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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟19专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟19专业八级分类模拟19LANGUAGE USAGEIt is, everyone agrees, a huge task that the child performswhen he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in such 1short a period of time challenges explanation. Language learning begins with listening. Individual children varyin

2、g greatly in the amount of listening they do before they 2start speaking, and late starters are often long listeners. Mostchildren will obey spoken instructions some time beforethey can speak, but the word obey is hardly accurate as a 3description of the eager and delight cooperation usually shown 4

3、by the child. After they can speak, many children will ask 5questions by gestures and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to trace the development from the voices 6 babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerabledifficulties. What is agreed that they enjoy making noises, 7and tha

4、t during the first few months one or two noises sortthemselves out as particularly indicative of delight, distress,sociability, and so on. But since these cannot be said to showthe babys intention to communicate, they can hardly be regardedas early forms of language. It is agreed, either, that from

5、about 8three months they play with sounds for enjoyment and by six 9months they are able to add new sounds to their repertoire. This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds make or words spoken to them by other people. The problem 10then arises as to the point at which one can say

6、that theirimitations can be considered as speech.1.答案:suchso解析 本题考查so和such的区别。so可以作副词,后面可直接接形容词,如so nice a day。such为形容词,修饰名词,如such a nice day,故应将such改为so。2.答案:varyingvary解析 这句话缺少谓语。该句的主语为Individual children,varying是现在分词形式,不能作谓语,故应把varying改为vary。3.答案:butthough解析 本题考查句子之间的逻辑关系。连词but之前的句意为:大多数孩子在他们学会说话

7、之前会遵从口头指令,之后句子是说这种“遵从”几乎是不准确的。由此可见,两者之间是一种让步关系,而非转折,故将but改为though。4.答案:delightdelighted解析 分析句子结构可知,eager为形容词,delight为名词,二者同时修饰cooperation,由连词and可知两者应词性相同,故应将delight改为形容词性的delighted。5.答案:AfterBefore解析 本题考查逻辑关系。该句提到儿童通过手势和发出表示疑问的声音来问问题,这应该是在学会说话以前所采取的方式,因此after逻辑错误,应改为Before。6.答案:voicesnoises/sounds解析

8、 本题考查近义词的辨析。voice指人的“嗓音”、“发声能力”,用在此处与文意相悖。应将其改为noises(噪音)或sounds(声音)。7.答案:WhatIt解析 本题考查句子结构。连词and前后各有一个引导词that,并且由它引导的两部分都是被大家认同的,因此is agreed前面应为形式主语,故将What改为It。8.答案:eithertoo解析 It is agreed.为肯定句,而either表示“也”时只能用在否定句中,故应将either改为too。9.答案:andbythat解析 本题考查句子结构。分析句子可知,It为形式主语,真正的主语是由that引导的从句,and连接两个并列

9、的主语从句,前面一句为that引导的从句,结构完整,而后面部分缺少引导词,故应在此处加上that。10.答案:makemade解析 观察句子可知,连词or连接的应该是两个并列结构。通过words spoken可知,make与sounds在逻辑上是动宾关系,所以要把make改为过去分词made作定语。Despite the fact that today viruses are known to cause cancerin animals and in certain plants, where exists a great reluctance 11to accept viruses as

10、been of importance in human cancer. Basic 12biological phenomena generally does not differ strikingly as 13one goes from one species to other. It should be recognized that 14cancer is a biological problem and not a problem that is uniquefor man. Cancer originates when a normal cell suddenly becomesa

11、 cancer cell which multiplies widely and with apparent restraint. 15Cancer cells originate in many different kinds of cell, but thecancer cell usually continues to carry certain traits of the cell oforigin. The transformation of a normal cell to a cancer cell may 16have more than one kind of cause,

12、but theres good reason toconsider the relationships exist between viruses and cancer. Since theres no evidence which human cancer, as generally 17 experienced, is infectious, many person believe that because 18viruses are infectious agents, they can possibly be of important in 19human cancer. Furthe

13、rmore, viruses and examples are known inwhich a virus never kills its host can mutate to form a new strain 20of virus that always kills its host. It does not seem unreasonablyto assume that an innocuous latent virus might mutate to form astrain that causes cancer.11.答案:wherethere解析 通过分析可知,despite引导让

14、步状语从句,逗号后的where引导地点状语从句,因此句子缺少主语。where一般用来引导地点定语从句或状语从句,该句中缺少主语,故将where改为there,there exits是there be句型的变体。12.答案:beenbeing解析 accept.as意为“接受作为”,其中as为介词。as作介词时其后要接名词或动名词形式,故应将been改为be的动名词形式being。13.答案:doesdo解析 通过分析句子结构可知,本句的主语basic biological phenomena(基本的生物学现象)为复数形式,根据主谓一致的原则,其谓语应为复数,故应将does改为do。14.答案:

15、otheranother解析 根据上下文可知,本句意为“从一个物种到另一个物种”,且文中并没有指出是某一特定的物种,后面如果用other,则表明是指定的两种物种,与文意相悖,且在from one.to another属于常见搭配,故将other改为another。15.答案:withwithout解析 根据上下文可知,这里所要表达的意思是:癌细胞大面积繁殖(multiplies widely),即没有约束地生长,而with apparent restraint与之矛盾,故将with改为without。16.答案:tointo解析 本题考查介词搭配。transformation通常与into搭配

16、,意为“将转变成”,故将to改为into。17.答案:whichthat解析 经分析可知,本句中,which后面的句子成分完整,是对evidence进行解释说明,所以属于that引导的同位语从句,故将which改为that。18.答案:personpeople解析 观察该句可知,many,person和believe三者的主谓不一致。many通常修饰可数名词复数,因此要将person改为people。19.答案:importantimportance解析 由介词of后接名词、代词或动名词的用法可知,形容词important用法错误。Be of importance等于be important,

17、故将important改为importance。20.答案:viruseverthat解析 理顺句子间的逻辑关系为本题的解题关键。经分析可知,in which引导定语从句,而从句中出现了两个谓语动词kills和can mutate,且二者之间没有并列或转折连词连接。下一行中的that引导的定语从句修饰virus,与后面的a new strain of virus that.相照应,而in which所引导的定语从句的主干是a virus.can mutate,故应在本行的virus和never之间加引导词that引导定语从句以修饰virus。There is one part of women

18、s magazines that every man reads.It is the section popularly known as the agony columns, wherewomen, and increasing men, write for advice on their emotional 21problems. The person who answers these letters usually have a 22very reassuring name which suggests a gentle middle-aged ladywith a lot of wi

19、sdom and experiences. At one time, it used to be 23widely believed that the letters were in fact all made by someone 24on the editorial staff, and that the Aunt Mary who providedthe answers was a fat man with a beard, who drank like a fish,smoked like a chimney, and was faithful to his wife into the

20、 25bargain. Although this may be true in some cases, the minority 26of advice columns are genuine, and the advisory staff is highly-qualified 27people with a deep understanding of human problems. At one time, only the answers were published, not the letters themselves. Many of the fun in reading the

21、m lay in trying to 28work out what on earth the problem was that led to such peculiaranswers. Nowadays everything is much more implicit, and 29questions of the most intimate kind are fully dealt with. As theagony columns have become more professional and more franka lot of the fun has gone out of th

22、em. This is undoubted a good 30thing, because there is something very bad about our tendency tolaugh at the misfortunes of our fellow men.21.答案:increasingincreasingly解析 此处表达的是“写信这种趋势渐增”,而不是用于修饰men,故将increasing改为副词increasingly,用来修饰write。22.答案:havehas解析 分析该句结构可知,The person,answers和have三词在主谓搭配上不一致。本句的主

23、语是The person,和后面who引导的定语从句中answers单复数使用一致,故只需将have改为第三人称单数形式has。23.答案:experiencesexperience解析 根据上下文可知,此处表达的是“让人联想到一位兼具智慧与经验的中年女士”。experiences作为可数名词时意为“经历”,与文意不符,故将其改为不可数名词experience,意为“经验”。24.答案:madebyup解析 make可用作及物动词,其意为“制造,安排”,本句中它的宾语为letters,根据常理可知,信不可能被制造或安排,故make在此处用法错误。应将其改为make up(编造),其后可接let

24、ters。句中用的是被动语态,故在made后加上up。25.答案:faithfulunfaithful解析 该句提到who drank like a fish, smoked like a chimney,由此可知这是一个品质不好的男人,因此对于他对妻子的忠诚上也持否定态度,故将faithful改为unfaithful。26.答案:minoritymajority解析 本句中使用转折连词although,上文提到有些工作人员的人品不好,故可推断下文的意思应该说的是好的一面,即大多数人的意见还是很诚恳的,而非少数,故将minority改为majority。27.答案:isare解析 观察该句可知

25、,本行的staff is和下行中的people主谓不一致。staff作集体名词,为复数概念,根据主谓一致的原则,其后的动词应用复数形式,故将is改为are。28.答案:ManyMuch解析 fun是不可数名词,而many通常用来修饰可数名词,故将Many改为Much。29.答案:implicitexplicit解析 根据上下文可知,现在的情况应该是更加清楚,而implicit意为“含蓄的,不明显的”与下文相矛盾。implicit与explicit意思正好相反,故将implicit改为explicit。30.答案:undoubtedundoubtedly解析 句法矛盾。Undoubted为行容词

26、,可用作表语,但句中已存在表语a good thing,故其用法错误,应将其改为副词undoubtedly,用来修饰系动词is。By drawing on the World Banks projections of socioeconomicdevelopment over the next quarter century, researchers at theWorld Health Organization set out to forecast global trends indeath and disease. Among the grim catalog of prediction

27、s are that 31the current top two killersheart disease and strokewill holdon to their rankings. By 2030, however, HIV/AIDS will moveup from its current ranking in fourth place to become the third-leadingcause of death around the globe. One of the obvious consequences of increased development will be

28、more deaths and injuries from traffic accidents, but 32tobacco-related deaths are also expected to surge, accounted for 3310 percent of all fatalities by 2015. In the fact, WHO estimates 34that 50 percent more people will die with illnesses due to tobacco 35use than from AIDS that year, although tob

29、acco itself is not listedas a cause of death. Deaths from tobacco-related conditions willbe split fairly evenly among cancers, cardiovascular diseases,and respiratory illnesses. The report, that is the most comprehensive of its kind, 36 does contain some bright spots. For example, it predicts thatma

30、ternal deaths associated with pregnancy and childbirth willbecome more common, as will infant mortality and deaths 37from nutritional causes. Because increased prosperity and 38better medical care, the risk of death for children younger than5 is projecting to decrease by more than 40 percent by 2030

31、. 39The death rate from tuberculosis, malaria, and other non-HIVinfectious disease will also decline. And people all over the 40world will be living longer lives, with the largest gains occurringin Africa and South Asia.31.答案:areis解析 介词短语Among the.提前,以保持句子平衡。that引导的主语从句为该句真正的主语,单个句子作主语,系动词应为单数,故应将ar

32、e改为is。32.答案:butand解析 连词but之前的句子讲的是由于交通事故造成的伤亡人数的增长,其所在句讲的是与烟草相关的死亡数量的增长,两句话语义上相互衔接而非转折,故将but改为and。33.答案:accountedaccounting解析 account for表示“占比例”,此处应使用非谓语动词形式,句中的tobacco-related deaths与account for是主动关系,因此将accounted改为accounting。34.答案:thethe解析 in fact为固定搭配,意为“事实上”,故此处的冠词the多余,应去掉。35.答案:withfrom解析 die f

33、rom为固定搭配,表示“死于”,因此with应改为from。36.答案:thatwhich解析 分析句子结构可知,本行中的非限制性定语从句修饰the report,在该从句中,that不能作引导词,只能用which,故应把这里的that改成which。37.答案:moteless解析 根据上文可知,该句是对上文提到的some brfight spots的举例说明,因此强调的应该是积极的一面。所以该句大意为“孕妇因怀孕和分娩而死亡的状况不会再这么多见”,因此这里应把more改为less。38.答案:Becauseincreasedof解析 because表原因,后面通常接句子,because o

34、f后接名词,故这里应用because of。39.答案:projectingprojected解析 decrease by是习惯表达,意为“减少了”。这种死亡的减少应该是被人们所计划的,此处应该使用被动语态,故将projecting改成projected。40.答案:diseasediseases解析 由上下文可知,上一行中的tuberculosis是指“肺结核”,malaria指“疟疾”,其他这类非艾滋病的传染疾病还有不止一种,故这里的disease应改为复数形式。A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece ofreading. It

35、is remarkable first for what it contains: the range ofnews from local crime to international politics, from sport tobusiness, from fashion to science, and the range of commentand special features as well. A newspaper is even though more 41remarkable for the way one reads it: never complete, never 42

36、straight through, but always by jumping from here to there,in and out glancing at one piece, reading other article all the 43way through, reading just a few paragraphs of the next. A goodmodern newspaper offers a variety to attract many differentreaders, but far more than any one reader is intereste

37、d in. That 44brings this variety together in one place is its topicality, whose 45immediate relation to what is happening in your world and yourlocality now. But immediacy and the speed of production thatgo with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper 46has no more than transient value

38、. For all these reasons, not two 47people really read the same paper: what each person does is toput together out of pages of that days paper, his own selection 48and sequence, his own newspaper. For all these reasons, readingnewspapers efficiently, which mean getting what you want from 49them without missing things you need but with wasting time, 50demands skill and self-


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