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1、精品文档2016 届九年级英语期中模拟试题第 I 卷(选择题共 75 分)第一部分听力(共20 小题;每小题1 分,满分20 分) .听句子 ,选出与句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。ABCDE1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _.听对话, 选答案。听下面 10 段对话, 每段对话后有一个或两个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6 小题。6. How many children are there in the boy s family?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four听第二段对话,回答第7 小题。7. Whe

2、re does the man come from?A. England.B. America.C. France.听第三段对话,回答第8 小题。8. What will the boy do tomorrow?A. Have a birthday party.B. Go swimming.C. Watch TV.听第四段对话,回答第9 小题。9. What are the speakers talking about?A. An exam.B. A teacher.C. A book.听第五段对话,回答第10 小题。10. What is the weather like now?A. Wi

3、ndy.B. Sunny.C. Rainy.听第六段对话,回答第11、 12 小题。11.Which floor does Julie Hunter live on?A. The second floor.B. The third floor.C. The fourth floor.12.What is the relationship between Julie Hunter and the man?A. Classmates.B. Workmates.C. Neighbors.听第七段对话,回答第13、 14 小题。13.What are the speakers probably doi

4、ng now?A. Having a meeting. B.Havingan interview.C.Talking about their lives.14.What is the woman s job?A. A waitress.B. An actressC. A nurse精品文档精品文档15. How many years has the woman been there? A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years.III .听短文,选择正确答案。听短文,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。16. Where did

5、 the speaker meet Claire?A. At a hotel.B. At a restaurant.C. At a bus stop.17. What did Claire eat for lunch?A. French food.B. Chinese food.C. Italian food18. What did Claire want to buy?A. A shirt.B. A skirt.C. A dress.19. Which places did the speaker travel around the next day?A. Churches and muse

6、ums. B. Churches and gyms. C. Museums and gyms.20. How did the speaker get to the airport?A. By busB. By taxi.C. By subway第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分25 分)第一节语法和词汇(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)()21. Usually,it s easierto makedecisionthan to takeaction.A. a; anB. ; anC. ; D. a;() 22.We dont think its good to stay_ late

7、 to play computer games.A. onB. upC. fromD. out of() 23. I want to know _ you will come back at 8:00 tomorrow.A thatB whenC whereD whether() 24. Thank you for sharing your ruler with me._ Tha t s what friends are for.A. Don t mention it. B. It doesnt matter. C. Never mind.D.All right.() 25. Goldiloc

8、ksdecided _ for a walk in the forest.A. goB. to goC. goingD. goes() 26.Why dont you go out to play, Rose?I m afraid I can t. I have much homework _.A. doB. doesC. doingD. to do()27.In Western countries,womenare always dressedwhitetheirwedding day, because white is the colour of purity.A. on; onB. in

9、; inC. on; inD. in; on() 28. Jack,is therein todays newspaper?-No, nothing.A. anything importantB. something importantC. important anythingD. important something() 29.This photo reminds methe days when I workedthe精品文档精品文档farm with my classmates.A. about;,inB. about:onC. of ; inD. of ;on()30. - Helen

10、, do you know if Martinto my party next week?- I think he will come if hefree.A. will come; will beB. will come; isC. come; isD. comes; will be()31. Our monitor Jack is good at all the subjects, but he never. What a modest student!A. gets offB. takes offC. puts offD. shows off()32.It s easy _you to

11、say sorry, but remember _ be lateagain.A. for; not toB. for; dontC. of; not toD. of; to()33. _ you offered him!A. How useful adviceB. What a useful adviceC. How a useful adviceD. What useful advice()34. _ have you lived there? Since I came here in 2001.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon()35.How clea

12、n and tidy your bedroom is!Thanks. Itevery day.A. cleansB. CleanedC. is cleanedD. was cleaned二完形填空(共10 小题,每小题1 分,满分10 分)Some young peopleare worryingabout acnes( 青春痘 ) on theirfaces,and some areworrying about their figures(身材 ). Do you know36 on earth(到底,究竟)thesecret of beauty is? Think of smile and

13、 health, and then you may find the 37 .Maybeyou are not 38withyour big nose,your small_39_ or your weight( 体重) . Dontwaste energy and feelingson the way you look. In fact,when you becomean 40and look at pictures ofyour past time, youll find how cute you are.41 is the best way to make you beautiful.

14、When people are happy, they looknice.Whenpeople smileor laugh from the 42 oftheirhearts(心脏 ),theylookverybeautiful.Dont worry about your weight too much. Dont43 food for it. No one lives44 health. So you need to eat healthy food and do enough exercise.Whenyou accept (接受) what you have 45 andenjoy th

15、em, you willreallybecomepretty“inside and out”.精品文档精品文档()36. A. howB. whatC. whereD. which() 37. A. question B. problem C. reasonD. answer() 38. A. satisfied(满意的) B. strictC. popular D. angry() 39. A.skirtB. dressC. bookD. eyes() 40. A. adult(成年人) B. parent C. doctorD. engineer() 41. A. BeautyB. Hea

16、lthC. WealthD. Happiness() 42.A. bottom(底部,深处) B. topC. footD. head() 43.A. receiveB. accept(接受) C. refuse(拒绝 )D. get() 44.A. onB. forC. withoutD. with() 45.A. usedB. gotC. doneD. owned第三部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分)AAs we know, Chongqing has changed a lot in the past few years. More and moretree

17、sare beingplanted inthe city. And every day you can see many old people playsports everywhere. The changes make people in the city live a happy life. A smallsurvey below is from people in Chongqing.One hundred persons answered the questionslast week.What they wantHealthSafetyFood52%33%15%Where they

18、like toIn a quieter placeIn a busier placeIn a greener placelive15%5%80%What they think ofBadGoodNo ideaworking in thecity8%80%12%Whether they planYesNoDifficult to sayto change their39%41%20%living places根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()46.Every day people in Chongqing can see_ play sports everywhere.A. the womenB.

19、 the menC.the oldD. the young()47.Fromthesurvey,_ ofthe people in Chongqingcare about health.A. 80%B. 41%C. 52%D. 39%()4873.From the survey, we know one twentieth people want to live_.A. in a busier placeB. in a quieter placeC. in a greener placeD. on a mountain()49.Most people think working in Chon

20、gqing is_.A. badB. sadC. hardD. good()50.According to the passage and the survey, we know that_ .精品文档精品文档A. 33% people in Chongqing care about the foodB. 12% people in Chongqing think working in the city is badC. most people plan to change their living placesD. the changes in Chongqing makes people

21、enjoy living thereBThe size and shape of your ears show your character more than any other partof the face. Other parts of the face change shapes as we get older, butears donot change their shape. They only change in size.Readi ng people scharacterfrom theirears isa very oldscience.In the pastpeople

22、 thought that a persons ears with colour was dangerous. They also thoughtthat the shape of the ears showed if a person was musical or not. Today, too many people believe that the size and shape of the ears help you know if a person is musical.Ears are all different, and each different thing has a me

23、aning. Next time youlook at a person, see if his or her ears are large, medium-size, or small. Look atthe lobes(耳垂) . Do they stick to the face? Ears that are always red mean thata person may get angryeasily. Ears that are always cold and nearly white colourmean that a person has a nervous(紧张的 ) cha

24、racter.()51. When a baby is born, _.A. his/ her ears are redB. his/ her ears will not change all the lifeC. his/ her ears will not change in shapeD. he/ she will get large ears()52. Reading people s character from their ears is _.A. only for musicB. an old ideaC. very newD. a good way to talk with o

25、thers()5 3. When one s ears are red, it means_.A. he is a kind manB. he is very happyC. he may get angry easilyD. he drinks too much()54. When ones earsarealways coldand nearly white colour, it means_A.He is friendly.B.He is always polite.C. He looks good.D. He has a nervous character.()55. Which ma

26、y be the best title of the article?A. Looking at a person in the right wayB. Ears and coloursC. The change of earsD. Ears and characters精品文档精品文档CJohn and Bob were neighbours.For more than 30 years,they had been gettingalongvery well. But one day their good relationship broke.One morning John woke up

27、 to finda stream( 小溪 ) between the two farms.“Itmustbe Bob, ” John thought.Then John met a carpenter(木匠 ).John said.“ My neighbour Bob dug(挖 ) a stream between the two farms. I wantyou to build a fence(栅栏 ) an 8- foot fence. I dont want to see his place or hisface any more.”The carpenter said,“I thi

28、nk I know what to do, sir, and Ill be able to doa job that makes you happy.” Aboutsunset whenthe farmer returned,the carpenterhad justfinishedhisjob.The farmer s eyes opened wide.There was no fencethereat all!It was a bridge! And the neighbour, Bob, was coming across, with his handoutstretched.“Hi,

29、John!Youre quite a guy to build this bridge!”Then theymet in the middle,takingeach other s hands.“I m terriblysorryfor what I have said and done. We should begood to each other,” said Bob.Laterthey turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go.“No, wait! Staya few days. I have alot of other jobs

30、for you,” said John.“I d love tostay, ”the carpenter said,“but I have more bridges to build.”56. BeforeJohn found a stream between the two farms,John and Bob _each other.A.didn tspeaktoB.werefriendly toC. often fought withD. had badwords with57. John asked the carpenter to build a fence because _.A.

31、 he wanted to protect his farmB. he didnt want to do it himselfC. he wouldn t like to see BobD. he wanted to find him something to do58. What do you think of the carpenter?A. ShyB. WiseC.ProudD. Careless59. What s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word“ outstretched” ?A. 伸出 B. 举起 C. 张开60. What m

32、ay happen according to the passage?A. The carpenter will stay to do other jobs.B. Bob and John will build more bridges.C. The two farmers will build a fence themselves.D. Bob and John will be friends again.DFrom diaries to blogs, were all used to recording our lives with words.So why not takethose w

33、ords one step further?Itsa greathobby thatcan produce精品文档精品文档something as simple as a 17-word poems, or as complex as a 900-page novel. All youneed is just a pen and a notebook.Types of WritingYou can jump intoany typeof creativewriting-novels,poems, or somethingelse.Start wherever you feel most ins

34、pired, and try a few different forms to see whatyou like. You can also plan a childrens book, write a song, or just write pagesin your diary.Actually WritingCreative writing is a skill. If you own natural talents for writing, thatsgreat! Ifnot, youcan improveyourselfby writingsomethingeveryclay,even

35、 ifitsjusta few words.100words. com and 750 can help you reachthe goal.Getting Inspiration(灵感)No inspirationis one of the biggestproblemsthatbeginningwritersface,anditcan be hard to finduntilyou know how to look.So, you have to practicelooking.Look for the beauty in everyday life, start by

36、reading everything, and see where it takes you.Really, just start writing. Get your thoughts on paper, express yourself, andhave fun because thats what creative writing is all about. As Ray Bradbury, thefamous American writer said, May you live with hysteria(大惊小怪make fine stories.61. Whatdoes the un

37、derlined word complex probably mean in Chinese?) ,and out of itA. 简单的B有趣的C复杂的D. 乏味的62. What type of writing should a beginning writer choose?A. The easiest one.B. The most interesting one.C. The one he feels most inspired. D. The one he does worst in.63. In the passage, the writer suggests that we g

38、et writing help from_.A. the teachersB. the radioC. our pen palsD. the Internet64. What is one of the biggest problems to the beginning writers? A. No pens. B. No blogs. C. No inspiration. D. No pen pals.65. From the end of the passage we can learn that_.精品文档精品文档A. we cant put our thoughts into the

39、writingB. writing is a way to feel bored without funC. Ray Bradbury used to be the greatest writerD. fine stories are from our happy or hard life第 II 卷(非选择题共 45 分 )第四部分 书面表达(共三节)第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分15 分)(一)单词拼写 (共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分 )66.He began to breathe(呼吸 ) in and out_.(正常地 )67.Many famous peopledont

40、have ptime. There are always many reportersfollowing them.68.What parents say and do will itheir children.69.I bought the( 剪刀 )in the supermarket near our home.70. Its hard to become a pbasketball player. You have to work hard.(二)综合填空(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次)ever

41、ywhere,regret,basket,lift,pity,to,food,but,plenty,full,wai t,nearlyA mouse was having a very bad time. She couldnt find any food. She looked71. _, but there was no food, and she grew thin.At last the mouse found a 72. _. It was filled with some delicious 73._and here was a small hole in it. The mous

42、e went into it. She could justget through the hole.Then she began to eat. Because she was very hungry she ate 74. _offood and went on eatingand eating.At last,she had grown veryfatbeforeshe feltthat she was 75. _.When the mouse tried to climb out, she tried many times 76. _ failed.She was too fat 77

43、. _ pass through the hole.How shall I climb out? said the mouse sadly. Oh, how shall I climb out?Just then an ant came along, and he heard the mouse crying.Oh, if you want to climb out, you must 78_ until you have grownas thin as you were when you went in, I feel79. _ for you. the ant said.精品文档精品文档T

44、he mouse began to 80_ eating too much food. This story tells us that weshould think before we do.71._72. _ 73. _74._75._76._77._78. _ 79._ 80._第二节阅读表达(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)The program China Year in Russiahasended,but theculturaltiesbetween the twocountries grow stronger. China fever (中国热 ) continues

45、in Russia.Fifty-year-oldWei Dehan has been studyingChinese cultureforthirtyyears.He was among the first Russians to open a Chinese teahouse in Moscow. That was in1995. He also teaches Chinese language and Tai Chi(太极 ) . (2) During China Yearin Russia, he set up a magazine introducing Chinese culture. Its popular withlocal readers.InRussia,youngpeoplewhocanspeakChinese (1)_byeveryindustry(行业 ). Young peoplewho areableto speak Chinese languagefindjobs easily.Some 15-thousand people attend Chinese language classes in Russia. The ConfuciusInstitute (学院 ) , the world-wide


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