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1、高考英语二轮复习专项限时训练阅读理解(十一)共两篇阅读,要求20分钟完成。高考新题型AMany language learners think that the best way to learn a language is to spend time in a country where the language is spoken. Nowadays, it has become easier to find both chances and means. Many schools offer exchange program at a reasonable cost. Some prog

2、rammes offer a “homestay” service. A year in foreign country is not just about learning a language. It is true that exchange students usually become better in the new language, but most of them would probably tell you that they also learn many other things that are even more important. Being an exch

3、ange student helps you make friends with different people and understand another culture. Besides, it can help broaden your horizons (视野) and improve your understanding of the world. What is perhaps the most valuable is what you learn about yourself and your own culture. As an exchange student, you

4、have to learn to depend on yourself and you will often be asked to explain your country and culture to others. It may seem strange, but many returning exchange students say that their year abroad made them understand their own country and culture for the first time. Studying abroad may also have its

5、 disadvantages. While exchange students can learn many useful things, it is also possible that some of them may fall behind in their studies. Since exchange students always experience language and culture problems in the beginning, they will not be able to take classes at the same level as at home.

6、Many parents worry about the safety of their children and the cost. 阅读短文,完成表格。AdvantagesDisadvantagesStudying abroad (“homestay”service)1. _ 2._3. _Some of them may fall behind in their studies.4._5. _BMany American schools have a student exchange program with foreign countries. Along with this prog

7、ram, there is usually another one called the “American Host Family” program. As its name suggests, the program gets American families involved in foreign students lives in America and offers homes for them. Generally, Foreign students welcome such a chance to have a “family” here. Many American fami

8、lies volunteer to host foreign students. However, if there is a shortage of host families, schools also get in touch with local people and introduce foreign students to them. The “American Host Family” program is different in lengths of time. It can go from a few days to a few years, depending on ea

9、ch individual school. After the first year is over, it is up to foreign students and their “families” to decide if they want to stay together as a “family”. American families can host as many foreign students as they like. They can either have several students or just one at a time. Many families st

10、art with new students each year while still keeping in touch with the old ones. Schools usually leave it to foreign students and their host families to decide their activities after both sides meet. My school, however, holds activities every year. On major holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving and Chri

11、stmas, foreign students are usually invited to their homes for dinner. Even schools that do not have host family programs often ask students to get together with American families on these special holiday occasions. It is typical that a host family invites its foreign daughter or son over, and they

12、cook the students home food together. Undoubtedly, Chinese students are usually considered good cooks, whether or not they are really suitable for such praise at home. Although many Chinese students rarely cooked at home, they often have a hard time making their American friends believe that they ca

13、nnot cook. It often happens when a Chinese student promises to cook a Chinese meal for his host family, he usually sees a little crowd expecting him: friends or relatives are also invited over for the “special” Chinese food!阅读短文,回答问题。1. What is the passage mainly about ?_2. How do foreign students g

14、et an American Host Family?_3. Whats the purpose of the “American Host Family program”?_4. What can we know about the program from the fourth and fifth paragraphs? _5. Are Americans very interested in Chinese food ? Give some reasons._高考模拟考场共四篇阅读,15个小题,39分钟完成。 ATwenty-three senior high school gradua

15、tes of 1999 from Wuhan, Hubei Province, have recently left for Germany on a work-study program according to Xian Evening Newspaper.They will study hotel management in Bavarian Hotel Management School for a year and then take up two-year practice in Germany. Upon graduation, they will also get diplom

16、as (文凭) recognized internationally. During their two-year practice, they earn no less than 1 200 Deutsche Marks (德国马克) a month. The program, organized by a company in Wuhan, aims at providing the citys high school graduates with new job chances. Applicants (申请者) must first pass an exam given by the

17、German side and pay 180 000 yuan covering the three years study and living expenses in Germany. In spite of this, the program still attracted a lot of high school graduates and their parents. And applicants came in a continuous stream.“The change for my child to go to college is small. Whats more, i

18、ts not easy to find a job. We find the work-study program an equally good way out for him,” a parent said, “We dont worry much about the high costs because the total income from the two-year-long practice will be quite enough to clear them.” 1. This text is mainly about _.A. a hotel management schoo

19、l in Bavarian, Germany B. students from Wuhan studying in Germany C. students going abroad on work-study program D. new job chances offered in Germany 2. Which of the following words best describes the parents of these 23 students? A. Wasteful. B. Wise. C. Sorry. D. Worried. 3. We can infer that the

20、se applicants found it hard _.A. to go to college at home B. to pay for the cost C. to pass the test given by the Germans D. to get a job when they return home BThe decision to further all or part of your studies outside your country is a serious one, and one which for most students will have a spec

21、ial life-long benefit. If you realize English will help you in your career and enrich your personal life, you will find that coming to England to study English is a very special experience that you will never forget. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to invite you to join our English Langua

22、ge courses. London is one of the worlds outstanding cultural and trade center. You will live in one of the worlds great cities. It provides the perfect arrangements in which to learn and develop English language skills. The international body of the students attending courses at English language Ins

23、titutes in London provides an attraction because it is a good chance for you to enjoy other cultures in surroundings to develop personal character. As we prepare for the 21st Century, international communication has never been more important. To master a foreign language is becoming a useful tool fo

24、r trade, industrial and professional success. Our aim at the English language Institutes is to develop students English language skills in friendly and helpful conditions. Supported by computer, video and audio equipment, and using sound classroom, our team of teachers will guide you through your ch

25、osen course of study, you will receive excellent service and advice at every stage. Our out-of-class support staff will help you settle in and make the most of your stay in London. Truly, you will enjoy yourself in London and make friendships that will last a lifetime. I hope we can welcome you to t

26、his exciting world of London. Come and see us ! Visit a class in any of the English Language Institutes. See for yourself why we encourage you to study in London. 4. The phrase “life-long benefit” in the first paragraph means _.A. advantages in study B. good in daily life C. good in all life D. use

27、in work 5. The writer invites you to join their English Language course, because _.A. London is really a good place for learning English B. you can enjoy a special foreign culture C. London is a great international trade center D. Computers can teach you to learn English well 6. the main purpose of

28、the text is _.A. to introduce something about London B. to let know the importance of learning English C. to tell us the skills of learning English D. to tell us that education in London is free 7. This passage is a (n) _.A. story B. novel C. letter D. advertisement CIf you are planning to study in

29、the United States, you need to consider several factors. Everyone has different opinions about where the best places to live in also; the best places to live are not always home to the best schools. Finally, many schools specialize in different areas of study. The Massachusetts Institute of Technolo

30、gy, for example, is a great school for computer science and technology-based fields of study, However, if you want to study oceanography, your interests may be better served by attending school in a place that is on a coastline or near the ocean. Now I am sure that you know which schools are conside

31、red the best in the country. So I will tell you about which states I believe are the best to live in. California is a nice state. Northern California specifically has very good weather. Los Angeles in southern California is another story though. Life in LA is full of excitement and fast, and sometim

32、esdangerous. As for me, I enjoyed the history and culture. The weather is not as perfect as California, but it is still quite nice. My favorite area of America is the Mid-west. Middle America, I think, is home to the true American sense of values. In addition, there are many good universities there.

33、 Also, you need to think about your likes and dislikes and then research the various states. You like sunshine and hate snow? Then you probably wont like the Midwest or even the Northeast. Open space, nature and peace and quiet? Then you should stay away from Americas larger cities. Are you interest

34、ed in government? Then Washington D.C. is the only place for you. Whatever you decided put some thought into it. The place you live could be the difference between a great study abroad experience and a state of great suffering on earth. 8. From the first paragraph we can conclude that in the U.S.A.

35、_.A. all colleges and universities lie in big cities B. all colleges and universities lie in beautiful places C. famous colleges and universities lie in nice places D. famous colleges and universities may not lie in nice places 9. What should be considered first if you want to study in the U.S.A.?A.

36、 The climate. B. The scenery. C. The study condition. D. The living condition. 10. If you study in Middle America, you can probably _.A. find the best universities B. feel the real character of the nation C. meet the most famous professors there D. face more difficulty 11. From the last paragraph of

37、 this passage we can get to know that _.A. Washington is the largest city in the U.S.A. B. Washington is the political center of the U.S.A. C. you cant find sunshine in the Midwest D. you cant find any universities out of big cities in the U.S.A. DWASHINGTONLaura Straub is a very worried woman. Her

38、job is to find families for French teenagers who expect to live with American families in the summer. It is not easy, even hopeless. “We have many children left to place40 out of 75,” said Straub, who works for a Paris-based foreigner-exchange program started 50 years ago. Family life was more than

39、accommodating (提供膳宿). For one thing, more mothers stayed at home. But now, increasing numbers of women work outside the home. Exchange-student programs have struggled in recent years to sign up host (主人) families for the 30 000 teenagers who every year come from abroad to spend a school year in the

40、United States, as well as the thousands more who take part in summer programs. School systems in many parts of the U.S., unhappy about accepting non-taxpaying students, have also strictly limited the number of exchange students they accepted. At the same time, the idea of hosting foreign students is

41、 becoming less exotic. In search for host families, who usually receive no pay, exchange programs are increasingly broadening their requests to include everyone from young couples to retirees. “We are open to many different types of families,” said Vickie Weiner, eastern area director for ASSE, a 25

42、-year-old program that sends about 30 000 teenagers on school-year exchange programs worldwide. For elderly people, exchange students “keep us youngthey really do”, said Jen Foster, who is hosting 16-year-old Nina Post from Denmark. 12. The underlined word “exotic” means _.A. difficult B. wonderful

43、C. exciting D. accommodating 13.According to the text, why was it easier for Laura Straub to find American families for foreign students?A. More mothers wasnt working outside and was able to afford to look after children .B. American school systems were better than now.C. Foreign students paid hosti

44、ng families a lot of money.D. The government was happy because it could gain tax.14. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. All the families can host foreign students. B. Only young couples can host foreign students. C. Only those who were retired can host foreign stud

45、ents. D. Exchange programs are open to many different types of families including everyone from young couples to retirees.15. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?A. U.S. Struggle to Find host Families B. Idea of Hosting Students is Different C. Foreign-exchange Program Is Going

46、on D. Exchange Students Keep Old People Young答案与解析阅读新题型A Advantages Disadvantages Studying abroad “homestay” service1. Make friends with different people and understand another culture2. Broaden your horizons and improve your understanding of the world 3. Learn much more about yourself and your own

47、cultureSome of the students may fall behind in their studies.4. They will not be able to take classes at the same level as at home.5. Many parents worry about the safety of their children and the cost.B1. The passage tells us that, of all American student exchange programs with foreign countries, th

48、e “American Host Family” program plays a very important role in hosting foreign students. The program makes the Americans have a better understanding of foreign students and furthers cultural exchanges of each other. 2. Many American families volunteer to host foreign students. Also, Schools get in

49、touch with local people and introduce foreign students to them, if there is a shortage of host families.3. The program gets American families involved in foreign students lives in America and offers homes for them and brings foreign students closer to American life. 4. The fourth paragraphs tell us

50、about the differences in its lengths of time, the number of students. The fifth introduces different activities. 5. Yes. Undoubtedly, Chinese students are usually considered good cooks, whether or not they are really suitable for such praise at home. Although many Chinese students rarely cooked at h

51、ome, they often have a hard time making their American friends believe that they cannot cook. It often happens when a Chinese student promises to cook a Chinese meal for his host family, he usually sees a little crowd expecting him: friends or relatives are also invited over for the “special” Chines

52、e food!高考模拟考场A1. C 本题考查理解文章主旨要义的能力。本文主要谈论了武汉高中毕业生前往德国参加职业培训的计划。其他选项是文章的细节,不能概括原文。2. B 本题考查理解文章细节信息的能力。由第二段和最后一段可知,家长送子女到国外学习是明智的。其他选项缺乏原文的信息支持。3. A 本题考查根据短文内容进行简单的能力。由最后一段家长的谈话“The change for my child to go to college is small. Whats more, its not easy to find a job. We find the work-study program a

53、n equally good way out for him,”可以判断这些孩子在国内上大学较难。B、D与原文信息不符;C项原文未涉及。B4. C 本题考查根据短文相关内容对词语含义进行简单推断的能力。联系后一句“英语学习有助于将来的事业,使将来的生活更加富裕”可以推断life-long benefit 意思是“终身受益的”。其他选项缺乏原文的信息支持。5. A 本题考查理解文章细节信息的能力。由第二、三段可知,伦敦的确是学习英语的好地方。其他三项与题干不构成因果关系。6. A 本题考查归纳文章主旨要义的能力。全文论述了伦敦不仅是商业中心,而且是学习英语的好地方。B,C脱离了文章的中心话题;D与原文信息不符。7. D 本题考查根据短文内容判断文章题材的能力。作者从头到尾在向大家推荐一个学习英语的好地方伦敦,由此可推断这是一篇广告。其他三项与文章的题材相悖。C8. D 本题考查对某一段落细节信息认定的能力。由第一段第二句“the best places


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