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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟208公共英语一级模拟208第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析F:The gun is too heavyA是gun,B是stick,C是sun。2.答案:B解析M:Our hands can do many thingsA是fan,B是hand,C是pen。3.答案:A解析F:You can use a broom to clean this classroomA是broom,B是spade,C是mop。4.答案:A解析M:L

2、ook,Jeany is skippingA是skipping,B是walking,C是riding。5.答案:A解析F:Itt half past seven,we should begin our morning exercisesA是half past seven,B是twenty past seven,C是ten past seven。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:A解析F: We will wait for you at the bus stop.详细解答 图片A是公共汽车站台,图片B是火车站,图片C是飞机场。7.答案:A解析M: She is pleased

3、 with my work.详细解答 图片A是高兴,图片B是生气,图片C是伤心。8.答案:B解析F: We often have fish for lunch.详细解答 图片A是米饭,图片B是鱼,图片C是面包。9.答案:A解析M: It was a quarter to five when I got to the cinema yesterday afternoon.详细解答 图片A是4:45,图片B是5:00,图片 C是4:30。10.答案:A解析F. He lost his umbrella again.详细解答 图片A是丢了雨伞,图片B是丢了自行车,图片C是丢了铅笔。第二节 对话理解

4、(如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Whos the tallest boy?A.Bruce.B.Jim.C.Robert.答案:A解析A: Is Jim the tallest boy in your class?B: Im afraid not. Hes shorter than Robert, and Bruce is taller than Robert.2. Where was the English story-book borrowed from?A.Ill borrow it from the library.B.It was borrowed from the l

5、ibrary.C.Mr. White lent it to me this morning.答案:B解析A: What are you doing here?B: Im reading an English story-book.A: Did you buy it in our town?B: No. I borrowed it from the library.3. What is Jane going to study this term(学期) ?A.Jane is going to study a new lesson,B.Jane is going to study physics

6、(物理).C.Jane is going to study chemistry.答案:B解析M: Are you going to study chemistry(化学) this term, Jane?W: No,Im going to study physics.4. Whose newspaper(报纸)was put on the desk?A.Tom.B.Toms.C.Lilys.答案:B解析A: Who put my newspaper on the desk?B: I think it was Lily, Tom.5. Whats wrong with John?A.He has

7、 got a headache.B.His foot was hurt (使受伤,伤害) yesterday.C.She has got a headache.答案:B解析A: Is everyone here?B: No. John hurt his foot yesterday and has to stay at home.A: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. Can you tell me who called Jim?A.The woman.B.The man.C.Jims friend.答案:A解析W: Jim,

8、 I called you yesterday evening, but you were not in.M: I went to the theater with a friend.考点 细节题 由“吉米,我昨天晚上打电话给你,但是你不在。”“我和一个朋友去了剧院。”因为问题问的是谁打电话来,而打电话来的是一位女士,所以应该选择A。 7. What does the woman mean?A.She made the skirt herself.B.Her mother bought the skirt for her.C.Her mother made the skirt for her.

9、答案:C解析M: What a beautiful skirt. Did you make it yourself?W: No. I had my mother do it.考点 细节题 由“多么漂亮的裙子啊。是你自己做的吗?”“不,是我妈妈做的。”可知这条裙子是她妈妈所做。 8. What does the man mean?A.He wants to go with them.B.He will invite his friends.C.He is not interested in going.答案:A解析W: We are going to visit the Great Wall t

10、omorrow?M: Are you? May I join you?考点 细节题 由“我们打算明天去参观长城。”“是吗?我可以一起吗?”表明这位男士也想加入,所以选A。 9. How many shirts does the man have?A.Five.B.Six.C.Seven.答案:C解析W: Every time I see you, you are wearing a different shirt.M: Thats because I have one for every day of the week.考点 推断题 由“每次看到你,你都穿不同的衬衫。”“那是因为一周里我每天都

11、有一件衬衫来配。”一周共有7天,所以一共有7件衬衫。 10. When does the film end?A.9:30.B.10:00.C.10:30.答案:B解析W: When does the film start, Tom?M: 8:30 p. m., and it will last an hour and a half.考点 计算题 由“汤姆,电影几点开始?”“晚上8点半,将会放1个半小时。”可知电影结束应为10点。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. which language is easy for the woman to learn?A.Neither of

12、 them is easy.B.Both of them are difficult.C.Neither of them is difficult.答案:C解析M: Which language do you like to study, English or Chinese?F: Neither English nor Chinese is difficult to learn.12. what does the man ask the woman to do?A.He asks the woman to meet him at home.B.He asks the woman to mee

13、t him at the airport.C.He asks the woman to meet him at the railway station.答案:C解析F: When are you coming to New York?M: Next Monday evening. Can you meet me at the railway station?13. When can the woman see the new book?A.Next week.B.Today.C.Tuesday.答案:A解析F: Do you want to show me your new book?M: O

14、h, I will show you next week.14. what does the woman want?A.An orange.B.An apple.C.A cup of tea.答案:B解析M: What would you like to eat?F: Give me an apple, please.15. What does the woman mean?A.Shell change it for him.B.She cant change it for him.C.Shed like to see what is wrong with it.答案:C解析M: Can I

15、have the earphone changed? Its not working.F: Let me check it.第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空问题:1. We were asked to write a _ in an hour.A.two-hundred-word paperB.two-hundred-words paperC.two-hundreds-words paper答案:A问题:2. Look! The man _ to my teacher is my father.A.talksB.to talkC.talking答案:C解析 本题意为“瞧,正在跟我老师谈话

16、的那个男的是我爸爸。”表示进行时态,talking与man应该是主动关系,所以应填talking既表主动又表正在进行的动作。选项A为一般时态,选项B为不定式,均不对。所以应选C。问题:3. The Turners will make the eagle _ high in the sky.A.flyB.fliesC.flew答案:Amake sbdo sth使某人做某事。make后作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to。像这样的动词还有let,let sbdo sth等。问题:4. Every morning, we are asked _ taken our temperatures.A.if w

17、e haveB.if have weC.if we had答案:A解析 本题考查宾语从句的语序和时态。由ask引导的宾语从句如是间接引语则用 if引导后面的内容。由every morning状语可知指的是规律性动作行为,故用一般现在时。故选A。问题:5. I dont like skating, and I do not enjoy skiing _.A.tooB.eitherC.as well答案:B解析 “either”在否定句中表示“也”。问题:6. She asked me whether _ able to read and write in English.A.was heB.he

18、 wasC.would he be答案:B解析 间接引语中疑问句的语序应为肯定句中的语序。问题:7. The headmaster _ for more than two weeks.A.has leftB.has goneC.has been away答案:C解析 本题考查动词时态。for表示一段时间,句子使用现在完成时,has gone/ has left均表示一次性完成的动作,因此都不对。正确答案为C。问题:8. Chinas sport stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang _ Goodwill Ambassadors(亲善大使)for Shanghai.A.has

19、 been namedB.have been namedC.have named答案:B解析 此题考查动词时态。since是现在完成时的时间状语标志。问题:9. None (没有一个) of us will go to play basketball on a snowy morning,_?A.wont weB.we willC.will we答案:C考查反义疑问句的用法。本题前半句是否定句,所以后半句要用肯定句式。并注意到语序要倒置,所以选C。问题:10. _ Simon _ Jack know what has happened.A.Both. and.B.Either. and.C.E

20、ither. or.答案:A解析 由题干中谓语动词“know”可知主语为复数。没有“either.and.”的结构,所以选项B不能选,选项C“either Simon or Jack”后面谓语动词应为“knows”,只有选项A“both Simon and Jack”为复数含义,故选A。问题:11. Whats this _ English? Its key.A.withB.inC.for答案:B该句的意思是“这个用英语怎么说?in English是“用英语”的意思。介词in在这里表示“用某种语言”。例如:Say it in Chinese,please请用汉语说这个。问题:12. Can I

21、 _ your dictionary for a minute? I left mine at home.A.borrowB.lendC.keep答案:A解析 对于主语“I”来说是跟他人借字典,所以用borrow。问题:13. It isnt my bike. Whose is it?Its _.A.heB.himC.his答案:C解析 三个选项中只有his为名词所有格形式,表示“他的”。故应选C。问题:14. It is much _ to go up than it is to come down.A.hardB.harderC.hardest答案:B解析 本题考查形容词的比较级。从句子中

22、的than就可知道是在两者之间进行比较,所以应该用比较级,答案为B。知识拓展 比较级是在两者之间进行比较,一般用than来连接两个比较的对象,最高级表示在三者或三者以上“最”,形容词的最高级前必须加the,但副词的最高级前往往省略the。如:He is the tallest in our classHe runs most quickly in our class问题:15. I wanted to know when they_come to see me.A.willB.wouldC.should答案:B考查时态一致性和情态动同辨义。由于主句用的是一般过去时,因此从句表示“过去的将来”,

23、也要用过去时态。而would表示“会”,should表示“应当”,此处显然应选前者。第二节 完型填空 I usually (经常) get up at 6:00 1 the morning. Then I wash my face 2 brush my teeth. I 3 breakfast at 7:00. I live near school. After breakfast I walk 4 school with my brother. On 5 way to school, we talk about our lessons. The 6 are crowded (拥挤) in t

24、he morning. There 7 many people in the bus. Many of them are students. Some of them are 8 . They are wearing skirts. Some of them are 9 . They age wearing shorts. My father is a businessman. My mother is a teacher. They 10 to work on their bicycles. 1.A.onB.atC.in答案:C解析 in the morning是惯用法,表示“在早晨,在上午

25、”。2.A.andB.toC.from答案:A解析 洗脸和刷牙是表示先后发生的两个动作,and表递进关系。3.A.have aB.haveC.have the答案:B解析 have breakfast意为“吃早饭”。在一日三餐名词之前不加冠词。4.A.ofB.toC.from答案:B解析 walk to school与go to school on foot同意,意为“步行去上学”。5.A.theB.aC.an答案:A解析 on the way to.是习惯搭配,表示“在去的路途上”。6.A.carB.busC.buses答案:C解析 由系动词are可知:根据主谓一致原则,主语应是复数名词bu

26、ses。7.A.areB.isC.am答案:A解析 该句的主语是people,因此谓语应用复数形式。8.A.girlsB.menC.doctor答案:A解析 由下一句“她们穿着裙子”可推断出:选项A是正确答案。9.A.teacherB.studentC.boys答案:C解析 由下句的信息词shorts(短裤)可知:他们其中一些是男孩。10.A.walkB.goC.goes答案:B解析 go to work意为“去上班”。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍 A. wall B. paper C. fiver D. umbrella E. playground F. ice-cream G. li

27、brary 1. You swim in it.答案: C解析 该句意思为:“你在它里面游泳。”与 river河相对应。2. People use it to keep out the rain.答案: D解析 该句意思为:“人们用它挡雨。”与umbrella伞相对应。3. People borrow books there.答案: C解析 该句意思为:“人们在那儿借书。”与library图书馆相对应。4. People eat it when hot.答案: F解析 该句意思为:“天热时,人们吃它。”与 ice-cream冰淇淋相对应。5. You write something on it

28、.答案: B解析 该句意思为:“你在上面写字。”与Paper纸相对应。第二节 短文理解 1 Two weeks ago I had to go to the train station because I was taking a trip to Boston. I decided to take a taxi to the station. There is a bus to the station, but I had a lot of luggage and was in a hurry, so I chose a taxi. I heard the horn(喇叭)of the tax

29、i and hurried out of the house. Excited about my trip, I told the taxi driver I was in a hurry because I had a ticket for a train in only 20 minutes. But I soon began to worry as we hurried through the crowded streets. He drove too fast! We drove across the intersections(十字路口)without stopping for th

30、e red lights. We did not stay in our lane, but drove down the middle of the streets. As we turned at the corners, the fast movement of the taxi pushed me into its door. In ten minutes we reached the train station, but I never want to hurry that much again. 1. I took a train to Boston two weeks ago.A

31、.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 两周前我乘坐火车去了波士顿。与短文中的这句“Two weeks ago I had to go to the train station because I was taking a trip to Boston.”“两周前我不得不去火车站,因为我要去波士顿。”意义相同,符合原文。2. The bus to the train station was very crowded.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C解析 驶向火车站的公共汽车非常拥挤。短文中“There is a bus to th

32、e station, but I had a lot of luggage and was in a hurry, so I chose a taxi.”“其实有一趟公共汽车去火车站,但因为我的行李很多,所以我选择打车。”并未提及公共汽车是否拥挤的问题。所以C正确。3. I walked slowly to the taxi when I heard it.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 听到了出租车的声音后,我缓慢地走向了出租车。 短文中的这句“I heard the horn(喇叭)of the taxi and hurried out of the

33、 house.”“听到了出租车的鸣笛声,我就匆忙地出了门。”作者是迅速地走向了出租车,不是缓慢地。 4. I told the taxi driver to hurry because I was 20 minutes late for the train.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 我告诉出租车司机快点开车,因为我晚了20分钟乘火车。原文中说“I was in a hurry because I had a ticket for a train in only 20 minutes.”“我要赶时间,因为我要乘坐的那班火车还有20分钟就要开了。”因此

34、,此句与原文不符。应选B。5. I was 10 minutes early for the train.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 我早到了10分钟。原文中的两个句子要结合着来看“I told the taxi driver I was in a hurry because I had a ticket for a train in only 20 minutes.”“In ten minutes we reached the train station”“我对出租车司机说我要赶时间,因为我要乘坐的那班火车还有20分钟就要开了。”“仅用了10分钟我

35、们便到达了火车站。”因此,距离开车的时间还有10分钟。故A正确。第三节 短文理解 2 In England, people dont usually talk too much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and every- one sits looking out of the window. Often they read books and papers. But they dont talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, the w

36、eather. So when you meet someone in England, you can say, Nice weather for the time of the year! But it was a little colder yesterday, someone may say. But it will get a little warmer later! you can say. Talk like this and the English people will think. How friendly you are! 1. English people usuall

37、y _.A.dont talk too muchB.go to work by carC.dont like speaking答案:A解析 文章的第一句“In England,people dont usually talk too much”的含义是“在英国,人们不经常侃侃而谈”。2. They often _ on a bus or in a train.A.studyB.singC.read答案:C解析 无论是坐公共汽车还是火车都经常阅读。3. They like to talk about _.A.the foodB.the weatherC.the clothes答案:B解析 英国人

38、常谈的话题是“weather”,意为“天气”。4. When you talk about the weather with the English people, they will think you are _.A.an EnglishB.cleverC.friendly答案:C解析 如果和英国人谈天气,他们会认为“How friendly you are”。5. When you ask an English woman, How old are you? She will feel _.A.sadB.worriedC.unhappy答案:C解析 该题考查常识。年龄是对方的隐私,直接询

39、问年龄当然是不礼貌的,对方会“unhappy”。 Many people are surprised when they find the Internet(因特网)was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks(网络) didnt work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system (系统)

40、 had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If a part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time. At first the Internet was only used by the government,

41、 but in the early 1970s,universities(大学) ,hospitals and banks were allowed(允许) to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Today it is easy to get on-line(上网) and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life. 6. The Internet has a history of _ years.A.less than 3


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