effective eMail Writing如何有效的写好电子邮件_第1页
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1、effective business e-mail writing 如何有效的写好电子邮件如何有效的写好电子邮件 introduction介绍介绍 not just a technology change 不仅仅是一个技术的变革不仅仅是一个技术的变革 a new way of communicating and sharing information 全新的沟通和信息共享的方法全新的沟通和信息共享的方法 yesterday昨天昨天 today今天今天 introduction over 60 million people can be reached through email. its us

2、age is doubling every year! 电子邮件可以联系六千多万人。每年的使用量都在翻番电子邮件可以联系六千多万人。每年的使用量都在翻番 introduction介绍介绍 email is a powerful communication tool电子邮件是一个强大的沟通工具电子邮件是一个强大的沟通工具 advantages of email 优点优点 it is faster, within minutes 快 it is more conversational, less formal and more chatty in style 像平时对话 it is easier

3、to reference, easily to forward, reply and save 容易备案 purpose使用目的使用目的 clearly defined purpose明确的目的明确的目的 columnists write to entertain 专栏作家 用来写 娱乐新闻 biographers write to portray life传记作者用来 写传记 novelists write to tell a story 小说家用来写小 说 politicians write to win votes 政治家用来写竞 选纲领赢得选票 business writers wri

4、te to 公司员工用来 share 共享信息 inform 通知 discuss 讨论 if writer doesnt have an idea, audience wont either 如果作者没有清晰的想法,观众也不可能有如果作者没有清晰的想法,观众也不可能有 purpose目的目的 purpose - reader based writing基于读者去写基于读者去写 questions to ask yourself: 写之前要问自己以下问题 1. the writers prospective 你的期望 what do i want to reader to know 让读者知道

5、什么? what do i want to reader to do 让读者做什么? what do i want to reader to feel 让读者感受什么? 2. the readers prospective 读者的期望 what is this about 这封电子邮件是关于什么? what do i need to do 我需要做什么? write from the readers perspective 从读者的角度写电子邮件从读者的角度写电子邮件 it is easy to read and track with scrollbars break up the long

6、paragraphs to only a few sentences, five lines is the upper limit. use shorter paragraphs使用短的段落使用短的段落 use shorter sentences if possible尽可能使用短句尽可能使用短句 write more “kiss”able messages and avoid mis 多写让人能接受的信息,避免令人误解多写让人能接受的信息,避免令人误解 的信息的信息 concise简明扼要简明扼要 shorter the sentences, higher the level of writ

7、ing avoid messy format and appearance 避免零乱的格式避免零乱的格式 abc rule: accurate, brief, clear 准确,简洁,清楚准确,简洁,清楚 concise简明扼要简明扼要 “ a sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences.” avoid saying the same thing twice 避免相同的事前说两遍避免相同的事前说两遍 example: 例如 “many uneducated people w

8、ho have never attended school” 许多没有接受过教育的人,他们从来没有上过学 be concise - short and to the point 直达要点直达要点 good rules to follow:一些好的方法一些好的方法 use bullets, single sentence paragraph 使用分段符号,一句话一段 keep everything on one “page”, less than 25 lines of text 只写一页,文字 少于25行 if too long and complicated, break it up int

9、o sections or pick up the phone, do t-cons如果太长,分段写或者电话联系 i am writing to inform you that i am unfortunately unable to accept your invitation on this particular occasion unfortunately i cannot accept your invitation practice, practice and practice 练习,练习再练习练习,练习再练习 examples例子例子: should you need any fu

10、rther information please do not hesitate to contact me please contact me if you have any questions concise简明扼要简明扼要 organizing long emails 组织长的电子邮件组织长的电子邮件 organize 组织组织 1. impose an apparent order by 通过逻辑,流程和顺序排练写作次序 logic, flow or sequence 2. organize according to your purpose 通过你的目的组织 example: pur

11、pose, action, support, summary, etc 例如:目的,行动计划,需要的支持,总结等 3. express main ideas first - “bottom line” 首先表达主要的观点 4. group similar ideas - avoid bouncing topics around use headlines for each section 把相似的观点组织到一起 a person who can group ideas is a writer! 能够组织观点的人是作家!能够组织观点的人是作家! connecting with your audi

12、ence managers: top level summary or highlights dont use jargon 经理:关键的总结就可以了,不要用行话 technical engineers: details and precise 技术人员:详细准确 mix audience: brief summary with details attached 混合观众:简明总结加上详细介绍附件 if you can match their style it helps you communicate better 如果你能适合他们的风格,有利于你更好的交流如果你能适合他们的风格,有利于你更

13、好的交流 connect audience联系观众联系观众 example - weekly highlights 例如:每周亮点汇报 smart subject lines or “headers”精确的主题行精确的主题行 purpose of the message 目的 actions required 行动 begin with a signal word: agenda for, highlights of, request for 用一些简单的话开始:xxx议事日程;xxx亮点汇报; xxx的要求 a good subject line helps to classify a me

14、ssage a bad subject line worse than useless ! subject lines主题行主题行 effective beginnings provide a clear indication of the message contents specific, meaningful, appropriate, relevant, thoughtful 具体的,有意思的,合适的,相关的,贴切的 be polite and respectful remember the people on the receiving end of the message 记住收信

15、人的感受 facts and situation, not emotional and negative 以事实说话,不要感情化和用负面的语言 do not respond immediately when an e-mail makes you angry 当收到一封使你很生气的邮件,不要立即回复 begin, like a phone call or letter, always addressing the person by name 开头写上姓名 adopt a positive attitude and avoid irritating expressions 采取积极的态度,避免

16、使人愤怒的表达方式 “treat people the way you want to be treated” “己所不欲,勿施于人己所不欲,勿施于人” polite & respectful礼貌和尊重礼貌和尊重 we cannot do anything about your problem. try to call a technician. 关于这个问题,我帮不上忙。你试试技术人员。 i am sorry that we cannot help with this problem. i think the technician would be better able to help y

17、ou. 很遗憾关于这个问题我不能帮上忙。我 想技术人员能更好的帮助你。 practice, practice and practice ! 练习,练习再练习!练习,练习再练习! examples例如例如: your interview will be held on wednesday, march 2 at 1400 hour. 你的面试安排在3月2日,星期三下午两点钟。 i hope you can attend an interview on wednesday, march 2 at 2pm. 我希望您能参加3月2日,星期三下午两点钟的面试。 polite & respectful礼貌

18、和尊重礼貌和尊重 forwarding and replying转寄和回复转寄和回复 forward with caution, ensure contents and audience 邮件要小心转寄,确保合适的内容到合适观众 conscious on privacy and confidential information 私人和机要信息要小心处置 forward with brief introduction, what you expect the receiver to do with it 转寄时要加上一些简要的说明 address & copy only to needed in

19、dividuals “do not reply to all unless all need to know”不要发给不相关的人不要发给不相关的人 do not send/forward/reply large attachments to a large e-mail list. zip the files if you can 大文件要压缩后再发 dont reply to the whole world ! 不要发给不要发给“全世界全世界”! mail handling邮件的处理邮件的处理 sharing 共享共享 discussion 讨论讨论 inform 通知通知 basic bu

20、siness e-mail types keys: be efficient and effective 关键在于有效果和有效率关键在于有效果和有效率 basic email types基本的邮件形式基本的邮件形式 elements for information信息元素信息元素 always be prepared before the events 有备无患有备无患 date 日期日期 time and length 时时 间和长度间和长度 place 地点地点 agenda 议程议程 preparation 准备准备 direction 如何到达如何到达 (if needed) information信息信息 your own outgoing messages at lease once: 发邮件前至少读一遍: logic build in, data support your points 逻辑性,用数据说话 state action and response expected (e.g help needed) 陈述需要


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