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1、新编商务英语精读教学大纲概 论 【教学目的要求】 【教学重点难点】 【授课时数】【教学方法】 【教学内容】一、新编商务英语精读第一册二、新编商务英语精读第二册概 论新编商务英语精读内容涵盖企业管理、经贸、金融、证券、国际贸易、商业文化、旅游等领域,将语言知识、交际技能、文化背景知识、和商务知识融于一体,是一门培养学生英语语言能力、熟悉各种商务活动和了解相关商务知识的课程;是电子商务专业的基础课程,是应用英语专业的主干课程。 课程名称:新编商务英语精读学时与学分:电子商务和市场营销专业,36学时,2学分;应用英语专业,128学时,8学分。先修课程:大学英语;综合英语、英语视听说课程教学目标:通过

2、本课程的学习,加强听、说、读、写等方面的训练,熟悉商务英语基本技能,接触真实语言材料,了解各种商务活动场景,积累相关的商务知识,系统掌握商务英语的基本词汇,提高商务英语语言水平和使用能力,实现毕业后在生活和对外商贸活动中进行正确的英语表达。 适用学科专业:电子商务、市场营销、应用英语教材及参考书:1、新编商务英语精读1,(学生用书)张逸主编,高等教育出版社,2004年,isbn7-04-015856-6。2、新编商务英语精读2,(学生用书)张逸主编,高等教育出版社,2005年,isbn978-7-04-016242-4。3、lanwood.新编剑桥商务英语(第二版学生用书)及练习册(中级)经济


4、、管理、面试、商标、成功的企业家等方面的文化知识和英语词汇;问答讨论,对话复述,训练口语;完成大量相应练习题。【教学目的要求】1、熟悉课文,翻译理解正确;2、掌握重点英语词汇及应用;3、了解相关文化背景知识;4、提高商务英语口语水平;5、拓展实际应用能力。【教学重点难点】1、教材教学重点:课文理解answer the questions、句子翻译sentence translation、词汇记忆language and culture focus,知识拓展活动extended activities。reading i的课文及练习、教学参考书上所要求的重点词汇、拓展练习b的function an

5、d structure、 拓展练习c的 practical reading等等。2、教材教学难点:口语训练,课文中的长句和难句理解,部分专业词汇记忆,reading i课文习题中的选词变形填空和组词成句练习。【授课时数】章节主要内容各教学环节学时分配 新编商务英语精读第一册讲授习题、讨论、实践活动小计unit 1essentials of business商务基本概念 42 打招呼、时间表6unit 2marketing营销 42 介绍认识人、价目表6exercisesdialogues2 情景教学视频2unit 3career职业 42 表达或接受谢意、商务名片6unit 4jobs and

6、 occupations工作 42 描述工作状况、招聘广告6exercisesdialogues2 情景教学视频2review 1 unit 1-42 期中复习2unit 5eating habits饮食习惯 42 点菜、菜单6unit 6jewelry宝石首饰 42 道歉、戒指价格表6exercisesdialogues 2 情景教学视频2unit 7body language形体语言 42 邀请、活动安排表6unit 8manners 行为方式 42请求、同意与拒绝、文化差异6exercisesdialogues2 情景教学视频2unit 9telephone calls电话22打电话、电

7、话服务信息4review 2unit 5-92 期末复习2合 计343064 章节主要内容各教学环节学时分配 新编商务英语精读第二册讲授习题、讨论、实践活动小计unit 1sports and business体育和商务 42 祝贺、足球和篮球6unit 2ownership所有制 42 请求或提供帮助、公司关系6exercisesdialogues2 情景教学视频2unit 3fashion时尚 42关心、安慰和鼓励、酒吧图示6unit 4consumer satisfaction消费者满意度 42 投诉、特价品广告6exercisesdialogues2 情景教学视频2review 1 u

8、nit 1-42 期中复习2unit 5education教育 42 个人爱好、通知6unit 6management管理 42 预约、公司机构6exercisesdialogues 2 情景教学视频2unit 7interview面试 42 面试、履历和申请表6unit 8trademark商标 42 表示意向、案例研究6exercisesdialogues2 情景教学视频2unit 9successful businessmen成功的企业家22 赞成与否、案例研究-投资经济资料4review 2unit 5-92 期末复习2合 计343064 【教学方法】在教学过程中,应充分利用教材,精讲

9、多练。讲解语言点,提高对长句、难句的翻译技巧;提问推进话题,收集相关语言,扩大词汇量;分析段落层次或逻辑关系,帮助记忆关键词和难句;设置与课文相关的多种讨论题,培养学生口语能力、参与意识和创新思维。完成习题之外,提供机会让学生讲英语,复述课文;促使学生多读课文,熟记词汇,明白语法,模仿语言,表达思想,学习创新。【教学内容】一、新编商务英语精读第一册:unit one text: the nature of businessteaching aim 1. learn something about basic concept of business.2. talk something about

10、 business;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:production生产, manufacture大量制造, service, 服务merchandise买卖, trade贸易, land土地, labor劳动, capital资本, distribute分发,entrepreneurship企业家素质, accomplish完成, perform表演,实行, go bankrupt破产, creditor债权人, venture(有风险

11、的)工作项目, profit利润;relate-to/with将-联系起来, be extracted-from从-中提取, be responsible for对-负责, make-of value使某物更有价值, look for寻找,decide on做出决定,up to 直到,refer to, 提到,涉及,pay for为-而付钱, distribute-to/among在-中分发, 分销,分配。.unit two text: marketing and promotionteaching aim 1. learn something about basic concept of m

12、arketing; 2. talk something about marketing research, trade fair, launching a new product or advertising campaign;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:market potential市场潜力, feasibility可行性, feasible/ viable可行的, assess评估, stand摊位, trade fair商品交易会

13、、贸易展销会, exhibit展览, sample样品, prospective customer潜在的顾客, publicity宣传, representative代表, brochure小册子, booklet册子, catalogue目录, press conference新闻发布会,promote提升、推销、促进, range系, model型, display展示, campaign活动,launch推出, order订单、下订单 delivery递送、运送, replacement替换物, spare part备用零件, after-sales service售后服务, compo

14、nent零部件, service (v.)保养、维修, machinery机器(总称), client委托人;in other words也就是说, hand out分发, make up形成、构成, for short简称, be known as通称为; maintain维持、保养, project工程、项目, fit适合.unit three career;text: the modern servant-nannyteaching aim 1. learn something about career development; 2. talk something about nanny

15、, choice of career;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:career职业, nanny 保姆, adore 热爱, part-time 兼职的,full-time全日制的, delicious美味的,wear穿, uniform制服,phase阶段, row激烈的争论;get on with 与相处和睦, at the time在那个时候, go through经历, follow in ones footsteps从事与他人同

16、样的职业或过同样的生活, apply for申请, make it up with言归于好, for long很长时间, take after与某人很像, make a decision做出决定, bring up养育, turn out证明是某人或某物, think of考虑到, realize认识到, turn转动, spend花费.unit four jobs and occupations; text: personal progress and job-hoppingteaching aim 1. learn something about jobs and occupations;

17、 2. talk something about personal progress and job-hopping;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:trait(人的)品质, initiative主动性, personality个性, realm(活动或兴趣)领域, inherit继承(财产、头衔等), bestow赠与, disloyal不忠诚的, quit抛弃, loyalty忠诚, recipient接受者, patron 资助人, j

18、ob security对工作的安全感, job hopping跳槽, mobility流动性, qualify取得资格, root根, personnel员工, challenge挑战, seniority资历, bounce弹回;get ahead领先, on the basis of在基础上, lead to导致, move upwards升职, by and large大体上, better oneself 改善自己, deal with处理, bring in引进, back and forth来回地, involve涉及, content满足的, advance前进, present

19、造成.unit five text, eating habitteaching aim 1. learn something about american eating habit.2. talk something about food and nutrition;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:selection挑选, available可得到的, nutrition营养, purchase购买, quantity数量, skip略过,故

20、意错过, consequence后果, consume消费, compile汇编,编辑, awareness意识, fat脂肪, carbohydrate碳水化合物, fiber纤维,be responsible for为-负责, eat out不在家里吃饭, on the average平均, be a threat to构成对-的威胁, in the mood for有-的心情, rich in富含-的, a variety of各种各样的unit six text, diamond-cutter ephraimteaching aim 1. learn something about j

21、ewelry;2. understand the jewelry story well;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:diamond钻石, apprentice 当学徒, intuition直觉, tension张力, split使分开, joke嘲笑, choosy挑剔的, edge尖刻, irritate激怒, malicious恶意的, fulfill履行(责任), bachelor单身汉, communion交流, odd不寻常的,

22、 infect感染, destine注定的,预定的;be to do with与-有关, in particular特别地, be cut out for天生适合于, take ones time拖拉,慢腾腾, joke aboutwith开玩笑, in ones stead代替, in communion with与-交流, fall apart分裂.unit seven text, body language: ownership gesturesteaching aim 1. learn something about cultural differences of body langu

23、age2. understand the text well;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:personnel员工, appoint任命, despite虽然、经管, reflect反映, easygoing脾气随和的, relax放松, carefree无忧无虑的, gesture手势、体态语言, signify表明, customary通常的, etiquette礼节, impact强烈印象, circumstance状况, solut

24、ion解决, lean倚靠, deject忧虑的, intent专心的, indifference冷漠, impatient不耐烦的, terminate使终止,breath呼吸, sigh叹气, relief宽慰, superior上级, posture姿态, subtle微妙的, stake申明, negotiation谈判, vital非常重要的, hostile敌对的; be guilty of, 有罪的,愧疚的be appointed to被任命为 ,prior to在之前, lack of缺少, go away消失, resort to求助于, stake ones claim申明

25、权利unit eight text: a world guide to good manners teaching aim 1. learn something about manner; 2. talk something about the different manners from different countries;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:global village地球村, arrange安排, community社团

26、, guidebook指南、手册, corresponding相应的, custom风俗、习惯, behave行为表现, feed喂养, sleeve袖子, executive主管、行政人员, signal用信号表示, ease舒服、安逸, sole鞋底,唯一的, height高度, exceed超出, deal交易、协议、安排, essential,基本的,必需的 status地位, bow鞠躬、点头, casual随便的, illustrate说明, cool凉爽的,沉着冷静, reserved含蓄的、沉没寡言的, impersonal 无人情味的 geographical link地理上

27、的联系, wink眨眼示意, clasp紧握、紧抱;on time准时, allowfor为- 留出, give advice on给-忠告, get to understand sth./sb.开始理解起来,逐步理解起来, roll up卷起来, take off脱下, get down to开始认真对付, regard as当-对待, take it easy放松, of its own自己所有的;behave行为表现, roll卷, blow吹,刮,喷气爆炸,突然一击, illustrate表示,标明, establish建立,开业,确立。unit nine text, miss man

28、ners wrings the bellteaching aim 1. learn something about making a telephone calls;2. understand the text well;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:address写信向某人说, horrid令人讨厌的, instrument器具, clamor吵闹, 大声疾呼,强烈要求spoil宠坏, justifiable无可非议的,正当的, rude

29、粗鲁的, canned music录制了的音乐, indignity侮辱, office hour上班时间, time zones时区, handle处理, lurk暗藏,潜行, ignore不顾,不理,忽视, tax指责, accusation指责, connection连接点, consideration体谅,考虑, confront使面对,面临, 正视surrender交出,屈服, party一方,当事人, offense冒犯, bother困扰,烦扰, response回答;devote-to完全给予,专心致力于, shut up闭嘴, put-on hold不挂断电话, subjec

30、t-to, 使经历,使遭受suspect-of觉得可能, get out of出来, 离开in agreement with与-一致, at the mention of提到时, be confronted with使面对;spoil宠坏, apply申请suspect怀疑, insist坚持认为, spell拼写,带来,一阵子。 二、新编商务英语精读第二册:unit one text: nike, from small beginnings to world giant ( i )teaching aim 1. learn something about business in sports

31、 2. talk something about business in sports;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:giant 巨人, revenue 收入, athlete 田径运动员,retain 保持, track 跑道contribute 出资, fit 健康的, logo 标识语, innovative创新的, boom 激增, reinforce 加强,presence 在场, principle 准则, implement

32、贯彻,执行,strategy 策略, endorse 认可,gear 服饰, champion 冠军;move on 继续前进, put into practice 实施、实行, capitalize on 获利,contribute to 贡献、出资,name after 以命名, impose on 加压制、强加, contract out 立约(将工作)外包, a/ones fair share of 应得的一份,cash in (on) 利用、从中获利, at the heart of 在中心,in turn 作为交换,dream of 梦想, close to 几乎.unit two

33、 text: types of business ownershipteaching aim 1. learn something about business ownership; 2. talk something about business ownership; 3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:proprietorship 所有权,corporation (有限)公司,debt 债, legal 合法的,formality 正式手续,

34、specify 详细说明,具体说明, dissolve 解散,withdrawal取(钱),dividend 红利, conglomerate 企业集团, assets (pl.)资产, utility 公用事业, offset 抵消;start with 以.开始,从.着手, close down 倒闭, run out of 用完, consist of 由.构成, in most cases 多数情况下, be liable for 为负责, account for 到达,占, be subject to 受支配, 从属于,常遭受,have an advantage over 对具有优势

35、, go into debt 欠债, no more than 仅仅,不过, in the extent of 在的范围内,be considered as 被认为.unit three text: fashionteaching aim 1. learn something about fashion; 2. talk something about fashion;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:fashion 时装, interior内

36、部的,longstanding长期存在的,fad短期的风尚,classify分类, identify 辨认,compete竞争,originate 起源于,imitate模仿,效仿,celebrity名人,mature成年的,adopt 接受,mod时髦的,appeal (to) 吸引, disapprove 不赞同,dye 染料, artificial 人造的,fabric织物,affordable买的起的;speak of 提及, be concerned with 关心,关注,hand down 传给, trickle down 缓慢滴淌,缓慢移动,base on 以.为根据, in a

37、 way 在某种程度上,rather than 胜于, in addition 另外.unit four text: bargainsgeorge mikesteaching aim 1. learn something about consumer satisfaction; 2. talk something about consumer satisfaction;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:extort v.勒索, innocent

38、 a.头脑简单的, board n.董事会, decent a.公平的, novelty n.新奇事物, fade v.褪色, whereupon conj.因此, breathtaking a.令人吃惊的,impertinence n.不适当, pensioner n.领取养老金者,accuse v.指控, plead v.认(罪) , outrage v.激怒, defense n.辩护, circular a.圆的, saw n.锯, seemingly ad.似乎,sane a.心智健全的, persian a. 波斯的, trifle a.少量, 有点extravagant a.奢侈

39、的, chop n.排骨, tremendous a.巨大的,loo n.盥洗室, pile v.堆, quest n.探寻, sticky a.粘性的, prohibit v.禁止;to start with 首先,起初, might 还是(做)的好;for the sake of 为的缘故, in ones defense 为褚护, as though 似乎, for ones lifetime 一生, pile up 堆积, serve sb. right 活该, all the same 尽管如此, fall for 上的当. unit five text: managing your

40、 study timeandrew northedgeteaching aim 1. learn something about education;2. talk something about education;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:soak 吸收, lad 男青年, announce 宣布, sufficient 足够的, sail 不费力气地快速移动, outline 列提纲, hence 因此, nevertheless

41、 然而, assiduously 勤奋地, modest 适度的, well-defined 明确的, intellectual 智力的, undifferentiated 无差别的, swathe 带子, sketchy 概略的, aid 帮助, segment 片段; 部分, dribble 滴下, ambitious 雄心勃勃的, dissertation 论文, tome 大型书, undertake 承担, scope 范围, flee 逃跑, achieve 取得, uncertainty 不确定性, discrete 分离的;个别的, prime 最佳的 (部分), warm-u

42、p 热身的, session 上课时间;学年, reliable 可靠的, guideline 指导方针, self-monitoring 自我监测的, loop 环, approach 方法;方式,revise 修正, swamp 战胜, 克服;more or less 差不多;多少有, stir oneself 使自己忙碌起来;行动起, stick to 坚持; at sea 一窍不通;不知, set aside 留出, look ahead 考虑到将来, dip into浏览, glaze over 茫然, by comparison 相比之下, bring down 减少,take c

43、ontrol (of something) 控制, work at 从事于, take in 理解, for the time being 暂时, bring ( sth.) under control 使正常运行, go for 努力获取, arise out offrom 由、而来; 来自于, on a small scale小规模的, put off 推迟, be at ones best 处于最好状态, fit ininto 正好填补空当, try out 试用.unit six text: areas of managementteaching aim 1. learn someth

44、ing about the areas and structure of management;2. talk something about the areas and structure of management;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:vice 副的, janitorial 物业管理的, survival 继续生存, oversee 监督, supervisor 主管;监督人, institution 机构;组织, effec

45、tive 有效的, inventory 存货;库存, typically 典型地, foreman. 领班, sound 强有力的, evaluate 评价, compensate 补偿;赔偿, recruit 招聘, implementation 贯彻;执行, gather 收集, disseminate 传播, dramatic 引人注目的;惊人的, emergence 出现, engage 从事 (be engaged in), division 部门; deal in 经营, as a result 结果, a variety of 各种各样, in contrast 相反, put

46、emphasis on 重视;偏重于, engage in 从事. unit seven text: how to shine at a job interviewteaching aim 1. learn something about knowledge about interview;2. talk something about the knowledge about interview;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:myth荒诞的

47、说法或念头, pound脚步沉重地在上走, pavement人行道, untruth假话, tip告诫, obtain获得, incompetent do a job properly不胜任, accommodate迁就, expectation.期待, back-flip快捷而热烈的反应, suit适合, humble卑下的, appeasement讨好, hire 雇佣, disagreeable难相处的, plainly显然, ingratiating讨好的, encounter偶然相遇, phony 虚假的, seatmate (乘车乘飞机时的) 同座人, transact交易, re

48、sent怨恨, compulsive强迫的, authenticity真实性, conversationalist善于言谈者, uptight过分拘谨的, hesitate犹豫, conventional传统的, wisdom智慧;get rid of摆脱, do ones best尽力而为, becomebe used to doing习惯于做, lose touch with失去联系, get in touch with建立联系, in general大体上, get. . . nowhere行不通, a middle ground折衷, hang loose保持松弛的状态,turn of

49、f 使突然收敛, no dice 不可能, feel free to do不受约束, 1ie with (sb. ) 是的责任, be oneself显得真诚自然, for a change为换口味 (环境等), at times有时, in effect实际上, change ones mind改变主意.unit eight text: what is a trademark?teaching aim 1. learn something about trademark, brand & logo; 2. talk something about trademark, brand & log

50、o;3. do the exercises about the reading i;4. extended activities b, c, d.key words and phrases:trademark商标, identification 辨认, pictorial 图片, term 术语, distinguish recognize区别, register登记, format形式, slogan口号, geometric几何的, vehicle车辆, package包装,corporate公司的, forge锻造, compatible可相容的, intrigue激起、的兴趣, provocative 有趣的, project表达、的特色, visual视觉的, cart手推车, aisle通道, confused混淆的, automobile小汽车, possessive所有格的, generic所属的, gender 性别, consistent 保持一致的, monogram 文字交织成的图案, thrive兴旺发达; distinguish. . . from. . .使、区别于, extrac


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