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1、product data sheetmodel no: 22t1 version 1.1 microjet technology co., ltd.microjet technology co., ltd. 1/11 product data sheet (model no: 22t1)product specificationssensor specificationstype cmos camera module (ov 9653 inside)active array size 1300*1028 pixelscore1.8vdc10% power supplypowerrequirem

2、entstemperature rangemaximum image transfer rate analog2.45 to 2.8 vdci/o2.5v to(vdd_a+0.3v)active50mw(15 fps, no i/o power) standby 30woperation -20 to 70stable image0 to 50yuv/ycbcr 4:2:2output format (8-bit) grb 4:2:2raw rgb datalens size1/4” sxga15fps vga30fps qvga,qqvga,cif 60fps qcif,qqcif 120

3、fpssensitivity0.9v/lux-secs/n ratio40 db dynamic range62 db scan mode progressive maximum exposure interval1050 trowgamma correctionprogrammablepixel size 3.18m3.18mdark current 30mv/s at 60well capacity28ke fixed pattern noise0.03% of vpeak-to-peakimage area4.13mm3.28mm package dimensions 5095m*571

4、5moptical specificationsparametergentuslens elements 3 group(1g+2p) viewing angle 62 diagonal focal length4.502743 mm f number 2.8 ir-cut coatingir cut included ( 650+/-10nm ) tv distortionunder 1.0% effective photography distance30cminfinity microjet technology co., ltd. 2/11 product data sheet (mo

5、del no: 22t1)pin descriptionpin location name pin type function/descriptionpower down mode selection-active high, internal pull-down resistera1 pwdnfunction (default= 0) 0: normal mode 1: power down mode a2 avddpoweranalog power supply(vdd-a =2.45 to 2.8 vdc) a3 sio_d i/osccb serial interface data i

6、/oa4 a5 d4d2output output bit2- lsb for 8-bit yuv or rgb565/rgb555output0utput bit4b1 vrefb2 nvddvrefvrefinternal voltage reference-connect to ground through 1f capacitorvoltagereferenceb3 agndpoweranalog groundb4 b5 d3c1c2sio_c d0dvddinputsccb serial interface clock inputoutputoutput bit3output out

7、put bit0 lsb for 10-bit raw rgb data onlypowerpower supply (vdd-c =1.8 vdc10%) for digital core logicc4nc- noconnectionc5 d5outputoutput bit5d1 d2d1 vsync outputoutput bit 1-for 10-bit rgb only output vertical sync output d4d5ncnc- no- noconnectionconnectione1 href output href outpute2 dovdd power d

8、igital power supply (vdd-io =2.5 to 3.3 vdc) for i/oe3 resetfunction (default = 0)clears all registers and resets them to their default values. activehigh, internal pull-down resistor. e4 d8e5 d6f1 pclkoutputoutputbit8outputoutputbit6outputpixel clock outputf2 xvclk1 inputsystem clock inputf3 dognd

9、powerf4 d9digital groundoutputoutput bit9-msb for10-bit raw rgb data and 8-bit yuv or f5 note:d7 rgb565/rgb555 output output bit 7d9:2 for 8-bit yuv or rgb565/rgb555 (d9msb, d2lsb) d9:0 for 10-bit raw rgb data (d9msb, d0lsb)microjet technology co., ltd. 3/11 product data sheet (model no: 22t1)electr

10、ical characteristicsabsolute maximum ratings ambient storage temperaturevdd-a-40 to 954.5v supply voltages (with respect to ground)vdd-c 3v vdd-io 4.5v all input/output voltages (with respect to ground) lead temperature, surface-mount processesd rating, human body model -0.3v to vdd_io+1v230c2000vno

11、te: exceeding the absolute maximum ratings shown above invalidates all ac and dc electrical specifications and may result in permanent device damage.dc characteristics (-20c ta 70c)symbol parameterconditionmintyp.maxunitvdd-a vdd-c dc supply voltage analogdc supply voltage core -2.45 2.51.621.8 1.98

12、2.8vvvdd-io idda idds-sccbdc supply voltage i/o poweractive (operating) current standby current-see noteasee noteb2.5-vdd_a+0.3vv20ma1maidds-pwdn vihstandby currentinput voltage high see notebcmos 0.7 x vdd-io1020avvilinput voltage low0.3 x vdd-iovvohvol ioh iol iloutput voltage high output voltage

13、low output current highoutput current lowinput/output leakage cmos see notecgnd to vdd-io0.9 x vdd-io815v0.1 x vdd-iovmama 1aa. vdd-a =2.5v, vdd-c = 1.8v, vdd-io = 2.5v, idda =”idd-io+ idd-c + idd-a, fclk = 24mhz at 7.5 fps yuv output, no i/o loadingb. vdd-a =2.5v, vdd-c = 1.8v, vdd-io = 2.5v,idds:s

14、ccb refers to a sccb-initiated standby, while idds:pwdn refers to a pwdn pin-initiated standby c. standard output loading = 25pf, 1.2k microjet technology co., ltd. 4/11 product data sheet (model no: 22t1)functional and ac characteristics (-20c ta 70c)symbolparameterfunctional characteristics a/d di

15、fferential non-linearitya/d integral non-linearity agc rangered/blue adjustment range inputs (pwdn,clk,reset) mintyp 1/2 112max18unit lsblsbdbdbfclktclktclk:dcts:resetts:reginput clock frequency input clock periodclock duty cyclesetting time after software/hardware resetsettling time for register ch

16、ange (10 frames required) 10214524425048100551300mhzns%ms ms sccb timing (see figure 4)fsio_cclock frequency400khztlowthighclock low periodclock high period 1.3600snstaatbufthd:statsu:stathd:dattsu:dattsu:stotr, tftdhsio_c low to data out validbus free time before new start start condition hold time

17、start condition setup timedata-in hold time data-in setup time stop condition setup timesccb rise/fall times data-out hold time 1001.3600600010060050900300nssnsnssnsnsnsnsoutputs (vsync, href, pclk, and d9:0(see figure 5,6,7,8,9,10,11)tpdvpclk to data-out valid5nstsuthdd9:0 setup time d9:0 hold time

18、158nsnstphhtphlac pclk to href pclk to href vdd: vdd-c =1.8v, vdd-a = 2.5v, vdd-io = 2.5v rise/fall times: i/o: 5ns, maximum sccb: 300ns, maximum 0055nsnsconditions input capacitance: 10pf output loading: 25pf, 1.2k to 2.5v fclk: 24mhzmicrojet technology co., ltd. 5/11 product data sheet (model no: 22t1)sccb timing diagramhorizontal timingsxga frame timing timing specificationsmicrojet


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