”,即:市场机会总是变幻莫测。所以选项D为正确答案。 3. What does improve their odds in the second paragraph mean?A.Increase the possibility of successB.Get a deeper insight on the

54、marketC.Have a more favorable business environmentD.Develop more mature products答案:A考点 “improve their odds”的意思 解析 文中第二段提到“.but common sense dictates new entrepreneurs can improve their odds if they weigh how much they stand to gain or lose by waiting”odds意为“可能性,机会”,如果不认识这个词,也可从上下文推断出来。所以选项A符合文意。 4.

55、Which of the following statements is not true according to Moren Levesque?A.Entrepreneurs benefit little by observing others in a hostile learning environment.B.Entrepreneurs are likely to succeed by waiting and learning lessons from earlier players.C.Being first to market or waiting depends on how

56、hostile the learning environment is.D.In a less hostile learning environment, entering early has a competitive advantage.答案:D考点 按照Moren Levesque的观点,以下哪个陈述不正确 解析 文中第四段提到“.in a hostile learning environment,entrepreneurs gain relatively little benefit by watching others”然后举例说明,随后又总结为“In these situation

57、s,the trade-off favours entering early”所以在恶劣的学习环境中适合早入市。所以选项D的陈述是不正确的。 5. How did Sunny Gupta succeed in the market as a pioneer?A.He predicted the financial crisis successfully.B.His software was favored by chief officers at Fortune 500 companies.C.His software product was a breakthrough in the market.D.He grasped the right moment to enter the market.答案:D考点 为什么作为市场先驱,Sunny Gupta成功了? 解析 在第五段中,Sunny Gupta自己也说到“I believe th


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