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1、EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT 独家代理协议 No.: A-B-20120301 Place: * City, China Date: Mar 1 st, 2012 此协议是双方在平等互利基础上建立的,共同遵守下列条款 . This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows; 1. T

2、HE PARTIES CONCERNED 协议相关各方当事人 -Manufacturer: * Co., Ltd. (Herein after called Party A) Add: No City, * Pr., P. R. China 生产商 : 有限公司 (以下简称“甲方” ) 地址:中国 市* 号. - Exclusive Exporter: * Co., Ltd. (called Party B) Add: No Road, District, P. R. China 独家出口商 : * 有限公司 (以下简称“乙方” ) 地址: 市* 2、独家代理权的授予: Appointment

3、 of Exclusive Agent: 甲方正式委任乙方为其在华东地区的独家代理商,乙方接受甲方的委任。甲方同意不直接或间接 以“SEVA”品牌、或与其他任何非乙方的第三方单位建立契约关系来销售(出口)甲方的所有以 “ SEVA ”系列、 “BBAB ”系列及以后开发的新型产品系列 * 和其* 产品到乙方代理区域。乙方 承诺在上述区域内不销售非甲方生产的上述同类型产品,乙方承诺不在上述区域内代理出口非甲 方生产的上述同类型产品。 Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive agent in *, and at the same time.

4、 Party B accepts the appointment of Part A unanimously. Party A agrees not to enter into a contractual relationship with any third party entity in order to sell all series and the new models which will be developed directly or indirectly under the brand of“BBB ”、 “BBAB ” to *; Party B agrees not to

5、sell similar series * of other Chinese manufacturers in 在协议有效期内,若发现任何一方违背协议规定,其余两方均有权终止合同。受损方均有索赔的 权利。 During the validity of this Agreement, if each of the two parties is found to have infringed the stipulations of the Agreement, the other party has the right to terminate this Agreement. The party

6、influenced will reserve right to claim for compensation. 3、代理产品范围和商品数量: Commodity range and Quantity: (1).* 型:甲方现在生产和销售的所有 *型以及将来以此为基础开发并销售的 * 。 Model: All models and all new models which will be developed in the future. (2). 销售数量 : 甲方要求乙方代理出口的销售数量 . 2012 年 1 月 1 日至 2012 年 12 月 31 日:不低于 * 个 Sale tar

7、get: the quantity that part A requires part B export. Export not less than *pieces from January 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012; 4、代理区域 : 中国华东地区,及北京 7-11便利店 . Territory: the territory of the 5 协议有效期 : Validity of Agreement: 协议生效:此协议自有关当事人签署之日起生效。 Effectivity of sole agent agreement: the sole agent agreement

8、 will come into force upon duly signatures of the concerted parties. 协议有效期: 2012年 1月1日到 2012年12月31日。 This agreement when duly signed by the parties concerned shall remain in force for one year to be effective from 1 Jan. 2012 to 31th Dec. 2012. (3) 如果乙方未能完成协议规定的阶段目标销量的70%,甲方有权单方面终止协议。如果乙方和乙方 完成规定的阶段

9、目标销量的 70%本协议继续生效。 If Party B couldn t fulfill the 70% of sales target required, Party A has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally. Party B shall be treated as qualified exclusive agent and exclusive exporter if Party B reaches the sales target no less than 70%, the agreement will be effe

10、ctive. ( 4 )如果乙方完成本协议规定总量的80% ,本协议到期日期自动延续到 2013 年 12 月 31 日 If Party B fulfills the 80% of the total sales target, the Agreement will be automatically extended to 31th Dec. 2013. 6、市场情况报告: Reports on Market Conditions: 乙方有义务每三个月就当前市场情况及消费者意见提供详细报告给甲方,一旦有特殊市场变动,乙方也应 即时向甲方提供书面详情报告。所有对该品种的产品升级改良的要求,只要

11、经济合理,甲方应予以考虑, 依据乙方要求对产品进行改进和开发。 Party B shall have the obligation to forward once every three months to Party A detailed reports on current market conditionsand of consumer s comments, and if there is any special change in the market, Party B shall also report timely to Party A its full particulars

12、in writing. All economically reasonable requests for upgrades and changes to the products in the line will be considered by Party A and Party A will make improvements according to the feedback or requirements from Party B. 7、价格和货款支付方式: Price and payment terms: (1)价格:甲方同意给予乙方相关系列产品最优惠的人民币价格。 Prices:

13、Party A agrees to provide Party B the most favorable price for the produced products. (2) 货款支付方式:双方都同意的付款方式。 Terms of payment: by the terms agreed and accepted by each both parties. 8、生产和交货周期:根据实际生产情况 , 最长不得超过 30 天。 Production and delivery date: according to actual producing situation but it shall w

14、ithin 30 days maximum 。 9、商标的使用权和网络销售权的授予: Usufruct of the trade mark and internet marketing right BBB ”, “BBAB ” BRAND (1) 商标的使用权 :甲方同意乙方在本协议有效期内在 *区域使用甲方的 ”BBB ”品牌和 BBAB 以及“ ” 商标标志;且品牌和商标的选定最终由乙方决定。 Usufruct of the trade mark: Party A agrees that party B use the and the trading marks of the party

15、A in territory of * And the option of the brand and trading mark decided by party B. (2) 网络销售权的授予:甲方同意提供给乙方上述产品网络分销权开展分售业务 Party A agrees to provide Party B distributing marketing rights for the forementioned products for retail markets. 10、商品的推销 在代理区域内 代理商应积极地充分地进行广告宣传以促进商品的销售。 卖方应向代理商提供一定 数量的广告印刷品

16、、商品样本、小册子以及代理商合理要求的其他材料。 Article 10. Sales Promotion Agent shall diligently and adequately advertise and promote the sale of Products throughout Territory. Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reasonable quantity of advertising literatures catalogues, leaflets, and the like as Agent

17、may reasonably require. 11、其他条款和条件: Article 11. Other Terms & Conditions:对于因履行本合同发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商无法解决争议,则应提交中国 国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,依据其仲裁规则,仲裁费应由败诉一方承担,仲裁委员会另有规定的 除外。 All disputes arising from the performance of the Agreement should be settled through friendly negotiations. Should no settlement be reach

18、ed through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(Beijing) and the rules of this Commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties. The Arbitration fee shall be born by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization. 该协议一式两份,在双方签字盖章后,甲乙双方各持有一份。其他未尽事宜,双方可以进行协商 签订附件。附件具有同本协议同等的法律效力。该协议及其附件有中英文两个版本构成,两种版 本具有同等法律效力。本协议及其以后签订的附件的传真件以及扫描件和协议正本原件具有同等 法律效力。 The Agreement is in duplicate and each party held


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