起搏器培训课件:生理性AdaptivCRT™ 算法介绍_第1页
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1、动态优化,随心而跳。 生理性AdaptivCRT 算法介绍 Note: All technical information within this guide is based on Medtronic VivaTM XT Manual. Change in a patients disease and/or indications may alter the efficacy of a devices programmed parameters or related features and may impact longevity. 起搏频率 黄线= 自身激动 白线 = 起搏刺激 标准的双

2、室起搏模式 = LV and RV Pace 标准的双室起搏模式在过去10年中一直都是按照固定的AV间期进 行心脏再同步治疗。(PAV/SAV:130/100) AdaptivCRT 算法 1. 生理性CRT起搏:提供动态的生理性的CRT起搏模式,鼓励右室自身下传。 2. 动态调整:每分钟评估和优化CRT起搏模式,AV间期,VV间期;根据不同的患 者个性化的采取适应性的LV起搏和双室起搏。 AdaptivCRTMVP AdaptivCRT Algorithm *Normal if: SAV 200 ms, PAV 250 ms 下传是否正常*? HR100 bpm? yes 节律规整? no

3、Bi V Pacing noyes LV 起搏 Adaptive LV pacing AV=shorter of either: 70% of the intrinsic AV Intrinsic AV 40 ms AV = shorter of either: P wave + 30 ms Intrinsic AV 50 ms VV: If fusion and QRS 100 bpm, or 2.延迟的房室传导, or AS-VS 200 ms AP-VS 250 ms 3.左室阈值管理确保左室夺获 Adaptive LV SAV = 140 ms As-RVs = 205 ms Adap

4、tive BiV SAV = 110ms 动态左室起搏到动态双室起搏的自动转换 动态左室起搏每分钟自动检查动态双室起搏 AdapitvCRT算法 3. 优化间期 1. 评估自身传导 2. 决定起搏模式 动态左室起搏和动态双室起搏 1. 评估自身传导 每分钟测量自身下传间 期,判断间期是否正常 或者是延长 通过延长SAV到300ms 来实现测量。 测量时可以通过发放 VSR来满足同步起搏需 要 *AV conduction checks will be delayed if AV block is suspected. 2. 决定起搏模式 根据自身心率高低 和下传间期的长短 来决定不同的起搏 模

5、式 3. 优化起搏时间 Adaptive LV 动态优化AV间期提前起搏 左室,同步右室。 Adaptive BiV 动态优化AV间期,VV间期 同步起搏。 根据患者活动度和自身下传状态,动态优化起 搏间期提高CRT治疗的效果 1.动态LV起搏 LV起搏与右室下传同步 心率 动态左室起搏= LV 起搏, RV 感知 对于传导正常的患者,动态左室起搏可以提供同步治疗,减少 右室起搏,增加CRT寿命。动态左室起搏通过提前起搏左心室 并与自身下传的右心室形成再同步。 左室起搏AV间期(取小值): 70% 自身下传AV 自身下传AV 40ms CRT每分钟自动测量自身传导时间,动态左室起搏自动调整AV

6、 间期同步右室,保持提供最优化的CRT治疗 延长后的SAV 2.动态左室起搏 根据不同运动状态调整CRT治疗 Adaptive LV = LV paced, RV sensed 由于各种活动原因 导致自身传导发生 变化时,动态LV起 搏优化CRT治疗以 适应变化。 当运动或下传变 快,动态LV 起搏 缩短AV间期。 运动造成自身下传AV间期缩短 心率变快使得自身 PR间期变短,小于 SAV,导致VS出现, 而触发VSR工作, 这时的VSR是一个 左室起搏。 心率变快 PR缩短 测量PR间期的分钟计时 器到时后,AV间期会自 动调整为300ms以测量 变化后的PR间期。VS 之后触发一个左室的

7、VSR。 重新测量PR 在重新测量完PR间 期后,SAV随之进行 优化(缩短),左室 起搏按照调整后的 AV间期发放,CRT治 疗被优化。 缩短后的SAV 3.动态左室起搏转到动态双室起搏 根据自身下传延长(房室阻滞)调整CRT治 疗 Adaptive LV = LV Paced, RV Sensed 当自身PR间期延长 时,或者发生AVB 时,自动转换成动 态双室起搏 当PR间期过长时(或 发生AVB),动态左 室起搏转换成动态双 室起搏。 传导的AV间期延长 超出时间 PR间期延长或者放室传导阻滞 当每分钟PR间期测试时 间到达时,AV间期延长 到300ms,右室下传在 280ms时出现,

8、并触发 一个VSR。 延长后的SAV AV间期的测试结果指 出动态左室起搏的条 件已经不满足( SAV 200 ms ),这时 CRT自动转换成动态双 室起搏。 换成为双室起搏 动态双室起搏的运行 状态中,AV间期和 VV间期也是在进行 动态的调整和优化。 动态双室起搏 4.动态双室起搏 动态AV间期优化(P波、QRS波测量)调整 CRT治疗 动态双室起搏 动态 BiV = 左室、右室同步起搏 动态双室起搏通过调 整房间传导延迟来维 持心房收缩 房间传导延迟 当房间传导延迟时, P波增宽并破坏 (infring)到了双 室起搏,造成心房收 缩末期同时的心室收 缩。 P波增宽 每16个小时,波形

9、宽度 测试开启,AV间期自 动延迟到300ms,无 VSR发放。CRT测量5 个周期的P波和QRS波 宽度。(运用LECG的 通道) 测量P和QRS波宽 波宽测量以后,自动优 化AV间期使得心房完全 收缩后再双室起搏。同 时VV间期也得到优化。 延长AV,优化房 室顺序 AdaptivCRT患者的一天生活 . 动态优化,随心而跳 患者老王I类适应证植入了带有AdaptivCRT功能的 CRTD,心功能II级,EF28%。并在手术后恢复到正常 的生活起居。 AdaptivCRT患者的一天生活 每一分钟,你的心跳都在改变。 每一分钟,AdaptivCRT都在优化。 AdaptivCRT患者的一天生

10、活 AdaptivCRT患者的一天生活 AdaptivCRT通过自动优化CRT设置,鼓励自身生理激动,提高CRT的反应率.1,2 Note: All demonstrated data are fictitious and for demonstration purposes only. 老王6个月的随访数据: Total VP = 98% Adaptive LV pacing = 70% Adaptive BiV or Nonadaptive BiV pacing = 30% AdaptivCRT 优化了CRT 治疗,在大多数时候都鼓 励自身右室下传,并同步 左室起搏。 1 Martin,

11、D.O., et. al. Heart Rhythm (2012), doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2012.07.009. 2 Singh JP, Shen J, Chung ES. Clinical Response with Adaptive CRT algorithm compared to echo-guided AV optimization. Presentation at European Society of Cardiology Congress August 2012. “Day in the Life” Summary 每一分钟,你的心跳都在改变。 Adap

12、tivCRT患者的一天生活 AdaptivCRT通过自动优化CRT设置,鼓励自身生理激动,提高CRT的反应率.1,2 Note: All demonstrated data are fictitious and for demonstration purposes only. 老王6个月的随访数据: Total VP = 98% Adaptive LV pacing = 70% Adaptive BiV or Nonadaptive BiV pacing = 30% AdaptivCRT 优化了CRT 治疗,在大多数时候都鼓 励自身右室下传,并同步 左室起搏。 1 Martin, D.O.,

13、et. al. Heart Rhythm (2012), doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2012.07.009. 2 Singh JP, Shen J, Chung ES. Clinical Response with Adaptive CRT algorithm compared to echo-guided AV optimization. Presentation at European Society of Cardiology Congress August 2012. References 1 Abraham WT, Fisher WG, Smith AL, et al

14、. Cardiac resynchronization in chronic heart failure. N Engl J Med. June 13, 2002;346(24):1845-1853. 2 Medtronic Viva XT CRT-D manual. 3 Martin DO, Lemke B, Birnie D, et al. Investigation of a Novel Algorithm for Synchronized left ventricular pacing and Ambulatory Optimization of Cardiac Resynchroni

15、zation Therapy. Heart Rhythm October 2012 (in press). Brief Statement Viva XT CRT-D Model DTBA1D4, Viva XT CRT-D Model DTBA1D1 Indications for Use: The Viva XT CRT-D system is indicated for ventricular antitachycardia pacing and ventricular defibrillation for automated treatment of life threatening

16、ventricular arrhythmias and for providing cardiac resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients who remain symptomatic despite optimal medical therapy and meet any of the following classifications: New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Class III or IV and who have a left ventricular eje

17、ction fraction 130 ms, left ventricular ejection fraction 30%, and NYHA Functional Class II. The system is also indicated for use in patients with atrial tachyarrhythmias, or those patients who are at significant risk for developing atrial tachyarrhythmias. Lead Integrity Alert The RV Lead Integrity

18、 Alert feature is intended primarily for patients who have a Medtronic ICD or CRT-D device and a Sprint Fidelis lead (Models 6949, 6948, 6931, and 6930). At the discretion of the clinician, the feature may be used with other RV leads manufactured by Medtronic. Contraindications: The Viva XT CRT-D sy

19、stem is contraindicated for patients experiencing tachyarrhythmias with transient or reversible causes including, but not limited to, the following: acute myocardial infarction, drug intoxication, drowning, electric shock, electrolyte imbalance, hypoxia, or sepsis. The device is contraindicated for

20、patients who have a unipolar pacemaker implanted. The device is contraindicated for patients with incessant VT or VF. The device is contraindicated for patients whose primary disorder is chronic atrial tachyarrhythmia with no concomitant VT or VF. Warnings and Precautions: Changes in a patients dise

21、ase and/or medications may alter the efficacy of the devices programmed parameters. Patients should avoid sources of magnetic and electromagnetic radiation to avoid possible underdetection, inappropriate sensing and/or therapy delivery, tissue damage, induction of an arrhythmia, device electrical reset, or device damage. Do not place transthoracic defibrillation paddles directly over the device. Certain programming and device operations may not provide cardiac resynchronization. Potential Complications: Potential com


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