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1、上海初一上期末英语复习()1.I want some shacks now.A. eatB. eatingC. to eatD.eats()2.Millie was born _ the evening of December 3rd. 1996.A. inB. atC. onD.of()3.Hallowen is A. on OctoberB. in OctoberC. on October 31stD.B and C()4.He is so excited his old friend.A. to seeB. seeC. to watchD. watching()5.Lusy with K

2、ittygood at English. We often help them _ their English.A. is, withB. arent, forC. arent, withD.isn t, with()6.They are _ profiles.A. Millie and Danil sB. Millie sand Danil sC. Millie s and DanilD. Mille and Danil()7.Do you know the answer question?A. toB. ofC. forD.about()8. did you see four yester

3、day? Kitty.A. Who, atB. What, inC. who, inD.What, at()9.Mr Zhang spends two hours _ film.A. seeingB. lookingC. onD.A and C()10.May I have _Coke? -Sure.A. someB.anyC. a lotD.many()11.He doesnt_ Chinese. HeEnglish.A. speak, saysB. say, speakC. say, saysD. speak, speaks( )12.Would you like fishing with

4、 me?A. go B. going C. to goD. to going( )13.There a lot of money in my packet.A. isB. areC. be D. am( )14.When you finish your homework, you may watch TV.A.doB.to doC. doingD. does)15 does Helen to school? By bike.A.What, goB.How, to goC. How, goD. How, going1. If you want to keep , you should do so

5、me exercises every day。(health )2. The bag belongs to .( she )3. Ben lives on the floor of the building. ( twelve )4. We should do our home work(careful)5. He works hardest , but he gets the money of all. ( little )6. Someone left these (puppy) and their mother in the street.7. The little panda is s

6、o (love) that we can thelp laughing.8 . . I t s fo r an ordinary plane to fly to the moon now. ( possible )V. Rewrite the following sentences as required ( 根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填 一词。共 14 分 )1. Tom has breakfast at seven oclock.( 改为一般疑问句)Tombreakfast at seve n oclock ?2. We usually visit the park once a

7、 week.(就划线部分提问)do you usually visit the park ?3. He has visited the Great Wall.(就划线部分提问) has he visited?4. Tom is so fat that he can Crun fast.( 保持句意不变)Tom isfatrun fast.5. Jim hardly talks with others after class,?(改为反意疑问句)6. We didn take a bus. We took a taxi.(合并为一句)We took a taxi taki ng a bus.7.

8、 We should be kind to dogs.(否定句)We kind to dogs.I. Choose the best an swer.(20%)t D. She is.D. to usD. un comfortably1. Mr Whiter thoughtwould be comfortable to work in an air-conditioned room.A. thatB. thisC. whatD.it2.Heresome milk for your mother.A. isB. hasC. haveD.are3.The Earth is closeMars.A.

9、 forB. toC. likeD.the4.beautiful Park it is!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD.How a5.Would you likewith me to watch the show in the theatre?A. to goingB. goingC. to goD.go6. Weregoing to watch some carto ons from America.A. tooB. bothC. alsoD.or7.I don have tooCoke any Ion ger.A. veryB. muchC. mostD.many8. Yo

10、ur mother isn ta doctor, is she?A. Yes, she isB.No, she is.C.Yes, she isn9. Our En glish teacher is kind. She ofte n smiles.A. for usB.by usC.from us10. The sudde n loud no ise made me.A. comfortableB.un comfortableC.comfortably11. Plastic bags have raised serious environmen tai pollutio n,?A. haven

11、 theyB. have theyC. don theyD. do they12.1the movie Tran sformers twice.A. have see nB. seeC. will seeD. had see n13. The Lantern Festival usuallyin January or February.A. comeB. comesC. is comingD. will come14. off this dirty shirt and I will give you a clea n one.A. PickB. PutC. CarryD. Take15. Wh

12、ere is your sister?Sheto the supermarket.A. has bee n to B. has gone to C. is gone toD. is bee n in16. Which picture do you like, the big onethe small one?A. better, orB. more, orC. better, andD. more, and8 / 717. We enjoyedvery much yesterday.A. myselfB. ourselfC. ourselvesD. themselves18. Theresom

13、e meat and some apples on the table.A. isB. areC. wereD. be19. There is onlybread in the fridge. We n eed to buy some more.A. littleB.a littleC.a fewD.few20. Some of us thi nk that water isthan the fire.A. more safe B. more saferC. much saferD.muchsafeII. Fill in the bla nks with the proper form of

14、the word give n. (10%)1. Werelook ing forward to the Summer Holiday. (real)2. Your kite is moretha n mi ne. (colour)3. Itto fly kites in the park in windy day. (funny)in spring.4. Kitty coulduse orange juice for the Iced Fruit Pun ch. (possible)5. You should take care of yourself because the weather

15、 in Garden City is (cha nge)III. Fill in the bla nks with the proper verb. (10%)1. We(teach) the boy for 3 hours.2. If I _ (be) free next Sun day, I(write) to Eddie.3. Please turn off the radio. The babies(sleep).4. Swimmi ng(allow) here.5. The sun(shi ne) brightly yesterday.IV. Rewrite the senten c

16、es. (10%)1. When spring comes, birds start singing.(就划线部分提问 ) - when spring comes?2. This sign means people mustn swim here.(就戈U线部分提问 )this sig n?3. We can send E-mail with computers.(就戈U线部分提问 )weE-mail?4. These questi ons can be an swered in this way.(反意疑问句)These questi ons can be an swered in this

17、 way,?5. Sally prefers play ing table tennis. So do I.(合并成一句)Can ada Geese are large blue and white birds. When autu mn arrives, they have to fly south where the weather is warmer. The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds die if they stay there.Last spri ng. Bill Lishma n found sixtee n youn

18、g Can ada Geese on his farm. They had lost their parents. Bill thought, These young birds won know what to do in the autumn. ”Bill had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him. All through the summer, he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese flew after him.When th

19、e cold weather arrived in autumn. Bill flew to Virginia in the United States, 600 miles south of his home in Canada. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virginia and he retur ned home.This spring, Bill was waiting for the birds to come back. They didnarrive, so Bill flew toVir

20、ginia to get them. He looked for them for two weeks but he could ntfi nd them.When he arrived back home, Bill found the geese wait ing for him. They had found their way home without him!Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内)()1. Canada Geese have to fly south in .A. spri ngB. autu

21、 mnC. win terD. summer()2. The young birds so they could follow Bill to Virginia.A. were well trainedB. went on trips in Bill s pla neC. liked BillD. lost their pare nts()3. Bill took the birds to Virgi nia because .A. it warmer thereB. it 600 miles away from his homeC. he wan ted the birds to fly a

22、fter himD. it sa beautiful place in the United States()4. Bill decided to teach the birds to fly after him because .A. his pla ne was smallB. he liked to play with themC. he wan ted the birds to find their pare ntsD. he wan ted to take them to the South()5. The birds returned to Bill home .A. in Bil

23、l planeB. by themselvesC. i n the win terD. i n the autu mn()6. From the passage we can know that BillA. likes the birds very muchB. is an America n bird-loverC. stayed in Virgi nia with the birdsD. didn see the bird any moreCJack loves traveli ng by train. Traveli ng by train is very comfortable. M

24、ost of the trains are air-c on diti on ed, warm in win ter and cool in summer. Jack usually chooses a non-smok ing sect ion, tak ing a seat by the window so he can enjoy the outside views. If it is a ni ght train, the experie nee can be more excit ing. He just sleeps the whole ni ght and the next da

25、y he will be in a new city. By the way, he never has to worry about his meals. The train provides food around the clock.Traveling by train has another advantage (优点):you may meet some old friends or you can liste n to people talk ing about someth ing of your in terest. Last week whe n he was on a tr

26、ain, for instance(例如),he ran into a primary school classmate. They didn expect(预期)that they could bump into (偶遇)each other that way. They talked about many things: the games they played, the jokes they made on their classmates and the funny things they had done.An swer the followi ng questi ons (根据短

27、文内容,回答问题)1. What does Jack love?He loves traveling .2. Why does Jack love traveli ng by train?Because traveling by train .3. What secti on does he usually choose?He usually chooses a.4. Does the train provides food all day and ni ght?5. Who did Jack run into last week?A .6. What do you thi nk of Jac

28、k accord ing to the passage?He likes to travelVI. Choose the words or expressi ons and complete the passageJoe wan ted a computer. He asked his pare nts for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He 1about this whe n he walked home. Not many peoplewan ted to ask child

29、re n to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the n eighbours. But it was not win ter. He had to wait a long time for that. He could n cut the grass for their garde ns 2_ he had no tools to do the work with.Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering (送)the newspaper. “ could do t

30、hat”,he thought. Maybe I could even get the computer right away (马上).1 could pay 3 it a little each week. He ran to catch up with Dick. Joe asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was possible to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took 4 three hours each ni ght. Dick

31、5 him the phone nu mber of the n ewspapers man ager.Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother what he thought, she smiled. I think it is_6_ idea, she said, Ilcall the newspaperWait, Mum, ” Joe said, fllcall. After that, I Joesmother smiled happily.m going to be abus in essma n.()1. A. saidB

32、. toldC. thoughtD.spoke()2. A. becauseB. whe nC. whileD. after()3. A. onB. toC. ofD. for()4. A. atB. about()5. A. taughtB. gave()6. A. bigB. largeC. beforeD. afterC. madeD.askedC. greatD. badVII. Read the passage and fill in the bla nks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空一词,首字母已给)Robert and Br

33、uno took a t to San Fran cisco last July. They went there to visitDomi nick. He is a friend from their old n eighborhood in Rome (罗马).They went there by train because they w to see more of the United States. The trip took two days and nights.They a in San Fran cisco at midni ght. Domi nick met them

34、at the train stati on. Theywere so h to see him. The next day, they went sightseeing. They rode the cable cars, sawthe Golden Gate Bridge, and had lunch at Fisherman Wharf. At Fisherman Wharf, they sthe fish ing boats come in. The n ext day, they visited the Uni versity of California. Domi nick is a

35、 stude nt there. Robert and Bruno liked the campus (校园).They thought that it was very big and very beautiful.They saw all of San Fran cisco before they left. Domin ick took them e . They retur ned toNew Orleans (新奥尔良)by plane because they didnhave time to return by train.VII. Write at least sixty words about the topic Summer Holidays ”.(以暑假”为题,写一段不 少于60个单词的短文,标点符号不占格)What do you think of su


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