



1、朗文新派少儿英语预备级A、B知识级别拓展:培养孩子对学校的热爱,对英语学习的喜爱,识图,描画,跟唱,跟读以游戏活动培养孩子学英语的兴趣(歌曲童谣)词汇量:282目标:培养兴趣对学生的要求:识图,描画,跟唱,跟读,模仿背 诵语法点涵盖:一般现在时,现在进行时教学提示:结合 TPR突出歌曲童谣教 学的特色,培养孩子对英语的喜爱与兴趣,培养课堂氛围与习惯朗文新派少儿英语预备级 A进度表课次教学内容作业第1次子母和单词:Aa Bb Cc apple ball cat (演示字母写 法)口语:Good evening!Hello! Hi! Ok? Ok!指令:1. 2. 3, four four fou

2、r Are you ready? Yes, ready!解释加分机 制,交代老师 电话,发作业 条第2次字母和单词:Dd Ee Ff dog egg fish补充:school口语:1.2. 3, I like school a nd school likes me.How do you do.How do you do.抄写字母读课文第3次字母和单词:Gg Hh Ii,girl hat in sect补充boy句子: What s your name ? My nam6 s 歌曲:Whats your name指令:Yes . No.第4次字母和单词:Jj Kk Ll jelly kite

3、leg补充:crayon pencil book table scissors chair. 句子: Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.第5次字母和单词: Mm Nn Oo mouth nose orange 补 充: teacher句子: How are you ?Fine, tha nk you.口语: Good bye . Sorry.第6次字母和单词:Pp Qq Rr pig quee n red补充:door句子: May I come in ? Come in, please.Thank you.You re welcome第7次字母和单

4、词:Ss Tt Uu sun table umbrella 补充单词:glue paper flower shelf句子:Look at 第8次字母和单词:Vv Ww Xx violin window box 数字:4,5,6,7,8,9,10句子:How old are you? I m (数字)第9次字母和单词:Yy, Zz ,yellow, zebra歌曲:ABCD补充:color, blue, green, red句子:What color is it? It s(颜色)Show me blue.(解释 show me)第10次单词:black, brown ,pink, white,

5、 purple, orange 句子:What color do you like?I like purple!歌曲:color song第11次绕口令:Black, black. Stand up. Orange, Orange. Sit down. White, white. Touch the ground. Brown, brown. Turn around.复习学过的字母,单词,句子和歌曲。第12次单词:family, mother, father, baby, brother, sister, gran dfather,gran dmother语言点:my./your.句子:Thi

6、s is my/your (解释 this)第13次单词: house, yard, bathroom, bedroom, living room , kitche n句子:This is第14次单词:lamp, TV, bed, car, stove,句子:What this/that?(解释 that)It s a(解释 a)第15次单词:body, head, nose, mouth, ear, eye, hair 句子: Open/Close your eyes.Touch your第16次单词:shoulder, arm, hand, fin ger, l ong, short, 句

7、子:1 see your第17次单词:leg, knee, feet, toe, shoes 句子:1 love hide and seek!有时间就复习前面所学第18次单词:clown, happy, mad, sad句子: Are you happy/mad/sad?Yes, I am/ No, I not.第19次单词:dress, hat, jacket, shirt, sweater, skirt, cold, hot 句子:It scold.It shot.第20次单词:sandals, socks, pants, shorts( 解释复数) 句子:1 want, please .

8、第21次单词:toy, ball, block, teddy bear, whistle, game 句子:Let splay ball day and night.第22次单词:airplane, boat, truck 句型:ItsIt isn 第23次复习第24次汇报,拍卖注:第一期结束不考试,第二期开始要考试朗文新派少儿英语预备级 B进度表课次教学内容作业第1次单词:bus, bus driver, taxi, taxi driver, street.口语:Who are you? I m a第2次单词:doctor, den tist, nu rse, firefighter, po

9、lice officer口语:They all help us. Yes, they do!第3次单词:I , you句子: Can you help me, please? I m lost. / Karl习本单元词汇s lost第4次拼读练习:c-a-t, cat h-a-t, hat.D-a-n, Dan.v-a-n, vanM-a-x,Max d-a-d, dad.r-e-d,red. l-e-g, leg. P-e-g, peg.h-e-n, hen.p-e-n,pen y-e-s, yes.绕口令:A cat. A hat. A cat and a hat.Dan. A van.D

10、an anda van.Max. Dad. Max and dad第5次单词:childre n,playgro und,jun gle gym,slide,swi ng补充:he, she第6次单词:swinging, running, slidi ng, climb ing句子:I m swinging. She s swinging.Let s swing, too.第7次单词:bouncing a ball, catch ing a ball, throw ing a ball句子:What are you doing? I mbouncing a ball. Howabout you

11、?第8次单词:jumping rope,playing hopscotch句子: What are you doing?I m jumping rope.123, Jump with me!1234, Let s play more!第9次拼读练习:k-i-m, kim.b-i-n,bi n.b-i-g, big. p-i-g, pigf-i-g, fig.f-o-x,fox.m-o-p,mop. b-o-x,box.h-o-t,hot.n-o-t, not. h-o-p,hop.复习第10单词:ani mal, pet, bird, elepha nt, mon key, draw次句子:

12、Draw your favorite animal.第11单词:zoo, zookeeper, bear, lion, tiger, seal次补充:they句子:Lions, tigers, seals and bears, they re all zoo animals.第12单词:feeding, time, dinner次句子: One zookeeper is feeding.It s time for dinner.句型:It s time for .第13单词:eating, walking, hanging, resting,次句子:Three mon keys are han

13、ging.Two lions are resti ng.第14单词:standing, swimming,次句子: One elephant is standing.Four seals are swimming.(本单元阅读材料)第15单词:watching , hungry次句子:Three children are watching.Ten animals arehungry。第16次拼读练习:m-u-m,mum. b-u-g,bug. b-u-s,bus. m-u-g,mug.m-u-d,mud. r-u-g,rug.绕口令:复习第17次单词:fruit, banana, grape, cake, cookie句子: What do you want?I want bananas.第18次单词:ice cream, ice cream cone, lemonade, sandwich, party句子:There s a party today. With cake and ice cream!第19次单词:balloon, candle, cup, glass, plate,句子:There s a party today. So co


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