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1、Accident InvestigationsAlthough accide nt in vestigati on is an after-the-fact app roach to hazard iden tificati on, it is still an imp orta nt part of this p rocess. At times hazards exist, which no one seems to recog nize un til they result in an accide nt or in cide nt. In comp licated accide nts

2、 it may take an in vestigati on to actually determ ine what the cause of the accide nt was. This is esp ecially true in cases where death results and few or no wit nesses exist. An accide nt inv estigati on is a fact-fi nding p rocess and not a faultfinding p rocess with the purp ose of affix ing bl

3、ame. The end of any result of an accide nt in vestigatio n should be to assure that the type of hazard or accide nt does not exist or occur in the future. compen sati on form or an equivale nt from your in sura neeYour company should have a formalized accide nt inv estigati on p rocedure, which is f

4、ollowed by every one. It should be sp elled out in writi ng and end with a writte n report using as a foun dati on of your sta ndard company accide nt inv estigati on form. It may be your workers carrier.n ear misses should be inv estigated by your company if you and p reve nti ng hazards in your wo

5、rk pl ace. Thousa nds ofAccide nts and eve n are intent on ide ntify ing accide nts occur throughout the Un ited States every day. The failure of people, equipment, supp lies, or surroundings to behave or react as exp ected causes most of the accide nts. Accide nt inv estigati ons determ ine how and

6、 why these failures occur. By using the in formati on gained through an inv estigati on, a similar or p erha ps more disastrous accide nt may be p reve nted. Accide nt inv estigati ons should be con ducted with accide nt p reve nti on in mind. In vestigati ons are not to pl ace blame.An accide nt is

7、 any unplanned eve nt that results in personal injury or in property damage. When the personal injury requires little or no treatment it is minor. If it results in a fatality or in a p erma nent total, p erma nent p artial, or temp orary total (lost time) disability, it is serious. Similarly, proper

8、ty damage may be minor or serious. Inv estigate all accide nt regardless of the exte nt of injury or damage. Accide nts are part of a broad group of eve nts that adversely affect the compi eti on of a task. These eve nts are in cide nts. For sim plicity, the p rocedures discussed in later sect ions

9、refer only to accide nts. They are, however, also app licable to in cide nts.1. Accide nt Preve ntio nAccide nts are usually comp lex. An accide nt may have 10 or more eve nts that can be causes. A detailed an alysis of an accide nt will no rmally reveal three cause10levels: basic, in direct, and di

10、rect. At the lowest level, an accide nt results only whe n a person or object receives an amount of en ergy or hazardous material that cannot be absorbed safely. This en ergy or hazardous material is the DIRECT CAUSE of the accide nt. The direct cause is usually the result of one or more un safe act

11、s or un safe con diti ons, or both. Un safe acts and con diti ons are the in direct causes or symp toms. In turn, in direct causes are usually traceable to poor man ageme nt p olicies and decisi ons, or to personal or en vir onmen tal factors. These are the basic cause.In sp ite of their compi exity

12、, most accide nts are p reve ntable by elim in at ing one or more causes. Accide nt inv estigati ons determ ine not only what happen ed, but also how and why. The in formatio n gained from these in vestigati ons can p reve nt recurre nee of similar or p erha ps more disastrous accide nt. Accide nt i

13、nv estigati ons are in terested in each eve nt as well as in the seque nee of eve nts that led to an accide nt. The accide nt type is also imp orta nt to the inv estigator. The recurre nee of accide nt of a p articular type or those with com mon causes shows areas n eedi ng sp ecial accide nt p reve

14、 nti on emp hasis.2. In vestigative P roceduresThe actual p rocedures used in a p articular in vestigati on depend on the n ature and results of the accide nt. The age ncy hav ing jurisdict ion over the lacati on determ ines the adm ini strative p rocedures. In gen eral, res pon sible officials will

15、 appoint an in dividual to be in charge of the inv estigati on. An accide nt inv estigati on should use most of the follow ing ste ps:Defined the scope of the inv estigatio n.Select the inv estigati on. Assig n sp ecific tasks to each (p referably in writi ng).P rese nt a p relimi nary briefi ng to

16、the inv estigat ing team.Visit and insp ect the accide nt site to get up dated in formati on.In terview each victim and wit ness. Also in terview those who were p rese nt before the accide nt and those who arrived at the site shortly after the accide nt. Keep accurate records of each in terview. Use

17、 a tape recorder if desired and if appro ved.Determ ine the follow ing:What was not no rmal before the accide nt.Where the abno rmality occurred.When it was first no ted.How it occurred.Determ ine the follow ing:Why the accide nt occurred.A likely seque nee of eve nts and p robable causes ( direct,

18、in direct, basic ).Alter native seque nces.Determi ne the most likely seque nee of eve nts and the most p robable causes.Con duct a po st-i nv estigati on briefi ng.Prepare a summary report in cludi ng the recomme nded acti ons to p reve nt a recurre nee. Distribute the report accord ing to app lica

19、ble in structi ons.An in vestigati on is not comp lete un til all data are an alyzed and a final report is comp leted. In p ractice, the inv estigati on work, data an alyzed and report prep arati ons p roceed simulta neously over much of the time spent on the inv estigatio n.3. Fact-Fi ndingInv esti

20、gator collects evide nee from many sources duri ng an inv estigati on, gets in formatio n from wit nesses and observati on as well as by rep orts, in terviews wit nesses as soon as p ossible after an accide nt, insp ects the accide nt site before any cha nges occur, takes p hotogra phs and makes ske

21、tches of the accide nt sce ne, records all pertinent data on maps, and gets cop ies of all rep orts. Docume nts containing no rmal op erat ing p rocedures flow diagrams, maintenance charts or rep orts of difficulties or abno rmalities are p articularly useful. Keep comp lete and accurate no tes in a

22、 bound no tebook. Record p re-accide nt con diti ons, the accide nt seque nee and po st- accide nt con diti ons. In additi on, docume nt the locati on of victims, wit nesses, mach in ery, en ergy source, and hazardous materials.In some inv estigati on, a p articular p hysical or chemical law, princi

23、ple, or prop erty may explain a seque nee of eve nts. In clude laws in the no tes take n duri ng the in vestigati on or in the later an alysis of data. In additi on, gather data duri ng the in vestigati on that may lend itself to an alysis by these laws, princip les, or prop erties. An appen dix in

24、the final report can in clude an exte nded discussi on.4. In terviewstatemenIn gen eral, exp erie need personnel should con duct in terviews. If p ossible, the team assig ned to this task should in clude an in dividual with a legal backgro und. After in terview ing all wit nesses, the team should an

25、 alyze each wit ness may wish to re-i nterview one or more wit nesses to confirm or clarify key poin ts. While there may be incon siste ncies in wit nessesstateme nt, inv estigators shdiassemble the available testim ony into a logical order. An alyze this in formatio n along with data from the accid

26、e nt site.Not all people react in the same manner to a p articular stimulus. For exa mp le, a wit ness with in close p roximity to the accide nt may have an en tirely differe nt story from one who saw it at a dista nee. Some wit nesses may also cha nge their stories after they have discussed it with

27、 others. The reas on for the cha nge may be additi onal clues.A wit ness who has had a traumatic exp erie nee may not be able to recall the details of the accide nt. A wit ness who has a vested in terest in the result of the in vestigati on may offer biased testim ony. Fin ally, eyesight, heari ng,

28、reacti on time, and the gen eral con diti on of each wit ness may affect his or her po wers of observati on. A wit ness may omit en tire seque nces because of a failure to observe them or because their imp orta nee was not realized.5. Report of Inv estigati onAs no ted earlier, an accide nt in vesti

29、gatio n is not compi ete un til a report is prep ared and submitted to proper authorities. Sp ecial report forms are available in many cases. Others in sta nces may require a more exte nded rep ort. Such rep ots are ofte n very elaborate and may in clude a cover p age, title p age, abstract, table o

30、f conten ts, comme ntary or n arrative discussi on of p robable causes, and a sect ion on con clusi ons and recomme ndatio ns.Accide nt inv estigati on should be an in tegral part of your writte n safety and health p rogram. It should be a formal p rocedure. A successful accide nt inv estigati on de

31、term ines not only what happen ed, but also finds how and why the accide nt occurred. Inv estigatio ns are an effort to p reve nt a similar or p erha ps more disastrous seque nee of eve nts. You can the n use the result ing in formati on and recomme ndati ons to p reve nt future accide nts.Keeping r

32、ecords is also very imp orta nt to recog nizing and reduci ng hazards. A review of accide nt and injury records over a p eriod of time can help pinpoint the cause of view of accide nts. If a certa in worker shows up several times on the record as being inju red, it may in dicate that the person is p

33、 hysically un suited for the job, is not prop erly train ed, or n eeds better sup ervisi on. If one or two occ up ati ons exp erie nee a high p erce ntage of the accide nt in a work place, they should be carefully an alyzed and coun termeasures should be take n to elimi nate the cause. If there are

34、mult ip le accide nt involving one machi ne or p rocess, it is p ossible that work p rocedures must be cha nged or that maintenance is n eeded. Records that show many accide nts duri ng a short p eriod of time would suggest an en vir onmen tal p roblem.Once the hazards have bee n ide ntified the n t

35、he in formati on and source must be an alyzed to determ ine their origi n and the poten tial to remove or mitigate their effects upon the work pl ace. An alysis of hazards forces us to take a serious look at them.7事故调查尽管事故调查是一种事后危害识别的方法,它依旧是危害识别的一个重要 组成部分。有时系统中存在人们无法识别的危害,直到事故或事件发生才能得 以辨识。对于复杂的事故,也许

36、经过事故调查才能真正发现事故原因,这种情 况尤其适用于发生人员死亡或缺少目击者的事故。事故调查是一个不断发现事 实的过程而不是以追责为目的的发现错误的过程。一项事故调查的最终结果应 当确定危害或事故不存在或以后不会发生。一个公司应该有一个编制好的事故调查程序,所有员工都应当去遵守它。 这个程序应该以书面方式讲清楚具体过程并最终以标准的公司事故报告格式为 基础编写书面报告。它可能是以员工补偿形式或者保险公司的方式。如果打算识别并且防止工作场所的危害,公司就应当调查事故甚至是未遂 事故。每天美国都会发生万千起事故,人员失误、装置失效、供给不足或环境 缺陷往往是导致大多数事故发生的原因。事故调查可以

37、确定这些失效如何与为 什么发生。通过使用调查获得的信息,一种类似的事故或者也许其他种类灾难 性事故也可以得到有效避免。人们应当牢记事故调查要以事故预防为目的来进 行,而不是追究责任。事故是任何导致人员伤亡或财产损失的计划外的事件。如果人员伤害几乎不 需要治疗,那这种事故就比较低级。如果导致了人员死亡或者整体永久性、部 分永久性或整天暂时性失效,那这种事故就属于严重级别。类似的,财产损失 也可以被分为轻微与严重。事故调查应该无视事故伤害或损伤程度,对所有事 故进行调查。事故是众多阻碍了任务完成的事件的一部分。这些事件又被称为 意外。为了实现简化调查程序,以下部分讨论的程序只涉及到事故,然而它们

38、也适用于意外事件。1. 事故预防事故往往比较复杂。一起事故可能由十件或更多事件导致。一份详细的事故 分析一般将显示为三种层次的原因:基础的,间接的和直接的。在最低级原因 中,事故只是因为人或物受到了无法承受的一定量的能量或接触了无法吸收的 危害物质。这些能量或危害物质就是事故的直接原因。直接原因经常是一种或 多种不安全行为、不安全环境或者二者共同导致的。不安全行为或环境是间接 原因或征兆。反过来,间接原因经常可以追溯到差劲的管理政策与决定或者人 为与环境因素。这是属于基本原因。尽管事故具有复杂性,通过消除一个或更多起因,大多数事故还是可以预防 的。事故调查不仅可以确定会发生什么,还可以确定事故

39、是如何发生的,为什 么发生。这些调查获得的信息可以帮助防止类似事故再次发生或者可能避免更 多的灾难性事故。事故调查不仅关注每一个事件,而且关注一系列可能导致事 故发生的事件。事故类型对于调查人员也很重要。一种特殊类型事故的再次发 生或者那些拥有共同致因的事故显示了需要特殊事故预防重点的方面。2. 调查程序在一种特定的调查中实际使用的程序取决于事故的性质与结果。在确定管理 程序方面,专门机构的权限高于本公司。一般来说,责任机构将会指定一人负 责调查。事故调查应当要以下步骤的大部分:1. 确定调查范围2. 选择调查对象,确定所需达到的目标(最好书面记录)3. 向调查小组预先进行简洁汇报4. 参观并

40、检查事故场地,及时更新事故信息5. 访问每一位受害者与目击者,同时还要访问那些事故发生前在场的人员 与事故发生不久后到场的人员。对每一个访问进行准确的记录,如果需要或允 许的情况下可以使用录像带。确定以下信息:1. 事故发生前有何异常2. 异常发生在什么地方3. 什么时候首次被发现4. 如何发生5. 为什么事故会发生6. 可能导致事故发生的一系列原因(直接的,间接的,基础的原因)7. 可替代的一系列原因8. 确定导致事故发生的最可能的原因9. 进行调查后简短的汇报10. 准备总结报告,内容应当包括防止事故再发生的建议措施。根据建议的 适用性分发报告直到所有数据被分析并完成最终报告后,事故调查才能算完成。实践过程 中,调查工作,数据分析和报告准备同时进行


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