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1、双向中继设置过程BOA .? ADDBoard type . ? HLUTSlot ? 01-16Circuit number (1 - 16, ALL, or END)END ? ADDING HLUT BOARD AT SLOT LOCATION 01-16BOA . ? AD GSLSSlot ? 01-18GS or LS signaling LS ?Circuit number (1 - 8, ALL, or END)END ? ADDING GSLS BOARD AT SLOT LOCA TION01-18BOA .? COL ADD CR-IOInterdigit signal

2、NONE?SEQ END .? 2XX=STASEQ END ?Comment? ADDING COLLECT & ROUTE CR10COL ? DIA ADD 10Dial control type ? DIALDestination ? CR-IOLine intercept TONE?Number intercept TONE?Partial dial intercept TONE?ATB intercept TONE ?Route pattern interceptTONE?FeatureinterceptTONEControlinterceptTONENo dialintercep

3、tTONESuspendinterceptTONECancel intercept TONE ?Mai nt enance Busy int ercp t TONE?Information Tone intercpt TONE?Number Change intercept TONE?Comment? ADDING DIAL CONTROL CLASS 10 DIA ? FEA AD 10alreadyisFeature class type ? STA At this point the Editor hasconfigured the defauIt values for the feat

4、ure class. Press return if defauIt configuration desired.Feature EXD . . ? F105Trunk dialing Y?Feature END ?Comment ? ADDING FEATURE CLASS 10 FEA ? AD 20dlreadyisFeature class type ? TRU At this point the Editor has configured the default values for the feature class Press retura if defauIt configur

5、ation desiredFeature END . . ?Comment? ADDING FEATURE CLASS 20 FEA .? AD 30alreadyisFeature class type ? FAC At this point the Editor has configured the defauIt values for the feature class Press retura if defauIt configuration desiredFeature EXD . .?Comment? ADDING FEATURE CLASS 30 FEA ? ROU AD 10C

6、omment? ADDING ROUTING CLASS 10 ROU ? COS AD 10Dial control class (0 一 63)? 10Feature class (0 - 63)? 10Routing class (0 一 63)? 10Bearer capability class (0 - 7) 0J ?Reliable disconnect (Y/N) Y?Comment? ADDING CLASS OF SERVICE 10 COS .? AD 20Dial control class (0 - 63).? 3Feature class (0 - 63)? 20R

7、outing class (0 - 63)? 10Bearer capability class (0 - 7) 0?Reliable disconnect (Y/N) Y?Comment? ADDING CLASS OF SERVICE 20 COS .? AD 30Dial control class (0 一 63)? 1Feature class (0 一 63)? 30Routing class (0 - 63)? 10Bearer capability class (0 - 7) 0J ?Reliable disconnect (Y/N) Y?Comment? ADDING CLA

8、SS OF SERVICE 30 COS ? EXT AD 201Extension type ? STACircuit location ? 01一16一1COS number (0 一 255)? 10Signaling type MIXED .?Individual speed dial blocks (0 - 4) 4?Extension priority level range (0 - 9) 0?Last name ? AFirst name ?Extension number for directory 201 ?Location?Department ?Published di

9、rectory entry (YES/NO) ? YGroup I category name KAI?Group II category name SUB-NO-PRIORITY . ?Prefix index (1-99, DEFAULT) DEFAULT .?Comment? ADDING STATION EXTENSION 201 EXT .? TRU AD 20Trunk group type GS? LSKiller trunk handle method NONE ?Incoming COS number (0 - 255) . . ? 20Trunk ID digits NON

10、E?No answer extension ? NAuto ring number ? 201Outgoing calls allowed YES ?Outgoing start signaling TIMED ?Out going dialing mode DTMF?Search type HF?Number of circuits (11920)? 3Circuit location END.? 01-18-1Circuit location END? 01-18-2Circuit location END ? 01-18-3 TRUNK GROUP FULL .AW display na

11、me ? ATeleset display name ? AComment? ADDING TRUNK GROUP 20 TRU ? FACFAC ? AD 30Trunk group number (1 - 60 or NONE) . ? 20Outgoing COS number (1 - 255) . . ? 30Outpulse command SDIGITS 15, PANSWER 30 .?Outpulse command ?Comment?ADDING FACILITY 30 FAC .? PAT AD RP-LS-IORoute pattern type STANDARD .

12、?Route/Queue/Allow point (END) . ? ROURouting classes to allow END ? ALLRouting classes to allow END?Forward routing classes to allow END? ALLEND? ALLEND?Forward routing classes to allow END?Bearer capability classes to allowBearer capabi1ity classes to allowFacility number (1 - 200) ? 30Days END .?

13、 ALLHours ALL .? ALLDays END ?Include route for queuing ? NRoute/Queue/Allow point (END) ?* NO DEFAULT A VAILABLE *Route/Queue/Allow point (END) ? ENDContinuation route pattern name NONE ?Comment ?. ADDING ROUTE PATTERN RP-LS-IO,PAT . ? COL M CR-IOInterdigit signal NONE?SEQ END .? 0 4XXX /ACC 1二RP-L

14、S-IO * DESTINATIONS MAY NOT EXCEED 16 CHARACTERS *Destination ?SEQ END .? 0 4XXX /ACC 1二RP-LS-IOSEQ END?New comment ? MODIFYING COLLECT & ROUTE CRIO COL .? EXIA .? SAVThis edit session may not be SAVed without rebooting the switch. Answer Y,or YES at t his promp t to st art the rebo ot sequence to s

15、ave the edit session. If,Y,or,YES is entered, the database will have a status of SAVE UPON REBOOT5 but the switch wi.ll not be automatically rebooted. You may reboot the switch using the UTIlity REBoot and the save will be performed at that time. The changes to this database will not take effect unt

16、il a reboot has been done. Answer N or NO to suspend the edit session. You may then SELect and SAVe the edit session at a later time.Reboot to perform save (YES/NO) .? YEDT ? UTI REB * WARNINGPlease enter LICENSE to input installing key. The instailing key must be applied from Guangzhou Harris Commu

17、nication Co., Ltd. You can also enter TEMPORARY to apply temporary license. The expiration of temporar license is 15 days.幵*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄* *十|*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*卄*幵*宕If you answer * to this prompt call processing will stop until the shelf has fully booted. Be certain that this is tolerable. If n

18、ot, enterat this prompt.Confirm reboot (YES/NO) . ? YUTI ?Harris terminal port ready on DCA 01 10-APR-2015 10:51:17 FRIWelcome to the HarrisSystem Administration MonitorCopyright Harris Corporation 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 198& 1989,1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996Username . ? ADMINPassword ?

19、Good Morning, ADMIN, it is 10-APR-2015 10:54:03 FRIWelcome to Harris Administration System, SCPU Version G32.03.02You are logged onto shelf CC-1The system status is ACTIVE/uninitialized Enter HELP, for a menu ADMIN .? EDTWelcome to the Harris Configuration EditorThe Harris Configuration Editor allow

20、s you to enter, modify, delete and list call processing parameters in the system database. To choose an editor command or option, type in the entire command or the first three letters of the command. Enter ,HELP, at any prompt for assistance. Below is the current status of the d&tabases on the sys t

21、em.Database BDatabase ANORMALINCOMPLETE EDITSESSIONExtension number for directory 204 .?Location ?* 一 Database is activeR 一 System must be reset to save edit sessionEDT . ? SEL A SELECTING DATABASEAA .? EXT ADD 202Extension type ? STACircuit location ? 1一16一2COS number (0 一 255)? 10Signaling type MIXED ?Individual speed dial blocks (0 - 4) 4 .?Extension priority level range (0 - 9)0?Last name ?* NO DEFAULT A VAILABLE *Last name . ? AFirst name ?Department ?Publ


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