



1、Set set about 1. 开始做 (某事) We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm. 我们立刻兴致勃勃地干起来。 The girl attendant has set about cleaning the room. 那位女服务员已开始打扫房间。 2. 攻击 , 抨击 (某人 ) He would certainly defend himself if anybody sets about him. 要是有谁攻击他 , 他当然会进行自卫的。 In a very forceful speech he set about hi

2、s critics. 他以有力的发言驳斥了他的批评者。 3. 非正散布 (谣言 ) Someone is always setting stories about that the Prince is to be married. 有人总是在散布谣言说什么王子要结婚。 set apart 1. 分开放 , 隔离开 Set the fighting boys apart. 把打架的男孩拉开。 2. 留出 , 拨出 I have set apart a little money for our holidays. 我留出一点钱准备我们度假用。 3. 突出 , 区别 Her bright red s

3、carf set her apart from the other girls. 她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出。 set aside 1. 把放置一旁,不理会 Setting the chair aside, he sat on the floor. 他把椅子搁到一旁 , 坐在地板上。 I warn them not to do it, but my objections were set aside. 我警告他们不要那样做 , 但他们没有理会。 2. 取消 , 驳回 The Appeal Court set aside the prisoners sentence. 上诉法院撤

4、销了对刑事被告的判决。 3. 留出 The hotel manager set aside two pleasant rooms for us. 旅店经理给我们留出两间舒适的房间 set down 1. (使)放下, (使)坐下 He set me down in a comfortable chair. 他让我坐在一张舒适的椅子里。 The desk was set down before the window. 把书桌放在窗前。 2. 制定 , 确定 It is necessary to set down these additional rules. 有必要制定这些补充规则。 3. 降落

5、 We set down in a heavy fog. 我们在浓雾中降落。 The pilot was able to set the damaged plane down safely in a field. 那位飞行员终于把已损坏的飞机安全地降落在一片旷野上。 4. (叫)下车 The bus set the children down just outside the school gate. 公共汽车让孩子们正好在学校门口下车。 The second passenger asked to be set down at the church. 第二位乘客请求在教堂前下车。 5. 记下

6、He was asked to set down the facts just as he remembered them. 他被要求根据记忆把事实写下来。 set back 1. 向后移 Why dont you set your chair back a little to get a better view? 你怎么不把椅子向后移一下好看得更清楚点儿 ? 2. 推迟 , 耽搁 The accident has set them back several weeks. 那次事故已使他们耽搁了几个星期。 All their efforts at reform have been set ba

7、ck. 他们所有的改革努力都遭受到挫折。 3. 拨慢 Ill set my watch back five minutes. 我要把我的表拨慢五分钟。 4. 花费 The dinner set me back 50 dollars. 晚饭花了我 50 美元。 set off 1. 出发 , 动身 He proposed to set off immediately. 他建议立即动身。 2. (使)开始; 引起 She had stopped crying but his shouting set her off again. 她已经不哭了 , 但是他的大声喊叫使她又哭了起来。 If uncon

8、trolled, the shortage would set off a new rise in meat prices. 如果不加控制 , 这种短缺会引起肉价再次上涨。 That set all of them off laughing again. 那又惹得他们哄堂大笑。 3. 点燃 , 爆炸 Be careful that you dont set the fireworks off by mistake. 当心点 , 别弄错了引起那些爆竹爆炸。 The children are setting fireworks off in the garden. 孩子们在花园里燃放烟火。 set

9、 out 1. 动身 , 出发 A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport. 我们正要前往机场时来了一位客人。 2. 着手 , 开始 The government has set out to make many needed reforms. 政府开始进行许多必要的改革。 3. 安排 , 组织 They set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten. 他们摆好会议的坐椅 , 每排十把椅子。 My plans for the firm have been set

10、 out in this document. 我为公司制定的各项计划都写在这份文件中了。 set up 1. 直立:放于竖直位置 2. 组装:集合并装配 They set the general up as a dictator. 他们赋与将军指挥者的权力 He has set himself up as an authority on the English language 他自称是英语专家 Set up a new machine. 组装一台新机器 3. 建立 Set up a charity. 建立一家慈善机构 4. 引起,使产生 They set up howls of protes

11、t over new taxes. 他们发起反对新税的吼声 5. 开始经商:通过提供资本、设备或其它支持而建立企业 6. 为(饮料)付账 7. 【非正式用语】 刺激或鼓励 A victory that really set the team up. 胜利鼓舞了球队 8. 计划:制定计划 Set up a kidnapping. 策划绑架 9. 【非正式用语】 哄骗:通过欺骗使(他人)妥协 Swindlers have set me up. 骗子骗了我 set in 1. 插入 Set in the sleeve of a gown. 插入礼服袖子中 2. 开始:开始发生或出现 “ Evenin

12、g was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top - Charles ”Sie( bert) “当我行于山顶公路时夜幕降临”(-查尔斯谢伯特) 3. (风)水向岸(吹)流:移向岸边。用于风和水 set on 1. 开始雇用 Trade was so good that the firm was able to set on more workers. 该公司生意兴隆 , 所以有能力雇用更多的工人。 2. 把置于之上 The hostess set a lamp on the table. 女主人把一盏灯放在桌子上。 He set his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. 他把手搭在我肩上 , 使我感到安慰。 3. 攻击(某人) She was set on by a thief in the park. 她在公园里遭到一个窃贼的袭击。 set to 1. 非正开始努力干 He set to with a will and soon finished it. 他下定决心做这件事 , 很快就完成了。 2. 大吃起来 They set to as soon as food was put on the table. 食物一摆上桌子 , 他们就狼吞虎咽


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