1、纺织历史上的南通,“木棉花布之产甲诸郡”,是民噪大江南北的花布之乡。早在明代,南通棉花便已远销徐、淮、山东以及闽粤;到了清代,更大宗出口,南通棉花质优量大,为农村手工业的发展创造了条件。1895年,张謇开始筹建大生纱厂,到1923年大生企业已发展到4个纱厂,“机杼之发动乎天地,衣被所及遍我东南”。南通成为中国名族纺织的发祥地之一。直到现在,纺织业一直是南通的支柱产业之一。南通是中国著名的纺织服装生产出口基地。TextileIn the history,Nantong was a place famous for the production of cotton and textile all
2、over China.Early in Ming Dynasty,cotton producted in Nantong was sold to Xuzhou ,Huaian,Shandong ,Fujian and Guangdong and exprted in large quantity in the Qing Dynasty.The high-quality cotton provided good conditions for the development of hand-woven in rural places in Nantong.In1895,Zhang jian sta
3、rted to build Dasheng Cotton Mill.Till1923,Dasheng Group owned four large cotton millsand other factories.Nantong became one of the birthplaces of modern national industry of China.Textile has always been one of the mainstay industries in Nantong till now.Nantong is the base of garment export. 北效有个陈
4、会计外号【老先生】,他过年帮人写对联受到夸奖时,总是自谦的说:【大体 大体】。比喻做事不拘泥细节,注意整体效果。王花子烧窑,只出了一只泥钵,泥钵是只聚宝盆,被大财主沈万三知道了就买了去。后王花子死要赎,沈不舍得聚宝盆,只得答应养王花子一世。人们以此比喻得到便宜也要背上沉重包袱的事。歇后语南通古称胡逗方舟,置于海中。洲上先民与流人的语言的奇特组合,造成了一种特殊方言,仅在此地流通。一种方言透露着一方水土养育的民风民情民俗。南通的歇后语打着深深的方言的烙印,打着深深的民风民情民俗的烙印。南通的歇后语是一束原始的智慧之花。南通的歇后语,杂南夹北,浸染着海的气息,江的气息,濠河是气息,苏北平原的气息,
5、这种气息,使人感受到家乡的情趣,家乡的温暖,正如两个哑巴在一起没得话说(好的很)。Allegorical SayingsDuring the ancient times, Nantong was named HUDOU Islet and located in the sea. The aborigines and exils made a special dialect here. Nantng is a island of dialects and has special customs. The local allegorical saying have strong character
6、isitics of the special dialect. They are he fiowers of wisdom and folk art. They come from the south and north with the information of the sea, the Yangtze river and the vast north Jiangsu plain. This information makes people feel familiar and warm to hometown. It is just like the two dumbs woking t
7、ogethernoting to say (means excellent).长寿之乡中国六大长寿之乡,南通位居第一。山清水秀,风和气氲,经纬适度,花木茂盛,江海平原的一方水土,最宜颐神养生,崇川福地的千年习俗,可以陶情冶性。特殊的地理位置,使南通文化悠久兼容南北民风怡然包容东西。南通现在百岁老人470多位,按百万人口中百岁老人的数量排在全国第一,在世界范围内也名列前茅。与俄罗斯的高加索等地并称世界六大长寿地区。Land of LongevityNantong comes thr fires of the six lands of longevity in China. Nantong has
8、 very comfortable natural conditions and is quite suitable for people to live.The way people live makes them happy.The special geography location makes the people gentle and mild.There are more than 470 senior citizens over one hundered years old in Nantong .The rate of the longevity people of the p
9、opulation comes out first in China and top in the world.Just like caucasia,Nantong is one of the six longevity places in the world.苏通长江公路大桥长江流经南通,宽阔而浩瀚。隔江十里,绕江千里。自古路因水而断。这里是真正的天埑。桥是水上的路,苏通长江大桥是江上的。一桥飞架南北,天垫变通途。2001年5月,国务院批准苏通长江大桥立项。2002年10月,苏通长江大桥奠基。主桥和引桥,长达16公里。气势恢宏,如虹卧波,如龙越江。堪称长江第一桥。建成后的苏通大桥,于宁通高速
10、,沿海高速,沪宁高速,苏嘉杭高速,江苏沿江高速衔接。江北和江南的景色,苏北和苏南的风情,南通和伤害的风采,在桥边汇合,连为一线。几百年的梦想,几代人的梦想,已经实现。Sutong Yangtze River BridgeThe part of Yangtze river flowing by Nantong is more than 10 kilometers wild. The river is a natural moat that obstructs the traffic between Nantong and other cities o n the Yangtzer River.
11、In 2001,china decided to build a bridge over the Yangtze river linking Nantong and Suzhou together .The bridge will bu 16 kilometers long. Its foundation was laid in October of 2002. The bridge will connect all the highways on the south and the n orth bank of the Yangtze river.Nantong will follow th
12、e developing steps of shanghai and Suzhou and sure own a faster developing speed. The dream of generations come true.中国近代第一城张謇先生经营南通,堪称中国近代第一城。-吴良镛南通自后周显德年间建成,历史的足步已跋涉千年。回眸千年:古老的建筑、古老的街道、古老的桥梁、古老的结构支撑着古老的年代。1895年,南通在近代崛起。当大生一厂在岁月的注目下奠基,一座近代工业城市也在奠基,一个近代化城市的理念也在奠基。十年、二十年、三十年流光闪电。一座具有近代规模的城市替代了一个落后封闭的
13、封建城邑。南通的历史就此改写这是一座由中国人自己用先进规划理念设计并实施建设的具有现代意蕴的城市。这是一座在世界近代城市史上开风气之先的城市。这是一座各项事业全面推进是城市。这是一座充满人文关怀的城市。这是一座初具区域整体发展雏形的城市。这是南通中国近代第一城。Pioneer City of modern ChinaModern Nantong City that Zhang jian constructed has been confirmed to be the pioneer city of modern ChinaWu LiangyongSince being first built
14、in 958 AD, Nantong City has a history of more than a thousand years. Ancient buildings, streets and bridges make a city full of atmosphere of traditional culture. From 1895, Nantong City came to the front of the history of modern China. Since the foundation of Dasheng cotton Mill, Nantong pushed its
15、 way to industrialization and modernization. And 30 years later, a modern city rose abruptly in the place of the feudalish city which was close the world and back of time. History of Nantong was rewritten ever since. This is the first city that was planned and constructed by the advanced planning id
16、eas in modern China. Also it was a pioneer city in the city history of the world. It was a city that all social causes developed well. Also it was a city full of humanity. It was a city with rudiment of regional macro-development. This was the city of Nantong of early 1900s ,the pioneer city of Mode
17、rn China.蓝印花布蓝印花布是我国民间传统的印染工艺品之一,它以手纺、手织、手染的手工工艺,纯朴、鲜明、和谐的蓝白之美闻名于世。南通至今还继承和发展着这一古老的民间工艺,是全国唯一的明清以来不间断研究和开发民间蓝印花布的地区,被誉为中国蓝印花布之乡。蓝印花布有白底蓝花与蓝底白花之分。其纹样图案主要有动物类、植物花卉类、文字类、器物图案类、几何图案类、人物与自然景观类,体现出质朴的民间风情和美好的内心愿望。南通蓝印花布纹样图案,经过历代民间艺人和当今民间艺术家的不断传承和开发,现已达上千种之多,为全国之最。Bule cloth with Design in WhiteBule cloth
18、with design in white is traditional folk printing and dyeing art in China. With hand-spinning,hand-weaving and hand-dyeing,it is famous all over the world. Because of its simple, bright and harmonions style and beauty of “blue and white”. Nantong now is still developing this kind of ancient folk cra
19、ft. It is the only place white research and develop the blue cloth with design in white continuously since the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Nantong is the Blue cloth with design in white.南通博物苑中国博物馆的历史,从建于1905年的南通博物苑开始。其第一章第一页,写在南通古城缓缓的流淌在濠河边。直到清朝结束南通博物苑仍是中国人自己办的唯一的博物馆。园馆结合是南通博物院格局特色。园为园林、驻有荷花池、亭台、水榭、假山,植有各种珍贵树木、药草、花卉。馆有三馆,南馆、中馆、北馆,次第铺排;标本、绣品、书画,有序陈列。其藏品则分天然之属、历史之属、美术之属。设为庠序学校以教,多识草木鸟兽之名。在此可察上古之风貌,于斯可观历史之遗迹,百年岁月,见证沧桑。Nantong MuseumNantong museum, which was buit in 1905 by the river of Hao, was the staring point of history of China s museum. Till the en
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