



1、梦希堡知识分享官认证考试例题通过梦希竺知识分享官认证考试可享受梦希堡量新的福利经裁津瓯 垠据各地区中职升学考试,单考单招、髙Bn考.五年一更制、3+2、3+4考试内容进行标准化制走认证考试大纲,确保若希堡认证考试的科学公平科目三英语ID/Name : LeVel : EdUCatiOnal background : From:考试法和时间考试方法为闭卷、笔试、必要时面试(高分者)。试卷滿分为100分,考试时间为120分钟。二、试卷内容比例(听说选考)词汇语法约10%约10%约30%写作约20%约30%面试(选)三、题型和题星选择题(全为四选一)词汇10题,语法10題,阅读10题,翻译2題,写作

2、2题.四、试题难易比例(含作文、翻译)容易题中等难度题较难题约20%约30%约50%Part1:VOCabUIafy 10%DlreCtions: There are ten WOrdS Or PhraSeS in this section. Beneath each expressions, there are four words Or phrases, marked A、B、C and D, respectively ChOOSe a WOrd Or PhraSe that best COmPIeteS the sentence. Mark your anSWer On AnSWer S

3、heet 1.D identification CardIremarkA瞬B檢主C瀟D成语2.developme ntA发展B ESSC电梯D渓场3.prosperousA资产的B目的的C繁荣的D齢的4. VitalA里妾的B十字的C急切的D寒决的5. mushroomA迅速生长B缓慢生长C毛刷间D杂物间6身份证A Identify CardB PerSOn CardC indispensable Card7.3EZHlA ASia B ViSaC PiZZaD OCean island出卷人:梦希堡墜主QQ : 1968960196梦希堡知识分享官认证考试例题通过梦希竺知识分享官认证考试可享

4、受梦希堡量新的福利经裁津瓯 垠据各地区中职升学考试,单考单招、髙Bn考.五年一更制、3+2、3+4考试内容进行标准化制走认证考试大纲,确保多希墜认证考试的科公平.梦希堡知识分享官认证考试例题通过梦希竺知识分享官认证考试可享受梦希堡量新的福利经裁津瓯 垠据各地区中职升学考试,单考单招、髙Bn考.五年一 更制、3+2、3+4考试内容进行标准化制走认证考试大纲,确保多希墜认证考试的科学公平.8.壇加A decreaseB increaseC improveD PreCede9姦殖A multipleB multiplyC PrOSPerD Odd10.SA flight B fightC flewD

5、 finger出卷人:梦希堡墜主QQ : 19689601965Part2 : Grammar10%DlreCtions: There are ten SentenCeS in this section. Beneath each Sentencesi there are four ChOiCeS Under each Sentere, marked A、B、C and D, respectively. ChOOSe a OPtiOn that best COmPIeteS the Sentence. Mark your anSWer On AnSWer Sheet 1.11.most Ofa

6、re students.A theyB themC thisD XiaOMing12.Oh no! Ito join in the activity in the morning.A didn, t B haven tC amD forgot13.Only in this way,do it, because We are a male team and remember a Saying never give upA We CanB Can WeC SheD Can She14.She havefinished her assgnment.A already B OKC COrreCtlyD

7、 SlgnifiCant15. For this SeCtiOrx, it might be difficult for you.A to think B I thinkCI thoughtD think16. FOr these apples, 1 don t ICnOwI Iikel SO that I buy it all.A thatB WhatC at WhiChD WhiCh17. Does the VOCatiOnal SChOOl StUdents have not brilliant futurethey tan earn much money ? I dont think

8、so.A that B/C andD being18. He is extremely fond Of the CaStIe Of dreams and hopesis a SOUrCeS Of happiness and contentment.A IWhiCh B andC itDthat19.1 WiShImeet John. HOW awful he is!C that Canr tD that don t have toA that haven t B that didnz t20.Yesterday r the doctor from No.l nOrth Center hospi

9、tal SUggeSted that youtake SOme medicine.A ShOUld或不填B CanC不填D might或不填Part3 : ReadingCOmPrehension30%DireCtiOns: There are 2 PaSSageS in this SeCtiOn. EaCh PaSSage is followed by SOme questiOnS Or Unfinished statements. FOr each Of them there are four ChOiCeS marked AZBfC and D. YOU ShOUId decide On

10、 the best ChOiCe and mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On AnSWer Sheet 1 With a SingIe Iine through the center.TEXTIPUmaS are Iarger Catlile animals WhiCh are found in AmeriCa. When reports Came into LOndOn ZOO that a Wild PUma had been SPOtted fortyfive miles SOUth Of LOndOrX they Were not taken SenOUS

11、ly. HOWeVerr as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the ZOO felt Obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by PeOPle WhO CIaimed to have Seen the PUma Were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the PUma began in a SmaIl ViIIage Where a WOman PiCking blackberries SaW ,a Iarge cat O

12、nly five yards away from her. It immediately ran away When She SaW itf and experts COnflrmed that a PUma WiIl not attack a human being UnIeSS it is COrnered. The SearCh PrOVed difficult, for the PUma WaS Often ObSerVed at One PIaCe in the morning and at another PlaCe twenty miles away in the evening

13、. WhereVer it Went, it Ieft behind it a trail Of dead deer and SmaIl animals Iike rabbits. PaW PrintS Were Seen in a nUmber Of PIaCeS and PUma fur WaS found Clinging to bushes. SeVeral PeOPIe COmPIained Of catlike noises at nIght and a businessman On a fishing trip SaW the PUma UP a tree.The experts

14、 Were now fully COnVinCed that the animal WaS a PUmal but Where had it COme from ? AS no PUmaS had been reported missing from any ZOO in the COUntry this One must have been in the POSSeSSiOn Of a PnVate COIIeCtOr and SOmehOW man aged to escape. The hunt went on for SeVeral WeekSl but the PUma WaS no

15、t CaUght It is disturbing to think that a dangerous Wild animal is StiII at Iarge in the quiet COUntryside.21.FrOm the PaSSagef We know thatA PUma is a CatB PUma is IGndS Of mild animalC PUma IS UnknOWn What it isD PUma is White22.it Can SOIVe this research early WhlCh true might be?A it might be SO

16、lVed early if PeOPIe are keep CaUtiOUS attitude.B it might be SOIVed early if PeOPle are PrOVide SOme USefUl ClUeS for researchers.C TO get more COrreCt descnptions about Puma.D TO tell PeOPle go home immediately.23. From the PaSSagef We know that the CharaCter Of PUma isA tameB SafetyC mildD Unbeli

17、evable24. FrOm What the PaSSage discussed above, We knowAitiSa UnSafe report, We WOUld better to take SOme PreParing by WatChing TV.B We must tell POliCemen When We IOOk pumas.CitiSa UnSafe report that don t happen in the future.DItiSa dangerous report that We must focus On at Ongin.25. How many PeO

18、Ple IOOked this puma?A3B4C5D6TEXT2NOt all SOUndS made by animals SerVe as Ianguage, and We have Only to turn to that extraordinary discovery Of echo-location in bats to See a CaSe in WhiCh the VOiCe PIayS a StnCtIy Utilltanan role.TO get a full appreciation Of What this means We must turn first to S

19、Ome recent human inventions. EVeryOne knows that if he ShOUtS in the ViCinlty Of a WaIl Or a mountainSideZ an echo Will COme back. The further Off this SOlid ObStrUCtiOnZ the IOnger time WiIl elapse for the return Of the echo. A SOUnd made by tappng On the hull Of a ShiP WiIl be reflected from the S

20、ea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt Of the echoes, the depth Of the Sea at that POintCan be calculated. SO WaS born the ech osounding apparatus, now in gen era I USe in ships. EVery SOlid ObjeCt WiIl reflect a SOUnd, Varying according to the SiZe and nature

21、 Of the ObjeCt. A ShOal Of fish WiIl do this. SO it is a COmParatiVely SimPle SteP from IOCating the Sea bottom to IOCating a ShOal Of fish. With experience, and WIth improved apparatus, it is now POSSlbIe not OnIy to IOCate a ShOal but to tell if it is herring, cod, Or Other well-known fish, by the

22、 Pattern Of its echo.It HaS been found that Certain bats emit SqUeakS and by receiving the echoes, they en IOete and Steer Clear Of ObStaCIeS Or IOCate flying inSeCtS On WhiCh they feed. ThiS echo-location in bats is Often COmPared Wlth radar, the PnnCiPIe OfWhiCh is SimiIar-26. From the ParagraPh I

23、f We know thatA NOt all SOUndS made by animals SerVe as Ianguage,because animals Iike bat can t speak.B The bat has different function voice.C The VOICe from mammal animal Iike bats PIayS CrUCial role in IOCatiOn.D Different animals SerVe as Ianguage.27. Echo-soUnding apparatus are born OWing toA Th

24、e interval Of time.B The interval Of voice.C The interval Of distance.D The interval Of depth.28. How Can We IOCate the fish Under the sea?A A ShOal Of fish Will do this.B AnaIySe the time Of source.C Make SOme devices to COmPUte the time Of reflecton.D Carrying a bat When We explore in the sea.29.

25、From the IaSt ParagraPhr We know thatA The bat is human S teacher.B PeOPIe also Can make SOme tools With bats due to the advantage Of animals.C The developme nt Of modern tech no IOgy Ongi nate from nature.D Carrying a bat When We explore in the sea.30. FrOm the PaSSage discussed above, We Can knowA NatUre is more WiSer than PeOPIe


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