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1、现在时3、现在进行时:I am doi ng以下动词不可用于现在进行时:likelovewantknowun dersta ndrememberdependpreferhaten eedmea nbelieveforget4、 现在进行时的疑问式:Are you doi ng?5、 一般现在时:I do/work/like 等一般现在时用来表示一般性的事实、有时或经常发生的事情:I like big cities.Always/never/ofte n/usually/sometimes常与一般现在时连用:I n ever eat breakfast.6、 一般现在时的否定式:I don /h

2、e does n +动词原形I don / have a bath every day.【every day表每天,作状语;everyday表每天的,形容词】7、 一般现在时的疑问式:Do you?Do/does主语动词原形Doyouworkon SundaysDoyour frie ndsliven ear hereDoesAnneplaytennisWheredoYour friendsliveHow ofte ndoyouwashyour hairWhatdoesThis wordmea nHow muchdoesitcostto fly toRome*What do you do?表示

3、你是做什么工作的?”8、have/have got(1)have=have gothas=has gotDon t have=haven tgot Doesn t have=hasn Do you have=have you gotDoes he have=has he got(2) have表“吃、喝、拿”时,不能用 have got代替havehave breakfast/l un ch/d innerhave a meal/a pizza/a san dwichhave a cup of coffeehave sth to eat/dri nk(3)下列短语中,要用havehavehav

4、e a bath/a showerhave a rest/a holiday/a party have a nice time/a good trip/fu n have a walk/a swim/a game have a dream/a n accide nt have a babyhave a look15、现在完成时(1) have done(2) just/already/yetJust表“刚才” :we ve just arrived.Already 表已经” (在预料之前 ):they ve already arrived (=before you expected )Yet表

5、直到现在”(用于否定句和疑问句中):they haven t arrived yet(3) 现在完成时与 ever (用于疑问句中)/never连用:Have you ever played golf ?(4) gone 表 去而未归” :she has gone to China.Been 表去而已归” :he has been to China.(5) How long have you ?She has bee n in Irela nd since Mon day/for three days.一般现在时现在完成时Dan and Kate are married.They have b

6、ee n married for four years.Are you married?How long have you bee n married?现在进行时现在完成进行时I m lear ning En glish.How long have you bee n lear ning En glish?25、what are you doing tomorrow?I am doi ng somethi ng tomorrow 表示我已经安排好明天要做某事/我计划明天做某事”I am going to do something.同上(be going to 与 will 的区另U)注意:用一

7、般现在时表示时间表、节目单、火车与公共汽车时刻表等:The train arrivesat 7.30.27、will/shall(1) I shall =I will、we shall=we willI shall be late tomorrow. = I will be late tomorrow.在构成将来时的时候,不可将shall与you/they/it/he/she 等非第一人称连用:Tom will be late.(而不能 Tom shall be late.)(2) I ll 表提议或决定做某事”:I ll phone you tomorrow.I think I ll/I d

8、on 表“决定做某事” :- I think I go to bed early tonight.(3) Shall/Shall we?表你认为好吗?”28、might=may29、can/could : could 为过去式30、must/mustn t/don t need to(1) 表示过去时,用 had to 而不用 must: We had to walk home last night.(2) don t need to = don t have to31、should(1) I think should/I don think .should/do you think shou

9、ld?(2) ought to =should32、I have to(1) 表过去时,用 had to(2) 表示认为有必要做某事或提出个人看法时,must或have to都可以不是表个人看法时,只能用have to :Eg: You can t park your car here for nothing. You have to pay.(非个人看法) It s a fantastic film. You must see/You have to see it.33、I used to/I didn used to/ did you use to ? 38、there has been/

10、there have been一般过去时现在完成时There was an accide nt last ni ght.Look! There s been an accident.When we arrived at the theatre, there was a long queue outside.This road is very dan gerous. There have bee n many accide nts.Why are those policeme n outside the bank?There s befthere was a robbery.41、反义疑问句Ha

11、ve you?/are you?/don t you?表 对某事感兴趣或感到惊奇” I ve bought a new car.Oh, have you?记住:前否后肯,前肯后否It s a nicay, isn t it?That isn t your car, is it?42、too/either so am l/neither do I(1)句尾too (肯疋)I m happy too.either (否定)I m not happy either.I m happy.So am I(so was he/so do I/so would I)I m notI m not happyN

12、either am I(可用nor代替neither)I am(2) both+复数名词either/neither单数名词,谓语动词用单数both(of)theeitherofthese/those neithermy/your/Paul s 44、疑问句(1) is it ?/have you ?/do they ?why isn t ?/why don t ?(2) who saw you?/who did you see?(3) 以特殊疑问词开头的句子,介词位于句尾:where are you from?(4) what s itke?/what are they like? 表询问某

13、事物的情况新旧、好坏、大小等(5) 疑问词whatWhat+名词What time - /what size不加名词What s your name?whichWhich+名词(物/人)Which train did you catch?不加名词时,不指代人Which is biggest?howHow+形容词/副词How tall are you?How deep/how heavy/how high/how big /What (范围更广) Which (选择较少)What s the capital of Argentina?Which colour do you prefer, pin

14、k or yellow?52、不定式与-ing形式动词+不定式55、go togo to work(be)at workgo to school(be)at schoolgo to uni versity(be)at uni versitygo to hospital(be)i n hospitalgo to pris on(be)i n pris ongo to bed(be)i n bedgo to sleepgo to church(be)i n/at churchgo to the ban k/the theatre/theairport(be)at homego homego to

15、the doctor/de ntistgo ongo on holiday go on a trip go on a tour go on an excurs ion go on a cruise go on a strikego forgo for a walk go for a run go for a swim go for a drink go for mealgo(go in g/we nt/gone)shopp ing swimmi ng fishi ng sai ling skii ng jogg ing56、get +名词(收到/买到/找到某物)get a job/get a

16、letterget +交通工具get a bus get a train get a taxiget +形容词(变得.)get hungryget cold get tiredget to +地点(到达)get to workget to NY(get here/get home)get的短语get in a car get out of a carget on a bus get off a bus get married (结婚) get dressed (穿衣) get lost (迷路)57、do 与 makedodo an exam do a test do a course do

17、homeworkdo houseworkdo somebody a favourdo an exercisedo the shopp ingdo the washing 洗衣服 do the wash in g-up 洗碗 do the ironing 熨烫 do the cook ingmakemake a mistakemake an appo in tme ntmake a phone callmake a listmake a no isemake a bedmake a film 扌白电影 take a photograph 扌扌照66、名词在英语中,下列词语以复数出现:scisso

18、rs glasses trousersjea nsshorts tights pyjamas people police以下名词通常不可数advice bread furniture hairin formatio nn ews weather worka bottle of watera cart on of milka bar of chocolate/ a box of chocolatesa piece of cheesea bottle of perfumea piece of musica bowl of ricea cup of coffeea game of tennis73、

19、the的用法the sun the moon the world the sky the sea the country the police the fire brigade the armythe top the end the middle the leftthe pia nothe guitar the trumpetthe radiothe In ternet1.2. television/TV 不用 the : I watch TV a lot.但是 can you turn off the TV(=the TV set)3.3. breakfast/lunch/dinner 等不

20、加 the5.4. next/last + week/month/year/summer等不力口 the5. 球类名词前不加the8.9.学科名词前不加thethe(地名)1.地域名称前一般不用theFran ce/Japa n/Peru2.与国家、岛屿、山脉等名称的复数形 式连用the Alps/the Philippi nes/the Netherla nds/the Canary Isla nds3.洋、海、江、河的名称前用thethe Atla ntic/the Amazo n/the Nile/theBlack sea4.街道、广场等名称前不用thelives in Newt on

21、Street/Highfield Road/Times Square5.机场、车站、大学、城堡等重要建筑 物不用theKenn edy Airport/L ondon Zoo/VictoriaStati on6.宾馆、影院、剧院、博物馆的名称前 要用thethe Rege nt Hotel/the Natio nalTheatre/the Scie nee Museum7.表方位时用thethe n orth/south/east/west of 77、not + any/no/more(1) not + any=no .=not a(2) no通常用于 have (got)与 there i

22、s/are 之后(3) 动词否定形式+any =动词肯定形式+no(4) no之后接名词、none可单独使用None 表示 无” ;no-one 表示 没人n obody = not + an ybodyno-one =not + anyone nothing = not + anything80、every/all(1) every +单数名词,谓语动词用单数(2) everywhere 是畐U词all+citiesmostchildre nsomebooksanymoneynoall(of)themostofthis/that somethese/those anymy/your none

23、83、a lot/ much/many/(a)little/(a)few(1) a lot of +可数/不可数,也可不跟名词(2) much+不可数,用于否定句与疑问句,也可不跟名词(3) many+ 复数(4)a little+不可数表有一点但不多a few+复数表“有一点但是不多”little+不可数表几乎没有”few+复数表“几乎没有”88、a bit older/ much olderA bit older tha nA bit more difficult tha nMuch better tha nMuch more expe nsive tha n89、not as asNot

24、 as much asNot as many as The same as .90、the oldest/ the most expensive可用最高级 +I ve ever ./ you ve e等er .ve ever seen.The film was very bad. I think it s the worst film IWhat is the most unusual thing you ve ever done?91、enough/tooeno ugh for sb/sthtoo -for sb/stheno ugh to do sthtoo -to do stheno u

25、gh for sb/sth totoo -for sb todo sthdo sth93、词序(1 )地点状语位于时间状语之前:we we nt to a party last night.(2) always/never/often等词用于动词之前,be动词之后,两个动词之间:always ofte n ever rarely also already all usually sometimes n ever seldom just still bothe.g. I always drink coffee in the morning.I am always tired.I will alw

26、ays remember you. / I can n ever find my keys.96、give/ lend/pass/send/show/buy/getgive sth to sbgive sb sth注意:当某物为代词it或them时,用第一种结构比较好:I gave it to my father.98、when(1) 当以whe n开头时,两部分用逗号隔开:When I we nt out, it was raining.(2) 一般现在时用于when之后表示将来:Lisa will be in Mexico when Sarah is. in New York.When I

27、 get home this evening, I m going thave a shower.(3) before/while/after/until的用法类似:Please close the window before you go out.I ll wait here until you come back.99、if(1)if之后常用一般现在时:If you see Ann tomorrow, can you ask her to call me?What shall we do if it rains?(2) if I/you/he/she/they/it had I/you/h

28、e would .if I/it/he/she was 或 if - I/it/he/she were这里的动词都是过去式 )IfIhad/k new/lived/we ntIwouldbuyydidn t have/didnyou(n t)beouknow itcould(have itwere theyn t)go.tcould hey在这种句子里,句意表示事实上这个假设不成立:If I had the money, I would buy a fast car.事实上我没有钱买车。I wouldn t go out if I werou.事实上我不是你。(3)比较if I have/ i

29、f it isI must go and see Hele n. If 1 have time, I will go today. (=maybe I ll have time, so maybe I ll go) I ll help you if I can.(=maybe I can help you)if I had/if it was I must go and see Hele n. If 1 had time, I would go today. (=I don t have time today, s( will not go) I d help you if I could,

30、but I can.103、at/on/in(1)at (时间点)8 o clock10.30 mid nighton (星期、日期、节日)Sunday/Monday 25 April/6 June New Year s Dayin (月份、年份、季节)April/J une2003/1998summer/spri ng(2)固定搭配at the weeke nd at ni ghtat Christmas at the end ofat the mome ntin the morni ngin the after noonin the eveningin five mi nu teson M

31、on day morning on Tuesday after noon注意:this、last、next、every 等前不用介词,女口next year106、in/at/oninin a roomin a shopin the waterin Brazilin the fieldatat the bus stopat the doorat the traffic lightsat her deskat the top/bottom/e nd of(at the age of 21/at 50kilometres an hour/at 100 degrees)onon a shelfon a plateon a balc onyon the flooron a wallon a dooron the ceili ngon a horse/bicycle/motorbikeon footon holidayon televi


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