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1、PerpendicularIn force, bring into force, take into forceProjectedIn questionCorrespond toCorresponding to, in accordance with Rake of keel, slope, inclinationRespectivelyPermeabilitySingular pluralPenetrateEquilibrium, equal, equalityEstimateIn the aggregate a totalIn addition to the requirements co

2、ntained in this regulation DedicatedDouble side skinAsbestosSubsequent structural alternationsKeep on board a shipEmbarkation disembarkationMain power, emergency, transitional, backupTo the satisfaction of sbSpecial consideration should be given toWhere appropriateXXX subjected to internal pressureS

3、pecified in paragraph XXXXXXXXTake into accountFatigue criteriaPulsating pressures due to dynamic loadOver 230mm diameter in way of tillerSteering gear compartmentAs far as practicableOperate simultaneouslyImplementation and application of the regulations CorridorKnights and dames的用法分析英文论文中“ such as

4、, for example, e.g., i.e., etc., et al.黄龙旺 龚汉忠(上海交通大学学报编辑部,200030,上海)在英文论文的编辑加工中,常会遇到such as, for example, e. g. , i. e. , etc. 和et al.的错误及 混淆使用。这里,举例分析这几个词的意义,并阐述其正确用法。1) such as。常列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。其典型的表示式为 a plural + such as + single instance( s) of the group to which the plural refers。正确使用的是:The Art

5、s Faculty deals only with humanities subjects such as history and literature.混淆使用的是:The Scienee Faculty deals only with the measurable such as physics and seismology.论文中常出现such as与and so on或etc.连用,这是不正确的。 如 It is no ted that the features such as clea n cut ratio deno ted byRc , die roll heightdenote

6、d by Hdr and die roll width denoted by Wdr , and so on (有的出现 etc.) , are better than the ones with the other models.应为 It is no ted that the features, such as clea n cut ratio deno ted by Rc , die roll height denoted by Hdr and die roll width denoted by Wdr , are better than the ones with the other

7、models.当使用such as时,读者已理解后面接着的会是一些不完整的列举,因此不需加上and so on或etc.等。 因为such as是对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,若全部列举出,要改用namely,意思为即”。文章中出现的 He knows four languages, such as Chinese, English, Japanese and German,应将 such as 改成 namely(或 i. e.)及后面加逗号,即 He knows four Ianguages, n amely, Chin ese, En glish, Japa nese and Germ

8、a n. 用such as来形容复数名词(the plural)可以放在such与as中间,一般插在被列举事物与前 面的名词之间。2) for example。用来举例说明,由它引出介绍普遍概念的例子,使用范围要比such as自由。 可以出现在句首、句末或有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系。例女口 , Cryptography operations, for example, decryption or signing, in a given period only invo Ive the corresp onding temporary secret key wit

9、hout further access to the helper.同样for example ( e. g.)表示泛泛地举几个例子,并没有囊括所有的实例,其中就已经包含 等 等”如果再加etc.或and so on,就画蛇添足了。女口论文中出现的这句话是不当的 :Writ ing in structors focus on a nu mber of complex skills that require exte nsive practice (e. g. , orga ni zati on, clear expressi on, I ogical thinking, etc. 正确的 为

10、e. g. , organization, clear expression, and logical thinking.3) e. g.。是拉丁文exempli gratia的缩写,意思是 举个例子,比如”等同于“for example目”的是 用例子来说明前面的观点,用法与for example相同。4) i. e.。源于拉丁语,是id est的简略形式。其意思就是 那就是说,换句话说”等同于“that is,ri other words和“ namely 目的是用来进一步解释前面所说的观点。正确的用法是 Use a comma to enclose ( i. e. , both befo

11、re and after) the year in a month day year seque nee. 而文章中出现的这句 The evaluati on no ted that the employee had freque ntly exhibited irresponsible behavior ( i. e. , coming to work late, failing to complete projects), 应 该用“e. g.而不是用“i. e”因为插入句是对“irresponsible behavior的歹”举补充。5) etc.。是et cetera的缩写,意思是 等

12、等”相当于“and so on。可用来列举事物,若要列举人, 则需用et al.或用and others 。6) et al.。是拉丁文简写。其一为 et alibi (以及其他地方),相当于and elsewhere;其二为et alii (以及其他人),相当于and others 0hyphe n 连字符An gle bracket BraceFrench quotes 法文引号;书名号. ellipsis 省略号tandem colon 双点号ditto 同上II parallel 双线号/ virgule斜线号& ampersand = andswung dash 代字号 sectio

13、n; division 分节号f arrow 箭号;参见号+ plus加号;正号min us 减号;负号士 plus or minus 正负号x is multiplied by 乘号* is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号工is not equal to 不等于号=is equivale nt to 全等于号幻 is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号 is approximately equal to 约等于号v is less than 小于号 is more than大于号 is not more than不大

14、于号 is more than or equal to大于或等于号% per cent 百分之%o per mill 千分之x infin ity无限大号x varies as 与成比例V (square) root 平方根/ since; because 因为 hence 所以:equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例/ angle 角c semicircle 半圆O circle 圆Ocircumfere nee圆周n pi圆周率 trian gle 三角形丄 perpendicular to 垂直于U union of 并,合集A intersection of 交,通

15、集/ the integral of 的积分 E (sigma) summation of总禾口 degree 度mi nute 分second 秒# number 号C Celsius system 摄氏度 at单价x是x prime(比如转置矩阵)x是 x double-prime+ plus力口号;正号-mi nus减号;负号 plus or minus 正负号x is multiplied by 乘号-is divided by除号=is equal to等于号丰 is not equal to 不等于号= is equivale nt to全等于号= is equal to or a

16、pproximately equal to等于或约等于号 is approximately equal to 约等于号v is less tha n小于号 is greater tha n大于号 is n ot more tha n不大于号w is less than or equal to小于或等于号 is more than or equal to大于或等于号% per cent 百分之%oper mill千分之g infinity无限大号x varies as 与成比例V (square) root 平方根since; because 因为 hence 所以:equals, as (pr

17、oport ion)等于,成比例/an gle 角c semicircle 半圆O circle 圆O circumferenee 圆周n pi圆周率 trian gle三角形丄perpe ndicular to垂直于U union of 并,合集A in tersectio n of 交,通集/ the integral of 的积分刀 (sigma) summati on of总禾口 degree 度mi nute分second秒CCelsius system 摄氏度 ope n brace, ope n curly左花括号 close brace, close curly右花括号( op

18、e n paren thesis, ope n paren 左圆括号) close paren thesis, close paren 右圆括号()brakets/ pare ntheses括号ope n bracket 左方括号close bracket 右方括号square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号, 点| vertical bar, vertical virgule竖线& ampersa nd, and, referen ce, ref禾口,弓丨用* asterisk, multiply, star, poin ter星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash,

19、divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号/ slash -slash, comment双斜线,注释符# pound 井号backslash, sometimes escape反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符 tilde 波浪符.full stop 句号,comma 逗号:colon 冒号;semico Ion分号? questi on mark 问号! exclamation mark ( 英式英语)exclamation point ( 美式英语)apostrophe 撇号-hyphe n 连字号-dash破折号. dots/ ellipsis 省略号 sin gle quota

20、ti on marks 单弓 I号 double quotati on marks双弓 I号II parallel 双线号& ampersa nd = and swung dash 代字号 section; division 分节号arrow 箭号;参见号英文标点的 dash 与hyphen来源:何夕的日志dashhyphenl cm dash flQff cndashdashendash H *1比HI字身略宽;比曙于两个箸于三介椿当亍中丈中妇字致略短曾md辭h1tm dash当于中文对开踐主耍 功能等同于中文的破折号馄下文)侃下处筛同于中文的灵止呂下面我们逐一介绍表中各标号在英文中的使用方

21、法。em dash英文中1-em dash最常见,通常简称为 em dash。em dash的基本功能等同于中文的破折号。使用破折号的场合,中英文基本一样,具体场合可查阅国家标准GB/T 15834 1995中4.的说明,以及其他有关著作(如林穗芳著标点符号学习与应用,张道真著实用英语语法)。这些书籍中对于破折号的使用论述得十分具体,无须本文赘述。这里主要想提醒编著者使用 em dash时必须注意的地方,也就是中英文破折号的小异”我国出版的英语书刊中,使用em dash时,以下两种错误最常见。1. 误用二字长的中文破折号代替英文破折号em dash。须注意,em dash顾名思义,长度应该与m字母差不多(与大写 M宽度相当),只有一个字长。2. em dash前后不要留空,有些作品在其前后各留一个字母的空位是不规范的。这一点与中文破折号用法一样。2- em dash主要用于表示单词中省略了字母。例如:Hh ( Hirsch ?)We ha a copy in the library.注意:第一个例子中2-em dash前后不留空,因为省略的是一个单词的中间部分。第二个例子中省略的


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