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1、美国文学试题库 注:试题库内容仅作为学习参考使用,并不代表考试内容。任何一道 题均可能变化为其它形式的试题。 1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and A. rati onal B. humorous C. optimistic D. pessimistic 2.The impact of Darwin s evolutionary theory on the Ameri

2、can thought more and the in flue nce of the nin etee nth-ce ntury French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: America n A. local colorism B. vern acularism C. moder nism D. n aturalism 3.were idealists, believ ing the church should be restored to comp

3、lete purityand dream ing that they wouhfebiew land to an Ede n on earth. A. Calvi nists B. Puritans C.Roma nticists D. Tran sce nden talists 4. All of the followi ng are the features of Purita ns EXCEPT A. wanting to make pure their religious beliefs and practices B. look ing upon themselves as a ch

4、ose n people C. tolerati ng others beliefs and sought for a happy and an easy life D. wish ing to restore simplicity to church serves and emphasized the image of a wrathful God 5. Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, Chilli ngworth and Pearl are most likely Characters in. A. The House of the Seve n Gables B.

5、The Scarlet Letter C. The Portrait of a LadyD. The pion eers 6. America n writers after World War I self-c on sciously ack no wledged that they were(a) “,” devoid of faith and alienated from the Western civilization . A. Lost Gen erati onB. Beat Generation C. So ns of LibertyD. An gry Y ou ng Men 7.

6、 In James Fenimore Cooper sovels, close after Natty Bumppo in roma ntic appeal, come the two n oble red men. Choose them from the following items. A. The Mohica n Chief Chin gachgookB. Un cas C. Tome JonesD. Both A and B 8. The“ Father of American Poetry ” is. A. William Cullen Bryant B. Philip Fren

7、eau C. Henry Wadsworth Lon gfellow D. Edgar Allan Poe 9. Herman Melville sisencyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc, in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry. A. The Old Man and the Sea B. Moby Dick C. White JacketD. Billy Budd 10. In additio

8、n to his novels,wrote about 120 short stories and sketches. Among them are Young Goodman Brown and The Minister s Black Veil. A. Henry David Thoreau C. Ralph Waldo Emerson B. Natha niel Hawthor ne D. Herman Melville 11. Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms -the sonnet, rhyming couplets, bla

9、nk verse -with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech offarmers with its idios yn cratic dicti on and syn tax. A. Souther nB. Western C. New HampshireD. New En gla nd 12. The Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT thein the America n literary history. A. i ndividua

10、l feeli ngs B. idea of survival of the fittest C. str ong imag in ati on D. return to n ature 13. Cooper s story of the“frontier saga ” is made up of 5 famous novels that comprise theTales, in which the mai n character is Natty Bumppo. A. Leather stock ing tales B. The Deer Slayer C. Sea Adve nture

11、D. The Roma ntic 14. More tha n five hun dred poems Dick inson wrote are about n ature, in which her gen eral Skepticism about the relati on ship betwee nis well-expressed. A. man and manB. men and wome n C. man and n ature D. men and God 15. From Henry David Thoreau sejaperienee came his famous ess

12、ay, which states Thoreau belief that no man should violate his con scie nee at the comma nd of a gover nment. A. WaldenB. Nature C. Civil Disobedie neeD. Com mon Sense 16. Choose the authors who belong to the romantic group in American literature. A. Ralph Waldo Emerson B. Henry David Thoreau C. Nat

13、ha niel Hawthorne D. Herma n Melville E .Walt Whitman F. All of the above 17 The desire for an escape form society and a retur n to n ature became a perma nent conven ti on of America n literature, evide nt in. A. James Fenimore Cooper s Leatherstocking Tales B. Henry David Thoreau s Walden C. Mark

14、Twain s Huckleberry Fin D. All of the above 18. Stylistically, Henry James A. short, clear senten ces images C. ordinary American speech Ian guage 19. Emers on based his religio n on an which he called. A. the Spirit B. the Over-lord fiction is characterized by B. abundance of local D. highly refine

15、d in tuitive belief in an ultimate unity, C. the oversoul D. the Self 20. One of the characteristics that have made Mark Twain a major literary figure in the 19th cen tury America is his use of. A. vern acular B. interior monologue C. point of viewD. photographic descripti on IV. Read the quoted par

16、ts carefully and an swer the questi ons. 1“Wepassed the School, where Children strove/ At Recessn the Ring/We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain/We passed the Sett ing Sun” 1) What is the title of the poem? 2) Who does“ we” refer to? 3) What does “ theSchool ” “theields of Gazing Grain ” and “ the Se

17、tt ing Sun” imply respectively? 4) Where aregweig? 2. Read the passage and answer questions. To go in to solitude, a man n eeds to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the st

18、ars. The rays that come from those heave nly worlds will separate between him and vulgar things. One might think the atmosphere was made tran spare nt with this desig n, to give man, in the heave nly bodies, the perceptual prese nee of the sublime. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are!

19、If stars should appear one ni ght in a thousa nd years, how would men believe and adore: and preserve for many gen erati ons the remembra nee of the city of God which had bee n show n! But every ni ght come out these preachers of beauty, and light the uni verse with their adm oni shi ng smile. Quest

20、i ons: Where is this passage take n and who is the author? What does the author say would happen if the stars appeared one night in a thousa nd years? 3. Trust no Future, howe er pleasant! Let the dead Past bury its dead! Actact in the glorious Prese nt! Heart within, and God o er head! 1) Who is th

21、e poet? 2) What is the title of the poem? 3) What does the poet want to tell in these lin es? 4. “I shall be telli ng this with a sigh Somewhereages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the differe nee.” 1) Ide ntify the poem and th

22、e poet. 2) What does the phrase“ ages and ages hence ” mean? 3) Why does the poet say“ that hasthBad Which novel is this selection taken from? What is the name of the novelist? What do you think is the symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter on Hester s breast? VI. Topic discussi ons or brief an swers. 1 Why is it said that New England from the beginning had a literature of ideas? 13. The following poem was written by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Lon gfellow A Psalm of Life Study it carefully, the n an alyze


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