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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级阅读分类模拟58剑桥商务英语中级阅读分类模拟58READINGPART ONEASalinas outlines the key qualities of good management in this autobiography. He believes that decisions should be based on facts, not opinions; that peoples strengths should be exploited; and that disagreem

2、ent is some times necessary. But the main point he makes is that leadership means performing well at all times and setting a good example.BIn this collection of essays, top business leaders predict how businesses will change over the next few years. They analyse changes in business and society and t

3、heir effects on job markets, as well as taking a look at possible strengths and weaknesses of leading economics and their currencies. This collection outlines a vision of tomorrows business world and the type of leaders that will be required.CThis book is a well-researched study of the problem of le

4、adership in global quoted companies. 160 international business leaders were asked how they added value to their companies and their answers form the main part of this book. Both managers and companies are analysed in order to show how they cope with difficult issues. A useful book for all senior ma

5、nagers.D100 well-known US business leaders through this century are described in this book, which analyses how their fortunes were made and sometimes lost. The background, business career character and personal life of each individual are outlined, creating an impressive collection of biographies an

6、d an excellent reference work.1. This is an account of one business leaders experiences.答案:A“这是对一个商业公司领导的经历的介绍。”由 A段中第一句autobiography可知。2. This book suggests probable trends in the business world.答案:B“这本书指出了商业领域的可能趋势。”由于B段有“top business leaders predict how business will change over the next years”符合

7、。3. In this book you learn about the lives of business leaders from the past.答案:D“从这本书中你可以了解到商界领袖的过去的生活。”D段中有“100 well-known U. S. business leaders through this century are described in this book”。4. The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader.答案:A“书中作者给出了一个

8、好的公司领导应有的特征的个人观点。”A中有“Salinas outlines the key qualities of good management in this autobiography.”这一句符合题目要求。5. This book looks at how large companies deal with various problem areas.答案:C“这本书关注于大公司如何处理各种各样的问题。”C段中有“This book is a well-researched study of the problem of leadership in global quoted co

9、mpany.”6. This book is based on interviews with business leaders.答案:C“这本书基于对公司领导的采访。”C段中有“their answers form the main part of this book.”这一句,所以C对。7. This book describes both successes and failures.答案:D“这本书描述得失与成败。”D段第一句后半部分就是答案。PART TWOAnalysing the Entrepreneur The ever-increasing attraction of und

10、er-graduate courses in business studies demonstrates that many young people begin their working lives determined to be a success in business. Many of them will have ambitions of becoming bosses. (0) (G) . That should be the question which all ambitious young business people ask themselves. Some grad

11、uates learn how to run a business in someone elses time, and then in their early thirties, start out on their own. That course of action is relatively common and straightforward. 1 Often, however, their business flair comes at the expense of more mundane business skills such as team building and mai

12、ntaining harmony. A recent study, in which seventeen successful entrepreneurs took part in in-depth interviews, as did a similar number of chief executives, concluded that honesty and strong moral principles are important characteristics of entrepreneurs who achieve lasting success. According to the

13、 various tests and self-assessment questionnaires used in the interviews, seventy per cent of entrepreneurs have these characteristics, as opposed to only twenty-eight per cent of chief executives. 2 It would seem that most entrepreneurs deserve more credit than people generally give them. This ethi

14、cal style of leadership fosters a culture in which expectations are uncompromisingly high and in which people believe they will be properly rewarded for their individual contribution. 3 Employees often complain that the worst kind of bosses are the ones who own the business, as they can be very into

15、lerant of others who make mistakes. Entrepreneurs are passionate about their work but they have not worked their way up through the organisation and tend to lack the people management qualities that chief executives have developed over long careers. 4 Of course, it could be argued that the single-mi

16、nded approach of entrepreneurs is what makes them successful; it certainly enables them to put extraordinary effort into what they do. The study indicates that generally chief executives can match entrepreneurs in terms of drive and determination. There is one exception and that relates to taking ri

17、sks. 5 The chief executive can, on the other hand, always move to another company. But in the end, if there are no entrepreneurs, there is no work for chief executives. It is the people that start businesses who are the original wealth creators. A. However, it can also result in entrepreneurs being

18、profoundly disappointed when others fail to live up to their high standards. B. They need to have the confidence to make everyone in the organisation believe that this is no ordinary place and no ordinary job. C. Given the common perception that entrepreneurs are only in business to make money, this

19、 very positive finding was perhaps the most surprising. D. They are less likely to promote teamwork and co-operation than chief executives, who are much better at reading and understanding those around them. E. After all, if it is your own company, you cannot walk away, and you will do anything eith

20、er to keep it afloat or to help it prosper. F. But true entrepreneurs do not necessarily wait until their business knowledge has improved or until the time is right-they have always been driven to achieve. G. But is it best for them to become entrepreneurs and start their own business or work toward

21、s running someone elses? 1.答案: F2.答案: C3.答案: A4.答案: D5.答案: EPART THREE Think Twice About Being First to Market New research offers fresh insight on when to launch a product or service, and shows that being first to market isnt always a competitive advantage. In 2004, David Cohen had an idea for a so

22、cial network for mobile phones that would connect users in the real world. His Boulder (Colo.)-based company, called iContact, raised $600,000 from investors and the founders contributions, launched a beta version, and seemed poised to tap the much hyped mobile software market. Cohen, then 36, had a

23、lready founded a successful software company. But after 18 months, he was unable to get phone carriers to distribute his software, and he shuttered the company, returning 80% of his investors money. Everybody was saying mobile was coming, it was going to be open; GPS was coming, it was going to be g

24、reat, says Cohen. That didnt really happen for another four years. Bets on mobile applications didnt begin to pay off until Apples (AAPL) iPhone app store opened the market in 2008. Conventional wisdom says being first to market creates a competitive advantage. Reality is more complicated. Market op

25、portunities are constantly opening and closing, and a hit idea at one point could be a dud a year earlier or a yawning me too business a year later. Its toughlikely impossibleto pinpoint the best moment to enter a market, but common sense dictates new entrepreneurs can improve their odds if they wei

26、gh how much they stand to gain or lose by waiting. New academic research suggests one way entrepreneurs can evaluate whether they should enter a market first or wait on the sidelines. The decision depends on how hostile the learning environment is; that is, how much entrepreneurs can learn by observ

27、ing other players before they launch compared to what they learn from participating after they enter, according to Moren Levesque, an entrepreneurship researcher at the University of Waterloo. The core findings on timing is this: in a hostile learning environment, entrepreneurs gain relatively littl

28、e benefit by watching others. For example, if the relevant knowledge is protected intellectual property, studying the market before entering wouldnt yield much advantage. In these situations, the trade-off favours entering early. But in less hostile learning environments, where entrepreneurs gain va

29、luable information likely to increase their success just by watching other companies, companies benefit from waiting and learning lessons from earlier players. IContacts successors, for example, may have learned from watching the companys trouble getting mobile networks to distribute their software,

30、 a barrier that was removed by the iPhones app store. However, deciding when to enter a market solely on the advantages of learning is not enough. Entrepreneurs also need to launch before an opportunity closes. In the summer of 2007, Sunny Gupta, a serial entrepreneur in Seattle, began exploring an

31、idea for on-demand software to help large companies track their IT spending and reduce costs, after a contact at Wall Street firm casually mentioned the issue. He spent that summer and early fall talking to chief information officers at Fortune 500 companies about the type of software they needed. G

32、upta originally planned to spend about a year building the product. But on a trip to New York in October 2007 to meet with CIOs at financial companies, he saw they were under intense pressure to cut costs and justify their IT spendingprecisely what his product would do. Gupta realized he needed to s

33、peed up his launch to take advantage of the market opportunity before other companies got there. He and his co-founders started working around the clock and by November, Apptio (as they dubbed the firm) raised $7 million in venture capital. By March 2008, Apptio had four paying customers using a bet

34、a version of the product. A full launch followed in June, and Gupta had already demonstrated Apptios ability to reduce costs by the time the financial crisis erupted in September. Apptio now has nearly three dozen clients and 30 employees. I believe the window of opportunity was within those six mon

35、ths: from March to September 2008, Gupta says now. There is, of course, some element of luck. Cohen believed he was positioning iContact at a similar sweet spot in the market. But entrepreneurs who ignore timing, or assume that being first is always better, do so at their peril. Deciding when to ent

36、er a market is an irreversible and important decision. 1. Why did Cohen shutter the company after just 18 months?A.His investors asked him to return the money.B.The software market did not get enough attention.C.He couldnt get mobile networks to use their software.D.His company had competitive rival

37、s.答案:C考点 Cohen的公司为何18个月后就关张了? 解析 文中第一段提到“But after 18 months,he was unable to get phone carriers to distribute his software,and he shuttered the company.”即:但18个月后,Cohen找不到电话运营商来使用他们的软件,于是他关掉了公司。所以选项C为正确答案。 2. What does the author suggest by saying a hit idea at one point could be a dud a year earlie

38、r or a yawning me too business a year later?A.Being first to market creates a competitive advantage.B.Reality is more complicated.C.New entrepreneurs should wait for the best moment to enter a market.D.Market opportunities open and close constantly.答案:D考点 作者通过例子“某一时刻风行一时的想法可能一年前还被认为是没有的,而一年后又可能发展成为大

39、家争着做的生意”想说明什么7 解析 文中第二段提到“Market opportunities are constantly opening and closing”,即:市场机会总是变幻莫测。所以选项D为正确答案。 3. What does improve their odds in the second paragraph mean?A.Increase the possibility of successB.Get a deeper insight on the marketC.Have a more favorable business environmentD.Develop more

40、 mature products答案:A考点 “improve their odds”的意思 解析 文中第二段提到“.but common sense dictates new entrepreneurs can improve their odds if they weigh how much they stand to gain or lose by waiting”odds意为“可能性,机会”,如果不认识这个词,也可从上下文推断出来。所以选项A符合文意。 4. Which of the following statements is not true according to Moren

41、 Levesque?A.Entrepreneurs benefit little by observing others in a hostile learning environment.B.Entrepreneurs are likely to succeed by waiting and learning lessons from earlier players.C.Being first to market or waiting depends on how hostile the learning environment is.D.In a less hostile learning

42、 environment, entering early has a competitive advantage.答案:D考点 按照Moren Levesque的观点,以下哪个陈述不正确 解析 文中第四段提到“.in a hostile learning environment,entrepreneurs gain relatively little benefit by watching others”然后举例说明,随后又总结为“In these situations,the trade-off favours entering early”所以在恶劣的学习环境中适合早入市。所以选项D的陈述

43、是不正确的。 5. How did Sunny Gupta succeed in the market as a pioneer?A.He predicted the financial crisis successfully.B.His software was favored by chief officers at Fortune 500 companies.C.His software product was a breakthrough in the market.D.He grasped the right moment to enter the market.答案:D考点 为什么

44、作为市场先驱,Sunny Gupta成功了? 解析 在第五段中,Sunny Gupta自己也说到“I believe the window of opportunity was within those six months:from March to September 2008”即:我相信机会就出现在从2008年3月到9月这6个月中。由此可见Gupta超强的把握市场机会的能力引导其走向成功。文章最后一段的最后一句话“Deciding when to enter a market is an irreversible and important decision”因此选项D符合文意。 6.

45、Which of the following factors does the article suggest that David Cohen is lack of compared with Sunny Gupta?A.Innovative ideasB.Venture capitalC.LuckD.Market opportunity答案:C考点 同Sunny Gupta相比,David Cohen在以下哪个方面不足? 解析 文中第六段提到“Cohen believed he was positioning iContact at a similar sweet spot in the

46、market”可见,市场机会对他们两位都不错;而且他们都有创新的想法并获得投资,因此,正如文中所讲“There is,of course,some element of luck”所以选项C符合文意,即Cohen缺少一些运气。 PART FOUR Employment Opportunities for Graduates with the Provincial Bank The provincial Bank is one of the biggest fiscal institutions in the U. K. . With its 1,900 branches and 58,000

47、employees, it has 1 a household name. Almost 4,000 of these employees 2 managerial or executive positions. The bank has an outstanding 3 of profitability, which has been achieved by introducing innovations as maintaining leadership of the 4 The banks comprehensive training programme concentrates on

48、5 the most important skills that graduates need in order to 6 early management responsibility. Trainees take responsibility for their own continuous self-development through visiting other branches and departments, and by 7 courses in management skills. They also receive training in order to increas

49、e their knowledge of the banks 8 The bank supports 9 of staff who wish to take professional examinations, and its Graduate Training Scheme is 10 to the nationally recognized Diploma in Management. Obviously the quality of its mangers is of 11 importance to the banks performance. It welcomes good gra

50、duates in any subject area, 12 they can demonstrate the ability to influence events, and have the potential to 13 both as leaders and as part of a team. Most graduate trainees join the Retail Banking division initially. Those starting on this programme will soon have the 14 to work in other parts of

51、 the bank and can 15 a varied and flexible working life. 1.A.openedB.enteredC.turnedD.become答案:D解析 本句意为“它已经成为家喻户晓的名字”。选项C项的turn电有“变成”的意思,但是要用turn into。只有选项D的become合适。2.A.holdB.doC.keepD.own答案:A解析 本句意为“大约有4000名雇员居子经理或主管职位”,选项B项的do后而要跟工作,选项C项的keep意为“保持”,选项D项的 own是“拥有一件东西”的意思。只有A项的hold合适。3.A.careerB.ca

52、talogueC.recordD.experience答案:C解析 本句意为“拥有出色的盈利记录”,选项A意为“事业”,选项B意为“目录”,选项D意为“经历”。4.A.areaB.tradeC.recordD.market答案:B解析 本句意为“成为贸易的领军人物”,选项A意为“领域”,选项C意为“记录”,选项D意为“市场”。5.A.makingB.reachingC.developingD.heightening答案:C解析 本句意为“挖掘最重要的技能”,develop 意为“开发,挖掘”,常跟抽象名词。6.A.presentB.treatC.dealD.handle答案:D解析 本空应填表

53、示“处理”的词汇,选项C和D都有这个意思,但是deal是不及物动词,后面必须跟with。所以要选择D项的handle。7.A.observingB.attendingC.involvingD.staying答案:B解析 本句意为“参加管理技能课程”,要用attend。参加什么活动,经常用到attend这个词。还有几个表示参加的join,take part in, participate in。8.A.servicesB.goodsC.creationsD.abilities答案:A解析 此处表示“银行的服务”,选项B意为“商品”,选项C意为“创造”,选项D意为“能力”。9.A.colleagu

54、eB.membersC.peopleD.persons答案:B解析 选项B项的members有“会员”的意思,此处意为“员工中的一员”,也可以用member。其他的填上去都不合适,选项A意为“同事”,选项C、D意为“人”。10.A.qualifiedB.combinedC.fastenedD.linked答案:D解析 be linked to.为固定搭配,意为“与 相关”。11.A.mainB.vitalC.necessaryD.superior答案:B解析 be of importance相当于形容词important。此处意为“有非常关键的重要性”,应该用选项B项的vital。选项A意为“

55、主要的”,选项C意为“必须的”,选项D意为“卓越的”。12.A.thereforeB.thusC.providedD.only答案:A解析 本句意为“它欢迎优秀毕业生来到这一领域,因此毕业生们能展现自己的能力”,therefore前后是因果关系。13.A.succeedB.realizeC.gainD.overcome答案:A解析 本句意为“他们有潜力成功成为领导者或团队中的一部分”,选项B意为“实现”,选项C意为“获得”,选项D意为“克服”。14.A.choiceB.chanceC.likelihoodD.probability答案:B解析 本句意为“有机会去其他部门工作”,have the

56、 chance to do sth.表示“有机会做某事”。选项A的choice意为“选择”,选项C的likelihood和D项的probability表示“可能性”。15.A.forecastB.believeC.supposeD.expect答案:D解析 选项D的expect意为“预期,期望”。选项A的forecast意为“预报”,选项B的believe意为“棚信”,选项C的suppose意为 “假定,认为”。PART FIVE In most of the lines (34-45) there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, howev


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