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1、学生英语演讲稿3 篇学生英语演讲稿篇1Title of my speech today is:water conservation, from the start bit. Students maythink, a drop of water is insignificant. However, Irecentlysaw a setofdataisveryenlightening:Ithasbeen dating, if the drip constant flow can be set in1 hour to 3.6 kg of water, set within 1 month to 2.

2、6tons of water. The amount of water, enough to give aperson a half a year living expenses. Visible, bit bybit to waste water should not be taken. Water on Earthand the planets inhabitants have a huge impact, bothin the family, factory, or in rural areas, water isindispensablepeople.More thantwo-thir

3、dsofthe humanbodyiswater,wedrinkeveryday,sweatingandbreathing when used to supplement the loss of water tostayhealthy.A person overfourdays withoutwatercannot exist, and a ton of water a year just to maintainhealthylife.I suddenly came torealizethattherearewords ofphilosophersaid:Ifwe do notconserve

4、 water,the worlds last drop of water is our human tears!As a primary school, although we can not conservewatertomake earth-shatteringevent,butwe can beginto act. For example, see someone wasting water, we canactively promote water conservation significance; sawsome in the dripping faucet, we can rea

5、dily go off thepast; do re-use of water resources to collect theirwashing water, laundry water flush toilets. Been madeto statistics, Chinas 1.3 billion people if everyonesaves a drop of water, will save 45 tons of water! Howamazingdata,ah,thinkofthemotherlandandthesurging Yangtze River Yellow River

6、, was not one dropof water from the pool made of it?Fellowstudents,letus join hands, fromourselvesand fromnow, carryingforwardthetraditionalvirtuesof the Chinese nation-goingtosave every drop of water,to build good quality homes to our efforts to it!学生英语演讲稿篇2thepoetsaid:springflowerstothe door pushe

7、d open。 isaid:thanksgivingtothedoorpushed open the living. if you carefully listen to thevoicesofflowers,areeverywhereharmoniouslifemovement.then,as a middleschoolstudent,how thanksgiving?firstthanksgivingtheirparents,becauseeveryones life is a continuation of the parents of oneblood, all of the par

8、ents gave us love, let us enjoythe human worldofaffectionand happiness,therefore,we would like to thank the parents.teachers are our growth领路人 , are our friends,teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let usbenefitforlife,we pay for teacherseffortsand sweat,we should thanksgiving teachers.stud

9、entsstudy thelivesof ourfellowstudentstoencourageeachother,helpeachother,to jointlyovercome difficulties and setbacks, the common tasteof successandhappinesslearning,weshouldbegratefulforevery day and we accompaniedthe students.thanksgiving-fighting,thanksgivingunlimited!students, and society thanks

10、giving! let us always tothe life caring and full of love and love!学生英语演讲稿篇3Im veryglad to make a speech here!Id like to tell you something about water saving.As we know, nearly 75% of the Earth surface iscovered with water, But about 97% of this huge amountis sea water or salt water. Man can only dr

11、ink and usethe rest 3%, but most of it has been polluted.There are more than 400 cities poor with water inChina. Millions of people dont have enough water fordrinking, many of them die because of lack of water .There are many big factories in China. They put thedirty and poisonous water in the river

12、, such as theYellowRiver,the Chang JiangRiver,theYangtze Riverand so on. It pollutes the river and makes people havemany strangediseases.Manypeopledontknowhowimportantthewater is.They oftenthink:Ipay forthewater I used, its none of others business. How foolishand how selfish the thought is. They don

13、t turn off thetap when they finish washing their hands in the publictoilet because the water is free-paying. Most of thestudents in the university use big basins of water towash fruits. Because theyhave paid a lotfortheroomfee. Some of the middle school students use the waterfor drinking to play jok

14、es on others just for fun. Butwho has thought about our life in the future? Who hasthoughtaboutthepeoplewithoutwater?Whohas thoughtabout the future of the world?Why dont people know how to save it until we havelost it? Why dont people know how important the wateris untilthelastdrop of waterbecomes o

15、urtears?Letssave the water, for you, for me , for the future.Reuse the water which you wash the fruits to cleanthe toilets. Reuse the water which you wash your faceto cleanthefloorand furniture.Reuse thewater whichyou wash thericeto watertheflowers.Ithinkitsthegood way to save water.Itnotonlysaveswater


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