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1、一、One day, Mr. Black went into a restaurant. _1. There was nothing in the pockets of his coat. After he had his meal, _2. He found there was much money in one of his pockets. “Whose is this? ”he thought. He saw a waiter near the door, so Mr.Black said to him, “Somebody put a lot of money in my coat.

2、 3 . I have to go. Take it ,please. When he comes back, give it to him. ”The waiter took it and went away. At the moment , _4. “ Imsorry. ”Said the man. “Itook your coat and you got mine. Please give me my coat and the money.”Mr. Black answered, “Igave the money to the waiter. He ll give it to you.

3、” Mr. Black called the manager, but the manager( 经理 ) said, “We have no waiters here. We only have waitresses (女服务员)._5” A. He went to take his coat back. B. At the moment ,Another man came with a coat just like Mr.Black s. C. He went to have lunch. D. He put his coat on a chair near the door. E. I

4、have no time to wait for him F. He must be a thief ! G. He is so kind! 1, Mr.Black went out. A to eat somethingB to put his coat on a chair C to buy a coatD to see his friend 2, After his meal, Mr.Black. A couldn tfind any money in his coat B didn t know where he put his coat C found some money in t

5、he pocket of his coat D didn ttake back his coat 3, Mr.Black gave the money to . A the manager B the waiter C the waitress D the owner( 主人 ) 4, The two coats looked. A quite different B the same C very dearD too cheap 5, Who is the thief? A Mr.Black B The manager C The waitress D The waiter 二、When w

6、e think of Hollywood, we think of films and famous film stars._1 Today people make films in other places , too. Not all famous film stars live in Hollywood. _2 You can easily see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles._3. It says “HOLLYWOOD ” . The white letters are fifty feet tall. You can see the sign

7、from far away. The Hollywood sign is a famous Hollywood landmark (印迹) in Los Angeles. Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmark. _4 . This is one of the open-air theatres in the word. It has seventeen thousand seats and a very differe nt stage (台阶).The desig n (设计) of the stage was by a gre

8、at America n called Frank Lcoyed Wright. _5 A. Theyre part of Hollywood s history. B. There is a big sign(标志) on the hills. C. Hollywood is a famous city in the USA. D. We all like the city. E. But Hollywood is still a very special city in Los Angeles, California. F. You can listen to all kinds of c

9、oncerts at the Hollywood Bowl. G. ln the hills (小山)of Hollywood , there is also the Hollywood Bowl. 6, The best title for the reading should be . A HollywoodB Famous Films and Film Stars C the History of HollywoodD Famous Hollywood Sign 7, We learn from the reading that . A “HOLLYWOOD ” can just be

10、seen from far away B Hollywood is now a place only for travelers C All the films are made in Hollywood D Hollywood is one part of Los An geles 8, The word Special in the last sentence of the first paragraph means. A newB oldC famousD unu sual 9, At the Hollywood Bowl. A all postcards are made B only

11、 7 000 people can get together C people can enjoy music D you can hardly liste n to differe nt kinds of con certs 10,lt seems(好像)that. A some famous film stars don choose (选择)to live in Hollywood B film stars don think Hollywood is a good place to make films C the Hollywood Bowl is larger tha n any

12、other ope n-air theatres in the world D the Hollywood Bowl is a hill in Hollywood 三、Long long ago,there lived a poor man n amed Ali Baba. One day whe n he was cutt ing wood in the forest,he saw a large number of men coming towards him.He was frightened ( 害怕的)and climbed up into a large tree.Whe n th

13、e men got to a big rock,they get off their horses and took off a lot of heavy bags.Ali Baba was sure that they were robbers ( 强盗). A moment later,one of the robbers said to a big rock, “Open,Sesame (芝麻)! .Then a door ope ned in the rock.The robbers en tered and the door shut aga in. After a long tim

14、e,the door ope ned and the robbers came out,one of them said, “Close,Sesame! And the door closed at once.Then the robbers got on their horses and left.Ali Baba came up the rock and said, “Open,Sesame” The door ope ned.He filled several bags with gold and diam on ds,a nd put the bags on his don key.T

15、he n he said, “ Shut,Sesame! .The door closed at once and he rode back to the town. 1. What was Ali Baba doing whe n he saw a large nu mber of men? A. He was sitti ng in front of a tree .B.He was climbi ng a tree. C. He was cutti ng wood in the forest. D. He was sitt ing on a rock. 2. Why did Ali Ba

16、ba hid into a large tree? A. Because he was afraid of the men. B. Because he wan ted to do some exercises. C. Because he wan ted to cut wood. D. Because he liked climbi ng the trees. 3. We are sure that there werein the mens bags. A. some rocksB.some food C. some sesames D.some gold and diam onds 4.

17、 How did the robbers get the things in the cave? A. They bought them in the market. B. They robbed them from other people. C. They picked them up from the road. D. Some of their friends sent the things to them as prese nts. 5. After coming back to the tow n, Ali Baba would become A. poorB.sadC.sickD

18、.rich 四、Different people like different sports. We all know that football is the most popular sport _1_ Europe even around the world because it is excit ing. _2_ in China the most popular sport is _3_. Its _4_ and cheaper to play tha n many other sports. In China, almost every school has pin g-p ong

19、 tables and almost every stude nt can 5_ it. In the USA, many America ns thi nk football is bori ng. _6_ like basketball and America n football. America n football is not a round ball and play ing America n football is a rough game. So it very _7_ to play America n football, it s more difficult to p

20、lay it _8_.In Can ada, most people like ice hockey. They think ice hockey( 冰球)is _9_. They are very excited when they watch ice hockey games. Ice hockey is the n ati onal sport of Can ada. There will be an ice hockey game on TV this weeke nd and many Can adia ns _10_ it. Do you like sports? What spo

21、rt do you like best? ( ( ) 1. A. to ) 2. A. Because B. in B. So C. for C. But D. at D. For ( ) 3. A. table tennis B. basketball C. cycling D. football ( ) 4. A. easy B. easily C. easier D. more easily ( ) 5. A. plays B. play C. playing D. played ( ) 6. A. He B. They C. It D. We ( ) 7. A. dangerous B

22、. safe C. saferD. more dangerous ( ) 8. A. good B. well C. bad D. nice ( ) 9. A. exciting B. unpopular C. tiring D. boring ( ) 10.A. watch B. are watchingC. watchesD. are going to watch 五、 I live in a small tow n n ear Xi ng an in Guilin., because it is too small. The air here is fresh( 清新的 ). There

23、 are not many tall buildings in our town. 2There are four hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. _3 There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow beautiful flowers and plant trees in the garden. Next to the garden, th

24、ere is an orange orchard( 果 园). _4. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. 5. The teachers are very nice. We love our school. A. We study Chinese, English, maths and other subjects at school B. There are many new students in our school. C

25、. You can t see it on the map of China, D. The best building is in our school. E. You can hear birds singing everywhere. F. Guilin is a good place to live in. G. I often play basketball with my classmates on it () 6. The writer lives .A. in a small town B. in the city of Guilin C. in a village D. in

26、 a tall building () 7. There is in the front of our school. A. a river B. a tall building C. a playground D.a garden () 8. The students often in summer. A. play basketball B. plant trees C. grow flowers D. go swimming () 9. People can hear singing here and there. A. students B. birds C. cows D. teac

27、hers () 10. What is the best title ( 题目 )of the passage ?A. The Best Building B. A Small Village C. Our School D. The Garden 六、Three people are walking along a street, first a big man, then a pretty woman, and then an old The young wo man. The first two go round a corner. Suddenly ( 突然) the old man

28、sees a piece of paper on the street. He picks it up. It is fifty yuan. A few seconds later, the young woman comes back. She is crying. “I lost fifytyuan,”she says. “Don t cry, ”says the old man, “Here it is. thanks and goes away. A few seconds later, the big man comes back. He is looking for somethi

29、ng. Suddenly a small man opens a window and looks out.yu“anI fsaellefrfoifmty your clothes, but that man gives it to a young woman.”he says. The big man is very anghrey.oAldt lmasatnt gives him another fifty yuan. When the old man goes, the young woman comes back to get her 16.6 yuan, and the small

30、man comes out to get his. 根据短文选择最佳选项。 (10%) () 1. How many men are there in the story? A. Three. B. One. C. Four. D. Two. () 2. Who doesn t know the other three peopleA?. The big man. B. The small man. C. The old man. D. The pretty woman. () 3. What s the Chinese of “ second ” in the story? A. 第二 B.

31、 秒钟 C. 分钟 D. 小时 () 4.How much money does the woman take from the story? A. 50 yuan B. 16.6 yuan C. 66.6 yuan D. 100 yuan () 5. Which is right? A. The old man knows the woma n. B. The woma n knows the big man and the small one. C. The old man is the big man s father. D. The small man can get 50 yua n

32、. 七、Peter comes from Canada. He speaks English,1. Now hes studying Chinese in Beiiing. It sunny and kind of windy today. He visits Beijing Library._2 Bob is in Guan gzhou. He is from France. He likes Chin ese food very much._3It is sunny today. It s kind of hot. Bob wants to go to Guangzhou Hotel wi

33、th his friends._4. Look, a policema n is help ing them. Jenny is livi ng in Nanjing. She is Japa nese. She thinks Chin ese people are frien dly. She likes them. It s cloudy today. _5A koala is sleeping in a tree. Some giraffes are eating grass and some birds are singing son gs. They are havi ng a go

34、od time. A. He is eat ing dinner in the restaura nt. E. They are playi ng in the park. G.but he likes speak ing Chin ese very much. F. Look! He is talk ing with people there in Chin ese now. D. He usually eats in restaura nts C. But he does n t know the way. B. Je nny and her Chin ese friends are wa

35、tch ing ani mals in a zoo. 八、Peter ofte n have Christmas Day with his pare nts in Toron to. _1. After they go home, they always ope n the box of their Christmar prese nts. Last Chritmas Peter gave his mother a scarf and his father a book. And his pare nts bought him anew computer . _2 _3. They ofte

36、n go out to play games with frien ds. In the after noon, 4_.They ofte n watch TV. _5” says Peter. A. They ofte n go to the church (教堂) in the morni ng. C. How happy he was! E. Toro nto is n ot very cold at Christmas Day. F. Peter with his pare nts ofte n stay at home. D. Christmas Day is ofte n snow

37、y in Toro nto B. They climbed the hill last Christmas. G. Christmas TV is pretty interesting, ” 九、_1four classes in the morning and two in the after noon. Their morning classes begin at eight o clock and finish at a quarter to twelve. 2They seldom eat out or eat at home. After lunch they don C have

38、a rest.3_, and school is over at twenty to three. After school they don Cgo back home at once ( 立亥U). _4. Some of them like playing the piano. Some like readi ng story books. Some like swim ming and skati ng. Some like singing and dancing. Most of the stude nts like play ing basketball. _5And the n

39、they watch TV or play the computer. The usually go to bed at ten o clock. A. ln the USA, the stude nts go to school from Mon day to Friday B. Their after noon classes begi n at one o clock, C. ln the evening they usually do their home homework at home. D. The America n stude nts usually have six cla

40、sses a day E. And the n they have lunch at school. F. They usually have some sports at school G. .They usually go to school by school bus or on foot. It was very cold. It sno wed heavily and blew very stron gly. It was not a good ni ght to go out. But David had to walk home from work I can be warmer

41、,” he thought, I wear my coat backwards .He took off his coat and put it on backwards. Thats much better.” He thought and walked on. About ten minu tes later a car hit him. The driver stopped his car and got out of it. He ran to help David. Soon a police car arrived. The policeman ran to look at Dav

42、id. “m afraid he dead.The policeman told the driver. The driver could not believe it. “ He can be dead. He cried, I did not touch him. Look at my ” car. There is not a mark on it. He dead. The policeman said again. f don tunderstand it. The driver said, “ As soon as I hit him. I ran to help him. He

43、was lying ” on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood . “ Did you touch him? The policeman asked. “ Yes, The driver said, “ but I only turn his head around the right way. Notes:1. backwards adv.反方向地 2. mark n.印记 3. bloodn.血 Read the passage and answer the following questions.(阅读短文,回答问

44、题。) 1. Why was David walk ing in such bad weather? 2. How did David make himself warmer? 3. Did the driver run to help David? 4. What did the policema n say aga in? 5. Who killed David? We call the Chin ese New Year the Spring Festival .There is a n ame for each Chin ese year.We can call it the year

45、 of the sheep, the year if the tiger or the year of the pig. And this year is the year of the pig. Before New year s Day, people are busy shoppingcleaning their houses. On New Year s Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up to welcome the New year. On the first day of

46、the New year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit each other, people usually have a very good time during the festival. 1. How many Chin ese festivals are talked about in the passage? A.OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four 2. We can find every year is givenn ame. A.a n an imalB. a family C. a pla nt

47、D. a fall 3. How do people usually celebrate New Year s Eve? They A. dress in their new clothes and go to the park. B. visit their friends and talk about the New Year. C. are busy shoppping and cleaning their houses. D. have a big dinner and a family get-together and stay up late to welcome the New

48、Year. ()4.On New Year s Day ,people say to each other. A.Merry ChristmasB.Happy New Year C. Best wishesD.Both B and C ()5. is the best title(标题)for this passage. A.Good timeB.The Spring Festival C.Big dinnerD.The year of the pig Are you carrying too much on your every day? Maybe lots of students in

49、China will say yes ” . Docters in the USA are worried that young students are having back and neck problems because of too many books in their schoolbags. USA “ Ithurts my back whe n 1 run, said Oberl in Jacks on, a 13-year-old stude nt in the Oberl in Jacks on s schoolbag is just like most stude nts schoolbags. It has two straps(带子) and he can carry it on the back . Studens can easily feel tired if there are too many books in it. They have wheels and can roll on the ground. Shirly Park,


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