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1、1 、一般情况下,动词词尾加 work-worked 动词过去式变化规则及其读音规则 -ed ,如: play-played 8.动词原形中的ell改为old,变成过去式。 如: wantedwanted actacted 2、 以不发音的-e 结尾动词, -d,如: live-livedmove moved hope-hoped 3、以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为 -i再加-ed,如: study-studiedcopy-copiedcry-cried carry-carried 4、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词, 双写词尾辅音字母,再加-ed,如: stop -stoppe

2、d 5、不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强, 须多加记忆。 动词词尾加 taste-tasted go -went make -made get -got buy - bought come - came fly-flew 不规则动词的过去式的构成 1.把动词原形中的i改为a,变成过去式。 如: beginbegan, drinkdrank, givegave, ringrang, singsang, sitsat, swim swam 2.把重读开音节中的i改为0,变成过去式。 如: drivedrove,riderode,writewrote 3.改动词原形中的aw / ow为ew,变成 过

3、去式。如: drawdrew, grow grew , knowknew, throw threw (动词 show 除外, show showed) 4. 动词原形中的e改为0,变成过去式。女口: getgot, forgetforgot 5. 动词原形中的 ee改为e,变成过去式。 如: feedfed, meetmet 6.动词原形中的eep改为ept,变成过去式。 如: keepkept, sleepslept, sweep swept 7.动词原形中的eak改为oke,变成过去式。 如: breakbroke,speak spoke sellsold, telltold 9 动词原形

4、中的an改为00,变成过去式。 如: standstood, understandunderstood 10.以 ought 和 aught 结尾,且读音是 :t 的过去式。如: bring brought , buy bought , think thought , catch caught, teach taught 11.以ould结尾且读音为ud的情态动词 过去式。如: cancould, shallshould, will would 12.把动词原形中的0改为a,变成过去式。 如: come came, become became 13. 在动词原形后加 d 或 t 变成过去式,并

5、 且发生音变。如: hearhi heardh :d, sayseisaid sed, mean mi:n meant ment 14. 动词的过去式与动词原形一样。 letlet, mustmust, putput, red 15. 不符合上述规律的动词过去式。 如: readread 如: am, iswas, arewere , buildbuilt, do did, eatate, fallfell, feelfelt, find found, flyflew , gowent, have /has had, holdheld, leaveleft, make made, maymig

6、ht , runran, seesaw, take took 过去式“ -ed”的发音规则 (1) want 要) ( 2) help 动词词尾为“ t, d”时,发/ id /音, T wan ted (要) n eed 宀 n eeded (需 动词词尾为清辅音时,发 / t / 音。 7 helped (帮 助)laugh laughed (笑) look 7looked (看) kiss 7 kissed (吻) wash 7 washed (洗) watch 7 watched (注视) ( 3)动词词尾为 t, d 以外之浊辅音或元音 时,发 / d /音。 call 7 call

7、ed (叫) stay7 stayed (停留) cry7cried (哭) 6 Verb table Simple Pressffrt Present ContinuousPost i Os/on/ore) add adding added answer answering answered ask asking asked bark barking barked be (is, am, are was / were bring bringing brought buy buying bought call calling colled carry (carries) carrying co

8、rried celebrate celeb rati ng celebrated chat chatting chatted choose choosing Chose climb climbing climbed close closing closed collect collecting colitected comb combing combed cost cost cycle cycling cycled dance dancing danced describe describing described do (does) doing did eat eating Qle enjo

9、y rijoyi ng enjoyed enrol enrolling enrolled enter entering entered exit exiting exited Simple Part P rent Continuous (is / Qw /ofej feel find feeling finding felt found forget forgot get getting got give giving gave go (goes) going went grab grabbing grabbed hate hated hove (has) having had help he

10、lping helped hit hitting hit interview interviewing interviewed jog jogging jogged join joining joined know knew learn learni ng learnt / learned leave leaving left like 一 liked listen listening listened live living lived look looking looked love loved make making made mean meant meet meeting met ne

11、ed needed Dare; Simple past tense 17 8 n rvA .(Ca g 寮脸 + ed play f ployed cook cooked be was / were + d hope f hoped dQncgf danc 凶 go * went ctionge y I cry cried try tried hove had Use the simple po咒 tense when uou 亦 these words: yesterday lost n:ght omonth ago in 1995 F眈計:I went CiimpMg bst Ba : D

12、M you h处侶 fun? 口咅饶二 Y% j had a geot time. oooked a big lunch, fren 脱 p怙yeT 宛me gam昭 I al&o tried rock cjmt?ing. 氐盼:What畑启id护u曲? Ff匸歹:We hd a mmpf.r既训乂 (heteddaticed 白厂cund 饰e fire. We use the simple post tense to tcik about things thot hop pen cd in the jXJst. Shnplepast tense verbs bought short vow

13、el + consonantdouble consonont drop dro ppedchat chottedl Fill in the bloinks with the wimple past tense form of the verbs, e -、 _L V 几 IMoncy 一 picked(pick) some flowers last Sunday. “ I was Miiss Law n JI Wfi were Yesterday. (be) very busy lost week. (be) hungry so we ate o lot Bendropped(dop)his

14、wallet can hoir 口go. The boby dried (Cfv) last night i 才 Dare: 12 answers questions Fsr: Did you to Spins 代rty yrsm?r血y? Lucy : Y吗 i did- RgUr: I didnit g Wflfi席胃砲怖rth加y匚乩齐 Luicy : Yes, zhere was. There wm d E of food tocX P阮1: Were二h裂3 &叫w也曲就uk”? W总忆ther?初丹匚ii比合? Lucy : Ti忧rs vere 昶曰刖刚m鉀 butwerent

15、tiny bWuitd We ust was, were and did to rncike questions ond g(v& short answers about the post* Did you, go Io the cinemo tast night? No, I didrVt go to the Cinema last night. i L _- F- - orft chie th?世广幵匚朮牛 didl丁 di日nt into th住引Epb 卩d乩 tane疔: UP there an airport 50 years ago? was._. A: Was B: Yes,

16、there A: Did Polly haV(have) the piano exam last Saturday? didnt have it last Saturday. She had it last Friday, B: No, she A: A: E: A: B: Did you buy(buy) a dioll yesterday? No,I didn buy a doll. I bought a robot Werethere any cable cars 80 years ago? Nowhere weren . Was 一 there a wetland park when

17、Mlum was you ng? N_o_,_therejwasn Com pl 总 t the questions and answers usiing the simple pent tense. 色J Simple Past Tense: I knew his name yesterday. Marks: Djte: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs, then change the sentences into negative form andl question foriri. Example: I knew hi

18、s name yesterday, (know) I did not know his name yesterday. Did you know his name yesterday? 1. My mother bought 2. me a new dress yesterday, (buy) My mother didn buy me a new dress yesterday. 3. Did your mother buy you a new dress yesterday? 4. Dick sent me an e-rnail last night, (send) 5. 6. Dick

19、didn send me an-e-mail -last-night. Did Dick send you an e-mail last night? 8. 9” The fishermancaughtmany fish last week, (catch) The fisherman didn catch many fish last week Did the fisherma n catch many fish last week? about the news this morning, (hear) 10. Weheard 11L We didn hear about the news

20、 this morning 12. Did you hear about the nws-this-morn-ing? 13. Father left home an hour ago (leave) 14. Father didn leave home _an hour ago. _ le什 5. Did fatherJteave home an hour ago?= 116. Last night my sister and I went _ to cinema, (go) 17. Last night my sister and I didn go to cinema. _ 18. Di

21、d your sister and you go to cinema last night? 60 乳Reading compshension (二 g注 十Wednesday Las Wednesday- Li nd 巴讲 3ofh er ws sry bsy Rsa 5?pssgR and an常wer 一he que苗tion Lasi Wednesday-匚ndmh mQule had 3 g业 up sry 密n于 She had二o 员一 Lindas galndrthe who was m 一he hspi武L fid Then sh巾 had 3 80k bsatfask and ffuk Linda mnd her bsrhe二o schooL She hmd s wash -he Q&hes a


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