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1、Topic 2 The population in developing countries is growing faster.Section AI . Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第一课时,主活动为1a。1a的对话不长但语言点丰富。通过“Michae去购物中心”这件事,引出了话题和语法:人口问题和常见的现在完成时的标志性副词。1a通过学习标志词“just, already, yet, eve和never”,继续学习现在完成时。 学生通过朗读课文,培养语感。1b要求学生先预测,再通过听材料来核对。2进一步体会现在完成时标志性副词的用法,提高学生的听 力水平

2、。1c和3,通过短文改错和同义句转换的活动形式,巩固学生的基本功,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。n .Teaching aims1. K no wledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习现在完成时。2.Skill aims:强化训练学生听的能力。运用不同的方式,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。在实际运用中,体会和领悟语法项目的表意功能。3. Emoti onal aims: (opti on al)引导学生关注社会现象,关注人口问题。九年级上册教学案例设计4. Culture aware ness: ( opti on al)川.The key points and difficul

3、t points1. Key poin ts:Words and phrases: yet, probably, cin ema, departme nt, n earbyget lost, hate doing sth., notany more, such that / so that Sentences: So do I.Grammar: Present Perfect (just, already, yet, eve和 never 的用法)2. Difficult points :能通过听、说和读的方式感知并正确使用just, already, yet, ever and neve的用

4、法。能自如运用不同语言点表达相同信息。能发现并改正短文中的常见错误。3. Emoti onal aims: (opti on al)培养学生关注社会现象,乐于与他人沟通的意识。IV. Learning strategies通过1c的改错练习,帮助学生学会自己纠错,提高学生的写作技能。通过1b和2的听力训练,教会学生在听中感知语言的用法。通过3的同义句转换,培养学生用不同表达法自如传递信息的能力。引导学生就不同的问题各抒己见,交流观点,培养学习英语的自信心V . Teaching aids单词卡片(如:populatio n, yet等)或者幻灯片;超市购物图;两张全家福照片(旧与新)W. Te

5、aching proceduresStage(time period)Interaction patternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getti ng stude nts ready for lear ning (2-3 mi ns)Class activityGreet ingPlay the PPT about crowded places or play various noises from people, cars, machines etc.T: Good morning, my dear class. I have some

6、 information to share with you. Lets watch and liste n carefully, and the n talk about your feeli ngs.Greeti ng.Watch some pictures and liste n to some terrible no ise. The n talk about their feeli ngs.Ss: Good morning 利用多媒体或图片,以及音像制品让学生感知Topic 2的功能与话题。2Revisio n(2-3 mi ns)Class activityCompetition:

7、 Show the following exercises on the PPT , and ask the Ss to finish them as quickly as possible.Finish the exercises as quickly as they can to revise the structure of prese nt该环节可以用抢答的方式 处理。九年级上册教学案例设计(1) A:you(make) yourbed?B: Yes.(2) I(water) the flowersalready.(3) My mother(work) inthe hospital f

8、or twenty years. A: Where s Maria?B: Sheto the library. LilyBeijingtwice.perfect ten se.3Pre-liste ning(5-7 mins)Class activityShow some pictures to prese nt the new words and the n teach them.(show a picture of a cin ema and ask)T: Have you ever bee n to a cinema to watch a movie?S1: Yes, I have.Pr

9、edict the meaning of the words accord ing to the pictures and content.S1: Yes, I have.教授单词中,名词较多时, 还可米用匹配图片和单词 的方式;也可用通过英语 解释描述该词,做到形式 多样化,才能更好地激发 学生的兴趣。S2: No, I haven ty/NotT: But I haven been to the Chongqing Departme nt Store. Have you bee n there yet? S3: Yes, I have.S4: No, I haven t. /Not yet

10、.T: Miss Wang has probably bee n there.(Prese nt other pictures to teach new words)S2: No, I haven t.yetlotS3: Yes, I have.S4: No, I haven t. /Not y教师根据不同地理位置,学生的认知水平,设定不 同的场景,做好不同的备 案。et.4While-liste ning(10mi ns)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss sca n 1b before liste ning.Liste n to 1a and finish 1

11、b.T: Most students probably like going shopping. What about Michael and Maria? Do you want to know?Let s listen to the tape and find out the answer T: Do Michael and Maria like going to the shopp ing cen tre?S1.Listen to 1a and find the an swer whether Michael and Maria like going to the shopp ing c

12、en tre.S1: No, they don t.教师可以根据学生水平决 定听的次数,也可将1b改 为听后活动。九年级上册教学案例设计Step 2: Listen to 1a again, pay attention to the pronun ciati on and in ton ati on and the n act 1a out.Listen to 1a again, payattention to the pronunciationand inton atio n and the n act1a out.5Post-liste ning(20 mi ns)Group workSt

13、ep 1: Read the con versati on aga in and ask the Ss to underline the key points. Let them discuss the key points by themselves first. Then give some n ecessary expla nati ons.T: Read the con versati on aga in, un derl ine the key points and discuss them in groups.T: Now let s check the answer. Have

14、a try, please.Read the conv ersati on carefully, and underline the points they do not un dersta nd. Solve the problems in groups. Ask for the teachers help if n ecessary.Group workStep 2: Lead the Ss to circle the adverbs likeDiscuss thediffere nee学会归纳总结所学知识,just, already, yet, ever and n ever. Choo

15、se one group to state the usage of them. Others can add more opinions. Then finish 1c.between have/has been to and have/has gone to and then make a presentation.构建知识框架。In dividualworkT: OK, now please share your an swers with us. Others liste n carefully and you can add more differe nt ideas.S1Step3

16、: Get the Ss to fill in the blanks in 2 beforelistening. Then listen and checkthe an swer. Finish 2.T: Well done. Steve has been to China for a few days. Now tick the places Steve has visited after the first-liste ning.T: Where has Steve bee n?Ss.T: That sright. Now try to fill in the blanks in 2 be

17、fore listening. Then listen again and check the an swer by yourselves.The n finish 1c.S1:“just ”Try to fill in the blanks of 2 and check the an swer while liste ning.Ss: department store and ci nema.Ss听力训练之前,试着填空, 能更好地预测听力内容。九年级上册教学案例设计In dividualworkT: OK, let s check the an swer.Step 4: Fi nish 3.

18、T: You have lear nt so many Ian guage poin ts. clever you are! Now, finish 3 by yourselves.Fi nish 3.HowClassStep 1: Summarize the main content of thisGo over the words and作业布置:培养学生利用Summarizi ngactivityclass and repeat the key poin ts.expressi onsyou have lear ned现代化的资源,提升自己6and assigningwith your partners. Then收集,整理各种信息的能homeworkpresent them to the whole clas功。(3-5 mins)Step 2: HMK: Search for some informationMake new conv ersati ons like3.about the populati on of differe nt coun tries.VD. Blackboard designThe population in developing countries is growing faster.Section Ajust, alrea


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