1、 作者: 日期: MCP考试科目 一、成为Microsoft认证专家 什么是 Microsoft认证专家(MCP) ? Microsoft认证专家(MCP)是一种以通过业内检验、得到行业认可的严格考试证明 IT专业人员和开发人员技术专长的认证。 MCP考试涵盖广泛的 Microsoft产品、 技术和解决方案。 在通过第一门符合资格的 MCP考试后,您将自动成为 Microsoft认证专家,有权 享受MCP权益。您还可以加入汇聚数百万 MCP、每月有数千名新成员加入的社区。 成为MCP后,您可以通过专家认证证明自己的专长,包括Microsoft认证解决方 案专家(MCSE)禾口 Microsof
2、t认证解决方案开发人员 (MCSD)。 有资格获得MCP认证的考试包括Microsoft认证解决方案专员(MCSA)、 MCSE、MCSD和Microsoft专员认证所需的全部考试。 Microsoft技术专员(MTA)考试和Microsoft Office 专员(MOS)考试无资格获得 MCP认证。 级别: MTA、MOS (无资格获得 MCP认证): MCSA: MCSE、MCSD: Microsoft专员,官网未给出级别 二、可选方案 1. Microsoft认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) MCSA: Win dows Server 2012 MCSA: MCSA: Win dows 7
3、 MCSA: SQL Server 2012 MCSA: SQL Server 2008 O Win dows Server 2008 2. MCSE MCSE: Server In frastructure MCSE: Private Cloud MCSE: MCSE: Messag ing En terprise Devices and Apps MCSE: MCSE: Data Platform Communi cati on MCSE: MCSE: Bus in ess In tellige nee SharePoi nt 3. MCSD MCSD: Win dows Store Ap
4、ps CSBH MCSD: Applicati on Lifecycle Man ageme nt MCSD: ShaHPonipi 4. Microsoft 专员 具体考试科目 1. Microsoft认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) i. MCSA: Win dows Server 2012 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 410 410 2 Admi nisteri ng Win dows Server 2012 411 411 3 Con figuri ng Adva need Win do
5、ws Server 2012 Services 412 412 ii. MCSA: Win dows Server 2008 步骤 考试名称 选修培训 必修考试 1 Win dows Server 2008 Active Directory, Co nfiguri ng 64256426 640 2 Win dowsServer 2008 NetworkIn frastructure, Con figuri ng 6421 642 3 Win dows Server 2008, Server Admi nistrator 6433 646 iii. MCSA: Win dows 8 步骤标题
6、1 Con figuri ng Win dows 8.1 2 Supporti ng Win dows 8.1 选修培训 687 688 必修考试 iv. MCSA: Win dows 7 步骤考试名称 1Win dows 7, Con figuri ng 选修培训 6292 必修考试 Win dows 7, En terprise Desktop Support 6293 步骤考试名称 选修培训必修考试 Tech ni cia n V. MCSA: SQL Server 选修培训 461 462 463 必修考试 461 步骤 标题 1 Queryi ng Microsoft SQL Ser
7、ver 2012 2 Admi nisteri ng Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases 3 Impleme nti ng a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 vi. MCSA: Office 365 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Man agi ng Office 365 Ide ntities and Requireme nts 346 346 2 En abli ng Office 365 Services 346 347 2. MCSE i. MCSE: Server In frast
8、ructure 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 410 410 2 Admi nisteri ng Win dows Server 2012 411 411 3 Configuring Advaneed Windows Server 2012 Services 412 412 成功完成步骤1至步骤3后,您将获得 Microsoft认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) : Windows Server 2012 认证。 4 Desig ning and Impleme nti ng a Server In
9、 frastructure 413 413 5 Impleme nti ng an Adva need Server In frastructure 414 414 ii. MCSE: Desktop In frastructure III. 1 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 410 410 2 Admi nisteri ng Win dows Server 2012 411 411 3 Con figuri ng Adva need Win dows Server 2012 Services 412 412 成功完成步骤1至步骤
10、3后,您将获得 Microsoft认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) : Windows Server 2012 认证。 4 Impleme nti ng a Desktop In frastructure 415 415 5 Impleme nti ng Desktop Applicati on En viro nments 416 416 Private Cloud 认证 步 标题 选修 必修 骤 培训考试 1 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 410410 2 Admi nisteri ng Win dows Server 2012
11、 411411 3 Con figuri ng Adva need Win dows Server 2012 Services 412412 标题 必修考试 步骤 选修培训 成功完成步骤1至步骤3 后,您将获得 Microsoft认证解 决方案专员(MCSA) : Windows Server 2012 认证。 Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 246 246 Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 247
12、IV. 如果您未在2013 Cloud认证,考试 年2月1日之前获得 MCSE: Private 659将不会计入此项认证的学分。 如果您已经获得了 Enterprise Administrator 或 MCITP: Server Administrator 认 证,则仅需完成上述步骤4和步骤5即可获得Private Cloud认证。 Microsoft 认证 IT 专家(MCITP): MCSE: En terprise Devices and Apps 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Configuring Windows 8.1 687 687 2 Supporti ng Win d
13、ows 8.1 688 688 成功完成步骤1和2后,您将获得 Microsoft 认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) : Windows 8认证。 3 Deplo ying Win dows Devices and En terprise Apps695 4 Man agi ng En terprise Devices and Apps v. MCSE: Data Platform 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Queryi ng Microsoft SQL Server 2012 461 461 2 Admi nisteri ngMicrosoft SQL Server 2012 Dat
14、abases 462 462 3 Impleme nting a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 463 463 成功完成步骤1至步骤3后,您将获得 Microsoft认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) : SQL Server 2012 认证。 4 Develop ing Microsoft SQL Server Databases 464 464 5 Desig ning Soluti ons for SQL Server 465 465 vi. MCSE: Busin ess In tellige nee 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修
15、考试 1 Queryi ng Microsoft SQL Server 2012 461 461 2 Admi nisteri ngMicrosoft SQL Server 2012 462 Databases 3 Impleme nting a Data Warehouse with Microsoft 463 463 SQL Server 2012 成功完成步骤1至步骤3后,您将获得 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 Microsoft认证解决方案专员 Server 2012 认证。 (MCSA) : SQL 4 Implementing Data Models Microsoft SQL
16、Server and Reports with 466 466 5 Desig ning Bus in ess In tellige nee Soluti ons with 467 467 Microsoft SQL Server vii. MCSE: Messagi ng 必修考试 347 341 步骤标题选修培训 1 Man agi ng Office 365 Ide ntitiesandRequireme nts346 2 En abli ng Office 365 Services346 成功完成步骤1和2后,您将获得 Microsoft 认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) : Offic
17、e 365认证。 3 Core Solutio ns of Microsoft Excha nge Server 2013341 4 Advaneed Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server342 2013 viii. MCSE: Commu ni cati on 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Man agi ng Office 365 Ide ntities and Requireme nts 346 346 2 En abli ng Office 365 Services 346 347 成功完成步骤1和2后,您将获得 Microsoft 认证解
18、决方案专员 (MCSA) : Office 365认证。 3 Core Solutio ns of Microsoft Lyne Server 2013 336 336 4 Enterprise Voice & Online Services with Microsoft Lyne Server 2013 337 337 ix. MCSE: SharePoi nt 步骤 标题选修培训必修考试 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Man agi ng Office 365 Ide ntities and Requireme nts 346 346 2 En abli ng Office 365
19、Services 346 347 成功完成步骤1和2后,您将获得 Microsoft 认证解决方案专员 (MCSA) : Office 365认证。 3 Core Solutio ns of Microsoft SharePoi nt Server 2013 331 331 4 Adva need Soluti ons of Microsoft SharePo int Server 2013 332 332 3. MCSD MCSD:Wi ndows Store Apps 考取 MCSD: Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Pro
20、grammi ng in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 480 480 2 Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript 481 481 3 Adva need Win dows Store App Developme nt Using HTML5 and JavaScript 482 482 考取 MCSD: Windows Store Apps Using C# 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Programmi ng in C# 483 483 2 Esse
21、ntials of Developing Windows Store Apps Usi ng C# 484 484 3 Advaneed Windows Store App Development Using 485 485 C# 考试480和考试483考察特定语言编程技能。通过上述考试之一即可获 得Microsoft专员认证。 ii. MCSD: Web Applicatio ns 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Programmi ng in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 480 480 2 Developi ng ASP.NET MVC Web App
22、licati ons 486 486 3 Develop ing Microsoft Azure and Web Services 487 487 iii. MCSD: SharePoi nt Applicatio ns 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Programmi ng in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 480 480 2 Developi ng ASP.NET MVC Web Applicati ons 486 486 3 Developi ng Microsoft SharePoi nt Server 2013 Core Soluti ons
23、488 488 4 Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Adva need Soluti ons 489 489 iv. MCSD: Azure Solutio ns Architect 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Develop ing Microsoft Azure Soluti ons 532 532 2 Impleme nti ngMicrosoft AzureIn frastructure Soluti ons 533 533 3 Architecti ng Microsoft Azure Soluti ons 不可用 53
24、4 通过 上述考试之一即可获得Microsoft专员认证。 v. MCSD: Application Lifecycle Ma nageme nt 步骤 标题 选修培训 必修考试 1 Admi nisteri ngMicrosoft Visual Studio Team Foun dati on Server 496 496 2 Software Testi ng with Visual Studio 497 497 步骤 标题 选修培训必修考试 498 3Delivering Continuous Value with Visual Studio 498 Applicati on Lifecycle Man ageme nt 4. Microsoft 专员 获得 Windows 10的 Microsoft专员认证 认证名称 选修培训 Con figuri ng Win dows Devices 697-1, 697-2 考试 获得 Windows 7的 Microsoft专员认证 认证名称 选修培训 Win dows 7, Con figuri ng 6292 考试 认证名称 Win dows 7, En terprise Desktop Support Tech nician 或 认证名称 Win dows 7, En terprise Desktop Admi nist
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