1、- 11 -四川洪雅县2016高考英语二轮阅读理解训练(5)史地自然型阅读理解(一)The Pacific island nation of Nauru used to be a beautiful place.Now it is an ecological disaster area.Naurusheartbreak ingstory could have one goodcon seque nee other coun tries might lear n from its mistakes.For thousands of years , Polynesian people lived
2、in the remote island of Nauru,far from Western civilization.Thefirst European to arrive was John Fearn in 1798.Hewas the British capta in of the Hun ter, a whali ng ship.He called the isla nd Pleasa ntIsla nd.However, because it was very remote, Nauru had little com mun icati on with Europea ns at f
3、irst.The whaling ships and other traders began to visit it, bringing guns andalcohol.These eleme nts destroyed the social bala nee of the twelve family groups on the island.A ten-year civil war started, which reduced the population from 1,400to 900.Naurus real troubles began in 1899 when a British m
4、ining company discovered phosphate(磷酸盐)on the island.lnfact , it found that the island of Nauru was nearlyall phosphate , which was a very important fertilizer for farming.The company began mining the phosphate.A phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground; it is a strip mine.When a companydiscovers
5、strip mining ,it removes the top layer of soil.Thenit takes away the materialit wants.Stripmining totally destroys the Iand.Gradually,the lovely island of Naurustarted to look like the moon.In 1968 , Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world.Every year the government received millions a
6、nd millions of dollars for its phosphate.Un fortun ately, the leaders in vested the money un wisely and lost milli ons of dollars .Inadditi on , they used millio nsmore dollars for pers onal expe nses.So on peoplerealized that they had a terrible problem their phosphate was running out. Nin ety,600,
7、 000 andper cent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing.By 2000, Nauru was finan cially ruin ed.Experts say that it would take approximately$433more than 20 years to repair the island.This will probably never happen.1. What might be the authors purpose in writing the text?A.To seek help
8、for Naurus problems.B.To give a warning to other coun tries.C.To show the importa nee of mon ey.D.To tell a heartbreak ing story of a war.2. What was Nauru like before the Europea ns came?A.Rich and powerful.B.Moder n and ope n.C.Peaceful and attractive.D.Greedy and aggressive.3. The ecological disa
9、ster in Nauru resulted fromA.soil polluti onB.phosphate overm iningC.farmi ng activityD.whale hunting4. Which of the following was a cause of Naurus financial problem?A.Its leaders misused the mon ey.B.It spe nt too much repairi ng the isla nd.C.Its phosphate mining cost much mon ey.D.It lost millio
10、ns of dollars in the civil war.5. What can we learn about Nauru from the last paragraph?A.The ecological damage is difficult to repair.B.The leaders will take the experts words seriously.C.The isla nd was aba ndoned by the Naurua ns.D.The phosphate mines were destroyed.【参考答案解析】A【要点综述】 文章主要讲述了太平洋岛国瑙鲁
11、如何从一个环境优美的天堂岛变成一个生 态失衡、满目疮痍的小岛。1B 由文章第一段的“ Now it is an ecologica l disaster area.Naurus heartbreaking story could have one good consequence other countries might learn from its mistakes. ”可以看出,作者的目的是给当前很多只注重发展经济而忽略环境保护的国家一个 警告。故选 B 项。2 C 从第一段提到的“太平洋上的国家瑙鲁岛曾经是一个美丽的地方”看出,瑙鲁岛 很吸引人;由第二段第一句以及第三段第一句可知,上千
12、年来,瑙鲁岛的人们生活在偏远的 小岛上,过着平静的生活。故选 C 项。3 B 最后一段的“ Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem theirphosphate was running out.Ninetyper cent of their island was destroyedand they hadnothing. ”即“磷酸盐逐渐减少,开采殆尽”。由此可以看出,“磷酸盐的过量开采”导致 了瑙鲁岛的生态灾难。故选 B 项。4 A 由最后一段的“ Unfortunately, the leaders invested th
13、e money unwisely andlost millions of dollars.In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses. ”看出,是领导人不正确地使用资金导致了财政问题。故选A 项。5A 文章最后告诉我们: Experts say that it would take approximately $433, 600, 000 and more than 20 years to repair the island.也就是说,瑙鲁岛上的生态损失弥补起来需要大量的资金和时间,即选项所说的“修复起来
14、很难”。故选 A 项。 文化教育型阅读理解 A practical English Grammar is intended for intermediate( 中级的 ) and postintermediate students. We hope that more advanced learners and teachers willalso find ituseful.The book is a comprehensive survey of structures and forms, written in clear modern English and illustrated wit
15、h numerous examples. Areas of particular difficulty have been given special attention. Differences between conversational usage and strict grammatical forms are shown but the emphasis is on controversial forms.In the fourth edition, the main changes are as follows.1. Explanation and examples have be
16、en brought up to date.2. There is now more information on countable and uncountable nouns, attributive and predicative adjectives, adverbs of place, sentence adverbs, cleft sentences, prepositi ons, conjun ctives, modal verbs, perfect ten ses, infin itive con structi ons,the passive, purpose clauses
17、.3. Some material has bee n rearra nged to make comparis ons easier. For example, partsof chapters on can, may, must, etc. are now grouped by fun cti ons; verbs of lik ingand prefereneehave a chapter to themselves; suggestions and invitationshave joinedthe chapter on comma nds, requests and advice.4
18、. The content list now summaries every editi on headi ng, and there is a new in dex containing many more referen ces.In this editi on the sig n” is freque ntly used to show a cha nge of speakers inexamples of dialogues. Although the sig n = ” sometimes conn ects two words orexpressions with the same
19、 meaning, it is often used more freely, e. g. to indicatea tran sformatio n from active to passive or direct to in direct speech.We wish to tha nk all at Oxford Uni versity Press who have assisted in the preparati onof the fourth edition.Wewould also like to thank Professor Egawaof Nihon University,
20、Japa n, Professor Rene Dirve n of Duisburg Uni versity, Germa ny and other colleagues for their frien dly and helpful suggestio ns.London, November 1985 A . J.T., A . VM1. The grammar book mentioned in this passage is not suitable forA. a middle school teacherB. a primary school studentC. a senior h
21、igh studentD. a college student2. According to the passage, we know that his grammar bookA. compares modern English with old EnglishB. gives a large number of examples to reduce difficultyC. attaches more importa nee to con troversial formsD. pays little attention to strict grammatical forms3. Which
22、 of the following statements about the changes is TRUE?A. This book keeps up with the latest usages of the American English Ianguage.B. This edition offers more information about pronouns.C Its not easy for us to find the information we need in this book.care, like, love, hate, prefer,D One particul
23、ar chapter discusses verbs like wish4. When you see this line in the book,“ Did you get a ticket? Yes, I man aged toget one. ”, we can understand that A. the two parts before and after the sign“” mean the sameB. the two parts before and after“” are said by two different peopleC. the second speaker r
24、epeats what the first speaker saysD. the topic is changed in the part after the sign“”5. In the last paragraph, the authors thank several people because .A. they have helped the authors with this editionB. they have agreed to buy a lot of books from the authorsC. the authors want to make use of the
25、fame of those peopleD. those people will make advertisements for this book (一)【要点综述】 本文主要介绍了一本语法书的特点及对它的第四版的主要变化进行了介绍。1. B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“ A practical English Grammar is intended forintermediate( 中级的 ) and postintermediate students.”可知,语法书适合中级水平或者更高水平的学者,即不适用于小学生。故选 B 项。2. C 细节理解题。根据第二段“ Differences
26、between conversational usage and strictgrammatical forms are shown but the emphasis is on controversial forms.”可知,更加注重于有争议的形式。故选C 项。3. D 推理判断题。根据第三条的verbs of liki ng and prefere nee have a chap ter to themselves”可知。故选 D项。4. B 细节理解题。从“ In this edition the sign is frequently used to show achange of sp
27、eakers in examples of dialogues.”可知,“”表示两个不同的人在对话,所以前后两部分是不同的人说话的内容。故选B 项。5. A 细节理解题。从“ We would also like to thank Professor for their friendly andhelpful suggestions. ”可知,他们这些人都给作者们提供了好的建议和帮助。故选A 项。文化教育型阅读理解As computers become all the more popular in Ch ina. Chin ese people are in creas in glyrely
28、ing on computer keyboards to in put Chin ese characters. But if they use the computer too much, they may end up forgettingthe exact strokes( 笔画)of each Chinese characterwhen writing on paper. Experts suggest people, especially students, write by hand more.Do you write by hand more or type more? In B
29、eiji ng, stude nts start using a computeras early as primary school. And computer depe ndence is more widespread amonguniversitystudents.Almost all their assignments and essays are typed on a computer.All the stude nts in terviewed say they usually use a computer.Its faster and easier to correct if
30、using a computer. And thats why computers arebeing applied more and more often to modern education. But when people aretaking_stock_in computers increasingly, problems appear.“Whenlm writing with a pen, I find I often cant remember how to write a character, though I feel rm familiar with it.”“ Im no
31、t in the mood to write whe n faced with a pen and paper.”Many stude nts dont feel this is somethi ng to worry about. Now that its moreconvenient and efficie nt to write on a computer, why bother to han dwrite?Many educators think differently.Shi Liwei, the headmaster of a famous primary schoolin the
32、 capital said , “ Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic(审美的)value. But those characters typed with computer keyboards only maintain their practical value. All the artistic beauty of the characters is lost. And handwritingcontains the writers emotion. Through ones handwriting, people
33、can get to know ones thinking and personality. Beautiful writing will give people a better first impression of them. ”To en courage stude nts to han dwrite more, many primary schools in Beiji ng have madewriting classes compulsory(必修的)and in universities, some professors are askingstudents to turn i
34、n their homework and essays written by hand.1. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A. The Importance of Handwriting and TypingB. To Type or to HandwriteC. Writing on a Computer Will Replace Writing by HandD. Practical and Aesthetic Value of Chinese Characters2. The stud
35、ents interviewed prefer to write using a computer mainly becauseA. they are usually asked to email their homework and essaysB. they can correct the mistakes they make quickly and convenientlyC they find it not easy to remember how to write a characterD. computers have become a trend and fashion in C
36、hina3. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the advantages of handwriting?A. Handwriting contains the writers emotion.B. The writers thinking and personality are shown in his or her handwriting.C. Handwriting can impress people well and build ones selfconfidence.D. Chinese characters enj
37、oy both practical and aesthetic value.4. The underlined expression“ taking stock in” (Paragraph 4) probably meansA. getting bored withB. getting dependent onC. becoming crazy aboutD. getting curious about5. We can draw the conclusion from the passage that A. more and more students will give up writi
38、ng on a computerB. writing by hand will give way to typing by computer one dayC. more and more students will pay attention to handwritingD. the typing article better expresses ones emotion and quality(二)【要点综述】 全文围绕学生是依靠电脑还是应该用手写作业展开。1 B 主旨大意题。文章围绕话题“我们学生是依靠电脑还是应该用手写作业”展开的。2 B 细节理解题。由第四段“ Its faster
39、and easier to correct if using a computer. ” 和第七段中 “Now that its more convenient and efficient to write on a computer, why bother to handwrite? ”可知,学生依赖电脑是因为电脑方便、快捷、修改容易。ple a better first3 C 正误判断题。由倒数第二段“ Beautiful writing will give peo impression of them. ”可知,C项表述与文章有出入,其他选项在文中均有明确表述。4. B词义猜测题。结合上
40、文 computer dependenee和下文的表述,不难推出画线词组的意 思为“相信,依靠”。故B项为正确答案。5. C 推理判断题。最后一段主要讲述了北京许多小学已经把写作课列为必修课,在大学里,要求学生交书面作业。由此我们可以得出结论:今后越来越多的学生会重视书写。故C项为正确答案。史地自然型阅读理解(一)Thatthe Lea ning Tower ofPisa noIon ger lea ns quite so much after a 20milli onproject to save it has proved to be a great success. The tower,
41、 which was on the edge of collapse, has bee n straighte ned by 18 in ches, retur ning it to its 1838 positi on.“Ithas straightened alittlebit more than we expected, butverylittlehelps ,”said Prof. Joh n Burla nd,the onlyBritish member of the rescue committee.“ The tower is still very slightly moving
42、 towards being upright.”The tower, which has been leaning almost since buildingwork firstbegan in 1173,was closed to the public in 1990 because of safety fears. The 183-foot tower was nearly 15 feet off vertical and its structure was found to have been weakened by centuries of strain(作用力).Prof. Burl
43、a nd said it could have collapsed “ at any momen” . However, it took nine years of quarrelling before any work was done. The last attempt at straightening the tower was carried out. Concrete(混凝土 ) was poured into the foundations, butthe result was that the tower sank further into the soil.The straig
44、hte ning work in volved diggi ng out around 70 tonnes of earth from then orther n side of the tower, caus ing it to sink on that side. Before the diggi ng started, the tower was fixed with steel ropes and 600 tonnes of lead weights.However, halfway through the project, concerns at the ugliness of th
45、e weights led to their removal and the tower leaned greatly. The weights were hurriedly reattached. One night, the tower moved more than it had averaged in an entire year. The towers stonework has also been restored.The Italian government stepped in after a tower collapsed in Pavia in four people. E
46、xperts suddenly realized that the tower at Pisa, which was similarly built and on the same sort of earth, could do the same.1. What would be the best title for the passage?A The building of the Leaning Tower of PisaB Saving the Leaning Tower of PisaC The collapse of the Leaning Tower of PisaD The history of the
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