已阅读5页,还剩46页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1初中英语常见固定搭配(一 )加-ing1enjoy / like doing sth 喜欢做 -2、spend.(in) doing sth 在做 -花费3、be busy doing sth 忙于做 -4 finish doing sth 完成做 -5look forward to + doing sth期待做 -6 feel like doing sth. 意欲做某事7Thank you for (doing) sth为了 -感谢你8、mind doing sth 介意做某事9、prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事10、can t help/stop/st

2、and doing sth情.不自禁做某事11、 have fun doing sth. 很高兴做某事12be against doing sth 反对做某事13 have difficulty (in) /trouble/problems/a experience doing sth. 做某事有困难;问题;经验14 prefer doing to doing. 宁愿 (选择 ); 更喜欢15、keep(on) doing sth 保持做某事16、 practice doing sth 练习做某事17consider doing sth 考虑做某事18 avoid doing sth 躲避做某

3、事19make contribution to doing sth. 为 作贡献20、give up doing sth.( 放弃做某事 )21、be worth doing sth 值得做某事22、be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事23 allow doing sth 允许某事发生24 What/how about doing sth 做 .怎么样25 end up doing sth 结束做某事26、There is .doing sth 某.人某物正在做某事27 see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事28 devete to doing sth 致力于

4、做某事29be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事30 stop doing 停止做某事31stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事32instead of doing sth代替做某事33 suggest doing sth 建议做某事34 noting against running没有理由反对某事35miss doing sth 错过做某事 36 paid/pay atiention to doing sth 注意做某事37be worth doing sth 值得做某事38 be good at doing sth 擅长于做某事39do ones pa

5、rt in doing sth尽 指责做某事40be so close to doing sth 几乎要做某事了 41 continue doing sth 持续做某事42be interested in doing sth对做某事感兴趣43be comfortable doing sth做某事很自如 44 be always doing sth 总是做某事45dream of doing sth梦想着做某事46 be against doing sth 反对做某事47 be for doing sth 支持做某事(二)加 -to 的结构1、decide to do sth 决定去做 -2、w

6、ould like / want to do想要做 -3 ask/tell/want/enough (sb)to do 要求 /告诉想要 /鼓励 (某人 )去做 -4、It s+adj +for sb +to do sth做.-对某人来说 (怎么样 )5 It takes sb some time to do sth 在做 - 花费一段时间6、decide/ hope /agree/learn, 决定 /希望 /同意 /学会去做某事7、refuse to do sth拒绝去做某事8except sb to do sth 期盼某人去做某事9、plan to do sth计划去做某事10、ffor

7、d to do sth.负担得起做某事211、 agree to do sth. 同意做某事12、beg to do sth.请求做某事13、choose to do sth. 决定做某事14 offer to do sth.主动提出做某事15、prepare to do sth. 准备做某事16、pretend to do sth. 假装做某事17、aim to do sth. 打算做某事18、 fail to do sth.未能做某事19、happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事20、 can t wait to do sth 迫不及待去做某事21、be ready /afraid

8、/sure to do sth准备 / 害怕 / 确定去做某事22urge sb to do sth 渴望某人去做某事23be allowed to do sth 被允许去做某事 24 hope to do sth希望去做某事26find it adj for sb to do sth 发现做某事对某人来说是 -27prefer to do rather than do宁愿做 -而不愿意做 - 28 use sth to do sth 使用某物去做某事29 be used to do sth 被使用去做某事30 used to do sth 曾经做某事 31try one s best to

9、do 尽sth某人最大努力做某事do one s best to do sth32 be seen to do sth 被看见做某事33be made to do sth 被迫做某事34 It s time for sb to do sth到某人做某事的时间了35 teach sb to do sth 教某人去做某事36 allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事37 allow doing 允许某事发生38warn sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事39advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事40 make a decision to do sth 下决心去做

10、某事41 help sb(not )to do sth帮助某人做某事42 get sb to do sth 使某人做某事43 have an opportunity to do有机会去做某事44 urge sb to do sth 强烈要求某人做某事45 be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事46 seem to do sth 好像去做某事47 learn to do sth 学会做某事48 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事49 wish sb to do sth 希望某人去做某事50 it s dream to do sth 做某事是 的梦想51 dare t

11、o do sth 敢于做某事52 have a chance to do sth 有机会去做某事53 hurry to do sth 着急做某事54 no reason to do sth 没有理由去做某事55 be going to do sth 打算去做某事56 be up to sb to do sth 做某事是由某人决定的57 hope to do sth 希望做某事58 make an effort to do sth努力去做某事59 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事60 a good place to do sth 一个做某事的好地方61 have (no)

12、time to do sth (没)有时间去做某事62 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事63 make sure to do sth 确保做某事64 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事(三) 下列结构不带 to 的动词不定式1、let / make sb do sth 让某人做某事2 had better (not) do sth 最好(不)做某事。3 Would you please (not ) do sth ?请你(不) 做某事么?4 、Why not do sth 为什么不做某事? 5、Why don t you do?为什么不做某事?

13、6、Shall we do sth ? 我们将要做某事好么? 7 Please do sth 请做某事8would rather do than do宁愿做 而不愿做 -9have sb do sth 是某人做某事10 pretend to do 假装做 -(四)加 -to 或-ing 意思不同1、go on to do sth.继续做另外一件事2、go on doing sth. 继续做同一件事3、forget to do忘记去做 -( 还没做 )4、 forget doing忘记做过了 -( 已做 )35 remember to do 记得去做 -( 还没做 ) 6、remember do

14、ing 记得做过了 -( 已做 )7、try to do sth尽力去做某事8、try doing sth尝试着做某事9、stopdoing sth 停止做某事10、stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事11、 hear /see/watch/find/notice /feel sb doing sth听见 /看见 /观察 /发现 /注意某人正在做某事12、 hear /see/watch/find/notice/feel sbdo sth 听见 /看见 /观察 /发现 /注意某人做某事13. regret doing后悔曾做过某事15 mean doing 意味着做某事17 nee

15、d to do sth 需要去做某事14 regret to do sth遗憾要做某事16 mean to do sth 打算做某事18 need doing sth 需要被做某事初中英语词组大全A1 a few 一些2、. a little 一点;少量3 a number of 若干的;许多的4 the number of - 的数量5 a pair of一双;一副6 a bottle/glass/cup of 一瓶 /玻璃杯 /杯-7 arrive at/in 到达某地8 as as 一样9 at first 起先;开始的时候10 at once 立刻;马上11 a kind of一种。一

16、类12 a moment later 片刻之后13 a piece of 一块 /张/片14 all day(long)整天,一天到晚15 all kinds of各种各样16 all ones life一生; 终生17 all over到处18 all over the world 全世界19 all right行了;好吧20 all the same 仍然21 all the time 一直;始终22as-as one can (asas possible) 尽量23 as soon as 一就24 at breakfast早餐时25 at first起先;开始的时候26 at home

17、在家27 at last最后28 at night在夜里29 at noon 在中午30 at once 立刻31 at school在学校32 at the back of 在 -的后面33 at the head of在 -的前面34 at the moment 此刻;目前35 at the same time 同时36 at times有时;时常37 at work在工作38 according to 根据。按照439 as usual通常,平常地40 at the end of 在 -的末端41 ask for请求;询问42 the answer to the question 问题的

18、答案43 agree with sb同意某人的建议44 at the beginning of 在-开始的时候45 after all毕竟46 ahead of 在 -前面47 all of a sudden 突然;猛地48 along with 连同;除 -以外还49 at the top of 在 的顶部或顶端50 as a second language 作为一门第二语言51 as-as possible / as-as one can/could 尽可能 52 at present 现在53 at least 至少54 as far as I know据我所知55 as well 也B

19、1 be interested in 对 .感兴趣2 be able to 能;会3 be afraid of 害怕4 be amazed at 对.感到惊讶5 be excited about 对 .感到兴奋6 be filled with用 .充 满7 be full of 充满 .的8 be good at =do well in在.方面做得好;善于9 be late for 迟到10 be made in 在.生产或制造11 be made of 由.组成;由 .(看见原材料 ). 12 be pleased with 对.感到满意13 be made from由 组成(看不见原材料1

20、4 be proud of 以.自豪 /高兴15 be used for 用于16 be busy doing 忙着做 17 be angry with sb.生某人的气18 be angry at/about sth因某事生气19 be friendly to对友好20 by accident 偶然地, 21. be born出生22 be in agreement 意见一致 .23 by mistake 错误地24 be different from和 不同25 be good at 善于26 be good for对 有益的 27be bad for对 有害的28 be late for

21、迟到29 break down 损坏30 by the way顺便一提31 be bad at拙于 -32 be like像33 be/get ready准备好34 be sure 肯定;确定35 by the way顺便说一下36 by then 到那时37 be worried about担心;忧虑38 belong to属于39 between-and 在-两者之间40 borrow-from从-借42 both -and 两者都43 buy sth for sb =buy sb sth 为某人买某物45 by bus 乘公共汽车46 be willing to do愿意做某事47 be

22、 born with天生具有48 be frends with sb成为某人的朋友49 be hard on sb对某人苛刻;对某人严厉50 be harmful to对 -有害51 be known for (=be famous for) 以-而闻名 52 be thirsty for渴望53 be responsible for对-有责任54 be thankful to sb对某人心存感激55 believe in信任56 bring back 恢复57 by the end of在-(某一时间点)以前58 by the time 在-以前59 be allowed to do sth

23、 被允许干 60 break off突然终断61 be terrified of害怕62 be strict with对某人严格63 be strict in 在某事上严格要求64 be serious about doing sth热衷做某事65 be willing to 愿意做 -66 dream of/about梦想67 be in the shape of 从 的形状5C1. come from 出生于来自于2 cut down 砍倒3 clean up 清除;收拾干净4 come over 过来顺便来访5 catch up with 赶上6 come up with 找到;提出7c

24、omparewith 与 对比8 care about 关心 ,担心 ,在乎9 cut up 切开 ; 切碎10 come true 实现11 come back 回来12 come down 下来13 come in 进来14 come out 出版;出现15 come over 顺便来访16 come around 拜访17 change one s mind改变想法 /注意18 cheer (sb.) up使(某人 )高兴、19 change into 把 变成,转换成20 communicate with 与 交流21 chat -with 与 闲聊22 connect-with与 相

25、连接23 call in 召来;叫来24 clean-off把-擦掉25 costume party化妆舞会26 complain about抱怨27 concentrate-on- 注意力集中于28 care about关心29 classical music民族音乐30 call up打电话D1 deal with 对付,处理2 dress up穿上盛装3 do one s best尽最大努力4 day after day 日复一日地;天天5 do well 做的很好6 do a good job 干得好7 divide into 把 分开8 drive sb crazy/mad 使某人发

26、疯9 drop by 顺便访问10 dance to随 -跳舞11 depend on 依靠;依赖12 dress up as 装扮成E1 eat up 吃完2 either or 不是 就是3 enjoy oneself 过得愉快4 escape from从哪里逃跑出来5 end up最终成为6 either-or或者 -或者 -7 enjoy oneself 过得愉快8F1 fall behind落后;跟不上2 fall off跌落;掉下3 feel like doing sth. 想要做某事4 find out查明;发现;了解5 fall asleep睡觉;入睡6 fall down跌倒

27、;从 . 落下7 far away遥远8 from now on从今以后9 from-to 从-到 -10 for example例如11 first of all首先12 from time to time 时常;有时13 fix up 修理14 -fill-with用 填充G1 get back 返回取回2. get dressed 穿衣服3 get off 下车4. get on 上车5 get up 起床6 get bored厌烦7.go shopping去购物8 grow up 成年;长大成人9.get to 到达 .10 get married结婚11 get together 相

28、聚12 give out分发13 give up doing 放弃 14 get down 下来;落下15 give away 赠送616 get back 回来;取回17 get off 下来;从 .下来18 get on 上 (车 )19 get on(aiong )well wit与 .相处融洽20 get dressed 穿衣服21 get home 到家22 get into 进入;搭乘;陷入23 get out of 出来24 get ready to do准备做 -25 give a call 打电话26 get warm/long变暖 /长27 go for a walk散步2

29、8 go home 回家29 go on 继续30 go shopping购物31 go to bed 去睡觉32 go to school 去上学33 go to sleep 入睡、睡着34 go to the cinema 去看电影35 get in the way of挡 -的路;妨碍36 get mad 打动肝火;气愤37 get used to 习惯于38 give-a lift 捎 -一程40 go by(时间)逝去;过去41 go out of ones way 特地;格外努力42 go to the/a doctor去看医生43 grow up长大44 get excited

30、about对 -感到兴奋45 get the pronunciation right发音正确46 get into trouble with sb陷入麻烦惹上某人47 get along with与 -相处48 go off ( 闹钟 )响H1 have good time 玩得很高兴过得愉快2 have (hold)a meeting开会3.have a rest 休息4 have breakfast吃早饭5 have lunch吃午饭6 have to 不得不;必须7 hear from+sb. 收到某人的来信8 help sb. with sth在某事上帮某人9 help sb. (to

31、) do sth.帮助某人做某事10 .hold on等一等(别挂电话)11 hurry up赶快12 how long (时间)多长;多长(长度)多长13 how many/much多少 /多少(钱)14 how often多久;多常15 how old几岁;多大(年纪)16 handreds of数百17 hurry up赶快18 .hang out 闲荡 .19.hand out分发,发放22 hand in交上来23 have a cold ( 患 )感冒24 have a cough ( 患) 咳嗽25 have a headache ( 患 )头痛26 have a try 尝试;

32、努力27 have a look( at)看一看28 have lunch 吃午餐29 hear of 听说30 help yourself / yourselves to自取;随便吃31 half an hour半小时32 have a drink of喝一点 -33 have a match 比赛34 have a test测试35 have a rest休息36 have a swim游泳37 have a talk谈话38 have a walk散步39 have a wash洗(手、脸等)40 have lessons/classes上课41 have lunch吃午餐42 have

33、 supper吃晚饭43 hold on 等一等(别挂电话);坚持,持续44 hurry up赶快45 hour after hour 一小时又一小时地,持续地46hurry off 赶快地;匆匆离去47 hardly ever 几乎不;几乎没有48 have-in common 有相同特征49 have to do with关于;与 有关系50 help out (帮助 -)分担工作,解决难题51 have a point有道理52 have conversations with friends与朋友交谈53 have- off休息54 hold on to 坚持7I1 in danger处

34、在危险中2 in a minute一会;立刻3 in bed 躺在床上4 in English用英语(说)5 in front在前方6 in time 及时7 in the middleof在- 中间8 in a row连续几次地9 in line with与 成一排10 in person 亲自11 in public公开地12 in that case 既然那样;即使那样的话13 in total总共;合计14 in fact 事实上;确切地说15 in half 分成两半16 in trouble陷入麻烦17 instead of 代替18 It s believed that 据说J1

35、 jump into4 junk food跳进垃圾食品2 just a moment5等一会3 just then正在那时K1 knock at /on敲 (门、窗 )3 knock into sb.与 相撞5 keepto oneself 保守秘密7 keep ones cool 沉住气;保持冷静9 knock into 与 -相撞2 keep doing sth.一直做某事4keep busy (一直)忙碌6 keep- away from避免接近;远离8 kick sb off开除某人L1. later on过后;以后2 laugh at 嘲笑3 listen to 听 (讲话)4 lo

36、ok after照料 /照顾5 look at (注视着)看;观看6 look for 寻找7 look like看起来像8. look over (医生)检查 9 look the same看起来很像10 lots of 许多;很多;大量11 laugh at 嘲笑12 learn. from向. 学习13 look through 浏览,看穿14 laugh at嘲笑15 lead to导致,导向16 learn by oneself 自学17 learn from向 学习18 listen to 听19 leave for 启程去 20 let down 使 失望21 look into

37、往 -里看22 less than 少于23 look forward to盼望;照顾24 lay out 摆开;布置25 leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略26 let-down使失望27look back at 回首(往事);回忆;回顾28 look up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看29 look up to钦佩;仰慕30 look down 向下看;瞧不起31 look out(of)向外看32 look around 四处看M1 make friends with与 交朋友2 move to 搬到3 move away 搬开;4 move to 搬到5 make a

38、 decision 作出决定6 make a mistake 犯错误7 make a noise 吵闹8 make faces 做鬼脸89 make room for 给 .腾出地方10 make sure 确保;确认;查明11 make up one s mind下决心12 make a living谋生13 make-feel at home 使(某人)感到宾至如归14 make a mess 弄得一团糟15 make an effort作出努力16 make ones own desision 自己做决定17 make the soccer team 成为足球队的一员18 make up

39、 编造(故事、谎言)19 milk shake奶昔20 more than 多于21 make sb feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归N1 neither nor 既不 也不2 no longer (=not any longer)不再3 not at all 一点也不;根本不4 not at all 不用谢;别客气5 not so as不像;不如6 not until/till 直到 才7 never mind不要紧;没关系8 next time 下次9 no matter不论;无论10 not only-but also不但 -而且O1 on foot 走路;步行2 on sh

40、ow 展览;被陈列着3 on the (one s) way在途中;在路上4 on sale出售5 on the phone通过电话交谈6 on display展览,展出7 of course 当然;自然8 on show 展览;被陈列着9 on time 按时;准时10 out of在- 之外11 over there 在那边12 over and over again 多次;反复地13 once in a while 偶尔地;间或14 offer to do sth 主动去做某事P1 pay for 付钱;支付;付出代价2 play with 玩耍3 put on 穿;戴上;上演;发胖;增

41、加(体重)4 pass on 传递;转移到 .5 pick up 拾起;捡起6 put away 放好;把 .收起来7 put up 掛起;举起 ;张贴8 play a joke on 戏弄人;对人恶作剧9 prefer to . 宁愿 (选择 ); 更喜欢10 put off推迟11 provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 为了某人提供某物12 pull-out of把 -从- 拉出来13 pull up from把 -从- 拉上来14 play a part 参与;发挥作用15 play a role 发挥作用;有影响16 potato chips

42、 炸土豆片;炸薯条17 prepare for 为 -做准备18 primary school 小学19 paper cutting剪纸20 pardon me抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍21 parking lot停车场;停车区22 pass by 路过;经过23 pay attention to 注意;关注24 pay for 付费;付出代价25 plenty of 大量;充足26 pull -down 拆下;摧毁27 pull together齐心协力;通力合作28 put sth to good use 好好利用某物29 prime minister首相;大臣9Q1 quiet a

43、few 相当多;不少R1 regard.as .把 .当作 .;当作2 run away 流失;逃跑;逃走3 rush out 冲出去4 run out of用完,耗尽5 read aloud 朗读6 remind of 使某人想起或意识到 7 rather than而不是8 run after追逐;追赶9 right away立刻;马上10 right now刚才11 reply to 回复12 run off跑掉S1 send away 撵走;开除;解雇2. shut off 关闭;停止运转3 so that 如此 以致 4 speak to sb. 与 佳话5 spend some ti

44、meon 在 花 时 间 6stop sb. fromdoing sth. 阻 止 某 人 做 某 事7 set off 出发;动身;启程;激起8 send up 发射;把 .往上送9 shut down 把 .关上10 say good bye to 告别;告辞11 spoken English pay attention to留心 , 注意 .12 so far 到目前为止13 stay up熬夜;不睡觉14 stay away from 与 保持距离15 supposed to do sth. 应该做某事16 set up 成立 建立17 so far到目前为止18 such as 例如

45、19 swing dance 摇摆舞20 sell out卖光21 senior high (school)高中22 set out 出发;启程23 sit down 坐下24 show up 赶到;露面25 stick to 坚持;固守26 speaking skills 说的技巧27 spoken English口语28 sing along with 跟- 一起唱歌29 stay away from远离30 sth happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上31 shake hands 握手32 separate from 分离;隔开T1talk about 谈论2 turn green变绿3 too to 太 不能 4 tr


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