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1、应用型大学英语视听说教程 3课程教学大纲1、课程名称:应用型大学英语视听说教程 32、学时: 48 学时 学分: 33、课程类别:公共必修课4、先修课程:高中英语5、适用专业:非英语专业6、考核方式:考试7、建议教材 : 应用型大学英语视听说教程 3教学参考书:应用型大学英语视听说教程教师用书主编:俞理明出版社:上海交通大学出版社出版时间: 2010 年 4 月一、课程性质、目的和培养目标本课程是专门为非英语专业本科生设置, 适合基础阶段英语听力教学的一门 重要的专业基础课程。 该课程教学旨在提高学生英语听说的交际能力。 本课程结 合了视听、口语课程的一些基本功能, 通过对学生进行听力、 口语

2、等英语视听说 技能的训练, 提高学生的听力理解水平、 口语表达能力和对语言运用的分析理解 能力。同时增强其自主学习能力、 提高综合文化素养, 使他们在今后的工作和社 会交往中能用英语有效进行口头和书面的信息交流。本大纲的教育宗旨为培养学生的英语综合应用能力为最终目标, 培养学生英 语听力的能力的同时着重发展学生的英语听说能力。 使学生在今后的工作和社会 交往中能用英语有效地进行信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力和综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要二、教学内容和基本要求教学内容:Unit1 Entrepreneurship(6 学时)Part I Warm-up 0.5 学时Part

3、 n Listen and watch 3.5 学时Section OneListen for skillsSection TwoSpecial English programsA.Item 1Business PlanB.Item 2Types of BusinessC.Item 3Micro Credit LoanSection Three Read after meSection Four Real world Chris BusinessLeisure Time My WayPart 皿 Let s talk 1 学时Section One Changing careerSection

4、 Two Your turnPart IV Supplementary tasks 1 学时A. Dubbing It s Not My JobB. Story dictation Entrepreneur Finds Success with SalsaUnit2 Exploration and Discovery(6 学时)Part I Warm-up0.5 学时Part n Listen and watch 3.5 学时Section One Listen for skillsSection Two Special English programsA.Item 1Discovery of

5、 Water on the MoonB.Item 2Exploring WoodworkC.Item 3Before the Information AgeSection Three Read after meSection Four Real world We ll Go to the MoonLeisure Time Moon RiverPart 皿 Let s talkl 学时Section One The origin of the universeSection Two Your turnPart IV Supplementary tasks 1 学时A. Dubbing Jess

6、and Leslie Discover the Tree HouseB. Story dictation Why We Live as Long as We DoUnit3 Marriage and Family (6 学时)Part I Warm-up 0.5学时Part n Listen and watch 3.5学时Section One Listen for skillsSection Two Special English programsA. Item 1 Jenna Bush s WeddingB. Item 2 The Best Places for Mothers and C

7、hildrenC. Item 3 GenealogySection Three Read after meSection Four Real world Role Reversal Increases Chance of Heart AttackLeisure Time Butterfly KissesPart 皿 Let s talk 1 学时Section One Child marriage in IndiaSection Two Your turnPart V Supplementary tasks 1学时A. Dubbing Kramer vs. KramerB. Story dic

8、tation My Mr. RightUnit4 Fame or Shame?( 6 学时)Part I Warm-up 0.5 学时Part n Listen and watch 3.5学时Section OneListen for skillsSection TwoSpecial English programsA.Item 1First Partial Face TransplantB.Item 2PlagiarismC.Item 3The Fall of Eliot SpitzerSection Three Read after meSection Four Real world Wh

9、o Screwed Him?Leisure Time SailingPart 皿 Let s talk 1 学时Section One Conflict between governess and pupilSection Two Your turnPart ivSupplementary tasks 1 学时A. Dubbing Courage Under FireB. Story dictation Hit-and-run DrivingUnit5 Life Code(6 学时)Part I Warm-up0.5学时Part n Listen and watch 3.5学时Section

10、OneListen for skillsSection TwoSpecial English programsA.Item 1Melanoma ResearchB.Item 2Medical Transplant OperationsC.Item 3Conjoined TwinsSection Three Read after meSection Four Real world Body ClockLeisure Time Life Is WonderfulPart 皿 Let s talk 1 学时Section One Adopted dinosaur tripletsSection Tw

11、o Your turnPart IV Supplementary tasks 1 学时A. Dubbing Twin SistersB. Story dictation My Brother Takes the PainUnit6 War and Peace(6 学时)Part I Warm-up0.5学时Part n Listen and watch 3.5学时Section OneListen for skillsSection TwoSpecial English programsA.Item 1Fighting World War nB.Item 2Protests Against W

12、ar in IraqC.Item 3Afghan WarSection Three Read after meSection Four Real world Father and EnemyLeisure Time Tell Me WhyPart 皿 Let s talk1 学时Section One Inviting and expressing opinionsSection Two Your turnPart V Supplementary tasks 1学时A. Dubbing Sending TelegramsB. Story dictation ForgivenessUnit7 H

13、ealth(6 学时)Part I Warm-up0.5学时Part n Listen and watch 3.5学时Section One Listen for skillsSection Two Special English programsA. Item 1 The Global Snake Bite Initiative to Help Treat Snake BitesB. Item 2 The Dark Side of Skin LighteningC. Item 3 Midlife CrisisSection Three Read after meSection Four Re

14、al world Health, Mind, and BehaviorLeisure Time Rhythm of the RainPart 皿 Let s talkl 学时Section One Anti-aging PilatesSection Two Your turnPart IV Supplementary tasks 1 学时A. Dubbing Forrest GumpB. Story dictation Wheelchair Basketball Athlete Liesl TeschUnit8 Negotiation( 6 学时)Part I Warm-up0.5学时Part

15、 n Listen and watch 3.5学时Section OneListen for skillsSection TwoSpecial English programsA.Item 1Airbus Reports New Orders at Paris Air ShowB.Item 2APEC Meeting Pushes for Trade ReformsC.Item 3Finding a Buyer for ChryslerSection Three Read after meSection Four Real world SpeedLeisure Time Communicati

16、onPart 皿 Let s talk 1 学时Section One How to negotiate an employment contractSection Two Your turnPart V Supplementary tasks 1学时A. Dubbing Air Force OneB. Story dictation Take It or Leave It基本要求:本大纲参照大学英语课程教学要求,立足于一般要求,鼓励学生向较高 要求和最高要求调整自己的学习目标。一般要求的英语能力要求如下: 1 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座, 能基本听懂英语

17、国家慢速英语节目, 语速为每分钟 130 词左右,能掌握其中心大 意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧帮助理解。2. 口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论。能 就日常话题和来自讲英语国家的人士进行交谈。 能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简 短发言,表达比较清楚, 语音、语调基本正确。 能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。3. 视听能力:能够看懂语速中等的电影或新闻报道,能够就电影或新闻报道涉 及的话题展开讨论。教学方法:本系列教材的特色体现在以下两个方面。一方面,教材在编写过程中,真正 把应用性放在第一位, 把学生的就业需要充分考虑进去。 教材每一单元大致分成 五大模块, 因此,基

18、于以上特点,本系列教材的教学方法大致如下:1. 任务式教学( task-based teaching metho)d将教程中一些练习以任务的形式让学生分组完成, 如配音练习、口语练习等, 教师加以指导,学生完成后在课堂展示出来。2. 交互式教学 (interaction)在英语教学环节中,教师可以安排 pair work, group discussion, debate等活动。在教学的开始,教师是教学的主导,教师要更多地、更具体地示范各种理 解策略的使用, 而随着教学的进行, 教师便可以逐渐更多地引导学生来使用这些 策略,随着学生学习水平的提高, 教师逐渐提高要求, 直到他们能独立地运用这

19、些策略。这样就能够充分调动和发挥学生学习语言的主动能动性了。 如在本系列 教材第一册第三单元讲解前, 可以在课前给学生提供这样一个自由讨论题, 如果 他们已经大四了,面临毕业,他们会利用暑假时间做整容手术吗?学生分成小组, 最后要求学生做小组总结。3. 反馈式教学方法这是一种全新的教学方法, 充分贯彻了 “以学习者为中心, 教师服务于学生 ” 的理念。 在我们的实际教学中,反馈式教学方法可借助网络开展, 如教师可以申 请一个博客,学生可以随时进入教师博客, 把自己的想法及时反馈给老师, 进行 实时沟通, 教师根据学生的不同特点,为其设定个性化的学习方案,也便于了解 学生的学习情况和学习动态。这

20、与该系列教材的第二个特点也是相互呼应的。总之,我们要充分发挥教材“新”、“趣、“”奇”的特点,灵活采用各种教学方法, 来抓学生的“兴奋点”,燃起他们学习和使用英语的热情。在教材的充分使用过程 中,教师也可以充分利用该系列教材的练习册内容,查漏补缺, 使课堂内容更加 充实。各位老师可根据本班情况,做适当调整,因材施教,使课堂教学取得更好 的效果。三、实验(上机)内容和基本要求没有实验课程无需填写。四、教学课程学时分配序号尸片早节内 容学时1UnitlPart I Warm-upPart n Listen and watchSectio n One Liste n for skillsSectio

21、 n TwoSpecial En glish programsA. Item 1 Bus in ess Pla nB. Item 2 Types of Busin essC. Item 3 Micro Credit Loa nSectio n Three Read after meSection Four Real world Chris Bus in essLeisure Time My WayPart 皿 Let s talkSection One Changing careerSectio n TwoYour turnPart IV Supplementary tasksA. Dubbi

22、ngIt s Not My JobB. Story dictati onEn trepre neur Finds Successwith Salsa62Unit2Part I Warm-upPart n Listen and watchSectio n One Liste n for skillsSectio n TwoSpecial En glish programsA. Item 1 Discovery of Water on the MoonB. Item 2 Explori ng WoodworkC. Item 3 Before the In formatio n AgeSectio

23、n Three Read after meSection Four Real world WW ll Go to theMoo n6Leisure Time Moon RiverPart 川 Let s talkl 学时Sectio n One The origi n of the uni verseSectio n TwoYour turnPart IV Supplementary tasks 1.5学时A. Dubbing Jess and Leslie Discover the Tree HouseB. Story dictati on Why We Live as Long as We

24、Do3Unit3Part I Warm-upPart n Listen and watchSectio n One Liste n for skillsSectio n TwoSpecial En glish programsA. Item 1 Jenna Bush s WeddingB. Item 2 The Best Places for Mothers andChildre nC. Item 3 Gen ealogySectio n Three Read after meSection FourReal worldRole ReversalIn creases Chance of Hea

25、rt AttackLeisure Time Butterfly KissesPart 皿 Let s talkSection One Child marriage in IndiaSectio n TwoYour turnPart V Supplementary tasksA. Dubb ingKramer vs. KramerB. Story dictati on My Mr. Right64Unit4Part I Warm-upPart n Listen and watchSectio n One Liste n for skills6Sectio n Two Special En gli

26、sh programsA. Item 1 First Partial Face Tran spla ntB. Item 2 PlagiarismC. Item 3 The Fall of Eliot SpitzerSectio n Three Read after meSectio n Four Real world Who Screwed Him?Leisure Time Saili ngPart 川 Let s talkSection One Conflict between governess and pupilSectio n Two Your turnPart IVSupplemen

27、tary tasksA. Dubb ingCourage Un der FireB. Story dictati onHit-a nd-run Drivi ng5Unit5Part I Warm-upPart n Listen and watchSectio n One Liste n for skillsSectio n Two Special En glish programsA. Item 1Mela noma ResearchB. Item 2 Medical Tran spla nt Operati onsC. Item 3 Conjoi ned Twi nsSectio n Thr

28、ee Read after meSection Four Real world Body ClockLeisure Time Life Is Won derfulPart 皿 Let s talkSection One Adopted dino saur tripletsSectio n Two Your turnPart V Supplementary tasksA. Dubb ingTwin SistersB. Story dictati onMy Brother Takes the Pain66Unit6Part I Warm-upPart n Listen and watchSecti

29、o n One Liste n for skillsSectio n TwoSpecial En glish programsA. Item 1Fighting World War nB. Item 2 Protests Agai nst War in IraqC. Item 3 Afgha n WarSectio n Three Read after meSection Four Real world Father and En emyLeisure Time Tell Me WhyPart 皿 Let s talkSection One In vit ing and express ing opinionsSectio n TwoYour turnPart IV Supplementary tasksA. Dubb ing Sending TelegramsB. Story dictati on Forgiven ess67Unit7Part I Warm-upPart n Listen and watchSectio n One Liste n for skillsSectio n TwoSpecial En glish programsA. Item 1 The Global Snake Bite Initiative toHelp


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