跨文化交际英文版14 Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation_第1页
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1、LOGO LOGO Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation Unit 14 LOGO Your site here In todays class, we will define cross-cultural negotiation discuss the impact of cultural differences understand strategies his hosts were all in dark suits and white shirts. The TV camera caught a few of the hosts re

2、peatedly looking at his sweater with something like alarm in their eyes, and looking away again. Finally it was reported that he failed to make even a single sale. 3. Personal Style LOGO Your site here 1) Do you think the sweater the U. S. salesman wore was a factor in his failure to make a single s

3、ale? What was wrong with it? 2) If you had been there, how would you have reacted to the causally dressed salesman? LOGO Your site here 3. Personal Style Informal Negotiating Americans Mexicans Chinese Spanish LOGO Your site here 4. Communication American negotiators Chinese negotiators ?Lets put ou

4、r cards on the table. ?Lets go to the point. LOGO Your site here LOGO Your site here LINEAR-ACTIVE MULTI-ACTIVE REACTIVE Talks half the time Talks most of the time Listens most of the time Polite but direct Emotional Polite and indirect Partly conceals feelings Displays feelings Conceals feelings Co

5、nfronts with logic Confronts emotionally Never confronts Dislikes losing face Has good excuses Must not lose face Rarely interrupts Often interrupts Doesnt interrupt Job-oriented People-oriented Very people-oriented Sticks to the facts Juggles the facts Statements are promises Sometimes impatient Im

6、patient Patient Plans ahead step by step Plans grand outline only Looks at general principles Limited body language Unlimited body language Subtle body language Does one thing at a time Multi tasks Reacts to partners action Punctuality very important Punctuality not important Punctuality important T

7、ruth before diplomacy Flexible truth Diplomacy over truth Compartmentalizes projects Lets one project influence another Sees the whole picture LOGO Your site here 7. Form of Agreement ?_ prefer very detailed contracts because they can refer to _ when new situations arise. The essence of the deal is

8、_. ?_ prefer general contract because they can refer to _ when new situations arise. The essence of the deal is _. Americans the contract the contract Chinese the relationship the relationship LOGO Your site here agreed strategy 8. Building an Agreement: Bottom up or Top down ?Inductive ?(specific g

9、eneral) ? small details ? settlement ?Deductive ?(general specific) ? details LOGO Your site here 10. Risk Taking (Uncertainty Avoidance) High-uncertainty- avoidance culture: “What is different, is dangerous.” Portugal, Greece, Peru, Belgium, and Japan . Uncertainty Avoidance Low-uncertainty- avoida

10、nce culture: “What is different, is curious” Denmark, Sweden, the United States, Finland, Netherlands and Ireland . . LOGO Your site here Negotiating Style of Asian and the Western Countries Topics Asian Countries Western Countries Negotiating Goal Negotiating Attitude Personal Style Communication S

11、ensitivity to Time Emotionalism Form of Agreement Building an Agreement Team Organization Risk Taking relationship contract Win-win Win-lose formal informal indirect direct low high low high/low general specific deductive inductive/deductive group consensus one leader risk averse risk taker LOGO You

12、r site here Multicultural Negotiation Quiz ?1. People from which country are likely to take the longest to get down to negotiations? ?A. Canada. ?B. The United States. ?C. Japan. ?D. Mexico. LOGO Your site here Multicultural Negotiation Quiz ?2. For which group is a negotiating deadline likely to be

13、 the shortest? ?A. Mexicans. ?B. Asians. ?C. Americans. ?D. British. LOGO Your site here Multicultural Negotiation Quiz ?3. The group that is most likely to be late for a negotiation session is _. ?A. Japanese ?B. Mexican ?C. German ?D. American LOGO Your site here Multicultural Negotiation Quiz ?4.

14、 In which culture would relationships likely be the most important factor in negotiations? ?A. American. ?B. German. ?C. South American. ?D. Canadian. LOGO Your site here Multicultural Negotiation Quiz ?5. Which group would probably be the least animated during negotiations? ?A. Japanese. ?B. German

15、. ?C. Mexican. ?D. American. ? LOGO Your site here ?6. Which culture is most likely to use group decision-making during negotiations? ?A. Japanese. ?B. German. ?C. Canadian. ?D. American. Multicultural Negotiation Quiz LOGO Your site here Multicultural Negotiation Quiz ?7. When negotiating with Asians you will learn the most about your opponents from _. ?A. facial expre


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